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09-17 投稿


infringes 发音

英:[ɪnˈfrɪndʒɪz]  美:[ɪnˈfrɪndʒɪz]

英:  美:

infringes 中文意思翻译




infringes 常用词组

infringe upon ─── 侵犯;侵害

infringe on ─── 侵犯;侵害;破坏

infringes 词性/词形变化,infringes变形

动词过去分词: infringed |动词过去式: infringed |动词第三人称单数: infringes |动词现在分词: infringing |名词: infringer |

infringes 短语词组

1、infringes upon ─── 侵犯; ─── 侵害

2、infringes on ─── 侵犯; ─── 侵害;破坏

infringes 相似词语短语

1、-fringed ─── adj.具流苏的,具的(等于fringy);加穗的;带边饰的

2、infringe ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

3、infringer ─── n.[法]侵权人

4、infringements ─── 侵犯;违反(infringement的名词复数)

5、infringed ─── vt.侵犯;违反;破坏;vi.侵犯;侵害

6、fringes ─── n.条纹(fringe的复数);边缘;云图条纹

7、befringes ─── vt.给…饰边

8、infringe on ─── 侵犯;侵害;破坏

9、infringing ─── 侵害;侵占

infringes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Blizzard has said the tool infringes copyright because it copies the game into RAM in order to avoid detection by anti-cheat software. ─── 暴雪已经表示了该程序是侵犯版权的,因为他将游戏复制到了随机存取存储器(RAM)里以避免反作弊软件的探测。

2、1) The beneficiary seriously infringes upon the rights of the trustor; ─── (一)受益人对委托人有重大侵权行为;

3、Where the person appointed or hired by a sole proprietor infringes on the property interests of the sole proprietorship enterprise, he shall be ordered to make restitution, ─── 第四十条投资人委托或者聘用的人员违反本法第二十条规定,侵犯个人独资企业财产权益的,责令退还侵占的财产;

4、There isn't going to be any sort of an agreement that infringes upon Iraq's sovereignty. ─── 不会有任何形式侵犯伊拉克主权的协议存在。

5、Second,it flouts justice value and thrift principle required of criminal penalty and infringes upon the doctrine of bearing responsibility solely for one s. ─── 在当代刑罚理念中,没收财产刑因为反常理和反常情的手段构成了对基本人权的侵犯,同时违反刑法的公正价值和节俭要求,并与罪责自负原则严重抵触。

6、Upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights ("Rights") of any party; ─── 安装,宣传,发邮件,传播或提供任何内容都违反任何党派的任何专利,商标,贸易机密,版权或其他所有权。

7、The infringement act between husband and wife refers to the behavior that a husband or wife infringes upon the wife's or husband's human rights and property rights. ─── 夫妻侵权,是指在婚姻存续期间,夫妻一方实施了危害配偶另一方的人身权和财产权的过错行为,并使对方的人身、财产乃至精神方面遭受到直接损害的一种侵权行为。

8、If an action is brought against Reseller claiming that a Product infringes a patent or copyright, ─── 如果转售商被起诉并被对产品侵犯专利或版权索赔

9、(4) the content which incites national hatred or discrimination, undermines the solidarity of nationalities, or infringes upon nationality customs and habits; ─── (四)煽动民族仇恨、民族歧视,破坏民族团结,或者侵害民族风俗、习惯的;

10、Excessive gap in income distribution not only deviates from social fairness and justice,but also directly infringes the vital interests of the people. ─── 收入分配过大不仅背离了社会公平和正义,而且直接侵害了人民群众的切身利益。

11、Whoever infringes upon such rights shall be dealt with by legal means. ─── 侵害使用权和承包经营权的,无论是什么人,都将受到法律追究。

12、No matter how the government infringes people's constitutional right, the infringement should be forbidden by the Constitution as long as it violates the core value of the constitutional right. ─── 不论国家是以何种形式侵害人民之宪法权利,只要实质上已经侵害到人民宪法权利之核心,该国家所为侵害即应为宪法所禁止。

13、Accordingly, if you are not sure whether material available online infringes your copyright, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. ─── 因此,如果您不确定某些在线材料是否侵犯了您的版权,建议先咨询律师。

14、The activity of cheating in examination not only infringes on the rights of hte others,but also undermines the system of deucation and selection of talent. ─── 这不仅是对其他人权利的侵犯,更是对国家教育制度和人才选拔机制的破坏。

15、"The first is full respect for Iraqi sovereignty.There isn't going to be any sort of an agreement that infringes upon Iraq's sovereignty. ─── “首先是完全遵从伊拉克主权,任何形式的协议都不能侵犯主权。

16、The complaint specifies that Microsoft infringes the patent through ─── 起诉书指出微软通过以下方式侵犯该专利

17、The some loafer nation infringes upon us always, we just oppose here to is useless with the protest! ─── 一些无赖国家老是侵犯我们,我们在这只是反对和抗议是没用的!

