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09-17 投稿


superimposed 发音

英:[ˌsuːpərɪmˈpoʊzd]  美:[ˌsuːpərɪmˈpəʊzd]

英:  美:

superimposed 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 叠加的


superimposed 反义词


superimposed 词性/词形变化,superimposed变形

动词过去式: superimposed |名词: superimposition |动词过去分词: superimposed |形容词: superimposable |动词现在分词: superimposing |动词第三人称单数: superimposes |

superimposed 短语词组

1、superimposed image ─── 重叠图像, ─── 重叠影像

2、superimposed coding ─── [电] 重叠编码

3、principle of superimposed stress ─── 叠加应力原理

4、superimposed anomaly ─── 叠加异常

5、Superimposed Panoramic Radar Display ─── 叠加全景雷达显示

6、superimposed ice ─── 叠加的冰

7、Superimposed Panoramic Radar Displa ─── 叠加全景雷达Displa

8、random superimposed coding ─── [电] 随机重叠编码

9、superimposed circuit ─── [计] 叠加电路, 重叠电路

10、superimposed tax ─── [法] 特别附加税

11、superimposed valley ─── 叠置谷

12、superimposed notation ─── 附加批注

13、be superimposed on ─── 叠加在...上

14、superimposed arch ─── 叠合拱

15、superimposed tectonic basin ─── 叠加构造盆地

16、superimposed ac ─── 叠加交流

17、superimposed stress ─── 叠加应力

18、superimposed current ─── 叠加电流

19、superimposed basin ─── 重叠盆地

superimposed 同义词

godlike | formidable | herculean | phenomenal | extraordinary | omnipotent |supernatural | exceptional | heroic | supreme | prodigious | staggering

superimposed 相似词语短语

1、superpose ─── v.把……放在上面;叠放,叠加;重叠

2、superimposing ─── v.迭加,叠加(superimpose的现在分词);迭合

3、superimpose ─── vt.添加;重叠;附加;安装

4、superposes ─── v.把……放在上面;叠放,叠加;重叠

5、superimposes ─── vt.添加;重叠;附加;安装

6、superimposable ─── 可叠加的(superimpose的变体)

7、preimposed ─── 预先强加的

8、superposed ─── v.把……放在上面,叠加;重叠(superpose的过去式及过去分词);adj.叠加的

9、to superimpose ─── 叠加

superimposed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He superimposed on English commentary on the original soundtrack. ─── 他把英语的评论加录在原声带上。

2、The homoclinal reverse fold occurred in the Meso-Proterozoic.The superimposed fold in the late stage occurred in the Early Paleozoic. ─── 主期褶皱形成于中元古代,晚期褶皱形成于早古生代;

3、A diagram of the new road layout was superimposed on a map of the city. ─── 新公路的规划示意图被叠映在该城市的地图上。

4、In double-sided polishing machine,pneumatic loading system is required to be able to precisely control the load superimposed on the workpiece,while the polishing is being undertaken. ─── 在双面抛光机中,气动加载系统要求对加载在工件上的抛光压力进行精确控制,从而保证抛光质量。

5、The dolomite with high reservoir quality which is mainly formed by penetration reflux dolomitization superimposed with the burial dolomitization or hydrothermal fluid dolomitization. ─── 储集性能好的白云岩主要为渗透回流白云岩化叠加埋藏白云岩化或者热液白云岩化作用而形成。

6、Additional neural circuits that are superimposed on this system have the potential to override the homeostatic signals, resulting in either gluttony or anorexia at the extremes. ─── 另外的神经元回路在此基础之上,有打破这种自我平衡信号的潜能,引起贪食或厌食的极端情况。中脑多巴胺神经元已经长期被认为参与奖赏行为和摄食行为动机的调节。

7、One says that originally it was a U superimposed over an S for US although the base of the U eroded due to poor printing technology leaving an S with two lines through it. ─── 一种说法是:字母U加在S上,代表US(美国)。后来由于印刷技术差,U的底部未印出来,就剩下两条竖杠加在字母S上。

8、An interference field exists in space in the region where the two reflected waves are superimposed on each other. ─── 两个反射波相互重叠的空间出现一个干涉

9、Variable back pressure is the superimposed back pressure that will vary with time. ─── 可变背压是随时间变化的附加背压。

10、A written piece of translated dialogue superimposed at the bottom of the frame during a film; a subtitle. ─── 字幕电映放映时叠映在画面底部的翻译过来的对话的书面形式; 字幕

