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09-19 投稿


insipidness 中文意思翻译



insipidness 词性/词形变化,insipidness变形

副词: insipidly |名词: insipidity |

insipidness 相似词语短语

1、dissipatedness ─── 耗散

2、intrepidness ─── 勇敢

3、frigidness ─── 寒冷

4、insidiousness ─── n.在不知不觉之间加剧;隐伏(阴险)

5、gossipiness ─── 八卦

6、invalidness ─── 无效

7、unstaidness ─── 不协助

8、insipidities ─── n.无味;清淡;无精神

9、sapidness ─── 智慧

insipidness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She said she was a good cook, but the food she cooked is insipid. ─── 她说她是个好厨师,但她做的食物却是无味道的。

2、Idea and Beauty are insipid ─── 意味索然

3、I was still a university student and has a personality courageous and cowardly, I prefer a free life, All or insipid continues! ─── 我还是一名大学生,性格中有着勇敢和懦弱,我喜欢自由自在的生活,一切还是在平淡的继续着!

4、A writer whose thoughts lack depth and originality may try to write a simple style and end up by being insipid. ─── 作家若元气不足,素养学问思想不足以充实之,则味同嚼蜡。

5、I was bored by his insipid talk. ─── 我厌倦了他这些枯燥乏味的谈话。

6、 双语使用场景

7、No matter how insipid,small ,or empty of meaning in our life, or so small we are . We still can make our best in it. ─── 不论生活多么平淡、琐碎、没有意义,无论我们感到自己是多么的虚无渺小,我们仍能在生活的狭小空间里成圣。

8、I was a very ordinary one female. Not much good has little vision, oblivious, insipid. ─── 我是中国的一个极为平凡的女性之一。没有多大的理想,也没有多大的抱负,安分的,平淡的。

9、"Indians like to shop in groups and find straight aisles insipid," he says. ─── 他说:“印度人喜欢团队购物,不喜欢直通的走廊。

10、The sarcasm that had repelled, the harshness that had startled me once, were only like keen condiments in a choice dish: their presence was pungent, but their absence would be felt as comparatively insipid. ─── 令人厌恶的嘲弄,一度使我吃惊的严厉,不过像是一盘佳肴中浓重的调料,有了它,热辣辣好吃,没有它,便淡而无味。

11、Of the pants in the T-shirt and bull-puncher concise dress up need bright color to break insipid feeling. ─── 恤与牛仔中裤的简洁装扮需要亮色来打破平淡感。

12、Insipid: Lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate or challenge; dull, flat. ─── 平淡:缺乏引人入胜质量的发言,没有刺激或挑战;愚钝,平庸。

13、The kitchen can choose ceramic tile of a beautiful type, adorn insipid metope, prepare food for housewife Ping Tianyu is jumped, lively atmosphere. ─── 厨房可以选择一套花式瓷砖,点缀平淡的墙面,为主妇下厨平添愉跃、活泼的气氛。

14、Woman fistic upsurge tends after the show with one dramatic act insipid, that is the sexual distinction on boxing stage big fight. ─── 女子拳击的热潮在一幕戏剧性的演出之后趋于平淡,那就是拳台上的性别大战。

15、Common person a meal is very insipid be over 3 jins of beef, li Kaifu that day dispose of. ─── 平常人一顿饭很难吃完三斤牛肉,李开复那天吃光了。

16、Heavy dictionary, strange words, insipid grammars, all of them made him lost the interest. ─── 厚重的字典,陌生的单词,烦琐的语法,让他对英语已经失去了兴趣。

17、Insipid and sentimental. ─── 乏味的,伤感的

18、Thus any battle lost against insipid inflation is a battle lost forever, with no prospect of ever regaining lost ground. ─── 因此失去了任何战斗对平淡通货膨胀是一场永远失去了,没有以往的前景恢复失地。

19、"Are you afraid she will be insipid?" said Mrs. Penniman. ─── “你是怕她会变成枯燥乏味的姑娘吧?”佩尼曼太太说。

20、The usual theism is more insipid ─── 平常的有神论则更淡而无味了。

21、I hope that the journal will be well edited and that it will publish a good deal of lively writing, carefully avoiding wooden and trite articles which are flat, insipid and unintelligible. ─── 我希望这个报纸好好地办下去,多载些生动的文字,切忌死板、老套,令人看不懂,没味道,不起劲。

22、6. a bland diet; insipid hospital food; flavorless supermarket tomatoes; vapid beer; vapid tea. ─── 不油腻的饮食;无味的医院的食物;无味的超市的番茄;乏味的啤酒;无味的茶。收藏指正

23、Insipid, dry, cheesed feeling can make a person fretful go mad even. ─── 平淡、枯燥无味、厌烦的感觉能令人烦燥甚至发疯。

24、We mustn't blame Sebastian if at times he seems a little insipid . ─── 如果塞巴斯蒂安有时好象缺乏一点生气,我们千万不要骂他。

25、On the other hand persons of whom they fancied themselves fond will be found to have become insipid and disagreeable ─── 另一方面,她们本来以为她们很喜欢的人,现在却变得索然无味,一点也不可爱了。

