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09-17 投稿


nab 发音

英:[næb]  美:[næb]

英:  美:

nab 中文意思翻译



nab 网络释义

vt. 捉住,逮捕;抢夺n. (Nab)人名;(阿富)纳卜;(英)纳布

nab 短语词组

1、nab curve nab ─── [电] 曲线

nab 词性/词形变化,nab变形

名词: nabber |动词过去分词: nabbed |动词过去式: nabbed |动词第三人称单数: nabs |动词现在分词: nabbing |

nab 相似词语短语

1、cab ─── n.驾驶室;出租汽车;出租马车;vi.乘出租马车(或汽车)

2、Lab ─── n.实验室,研究室

3、nabs ─── n.家伙;小伙子

4、Bab ─── n.巴布(女子名,等于Barbara);abbr.巴比伦王国(Babylonia)

5、nabk ─── nabk

6、Sab ─── abbr.美国咨询委员会(ScientificAdvisoryBoard);美国细菌学家协会(SocietyofAmericanBacteriologists)

7、nabi ─── n.伊斯兰教的先知;n.(Nabi)人名;(土、意、德、哈萨、乌兹、塔吉、吉尔、土库、阿塞、巴基、阿拉伯)纳比

8、nabe ─── n.居住区;地区影院;邻居

9、Mab ─── abbr.内存分配块(memoryallocationblock);海军航空基地(MarineAirbase);材料咨询委员会(MaterialsAdvisoryBoard);n.(Mab)人名;(英)马布

nab 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ATRA and/or NaB both stimulated p21 expr ession at the mRNA levels. ─── ATRA和 (或 )NaB均上调P2 1mRNA的水平。

2、Vernal open country, oily camellia blooms brilliantly, a lovely girl takes off the shoe on offal, stalk is sucking the small bee of nectar, think nab it. ─── 春天的原野,油茶花烂漫地盛开,一个可爱的小姑娘脱下脚上的鞋,静静靠近正在吮吸花蜜的小蜜蜂,想捉住它。

3、For I know that good does not dwell in me,that is,in my flesh. The willing is ready at hand, but doing the good is not. (NAB ─── 原来世界上的一切:肉身的贪欲,眼目的贪欲,以及人生的骄奢,都不是出于父,而是出于世界。

4、Subsequently, Anti Corruption Operations and Economic Crime Wing of the Federal Investigation Agency were transferred to NAB along with manpower, budget and workload. ─── 原本隶属联邦调查署的反贪行动组及经济罪案部,包括其人力资源、拨款及工作量,随后亦转属国家问责局。

5、If I nab you right away, you'll be stripped even of your clothes, not to mention money, when you get to prison. ─── 我要马上把你带走,不要说钱呀,连你这身衣裳都一进狱门就得剥下来。

6、New NAB chief admits bank has had failings ─── 澳洲国民银行承认管理问题不少

7、is revealed. You can now nab that star you waited so long for. Congrats! ─── 简单的说,就是要傻等2个小时。。。可以考虑设个闹钟然后去干别的,比如看个片啥的。

8、Human resources constitutes the most important asset of an organization. NAB, therefore, takes extreme care in inducting and hiring manpower. ─── 人力资源是一间机构最重要的资产;因此,国家问责局一向重视招揽人才。

9、Nocturnal gastric acid breakthrough (NAB) ─── 夜间酸突破

10、The NAB's resources are also not enduring. ─── NAB的资源也并非取之不竭。

11、You'll need to focus on the finishing line that you (might) reach rather than the killer route you took, and remember that often when we nab these men, it often ends up being one big anti climax. ─── 你得放眼未来(如果你能有幸达到未来的话),而不是过程的艰辛。而且你得记住结果往往是吃力不讨好。最后那个男人可能选择了另一个女人也说不一定。

12、NAB caught some of the threats almost immediately after launch. ─── NAB抓住一些威胁,在差不多它们启动时。

13、I like this style better than NAB's chatty default behavior, in which blocking a single threat can involve four pop-ups and a noticeable wait. ─── 相比于,NAB麻烦的默认行为,我更喜欢这种风格,在这每一个阻止的威胁会带有4个提示与漫长的等待。

14、to nab exorbitant profits ─── 攫取暴利

15、Uncle nab ─── n. 警察

16、2.Mainland police nab 10 Taiwan suspects for swindling. ─── 大陆警察逮捕10名通过电话诈骗的10名台湾嫌犯。

17、Or one to put on the back-burner and nab once you've upgraded your TV and computer? ─── 或是观望看看,先升级电视和电脑?