11、With the method of opposite direction of superimposed number axis,it can be proved there must be prime superimposed numbers, then goldbach conjecture can be proved. ─── 利用反向对应重合数轴法,通过求证每个重合数列中必定有素重合数存在,从而证明哥德巴赫猜想是正确的。

12、From archaeological evidence it is apparent that each group superimposed its ideas and culture on the previous one. ─── 从考古事实看,每一群体都将自己的观点和文化溶和于前代群体中。

13、Transgressive system tract were superimposed by retrogradation, and high system tract were superimposed by progradation. ─── 对体系域内部特征的描述表明,海侵体系域为由一系列退积叠置构成,高位体系域则由进积叠置构成。

14、Another says that originally it was U superimposed over an S, for U. ─── 另一种说法是:原来是字母U加在字母S上,当然代表U.

15、A Glaxo flier last month promoted a four-year regimen of lamivudine, with favorable statistics superimposed on a Pacific island scene. ─── 上月葛兰素分发了推动4年拉米夫定方案的小册子,在太平洋岛屿的背景上加上了对自己有利的统计数字。

16、The disturbance calculations of the large superimposed folds are similar in characteristic to the deformation evolution of many typical high gneissic ereas in the world. ─── 大型迭加褶皱的干扰图形比较清晰,这与世界上一些典型的高级片麻岩区的变形演化特征相似。

17、Participants viewed superimposed stationary and moving dots and were instructed to attend to one or the other subset. ─── 实验中参与者可以看到静止或运动的点,他们被要求注意一个目标。

18、Wearing a brown top and a string of beige beads, he had Miss Boyle's hair superimposed over his own to complete the picture. ─── 在照片上,布朗身穿波伊尔小姐的棕色上衣,戴着米色珠项链,发型也跟她一样。

19、The wave heights behind a submerged semi-circular breakwater shall be superimposed by diffracted and transmitted wave heights. ─── 半圆型潜堤后的波高将由绕射波高与传递波高迭加而成。

20、A written piece of translated dialogue superimposed at the bottom of the frame during a film;a subtitle. ─── 字幕电映放映时叠映在画面底部的翻译过来的对话的书面形式;字幕

21、Superimposed upon these considerations is the need to conserve energy and material resources. ─── 在上述的建议认为,超压缩被认为保存能量和物质资源的需要。

22、Piebald is simply a white-spotting pattern superimposed over any self color;there is no variation in the color of the solid spots or patches as there is in dapple dachshunds. ─── 乳牛斑就是简明的在任何的基本色上加上白色斑块的图案,与大理石斑比较起来乳牛斑在斑块上比较没有变化。

23、If you are showing changes over time, it's much easier for users to understand the changes if they are shown adjacently in space, rather than superimposed on one another . ─── 如果你要表达按时间发生的变化,将这些变化安排在相邻的空间上显示,而不要彼此叠加,那么用户会更容易理解。

24、Noise margin:The term noise refers to any undesirable signal that is superimposed on a generated signal. ─── 噪声极限:噪声这个概念指任何正常信号之外不需要的信号。

25、The result of application in many goldfields has showed that structural superimposed halo is an effective method on gold exploration and prognosis in deep and periphery of gold deposit. ─── 实践表明,该方法是在金矿区深部及其外围盲矿预测的一种有效方法和手段。

26、Factor analysis is a kind of common method within multi statistics and usually used to solve the genesis problem of a complex geologic body or a mineralizing superimposed body. ─── 因子分析是多元统计中常用方法之一,以往地质研究中常用其解决复杂的地质成因及矿化叠加问题。

27、Ordos Basin is a large multicycle superimposed basin, developed on the basement of early Proterozoic crystalline basement. ─── 叠合盆地由于其形成演化、沉积建造的多旋回性,因而油气勘探具有勘探难度大、勘探时间长、勘探潜力大的特点。

28、Most sedimentary basins in China belong to superimposed basins,their palaeogeothermal fields were generally reformed or changed. ─── 中国沉积盆地多为叠合型盆地,古地温场的改造或改变普遍存在。

29、Tarim Basin is a superimposed and composite basin of numerous proto type basins combosed of the Paleozoic cratonic basins and Meso Cenozoic foreland basins. ─── 全面系统地总结并提出塔里木盆地10大石油地质基本特征:(1)塔里木盆地为一古生界克拉通盆地与中新生界前陆盆地组成的大型叠合复合型盆地;

30、Furthermore,the effect from the superimposed Barker code can be ignored. ─── 同时,该叠加的复巴克码对系统性能的影响可以忽略不计.

