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09-17 投稿


inane 发音

英:[ɪ'neɪn]  美:[ɪ'nen]

英:  美:

inane 中文意思翻译



inane 词性/词形变化,inane变形

形容词最高级: inanest |形容词比较级: inaner |副词: inanely |

inane 相似词语短语

1、Crane ─── n.吊车,起重机;鹤;vi.伸着脖子看;迟疑,踌躇;vt.用起重机起吊;伸长脖子;n.(Crane)人名;(意、葡)克拉内;(英、法、西)克兰

2、inanga ─── n.南乳鱼(等于inaka)

3、nane ─── pron.没有,毫无;没有人;n.(Nane)(罗马尼亚、美、法)南江(人名)

4、-ane ─── adj.一个的;仅有的,唯一的(等于one);det.(用于强调某人做某事)一个(等于one);pron.一,一个;那个人;那种人;任何人(等于one);n.一美元纸币(等于one);abbr.噪音环境(acousticnoiseenvironment);n.(Ane)(丹、挪、美、西、巴)阿尼(人名)

5、inanes ─── adj.空洞的,空虚的;愚蠢的

6、-mane ─── n.(马等的)鬃毛;n.(Mane)人名;(法、塞、几、冈、意、安哥、几比)马内;(日)真根(名)

7、Dane ─── n.丹麦人;戴恩(男子名)

8、nonane ─── n.[有化]壬烷

9、inanely ─── adv.空洞地;愚蠢地

inane 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Young people seem to be killing for inane reasons, such as somebody looking at their girlfriend the wrong way. ─── 另外,他们显得不在乎受到监狱的惩罚。

2、One of the things I was most looking forward to with the premium user period was a chance to get away from the inane blather of region chat during the open beta. ─── 艾丝梅拉达学着老天使的样子,用手扒着嘴角,让嘴角向下。然后说,也许这代表不屑,你理解了人类和宇宙,它们具体却虚无这个道理吗?

3、the inane ─── 空间, 空洞无物

4、Inane sight is left only. ─── 只剩下空洞的目光。

5、make an inane remark ─── 言之无物

6、And the lady publishes an inane article accusing me of being a post-structuralist. ─── 然后那位女士发表一篇空洞的文章 来责难我这个后结构主义理论者

7、No one.So, it is never possible to take all beings across to divine and Buddhist worlds.It is merely a kind but inane aspiration. ─── 谁都做不了,所以普渡众生到神佛世界是永远不可能做到的事情,是一腔空洞的善良愿望。

8、Finally, NASA called inan official government translator.He reported that the moon message said, Watch outfor these guys; they're come to steal your land. ─── 最后,宇航局请来了一位政府官方翻译,他说给月球的信息是;'提防着这些家伙。他们是来窃取你们的土地的。

9、However, there is something almost as worse and that's sibling rivalry over things as inane as a piece of paper or someone's favorite sticker. ─── 幸运的是,孩子们的学校这个斋月正在修缮,所以我们的暑假也就延长了一个月。

10、The oldest one was looking at her reflection inan ornament on the Christmas tree. ─── 最大的一个孩子正从圣诞树上的一个装饰品看自己的样子。

11、Such comments are inane because they don't help us solve our problem. ─── 这种评论纯属空洞之词, 不能帮助我们解决问题。

12、Some grudgingly accept public speakingin tongues, because St Paulgrudgingly did so in his first letters to the Corinthians (“He that speaketh inan unknown tongue edifieth himself; ─── 有些人勉强接受公开使用方言,因为圣徒保罗在哥林多前书中勉强的接受了方言(说方言的,是造就自己。

13、Indeed, he had hooked himself on to it with his elbows, as a safeguard against sliding under it, and he was making inane attempts to light his pipe at the flame of a guttering tallow candle near him. ─── 事实上,他用肘拐儿把自身钩牢在桌子上,借以保卫自己不致滑到桌子底下去,他还作出徒然的努力,想在附近一支淌蜡的牛脂蜡烛的火焰上点燃他的烟斗。

14、I looked everywhere for the creature Gollum.But the enemy found him first.I don't know how long they tortured him.But amidst the endless screams and inane babble, they discerned tow words: “ Shire! ─── 我到处在找咕噜,但是魔君先找到他,他不知道被拷打了多久,但是在可怕的哀嚎和呻吟中,他们听出两个名字:“夏尔!