18、Of course, the main objective here - how to nab more points. ─── 当然,主要目的在这里-如何获取更多的积分。

19、The kidnappers have begun to nab children, as well as foreign oil workers, politicians and ordinary Nigerians. ─── 绑架者已开始逮捕儿童,还有外国石油工人,政治人物和普通民众。

20、The inhibition of TSA and NaB to the proliferation of SK OV 3 was dose dependent. ─── TSA和NaB对SKOV3细胞的增殖均具有抑制作用,并呈剂量依赖性。

21、In its default configuration, NAB is a real chatterbox. ─── 在默认设定下,NAB真是喋喋不休。

22、NAB National Association of Broadcasters ─── 美国全国广播工作者协会

23、Prosecutor Choi Yeon-hee (Cha Seung-won), known for his ruthless and relentless ability to nab criminals, takes up the case and interrogates Kim. ─── 一家电视台与“建立美好的国家运动本部”共同向全国48小时直播调查过程。

24、Net cast to nab corrupt officials absconding overseas ─── 大网撒向潜逃国外的贪污

25、I installed NAB on a clean test system and started throwing malicious software at it. ─── 我将NAB安装在一个干净的测试系统,并开始向里扔入恶意软件。

26、1. A whole company of armed troops can't nab a couple of weaponless dog-faces! What fool would believe that? ─── 一连武装的兵居然连几个徒手的丘八也捉不到,哪个舅子才相信!

27、The NAB is a loan facility to provide the IMF with supplementary resources to forestall or cope with an impairment of the international monetary system. ─── 新借贷安排是一项融资安排,为基金组织提供额外资源,以预防或应付危害国际货币体系的情况。

28、NAB FX Option Loss ─── 澳大利亚国民银行外汇期权损失案

29、She mustn't push him too hard, for he certainly hadn't been so easy to nab! ─── 她不能太逼紧了,找这么个大东西不是件很容易的事。

30、NAB 365 ─── (=clenbuterol) 氨哮素, 克喘素

31、Minature NAB Optical Fibre Coupled Laser for Medical Application ─── 小型NAB光纤耦合医用激光器

32、Nevertheless, most Americans still like to believe that the "long arm of the law" will eventually nab the bad guys. ─── 尽管如此, 大部份美国人仍相信"法律的长胳臂"终究会逮到坏人的.

33、Last month NAB cut its dividend by 25.0%, the first time the bank cut its dividend since 1991. ─── 上个月,国民银行削减其股息25.0%,这是该行自1991年以来首次削减其股息。

34、In addition, NAB also undertakes the Awareness and Prevention functions as inserted in its mandate through an amendment in 2002. ─── 此外,透过2002年的修订,国家问责局把认知宣传和防止贪污的工作纳入其职能。

35、5.There are 14 of them, and they have failed to nab a single poacher for more than a year. ─── 他们有14人,并且他们花费了一年多的事件都无法逮捕到仅一个非法偷猎者。

36、The Sun says the champions could nab the midfielder as early as January, although the deal is more likely to happen at the end of the season. ─── 太阳报说曼联最早将在明年1月拿下帕拉西奥斯,但是这笔交易更可能会在赛季结束后达成。

37、Suddenly, the day rained, those hunters that use net fowling come over stealthily, but the peacock is afraid that the tail is hit to rain wet, do not agree Zhen Chigao flies, eventually by person nab. ─── 忽然,天下雨了,那些用罗网捕鸟的猎人悄悄过来,可孔雀怕尾巴给雨打湿,不肯振翅高飞,终于被人捉住了。

38、The police were able to nab the thief less than an hour after he stole the money. ─── 警察在小偷偷钱后不到半小时便将其抓获。

39、NAB edits 4 rules, some peoples in basketball gymnasium find everything new and fresh, so NBA is become more and more famous, in allusion to this actuality, I bring forward some suggestions to reference. ─── NBA联盟顺应市场需求,对4条旧规则进行大胆的修订,使NBA赛场给人耳目一新的感觉,NBA向全球化发展又迈进了一步,针对这种现状,进行分析并提出几点建议,以供参考。

40、The United States has the most sway in each;China is not a member, although it could join if the NAB is enlarged, as Mr Geithner proposes. ─── 美国在二者都占支配地位,尽管如盖特纳提议的那样,中国加入可以扩展NAB,但中国目前还不是成员国。

41、9 see joke: Fly should fly only, easily by flycatcher nab. ─── 9看笑话: 苍蝇只要飞出来,动不动就被蝇虎捉住。

42、nab industry ─── 无酒精啤酒工业

43、If I nab you right away, you will be stripped even of your clothes, not to mention money, when you get to prison. ─── 我要马上把你带走,不要说钱呀,连你这身衣裳都一进狱门就得剥下来。

44、I thought I heard my father, 'he gasped, glancing up to the frowning nab above us. ─── 我觉得听见我父亲的声音了,”他喘息着,溜了一眼我们上面的森严的山顶。

45、Xing was there too. He ordered his men: "Nab him. ─── 兴旺也来了,下命令道:“捉住捉住!