31、And Britain's Economist magazine features the title "Mr.Bush goes to Europe" superimposed on a picture of American astronauts landing on the moon. ─── 和英国的经济学人杂志的功能,题目是“布什先生去欧洲”叠加在图片的美国宇航员登月。

32、Therefore, the movement of every reasonable to permanent magnet so that they superimposed the smallest detent force, that was through the magnetic pole migration methods to reduce the detent force. ─── 因此,合理地移动每对永磁体,使它们叠加的磁阻力合力最小,即通过磁极偏移的方法来减小磁阻力。

33、The Tarim Basin is a typical composite superimposed basin with nine petroleum systems, which are divided into humic class in foreland area and sapropelic class in carton area. ─── 塔里木盆地是典型的复合叠合盆地,共有9个油气系统,可分为前陆区的腐殖型和克拉通区的腐泥型两类。

34、The deposit with multiple formation of haloes could be formed by exhalation at sea bed, synsedimentation and superimposed mineralization. ─── 八方山多金属矿床是由海底喷流(汽)同生沉积-叠加、再造作用形成的。

35、A grid is superimposed on the region of interest ─── 在所考虑的区域上勾画一个网格。

36、Most acute coronary syndromes are caused by intracoronary thrombus superimposed on disrupted atherosclerotic plaque. ─── 冠心病的病理生理机制是破裂粥样斑块基础上血栓的形成。

37、It may occur in previously normal lungs or be superimposed on underlying bronchitis or other respiratory disease, e. g. bronchiectasis or carcinoma. ─── 可以发生在原来正常的肺,亦可在原有支气管炎或其他呼吸道疾病(例如支气管扩张症或肺癌)的基础上再发生本病。

38、It is possible that familial tendencies reflect common environment relationships or an environmental factor superimposed on a genetic one. ─── 家族倾向性可能反映的是环境方面共有的关系或是在遗传因素上所附加的环境因素。

39、Shear connection of superimposed slab ─── 叠合板抗剪连接

40、The skull appears in a superimposed pan over a nude male, set in place of a blonde crotch, where a dreamer turns in solipsistic reverie. ─── 头骨以摇镜的方式叠加在一个裸体的男人上,停在金色毛发的胯部位置上。一个人沉浸在自我的幻想中,在梦中翻着身。

41、A superimposed circuit derived from two suitably arranged pairs of wires called side circuits, with each pair of wires being a circuit itself and at the same time acting as one conductor of the phantom circuit. ─── 一种由称作半边电路的两对线路经适当安排形成的叠加电路。每一对线本身既作为电路,同时又充当幻象电路的一个导体。

42、The situation of forced shell and support saddle of the giant superimposed heat exchangers is analysed, and the means of designing and checking are presented. ─── 对大型重叠式换热器支座和壳体的受力情况进行了分析,并给出了校核和设计方法。

43、That there are not could be explained by the fact that the accumulation of sediment in most rocks is so slow that the two layers are, in effect, superimposed. ─── 但是事实却不是这样,原因可能是:沉积物在大多数岩石中积累的速度很慢,以至于这两个熔岩层重叠在了一起。

44、South Boyang Sag is a typical superimposed basin,its Mesozoic and Paleozoic marine facies formation has relatively favorable conditions for generating oil &gas reservoirs. ─── 南鄱阳坳陷是一个典型的叠合型盆地,中、古生界海相具有较好的油气成藏条件;

45、The image of a seemingly tiny dancer was superimposed on the image of the table. ─── 一个看似很小的舞蹈者的影像被叠加在了那张桌子的影像上。

46、This paper analyzes the initial wavefronts of traveling wave of single-phase-to-ground fault through resistance based on the superimposed theory and phase-to-module transformation. ─── 利用叠加原理和相模变换方法分析了单相经过渡电阻接地故障情况下初始行波波头;

47、The orebodies are controlled by late superimposed faults.The mineralization is characterized by pyritization. ─── 后期叠加断裂构造往往直接控制矿体产出,黄铁矿化是矿化主要标志。

48、The Shengong Movement in late Middle Proterozoic Era was strong and the superimposed fold of Junning Movement in late Qingbaikou Period was clear. ─── 中元古代末的神功运动表现强烈,青白口纪末的晋宁运动叠加褶皱明显。