18、Monogamy is the basic rule defined by our country's laws on marriage, it is bigamous marriage behavior that infringes and it must be given criminal penalty. ─── 一夫一妻制是我国法律对于婚姻关系规定的基本原则,重婚行为侵犯的正是我国一夫一妻的婚姻关系制度,破坏了我国社会主义的婚姻、家庭制度,必须予以刑事处罚。

19、If a robot infringes again during the tournament, it can be disqualified from the tournament. ─── 如果该机械人再次在比赛中损坏足球,该队可被取消比赛资格。

20、A condition of a competition prohibits the use of golf carts. If a player infringes this condition, what is the penalty? ─── 问:比赛者在比赛中是不能使用球车的,如果球员违反了这个规定,应该怎么处罚?

21、If a robot infringes again it will be disqualified from the tournament. ─── 如果该机器人再次破坏足球,取消该队比赛资格。

22、Any agent, whether natural person or juridical person, is accusable for his deliberate offence when he infringes upon the journalist’s right to interview. ─── 不论其为自然人或者是法人,行为主体侵害新闻采访权主观上都有故意的过错,是一种典型的可归责的心理状况。

23、If you are not sure whether material available online infringes any of your copyright, we suggest that you first contact a relevant professional. ─── 如果上述个人或单位不确定网络上可获取的资料是否侵犯了其著作权,天羽建议该个人或单位首先咨询专业人士。

24、Accordingly, if you are not sure whether certain material infringes the copyrights of others, we suggest that you first contact an attorney. ─── 因此,如果您不确定某些材料是否侵犯了他人版权,建议先咨询律师。

25、The defensive power of rights refers to the capacity of the subjects of rights to request others to bear the obligation of inaction that jeopardizes and infringes on their rights. ─── 摘要权利的防御权能,是指权利主体应享有的一种要求其他人承担不得侵害其权利的不作为义务的能力。

26、In the event that a third party infringes such intellectual property rights, the Parties shall cooperate with one another to take appropriate action to cause such infringement to cease. ─── 如果第三方侵犯该等知识产权,双方应互相合作,采取适当的行动制止该侵权行为。

27、"Such commitment is big bidders default, allowing more profits, to the" benefits "and other irregularities placed in a know infringes on the interests of the contractor. ─── 此类承诺大都是投标人不得已而为之,使让利、给“好处”等不正当行为摆到了明处,侵害了承包人利益。

28、As the scope of the object of the copyright the crime infringes doesn't extend, there exists vast defect in the crime, which often contradicts the copyright law. ─── 侵犯著作权罪的犯罪对象由于外延上的不周延,存在著重大缺陷,与著作权法产生冲突。

29、The sanction of conduct which infringes intellectual property is of no use, if it is not complemented by appropriate dissemination and understanding of the system. ─── 对知识产权侵权行为加以制裁,如果不同时开展对这一制度的宣传和认识活动,是毫无用处的。

30、Crime of theft is similar with crime of occupation for the purpose of deliberately infringes upon the ownership of property. ─── 摘要侵占罪与盗窃罪都是以非法占有为目的,故意侵犯他人财物所有权的犯罪。

31、Note: this free theme is from internet, if this post infringes your right, please contact the author,she will delete it asap. ─── 提示:这个免费风格来自互联网,如果在此发布侵犯了您的权益,请与作者联系,她将尽快删除

32、Kraft now alleges P & G's plastic container infringes on Kraft's patent for its Maxwell House brand and wants P & G to stop selling Folger's Coffee in the container. ─── 卡夫现在声称宝洁的塑料容器侵犯了卡夫的专利,其麦斯威尔品牌,并希望宝洁公司停止销售福尔杰咖啡在容器中。

33、If the robot infringes again it will be disqualified from the game. ─── 如果该机器人再次破坏足球,取消其该场比赛资格。

34、the environment infringes ─── 环境侵权

35、If anything here infringes your rights, please inform us by mail, and we will delete ralative contents ASAP. ─── 对以上引起的一切法律纠纷,本站无权利承担!