15、He always had this inane grin. ─── 他总是傻傻地咧嘴笑。

16、13 The woman Folly is fickle, she is inane, and knows nothing. ─── 愚昧太太,浮燥愚蠢,一无所知。

17、But this proposition has no ready-made answer. Especially, if we only give run-of-mill, even inane, advice and measures, it is no use to resolve existing stock and stepwise exposed increment of our country's bad assets. ─── 但这一命题没有现成的答案,尤其是如果研究后提出宽泛的甚至是空洞的建议措施,对于解决我国现有不良资产存量和逐步暴露的增量,于事无补。

18、The further that humans move away from nature, the more inane the dance becomes from the point of view of the plant kingdoms. ─── 从植物王国角度来看,当人类离开自然越远,人类舞蹈也就越愚昧疯狂。

19、Forequarters Theshoulders are well laid back forming an angle with the upper arm ofapproximately 90 degrees which permits the dog to move his forelegs inan easy manner with forward reach. ─── 脖子、背线和身体脖子:脖子应有足够的长度使犬的鼻子可以轻易地碰到地面,肌肉发达,咽喉以下的皮肤不能过分松驰下垂。

20、He cut desperately at me rope inan attempt to free his foot. ─── 他拼命地割那根绳子,以摆脱脚上的束缚。

21、Although all is therepetition similar life daily, but two months or on the past, hoped inan instant last the year can complete mark the period in my last bythe student status study! ─── 尽管天天都是重复同样的生活,可两个月还是一转眼就过去,希望在我最后一个以学生身份学习的最后一年能够圆满的画上句号!

22、As this was an inane and unanswerable argument Benjamin made no reply, and from that time on a chasm began to widen between them. ─── 这一番无理之词让本杰明哑口无言。从这时起两个人之间的关系开始出现了裂痕。

23、F ig.2 A nnua l dynam ics of dom inan t crustaceans in Houhu reg ionin 1997-1998(the bars ind icate standard dev iation). ─── 标题: 图2 1997及1998年后湖浮游甲壳动物优势种种群的周年动态(图中垂直线为标准差)。

24、If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret pallies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors. ─── 假如我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。

25、Suddenly, this spring became so chilly, lonely and inane. ─── 春天,突然变得这样寒冷,这样寂寞空洞。

26、It is inane for anyone to glorify smoking when that very habit can shorten other people's lives. ─── 缩短他人的生命,任何吹捧吞云吐雾的言论都是无力的。

27、The scientific research undertaken in Laputa and in Balnibarbi seems totally inane and impractical, and its residents too appear wholly out of touch with reality. ─── 在此从事的科学调查似乎是全然的愚蠢、不切实际,岛上的居民完全与现实脱节。

28、Women will always ask questio that have no center a wers,inan effort to trap yousintosfeeling guilty. ─── 女人总是问一些没有正确答案的问题,她们想使你有犯罪感。

29、If we become self-conscious about silence then we begin to work against it.We rush to fill it with inane talks and nervous gestures, and the silence loses its value. ─── 如果我们刻意保持沉默,接着我们就会开始迫不及待地进行无意义的谈话和作出紧张的手势,此时沉默失去了它的价值。

30、My inane soul finally stop crying ─── 我空虚的心灵终于不再流泪

31、Frank Gastner has a similar ideal: "VP in charge of destroying inane policies. ─── 她说:“我的理想工作是没有政治。所有的提拔都根据表现。

32、One poster is a little girl with short dark hair and white skirt, but her eyes are empty, I mean inane, no smile no brow, and her arms are prolapsed but contort the right one. ─── 有张海报是个小女孩,短短的黑发,白色的裙子,但是眼睛很空洞无神,没有任何表情,胳膊自然下垂但是右胳膊确是反转的。

33、The condition or quality of being inane. ─── 空虚,空洞空的情况或状态

34、The result is a torrent of short notes and inane observations (from "Feeling sick today" to "I'm in the bathroom!") pouring in from buddies throughout the day. ─── 这种网站导致的直接后果就是简短的信息,空洞无物的材料泛滥(像“今天我不舒服” “我在浴室”诸如此类),从头到尾漫天泛滥。