49、The cover of this book consists of a pair of women's legs, upside down, superimposed with hearts and bubbles. ─── 这本书的封面上印着心形和气泡图案,后面有一对倒置的女性的双腿。

50、Lip Sync: Simultaneously precise recording of image and sound so that the sound appears to be accurately superimposed on the image, especially if a person is speaking toward the camera. ─── 对白同步录音:同时精确地记录影像和声音,这样声音就精确地与影像重叠,特别是如果一个人对着摄影机讲话的时候。

51、The superimposed basin has the characteristics of composite unconformable contact, superimposed geologic structure, complex fault-uncomformable contact system and various changes of structure. ─── 叠合盆地具有复合不整合面,叠置地质结构,断裂-不整合系统复杂,构造变型样式多样等4个基本地质特征;

52、Figure 6 shows a typical result, superimposed on the previously collected data to verify the accuracy of this method vs. that of the method you described. ─── 图6是一个典型的结果,重叠于前面采集到的数据之上,以验证这个方法与已经描述过的那个方法的测试精度。

53、Images of the glowing cancer cells can then be superimposed over images of the surgical field to help surgeons know precisely where to cut. ─── 发光的癌细胞影像于是可以在手术视野影像中重叠显示,以帮助外科医生精确的确定切除的部位。

54、Today's snowfall superimposed a fresh two inches yesterday's accumulation. ─── 今天的雪又新添加两寸在昨天的积雪上。

55、The FAI logo, comprising an image of an eagle in white on top of a golden Earth is superimposed on a background of pale blue meridians and parallels symbolising FAI's world-wide reach. ─── FAI标志包括一个白色老鹰在一个黄金地球的形象,叠加在浅蓝经络和平行的背景,象徵FAI的世界广泛影响力。

56、Across China,Shihua cave is well known for its characteristic multi levels,superimposed stalactite,micro banding and best developed moonmilk. ─── 在全国范围内,北京石花洞洞层最多,钟乳石叠置关系明显,石笋中具有微层理,月奶石发育最好。

57、These two quadrangular, fundamentally superimposed schemas that I hope some of you at least will remember. ─── 这两個四角的架構,基本上是重叠的基模。我希望你们至少有些人会记得。

58、multi-layer superimposed horizon ─── 多层叠置

59、The fold has more than one hinges, which is the result of uncoaxal superimposed fold, underwent B type fold in early time and A type fold in late time. ─── 它具有不止一个方位褶皱枢纽,表征非共轴叠加褶皱形态,经历了早期B形和晚期A形褶皱演化过程,最终形成迄今鲜有报道,但却实际广泛存在。

60、It shows that the superimposed basin is complex in oil-gas distribution and a new theory is needed to guide the exploration for oil and gas. ─── 叠合盆地的以上特点决定了其油气分布极为复杂,迫切需要新的地质理论指导叠合盆地的油气勘探。

61、A map of Great Britain was superimposed on a map of Texas. ─── 一张英国地图叠加在得克萨斯地图上。

62、To imprint(a design) by pressure with an instrument on a superimposed pattern. ─── 压印通过一仪器用压力将(一图案)印在覆盖在上面的模子上

63、The performance of pressure driven membrane processes may be significantly improved when unsteady fluid instabilities are superimposed on crossflow. ─── 在十字流膜滤的基础上采用不稳定流动方式,则压力驱动的膜过滤过程将得到强化。

64、It is possible that familial tendencies reflect common environment relationships or an environmental factor superimposed on a genetic one. ─── 家族倾向性可能反映的是环境方面共有的关系或是在遗传因素上所附加的环境因素。

65、Alongside the usual badges, hats, flags and placards, you could get your picture taken and superimposed on to a picture of him. ─── 除了常见的徽章、帽子、旗帜和布告,你还可以现场拍照,再印在奥巴马的照片上。

66、For example, invoking the putAll(Map) method on an unmodifiable map may, but is not required to, throw the exception if the map whose mappings are to be "superimposed" is empty. ─── 例如对于一个不可更新的map (map的映射关系为空)调用putAll(Map)方法,可以抛出该异常,而不是必须。

67、Sequence boundary could be recognized with stratigraphyic contact relationship, the patterns of superimposed channel sandbodies, the alluvial incision and paleosoil. ─── 地层接触关系、河道砂体的叠置方式、冲积下切作用以及古土壤面可以用来识别层序边界;