36、Abstract: Sexual harassment should be made a legal issue because it infringes upon personal dignity and rights. ─── 提要:性骚扰是涉及人格尊严与人身权利的重要法律问题。

37、The one, so they claim, leaves people free while the other wrongly infringes freedom on behalf of equality. ─── 他们的结论是,前者为人们留下自由的空间,而后者则为了所谓的平等错误地侵犯了人的自由。

38、The beneficiary seriously infringes upon the rights of any of the other joint beneficiaries; ─── 受益人对其他共同受益人有重大侵权行为;

39、To the best knowledge of the Developer, none of the Web Site Content infringes upon the proprietary rights of any third party. ─── 据开发方所知,网站内容均不侵犯任何第三方的专有权利。

40、The travel service infringes of the rights of the traveler by some asymmetric clauses, now it is so common. ─── 旅行社通过一些不对称、不公平的条款来侵害旅游者的利益已不鲜见。

41、You will provide information that we reasonably request related to any claim that material you submit infringes the rights of a third party. ─── 你会提供资料,我们有理由要求您提供相关的第三者侵权的任何索赔材料。

42、Excessive gap in income distribution not only deviates from social fairness and justice, but also directly infringes the vital interests of the people. ─── 摘要收入分配过大不仅背离了社会公平和正义,而且直接侵害了人民群众的切身利益。

43、Article 40 Where the person appointed or hired by a sole proprietor infringes on the property interests of the sole proprietorship enterprise, he shall be ordered to make restitution, ─── 给企业造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。

44、DO NOT place or accept orders for manufacture, import, export or sale of merchandise which infringes the Olympic IP rights. Doing so may break the law. ─── 不得發出或接受制造、進出品或售賣會侵犯奧林匹克知識產權的商品的訂單。發出或接受這類訂單或會觸犯法例。

45、You receive copyright strikes when we are notified by a third party that a video of yours infringes their copyright. ─── 如第三方通知我们您的影片侵害他们的版权,您就会收到版权警告。

46、Deliberately providing convenient conditions in warehousing, transportation, mailing, concealing, etc. For any act that infringes on another person's right to exclusive use of a registered trademark. ─── 故意为侵犯他人注册商标专用权行为提供仓储、运输、邮寄、隐匿等便利条件的。

47、Information that insults or slanders other people, or infringes upon other people's legitimate rights and interests; ─── (八)侮辱或者诽谤他人,侵害他人合法权益的;

48、Infringes the right to free speech protected by the Basic Law ─── 违反基本法保障的言论自由

49、Sexual harassment is in nature a kind of tort that infringes the right of sexual autonomy. ─── 性骚扰就其本质而言应当是一种侵权行为,它侵犯的是公民的性自主权。

50、A year ago Nokia lobbed a lawsuit at Apple, alleging that its American rival's i Phone infringes on a number of its "essential patents" . ─── 一年前,诺基亚公司向苹果公司砸下了一起讼案,宣称它的美国对手所生产的iphone苹果手机侵犯了自己多个“基本专利”。

51、Remarks: 1.If participant infringes the copyright, we will not be responsible for it but hand it to the department in charge. ─── 比赛事宜备注: 1. 若作品涉及侵犯版权问题,本组织不会负上任何责任,并交由有关当局处理。

52、Microsoft reserves the right to take action against any use that does not conform to these specifications, infringes any Microsoft intellectual property or other right, or violates other applicable law. ─── 如果对“徽标”的使用不遵守本说明、侵犯了Microsoft的任何知识产权或其他权利、或违反了其他适用法律,则Microsoft保留采取法律行动的权利。

53、Extended custody is a kind of illegal act that seriously infringes upon the just right of criminal suspects and defendants, and it is difficult to solve once and for all in practice. ─── 摘要超期羁押是一种严重侵犯犯罪嫌疑人、被告人合法权利的违法行为,而且在实践中一直难以根治。

54、or if the FFE fails to carry out the labor contract or violates the State laws, administrative regulations and infringes upon the legal rights and interests of the employee. ─── 企业不履行劳动合同或者违反国家法律、行政法规,侵害职工合法权益的,职工可以解除劳动合同。

55、Trademark tort infringes the use right of the users not only the register but also the permitted. ─── 商标侵权行为侵犯的是商标使用人的使用权,包括商标注册人和商标被许可人的使用权。

56、We find that DMCPA brutally infringes upon basic human rights such as freedom of speech, sets back the scientific progress and therefore is unacceptable in a free society. ─── 我们认为DMCPA粗暴地侵害了人们基本的权利,包括自由说话的权利,使科学进程倒退等等,因此在一个自由的社会中是不可接受的。

57、6 Life of human extending artificially is called stagnancy which infringes the law of the Nature. ─── 人类寿命无端地延长就是“积”。而“积”是违背自然之道的。

58、The crime of malicious accusation infringes on the citizen's human rights. ─── 诬告陷害罪的客体应该采用人身权利说的观点;