35、The symmetrical puzzles and required attention to details (such as inane things like which shade has which rank) could be meant to parallel the work and progress of trying to find a cure. ─── 对于这章中那些四平八稳的迷题,玩家需要细心留意每个细节(例如“哪个鬼魂是哪个等级”这类枯燥的东西),这也许正反映了麦克斯在寻找治疗方法中付出的努力和进展。

36、The hostess began reading choice excerpts from the inane article, and Langdon felt himself sinking lower and lower in his chair. ─── 女主持人开始在那本杂志空洞的文章上面有选择性的朗读着关于兰登的文字,兰登感到自己在椅子上面越陷越深。

37、Additionally, as each record is written, the customer name and the associated relative record number are recorded inan array or index (Fig. 8.8). ─── 除此之外,当每个记录被写入时,顾客的姓名和与姓名有关的相对记录编号记录在一个数组或索引中(图8.8)。

38、an inane remark, question, etc ─── 无聊的言语﹑ 问题等

39、The uniform ones are the confused and inane eyes and not sexy lips smeared with the same red lipstick. ─── 始终如一的是迷惘空洞的大眼睛和涂抹着橙红色的不算性感的小嘴儿。

40、This is an inane question. ─── 这真是个愚蠢的问题。

41、Men born and reared upon the Bridge found life unendurably dull and inane elsewhere. ─── 在桥上出生、长大的人,在别处发现了难以忍受的枯燥和空虚的生活。

42、The assessment checks the teaching process. Without assessment, the feedback is void, and without feedback, the assessment is inane. ─── 在教学活动中,没有测评的反馈是空洞无效的反馈,没有反馈的测评是行尸走肉的测评。

43、yet i read his stuff , and it seems to me the perfection of the felicitous expression of the inane. ─── 可是我读了他的东西,却认为那似乎是心灵空虚者的淋漓尽致的。准确不过的自白。

44、Theories deviating practices are inane, while practices deviating theories are blindfold. ─── 脱离实践的理论是空泛的,脱离理论指导的实践是盲目的。

45、WU Yu-jia; WANG Biao and LI J iang(Department of Plas tic Aes thetic Surg ery; General Hos pital of J inan Military Reg ion; J inan250031; Shandong Province; China); ─── 济南军区总医院整形美容外科;山东省济南市;

46、It also arranged for student exchanges and a few other such rather inane measures. ─── 它也安排了交换生项目和其它几种诸如此类的确切地说是空洞的措施。

47、Even inane emails from friends get ignored when I’m busy, even though I send friends lots of silly emails! ─── 在我繁忙时,甚至把来自朋友的空洞无物的电子邮件都忽略掉,尽管我寄给了朋友们许多稀里糊涂的电子邮件!

48、Inan interview with People magazine in February, First Lady MichelleObama confided she favoured the Portuguese breed and that a dog wouldbe moving in after the Easter holidays. ─── 在接受媒体采访时,2月份第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马吐露她赞成葡萄牙品种和狗将朝着复活节假期后。

49、The inane promise of consummation cannot attract people to gather around the Wheel of Law any longer. ─── 再靠着“天天望梅,年年画饼”,承诺遥遥无期的“圆满”,已经不能凝聚“轮心”了。

50、This coyness about sex is a crime, and China does not even have the inane excuse of the Christians for whom sex is, laughably, a sin. ─── 这种对性的羞涩是一种犯罪,而中国甚至连一个像基督教一样,可笑的把性本身当成一种罪恶的空洞的借口都没有。

51、Technology features heavily, as do humorous, quirky and inane stories, while business, politics and world affairs feature less prominently, if at all. ─── 其中,技术型、搞笑类、或愚蠢古怪的新闻故事占很大比重,而商业、政治或国际事务类新闻即使不是一点没有,也比传统网站少得多。

52、Don’t constantly badger people with inane questions. ─── INAPPPRECIABLE: 微不足道的、小得难以察觉的;

53、Incontinence. The kidney function andcontrol over the urinary bladder sphincter slowly lessens, resulting inan increased incidence of urine leakage. ─── 大小便失禁。肾功能及控制膀胱的括约肌作用逐渐丧失能力,故而使得尿失禁情形增加。

54、IF YOU wish to make progress in virtue, live in the fear of the Lord, do not look for too much freedom, discipline your senses, and shun inane silliness. ─── 如果你愿意前进,更该保存敬畏天主的心,不要放肆,谨守五官,别贪那虚假的快乐。你若致力于痛心忏悔,自然就有了热心。