26、an insipid personality; jejune novel. ─── 一个平淡的人物;枯燥的小说。

27、tediously long and insipid; tedious and dull ─── 冗长乏味

28、an insipid performance of the symphony ─── 交响乐团乏味的演奏

29、She began to say to herself that, when next she met her husband, life should not be insipid nor should the spring come in vai ─── 她于是对自己说,等到和丈夫重逢的时候,生活可再不能那么平淡乏味了,再不能让春光虚度了。

30、Ancient cloud: 钬淲en Si looks at the mountain not happily even.钬漈ruly, one records prefaces, if writes in a straightforward manner, resembles non-wave Pinghu, is insipid; ─── 古人云:“文似看山不喜平。”确实,一篇记叙文倘若平铺直叙,似无浪平湖,则索然无味;倘若波涛起伏,跌宕多姿,便能深深地吸引读者。...

31、However, she has been admitted after feeling weak, myself being insipid, daily feel physically uncomfortable, to the hospital for an examination and found leucocyte low. ─── 可是,她入住后就一直感到乏力、浑身没劲,天天感到身体不舒服,到医院检查后发现白血球偏低。

32、What sauce do you like to tap for a Pisa ? The catsup stimulates the appetite easily and the Japonic sauce is so insipid . ─── 你要选择什么酱作为披萨的饼底?番茄酱比较开胃,千岛酱比较清淡.

33、Consumption, on one level, is turning insipid, especially as the quality of the goods seems to be deteriorating. ─── 在一个水准上人消费正变得缺乏吸引力,特别是商品的质量似乎一直在降低。

34、2.a bland diet; insipid hospital food; flavorless supermarket tomatoes; vapid beer; vapid tea. ─── 不油腻的饮食;无味的医院的食物;无味的超市的番茄;乏味的啤酒;无味的茶。

35、It is insipid and unnatural ─── 它既枯燥乏味又矫揉造作。

36、Though sometimes we may feel insipid or drunk. ─── 尽管有时无味有时会喝醉。

37、Chocolates and ship biscuits are very insipid, and no alimentation, the local chicken soup would be more better; ─── 巧克力和压缩饼干难吃没营养,不如当地土鸡汤;

38、North American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit. ─── 北美的一种草本植物,其根有毒,果实可食用但平淡无味。

39、a bland diet; insipid hospital food; flavorless supermarket tomatoes; vapid beer; vapid tea ─── 不油腻的饮食;无味的医院的食物;无味的超市的番茄;乏味的啤酒;无味的茶

40、Christians must seek their delights in a higher sphere than the insipid frivolities or sinful enjoyments of the world. ─── 基督徒必须寻求更高层次的快乐,超越这属世的罪恶享乐。

41、Not likely to offend or provoke to strong emotion;insipid. ─── 平淡无味的不可能冒犯或激起强烈的情感的;乏味的

42、a cup of insipid coffee ─── 一杯淡而无味的咖啡

43、Unexciting life is not usually impressed.Technology saves lots of time and brings convenience for people, but also increase insipid memories. ─── 单调的生活,往往无法深值人心,科技所带来的快速便利,却也增加人们空乏的生活记忆。

44、And I know that is the sun is growing In this insipid earth ─── 我知道太阳正在生长在这一个平淡之地球上

45、She thought him insipid, silly, stupid, useless, foppish, displeasing, impertinent, and extremely ugly. ─── 她觉得他庸俗、笨拙、愚蠢、无用、浮夸、讨厌、无礼并且还非常丑。

46、9 see joke: Epicure eats roast duck only in Beijing, pure roast duck is very allegedly insipid arrive, north that took one ticket person to eat a tunnel makes the same score roast duck. ─── 9看笑话: 老饕在北京专吃烤鸭,据说地道的烤鸭很难吃到, 有次带了一票人去吃地道的北平烤鸭。

47、But somewhere in the 19th century, more artists began seeing happiness as insipid, phony or, worst of all, boring as we went from Wordsworth's daffodils to Baudelaire's flowers of evil. ─── 但在19世纪的某个时期,更多的艺术家开始把快乐看成枯燥乏味的,假冒的,甚至是最糟的。我们可以从Wordsworth的黄水仙到Baudelaire的罪恶之花看出这种变化。

48、Between us too too insipid, be bad position? ─── 我们之间太过平淡,是不是不好的状态?

49、Not likely to offend or provoke to strong emotion; insipid. ─── 平淡无味的不可能冒犯或激起强烈的情感的;乏味的。

50、Jane Austen: Novels? Being poor, insipid things, read by mere women, even, God forbid, written by mere women? ─── 小说?在你看来是索然寡味、如同嚼蜡的东西,不过是女人拿来读读,甚至天理不容,不过是女人写的东西?