68、Superimposed focusing point display control ─── 叠合焦点显示控制

69、If the ostia of the coronary arteries are involved, myocardial ischemic pain may be superimposed on the pain of di ection. ─── 如累及冠状动脉开口处,则剥离痛上还会增加心肌缺血的疼痛。

70、Here we report observations of an occultation of a star by the plume on 24 October 2007 that revealed four high-density gas jets superimposed on the background plume. ─── 2007年10月,“卡西尼”的紫外成像光谱仪观测到该水蒸气柱对一颗遥远恒星所造成的掩星现象。

71、A camera located behind a glass prism presents an image of the board with the underside of the chip superimposed on top of it. ─── 位于玻璃棱镜后面的照相机拍下电路板包括在其顶部的芯片的下侧图像。

72、The prototype basin has undergone mosaic,cross,drape and mosaic four superimposed processes. ─── 其原型盆地经历了镶嵌、交错、披盖、再镶嵌等四个叠置过程。

73、A written piece of translated dialogue superimposed at the bottom of the frame during a film ; a subtitle . ─── 字幕电映放映时叠映在画面底部的翻译过来的对话的书面形式;字幕。

74、In Totentanz 2, a crimson tinted flood is superimposed over a magisterial robed figure, an Aryan blonde seated as if on a throne. ─── 在《死亡之舞》2里,染成深红的洪水叠加在一个威风凛凛、身着长袍的人物上——一个金发碧眼的雅利安人,如同坐在国王的宝座上一般。

75、Taiwan Strait Basin is a Mesozoic-Cenozoic superimposed basin suited in Taiwan strait and its neighborhood. ─── 台湾海峡盆地是位于台湾海峡及其相邻台湾西部的中、新生代叠合盆地。


77、The negative showed that one scene had been superimposed on another. ─── 从底片上可以看出两个景重合了。

78、AMP measuring principle with superimposed asymmetry measurement. Fault indications according to the AMP measuring principle are displayed via ALARM2, fault indications according to the asymmetry measurement are displayed via ALARM1. ─── 安培测量原理与叠加不对称测量.据安培的故障迹象显示测量原理经警报2,根据对称性故障迹象显示经测量警报1.

79、Noise margin: The term noise refers to any undesirable signal that is superimposed on a generated signal. ─── 噪声极限:噪声这个概念指任何正常信号之外不需要的信号。

80、Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another. ─── 高尔顿发明了一种将不同脸的部位相互叠加而创作合成图片的方法。

81、Thus the middle and lower combinations are one of the most favorable regions for future exploration in onshore superimposed basins. ─── 叠合盆地中下组合是中国陆上含油气盆地未来勘探的重点领域之一。

82、Dayangshu Basin experienced multistage deformations, which is characterized mainly by extensional structures, and was superimposed by compressional structures and positive inversion structures. ─── 大杨树盆地经历了多期变形作用,具有以伸展构造为主、并被挤压构造和反转构造叠加的构造特征。

83、Complex and superimposed magmatism and hydrothermal processes resulted in the formation of a superlarge gold and polymetallic ore district in the Beiya area. ─── 北衙矿区复杂多样、多期叠加活动的岩浆与成矿作用,造就了矿区大规模的成矿作用。

84、Graphic images can be superimposed on the real-time video stream and can be manipulatedin a variety of ways such as fading, resizing and moving. ─── 图解图像可以被添加到实时视频流上并且可以以诸如渐近、重置大小和移动各种不同的方式进行处理。

85、They superimposed astrology, the use of the zodiac, and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism. ─── 他们有占星学阶层,利用十二宫图,把四季神格化成波斯人的密特拉教祭礼。

86、But this effect cannot be exploited and no significant displacement obtained until several hundred layers of piezoelectric material are superimposed. ─── 但是这个效果不能被利用,也得不到重要的转位,除非叠加上几百层压电材料。

87、The party emblem was superimposed on the state coat of arms. ─── 党徽被放到了国家盾形纹章之上。

88、One of the cartoons depicts the Prophet Muhammad wearing a b-omb-shaped turban with a burning fuse. In another, a Soviet star and crescent moon are superimposed over his face. ─── 其中一幅卡通描绘先知默罕默德戴着炸-弹形状的穆-斯-林头巾,还有一根正在燃烧的引线。另一幅,是一个苏联的红星和新月罩在他的脸上。

89、He has some habits which have been superimposed on other habits. ─── 他有一些习惯和其他习惯混合一起了。

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