59、A year ago Nokia lobbed a lawsuit at Apple, alleging that its American rival's iPhone infringes on a number of its "essential patents" . ─── 一年前诺基亚公司上诉苹果公司,指控其美国劲敌的产品iPhone侵占了自己数项“基本专利”。

60、The lawsuit was filed as an amendment to a current complaint alleging that Kraft's new four-pound plastic container for Maxwell House coffee infringes key P&G patents. ─── 该诉讼是一项修正案,作为当前的投诉,声称卡夫的新四磅塑料容器的麦斯威尔咖啡侵犯关键宝洁专利。

61、the country infringes ─── 国家侵权

62、But there is a heavy cost. Spying infringes everyone's freedom, everyone's privacy, not just that of the enemy. ─── 但他们也需要付出巨大的代价,因为间谍活动并非只针对敌人,侵犯的是所有人的自由和隐私。

63、open secret is that everyone infringes everyone else's patents in some way. ─── 公开的秘密是每一个人都在以某种方式侵害每一个人的专利权。

64、This is fairly broad claim language.Any composition that contains extracts X, Y and Z infringes this claim. ─── 这是颇宽的权项语言,任何包含 X、Y 和Z 精华的组合物都会侵犯该权项。

65、"The first [principle] is full respect for Iraqi sovereignty.There isn't going to be any sort of an agreement that infringes upon Iraq's sovereignty. ─── 他说,“首要原则就是充分尊重伊拉克的主权,我们不会达成任何侵犯伊拉克主权的协议。

66、infringes upon the right between the marriage ─── 婚内侵权

67、If the enterprise violates the collective contract and infringes upon the rights and interests of the employees, the trade union may ask the enterprise to bear liabilities according to law; ─── 企业违反集体合同,侵犯职工劳动权益的,工会可以依法要求企业承担责任;

68、It is often happened that news right infringes private right and connective private right is often neglected and violated. ─── 新闻权侵入隐私权时有发生,特别容易被忽视和侵犯的是关联隐私权。

69、on the Web infringes on people’s privacy. ─── 在网上问问题涉及了人们的隐私。

70、The study on asserting rules of business secret infringes . ─── 关键字:英文翻译标题:“商业秘密侵权认定规则研究”

71、Article 329 A technology contract which monopolizes the technology or impedes the technological progress, or which infringes upon the technological achievement of others shall be null and void. ─── 第三百二十九条非法垄断技术、妨碍技术进步或者侵害他人技术成果的技术合同无效。

72、Spying infringes everyone's freedom, everyone's privacy, not just that of the enemy. ─── 间谍侵犯了每个人的自由,每个人的隐私,不只是敌人的。

73、You will not submit any information that infringes on the proprietary rights of others. ─── 你不会提交任何侵害他人权利的所有权。

74、The immortal infringes the rule of the Nature.Life and death is the basic principle of natural evolution. ─── 永生是违背自然的,生死正是自然不断演化的基本原则。

75、Environment tort is a kind of tort which infringes and damages others' property right, personality right and environment right by someone's behavior of polluting environment. ─── 摘要环境侵权是因行为人污染环境造成他人财产权、人格权以及环境权受到损害,依法应承担民事责任的一种特殊侵权行为。

76、f.upload, post, email, transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary fights (Rights) of any party; ─── 上载、张贴、邮发、传输或其他侵犯专利权、商标权、商业秘密、版权或其他任何一方的所拥有的权利;

77、Confucius said, "A gentleman comports himself with the Happy Mean, while a little worm infringes it. ─── 子曰:“君子中庸,小人反中庸。

78、7 Its design infringes the intellectual property rights of another person or entity. ─── 七)設計內容侵害他人智慧財產權者。

79、Yet as the exporter, the British government also infringes upon its own parallel laws and regulations. ─── 但英国政府作为出口,也违反了其相应的法律规定。

80、You may not use this site in any manner that infringes the rights of any person or entity. ─── 使用人不得以任何方法利用本网站侵害其他个人或团体的权利。

81、By using this forum, you agree not to post or transmit any defamatory, abusive, obscene, threatening or illegal material, or any other material that infringes on the rights of others. ─── 讨论区乃为各位文明朋友而设,请珍惜言论空间,保持自律。所有与主题无关的留言、攻击、粗言秽语及不雅相片将被删除,更不排除把该会员资料交予警方处理。

82、This led to an injunction since it infringes on the federal government's sole power to regulate MPG and CAFE standards. ─── 因为它侵犯了联邦政府的唯一权力,这导致了一项禁制令,以规管MPG和CAFE标准。

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