46、Besides, NAB SHANDONG will invest land, workshops, licenses and cash; ─── 我方将以土地、厂房、登记证、现金等方式入股;

47、NAB will take effective measures for detection, investigation and prosecution of cases involving corruption. ─── 它通过侦查、调查和检控等有效措施处理与贪污有关的案件。

48、It can be tricky to do so, since the helicopters will appear and reappear in intervals, but you should have plenty of tactical aid to repeat the process until you nab them all. ─── 它可以取巧做的,因为直升机将出现在再现回放,但你应该有很多战术援助重复这个过程,直到你借予他们所有人。

49、The IMF, for its part, anticipates fewer political obstacles in member countries than a quota increase would face, although Congress would probably have to approve the NAB expansion. ─── 作为IMF一部分,增加配额只会增加政治分析,尽管国会可能必须批准NAB的扩展。

50、The decisive nano forces are pointed out to he Van der Waals force, repulsive contact force, nab frictional force, capillary force and nano electrostatic force, and their calculation formulas are also deduced. ─── 指出起主要作用的纳观力为范德华力、接触斥力、纳米摩擦力、毛细作用力以及纳米静电力等五种,并初步推导了各种纳观力的表达形式。

51、nab curve nab ─── [电] 曲线

52、Pulsed laser characteristics of neodymium aluminum borate [NdAl_3(BO_3)_4] (NAB) crystals ─── 硼酸铝钕[NdAl_3(BO_3)_4](NAB)的脉冲激光特性

53、Then, more police showed up so cops were able to nab both suspects before they left the parking lot. ─── 后来,更多的警察赶来增援,在嫌疑人离开停车场之前,把他们都捉拿归案。

54、SEM analysis of nickel aluminum bronze (NAB) weldment samples after cavitation erosion was carried to understand cavitation erosion behavior of the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the weldment. ─── 为了解铝青铜焊接热影响区(HAZ)的空蚀行为,对镍铝青铜焊接热影响区的空蚀形貌进行了扫描电镜(SEM)分析。

55、Top priority, however, is accorded to corruption complaints against NAB officials. ─── 然而,针对国家问责局官员的贪污投诉必定获得优先处理。

56、NAB kinase ─── NAD激酶

57、We also need to further increase the IMF's capital base in order to expand its NAB, or New Arrangements to Borrow. ─── 我们还应该进一步增大IMF的资金池,以扩大其新的贷款协议。

58、A pulsed micro laser with a new working crystal NAB has been developed. ─── 作者用新型晶体(NAB)研制了微型激光器(已获专利)。

59、NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) ─── 全国广播工作者协会

60、They'd overpay him, but to nab a restricted free agent, a team almost has to. ─── 他们可能会因此超付,但是为了要得到一个受限制球员,一个球队势必会要多付出一些。

61、[color=royalblue]EXAMPLE:[/color] In just a few weeks the new little company was able to nab lots of attention from customers because of its clever advertising. ─── 在短短几周内,这家新开的小公司就以其巧妙的营销抓住了客户的注意力。

62、Instead of chasing ordinary criminals, the tech-savvy detectives at this police station have mastered the skills to nab those indulging in digital data theft and misuse. ─── 与其追捕普通的犯人,这个警局懂科技的侦探致力于逮捕那些沉迷于数位偷窃和滥用的人。

63、This time of year, rivers are teeming with fish. And the mother grizzly is traveling to the exact same spot where her own mother taught her how to nab salmon. ─── 每年的这个时候,河里都是鱼。母灰熊正迁徙回到它小时候她妈妈教她捕鲑鱼的地点。

64、"Most of these markets are somewhat obscure," said Nick Parsons at NAB Capital. ─── “这些市场大都令人费解。”

65、NAB pays attention to the location from which a file was launched, so I downloaded fresh copies from the Internet when possible. ─── NAB会注意一个文件启动的位置,所以我在可能时会从互联网下载干净的拷贝。

66、The next key control around Mobile, went to the road opposite to nab briefcase yellow kitten, to avoid the car! ─── 上下左右键控制移动,跑到马路对面捉住那只黄色小猫,注意躲避汽车!