51、Plain is a very high level, in fact, people are really too difficult to insipid. ─── 平淡是一种极高的境界,其实人真得难以平淡。

52、not likely to offend or provoke to strong emotion; insipid ─── 不可能冒犯或激起强烈的情感的;乏味的

53、He has opinions on almost everything but most of them are pretty insipid. ─── 他几乎对每件事都有意见但大部分都枯燥无味。

54、It will return a boundary of insipid,brilliant and free at last. ─── 但最终还是复归平淡、烂漫、自由的境界。

55、For my nails, orange and black with lots of sparkle just for the sake of Halloween in Beijing seemed, well, a bit insipid. ─── 就我而言,在北京要是仅仅因为万圣节来了就把自己的指甲弄成橘色加黑色缀上亮片,实在是有点无聊。

56、Sickening or insipid in taste. ─── (味道上)令人作呕的,淡而无味的

57、She was not of so ungovernable a temper as Lydia;and, removed from the influence of Lydia's example, she became, by proper attention and management, less irritable, less ignorant, and less insipid. ─── 她本来不象丽迪雅那样放纵,现在既没有丽迪雅来影响她,又有人对她加以妥善的注意和照管,她便不象以前那样轻狂无知和麻木不仁了。

58、9 see joke: An epicure eats roast duck only in Beijing, pure roast duck is very allegedly insipid arrive, north that took one ticket person to eat a tunnel makes the same score roast duck. ─── 9看笑话: 有个老饕在北京专吃烤鸭,据说地道的烤鸭很难吃到,有次带了一票人去吃地道的北平烤鸭。

59、dull and dry; insipid; dryasdust; dull as ditchwater ─── 干巴巴

60、At that time, even bran tastes as sweet as honey.However, when we are full, honey tastes insipid;second, entering a restaurant for the first time, we feel that every dish is a novelty. ─── 尽管胜者会钦佩和尊敬其他人,但他们绝不会受制于人,不会被别人驳倒、束缚,更不会畏惧别人。

61、Although, only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. ─── 尽管,只有人类思维才发明得出爱情这般乏味的东西。

62、"Present product is too too insipid, middle, actually we can be created a few make a person more exclamatory thing. ─── “现在的产品都太平淡、太中庸,其实我们可以创造一些更令人赞叹的东西。”

63、(of writing, conversation etc.) insipid ─── 味同(如)嚼蜡

64、To become insipid, boring, or wearisome. ─── 感到无聊,厌烦变得单调、乏味或令人厌烦的

65、His life is very dull and insipid, and all he does is to have fun with his pet, Chi CHi. ─── 他的生活十分苦闷乏味,终日只与他的宠物芝芝为伴。

66、However, it is just shoddy book, or a good book will have been distilled off, like water, have become insipid in! ─── 但这只限于质量粗劣的书,否则一本好书将像已被蒸馏过的水,变得淡而无味了!

68、She thought him insipid, silly, stupid, useless, foppish, displeasing, impertinent, and extremely ugly.The officer thought it his duty to smile at her. ─── 她连忙把头转过去,感到丢人,并且生了气,差一点没有抓个什么东西甩在他的头上。

69、There are ugly faces that have a fascinating charm and beautiful faces that are insipid to look at. ─── 丑陋的脸孔有时也会有动人之美,而美丽的脸孔有时也会令人看来讨厌。

70、It tastes insipid yet a slow sipping will doubtless yield a wee bit of sweetness. ─── 它极淡极淡,但若细细啜饮,却也能尝出一丁点儿的甜味来。

71、2.an insipid weakling who is foolishly sentimental. ─── 愚蠢而感情脆弱的一个乏味的体弱的人。

72、If you like insipid food, you can taste Guangdong food. ─── 如果你喜欢清淡的食物,你可以品尝广东的食物。

73、an insipid (or a dull) conversation ─── 平淡无味的谈话

74、She never wanted to go back to the restaurant because the food was insipid. ─── 她不想回到这家餐厅,因为它的食物淡而无味的。

75、North American herb with poisonous root stock and edible though insipid fruit ─── 北美的一种草本植物,其根有毒,果实可食用但平淡无味

76、lose strength or effectiveness; become or appear boring, insipid, or tiresome (to). ─── 失掉力量或作用;变得或显得讨厌平淡或乏味。

77、a good-looking but insipid young man ─── 外貌好看而无情趣的小伙子.

78、Watching an insipid and familiarly witless England side capitulate to Spain, those other European rank underachievers? ─── 去看英国队向欧洲足球的落后生西班牙队缴械投降吗?

79、Her dress is white ash forever black trichromatic. Her foil they, they also foil she. She has one to plant insipid medium clean, halcyon like those 3 kinds of elements easy. ─── 她的衣服永远都是白灰黑三色。她陪衬了它们,它们也陪衬了她。她有一种平淡中的干净,就如那三种元素般宁静的从容。

80、But after several days, Ms.Ma to find myself being insipid, lacking physical, but she has not attended, but some think that big wardrobe of taste. ─── 可是没过几天,马女士就觉得浑身没劲,身体乏力,但她并没有当回事,只是觉得衣柜的味道大一些。

81、insipid conversation ─── 乏味的谈话

82、Self-interest with her was high, But not strong. It was, nevertheless, her guiding characteristic. Warm with the fancies of youth, pretty with the insipid prettiness of the formative period, ─── 她有利己心,不过不很强烈,这是她的主要特点。她充满着年轻人的热烈幻想。

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