55、They don't value what they regard as inane and pointless. ─── 他们不屑于他们视为空无意义的东西。

56、Inan interview with the Financial Times on Saturday, Ms Amara said shewas in favour of an outright ban on the burka, even though it might bedifficult to apply. ─── 在接受金融时报采访时星期六,阿马拉埃西女士说,她赞成彻底禁止布尔卡,即使它可能难以适用。

57、She made up her mind that their lives were, though luxurious, inane. ─── 她坚决相信,他们的生活虽然奢侈,但很空虚。

58、Frank Gastner has a similar ideal: 'VP in charge of destroying inane policies. ─── 弗兰克?加斯特纳也有类似的理想:“做个负责消灭空洞政策的副总裁。”

59、we are inane. we attempt to fill it with word, feeling, wish and mind's eye. yet inane is still exist! ─── 我们自身空虚,试图用词语、感觉、希望和想像来填补空虚,可空虚依旧。

60、A Method of Editing"Parameter Program"inan Advanced Language for CNC Tool Grinder ─── 用高级语言编辑数控工具磨床"参数程序"

61、I think that's how life *is*... if everything went so "perfectly" in life, with no hardships, no tree branches to stumble over, life would be inane. ─── 最近好忙,除了工作,还是工作,自己可以胡思乱想的时间越来越少,呵呵。

62、an inane remark ─── 愚蠢的话

63、I offer this term in an effort to destroy the inane, and overhyped, word "interactive. ─── 我提出这个术语的用意在于彻底消灭空洞。

64、inane remark ─── 无意义的话

65、An inane comment. ─── 空洞的评论

66、Inan hour there was a telegram back. ─── 一个钟头后就回电报了。

67、All alleged civilization nations could not launch war if do not obtain domestic people's supports, and peace is also inane. ─── 1现在的文明国家,如果得不到本国人民真心的支持,就发动不起战争,和平也是空洞而渺茫的。

68、Inan English household,fun is going all the time.The entire house resounds witn it. ─── 在一个英国家庭里,逗乐儿无时不在进行,整幢屋子其乐融融。

69、I can imagine a long list of actors, whose names I will charitably suppress, who could appear in this material and render it simpering, or inane. ─── 我可以想象出很多的男演员,至于姓名我就好心地不提了,他们完全有能力将这部影片中的主人公扮演得满脸傻笑,或是无比蠢笨。

70、Based on the initial study on the thoughts and contents of" Establishing a PE course system combining arts and science", it was found that there existed certain conflicts in the content, confusing concepts and inane structure. ─── 对《创建人文与科学融合的学校体育课程体系》文章中的思想、程内容进行了初步研究,发现存在前后矛盾、概念不清,内容构建空洞等问题。

71、Pure criticism on technology alienation is inane,and pure criticism on the side-effects of technology is passive. We should form our own idea of criticism on technology according to the appeal of modernization. ─── 单纯针对技术异化的技术批判是空洞的,而单纯针对技术负效应的技术批判又是被动的,应该树立符合中国现代化诉求的技术批判意识。

72、He would go to school in New Orleans and get such inane notions out of his head. ─── 我还告诉他,我应当把这个礼拜堂拆掉;他应该去新奥尔良上学,把他这种空洞不切实的想法从脑子里驱除出去。

73、Nor does media coverage that focuses on whose commercials are moving polling points and who performed well in the last inane debate. ─── 所谓谁的竞选广告改变了民调的得分,在上一次泛泛而谈的辩论中谁表现得不错,这些媒体的新闻报道,也是无济于事的。

74、If that’s you, pick one day a week, perhaps, to do all of your most inane tasks. ─── 如果你属于这类人,那么可能的话,就每星期找一天来做所有最无聊的工作。

75、From some point of view, the meaning of the subject maybe an inane concept, but it will be a problem appeared in cycle companioned with the development of the study. ─── 学科的意义从某种意义上说或许是一个空泛的概念,但它会作为一个疑问随着学习的深入会轮回地出现。

76、These inane literary works have no affinity to the masses. ─── 这些文学作品空洞无物, 丝毫没有人民性。

77、Now go test and add to the feedback instead of spamming the boards with your inane, stupid crap. ─── 现在,去测试并给出反馈,而不是在这里发你那愚蠢和无用的垃圾信息。

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