67、A video helped police nab the suspect. Authorities are still looking for another suspect. ─── 录像帮助警方逮捕嫌犯。当局现正追缉另一嫌犯。

68、NAB; Declaration on Partnership for Sustainable Global Growth; ─── 可持续全球增长伙伴关系宣言;

69、If players nab a prize, they receive their bounty by mail. ─── 如果玩家中了奖,他们会收到邮寄的奖金。

70、NAB said the purchase would help it leverage its capabilities in structured property financing transactions and funds distribution. ─── 澳大利亚国民银行表示,此次入股将有助于该银行利用其在结构性地产融资交易和基金分销方面的专长。

71、A video helped police nab the suspect. ─── 一盒录像带帮助警方逮捕到这名疑犯。

72、If they could just get their novel published, or nab a role in a movie, or find true love, they tell me, they'd be set for life. ─── 他们都说只要自己的小说能获得出版、只要能在电影中获得一个角色、或只要自己找到真爱,那么一辈子就不成问题了。

73、NaB treatment group (n=20): intravenous injection of sodium butytate at a dose of 500mg/kg at 0.5h and 4h after CLP, being further divided respectively into 12h, 24h subgroups post-CLP. ─── 正丁酸钠治疗组(n=20):CLP术后0.5和4小时静脉注射正丁酸钠,每次剂量为500mg/kg; 按时间点分为12、24小时组,活杀动物。

74、In just a few weeks the new little company was able to nab lots of attention from customers because of its clever advertising. ─── 在短短几周内,这家新开的小公司就以其巧妙的营销抓住了客户的注意力。

75、The NAB thus should provide the IMF with additional resources to cope with crisis situations and minimise the negative impact that may affect other regions. ─── 因此,新借贷安排能为国际货币基金组织提供额外资源,以应付危机,及尽量减低可能会对其他地区造成的负面影响。

76、The squad cruise d to victory over Australia to nab its fourth consecutive Olympic gold. ─── 她们战胜了澳大利亚并最终连续第四次获得奥运会金牌。

77、We might nab him if we set up a perimeter. ─── 只要我们设个防线或许能逮捕到他。

78、NAB shares fell 1.2%, or 26 Australian cents (18 cents), to 21.78 Australian dollars ($15.25). ─── 国民银行股跌落1.2%,即降低26澳大利亚分(18美分),降至21.78澳元(15.25美元)。

79、nab a person for robbery [stealing a book] ─── 以强盗 [偷书] 罪逮捕某人

80、Objective:To study the mechanism of sodium butyrate (NaB) on human ovarian cancer cell line 3AO. ─── 目的 :研究丁酸钠逆转人卵巢癌 3AO细胞恶性表型的机制。

81、4. Nevertheless, most Americans still like to believe that the "long arm of the law" will eventually nab the bad guys. ─── 尽管如此,大部份美国人仍相信"法律的长胳臂"终究会逮到坏人的.

82、Never mind about my things or about your own, just jump over the wall and go before they nab you! ─── 我的东西,你自己的东西都不用管,跳墙就走,省得把你拿了去!

83、By NAB 's reckoning, some 250 stations that provide TV signals to 90 percent of the country are already set up with the new digital TV broadcasting equipment. ─── 据nab估计,提供电视信号占全国90%的大约250家电视台已经建立了新的数字电视播出设备。

84、Nab Ted Kennedy on a DUI, and the nation's problems will be solved. ─── 我有三个孩子和三条狗,我们将会吃狗食和变质的肉。

85、DCa and NAB groups for P53 oncoprotin were 0,17. 5% and 0 respectively,for c-erbB-2 oncoprotein were 26. 7%, 37. 5% and 0 respectively,the differences among 3 groups were siginficant(P

86、"Nab , anybody can lose a tail when they really want to. ─── “没有用,随便什么人只要打定主意都可以甩掉尾巴。

87、Loading queues often disintegrate into a Hobbesian struggle to nab untaken seats. ─── 排队等车的人们往往会一哄而上,不顾一切地争抢空座位。

88、The National Association of Broadcasting, NAB ─── 国家广播者协会

89、NAB identifies a few of the programs it catches, but it uses a very small subset of the full Symantec signature database. ─── NAB也识别了部分它捕捉的程序,但它仅使用了赛门铁克特征数据库的一小部分.


na b没有这个单词

nab是neutralizing antibodies缩写,翻译成中文是中和抗体


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