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09-17 投稿


Lapp 发音


英:  美:

Lapp 中文意思翻译



Lapp 网络释义

n. 拉普兰人;拉布兰语

Lapp 词性/词形变化,Lapp变形


Lapp 短语词组

1、lapp food ─── 拉普食品

Lapp 相似词语短语

1、yapp ─── n.护边装订;卷边装订;adj.卷边装订的;护边装订的;n.(Yapp)人名;(英)亚普

2、Capp ─── abbr.计算机辅助生产计划(Computer-AidedProcessPlanning);n.(Capp)人名;(英、法)卡普

3、laps ─── abbr.光寻址电位传感器;SDH上的链路接入规程(LinkAccessProcedureSDH)

4、lap ─── n.一圈;大腿;下摆;山坳;vt.使重叠;拍打;包围;缠绕;舔舐;领先一圈;vi.重叠;轻拍;围住;n.(Lap)(越)拉普(人名)

5、lamps ─── n.灯具(lamp的复数);眼睛;日月星辰;v.看;照亮;发亮;放松(lamp的第三人称单数);n.(Lamps)人名;(法)朗;(西)兰普斯

6、app ─── abbr.(计算机)应用程序(application);n.(App)(美、德、巴)阿普(人名)

7、lapel ─── n.西服上的翻领;n.(Lapel)人名;(法)拉佩尔

8、Lapp ─── n.拉普兰人;拉布兰语

9、lamp ─── n.灯;照射器;vt.照亮;vi.发亮;n.(Lamp)人名;(英、德、匈、瑞典)兰普

Lapp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、any of the languages spoken by the Lapp people and generally assumed to be Uralic languages ─── 拉普人所说的语言通常假定属于乌拉尔语族

2、The Arctic Circle region of northern Sweden is the home of the Saami, or Lapp people. ─── 瑞典北部北极圈地区是萨米人或拉普人的家园。

3、"Memory stakes a trail in a roadless land as a Saami, or Lapp, herder heads for his reindeer herd 30 miles(48 kilometers) from Lovozero. ─── 来自洛沃泽罗放牧者的驯鹿群驰骋了30英里(48公里),在没有路的地方留下了一串像萨米语或者拉普语式样的印记。

4、For instance, Bill Lapp, principal at Advanced Economic Solutions in Omaha, said he expected food prices to jump 7 to 9 percent next year. ─── 比如,BillLapp,奥马哈高级经济研究所的负责人就说,他预计明年食品价格会上升7-9%。

5、any of the languages spoken by the Lapp people and generally assumed to be Uralic languages. ─── 拉普人所说的语言通常假定属于乌拉尔语族。

6、"As a general rule, you're allowed to copy for your own personal use, but not for commercial use," explains Thomas Lapp, a lawyer from Frankfurt am Main who specializes in information technology. ─── 法兰克福信息技术方面的专业律师托马斯莱普解释道:“通常你只能刻录一些个人用的资料,但是不能用于商业用途。”

7、"We've only started to see the impact of higher costs translate into higher consumer prices, " Lapp said. ─── 成本上涨对消费者物价的推升作用,才刚刚开始显现。

8、A branch of Finno-Ugric that includes Finnish, Estonian, and Lapp. ─── 芬兰语芬兰-乌戈尔语的一支,包括芬兰语、爱沙尼亚语和拉普语

9、Memory stakes a trail in a roadless land as a Saami, or Lapp, herder heads for his reindeer herd 30 miles(48 kilometers) from Lovozero. ─── 来自洛沃泽罗放牧者的驯鹿群驰骋了30英里(48公里),在没有路的地方留下了一串像萨米语或者拉普语式样的印记。

10、"The fact we're having higher commodity prices here will have an impact around the world on food prices, " Lapp said. ─── Lapp说:“初级商品价格上涨的事实,将对全球食品价格产生重大影响。”

11、LAPP Insulator Company prides itself on being among the largest insulator manufacturers in the world with modern factories located in the states of New York and Georgia. ─── 厂商简介: LAPP, with its long history of product innovation and improvements, is an industry leader in the design and production of quality high voltage insulators.

12、Lapp local race ─── 拉普地域性人种

13、Rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, the Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption (Actos tablets contain lactose). ─── 少见的遗传性半乳糖过敏症,缺少乳糖酶或糖-乳糖吸收不良症(艾可拓含有乳糖)

14、2.the language of the nomadic Lapp people in N Scandinavia and the Kola Peninsula. ─── 流浪在斯堪的那维亚北部和科拉半岛的拉普人的语言。

15、For instance, Bill Lapp, principal at Advanced Economic Solutions in Omaha, said he expected food prices to jump 7 to 9 percent next year. ─── 比如,BillLapp,奥马哈高级经济研究所的负责人就说,他预计明年食品价格会上升7-9%。

16、general rule, you're allowed to copy for your own personal use, but not for commercial use," explains Thomas Lapp, a lawyer from Frankfurt am Main who specializes in information technology. ─── 一般来说,你可以拷贝供你个人使用,而不是供商业使用,”来自Frankfurt am Main的Thomas Lapp解释说,他是一位擅长信息技术的律师。

17、The Light art performance photography (LAPP), is a one-shot long time bulb exposure Photography, performed additionally with movement of Light. ─── 光表演艺术摄影(缆普) ,是一杆很长一段时间球接触摄影,表演运动加光照。

18、logic analysis ofphylogenetic profiles (LAPP) ─── 系统发生谱的逻辑分析(LAPP

19、In this paper, we build an method of effective vitamin C in LAPP by UV-spectrometer. ─── 建立了紫外分光光度法测定L-抗坏血酸多聚磷酸酯中有效维生素C含量的方法。

20、Wood, Diane Lapp, James Flood. ─── 作者声明: Karen D.

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