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09-19 投稿


irrelative 发音

英:[ɪˈrelətɪv]  美:[ɪˈrelətɪv]

英:  美:

irrelative 中文意思翻译



irrelative 相似词语短语

1、correlative ─── adj.相关的;有相互关系的;n.关联词;相关物

2、correlatives ─── adj.相关的;有相互关系的;n.关联词;相关物

3、irrelation ─── 不相关

4、unrelative ─── 不相关的

5、relative ─── adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物

6、irrelatively ─── 不相关的

7、irrigative ─── adj.冲洗的;灌溉的

8、irritative ─── adj.刺激的;刺激性的;使发怒的

9、corelative ─── adj.有相互关系的,相关的(等于correlative)

irrelative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Results Among 114 irrelative males and 118 irrelative females from Hebei Han population, 31 alleles were found in the 5 loci. ─── 结果5个基因座共发现了31个等位基因,男性个体共检出了101种单倍型,男性单倍型多样性为0.9975。

2、Cleaning all the sundries in the construction field; Avoiding cross construction; Prohibiting all the irrelative from entrancing in. ─── 施工现场须清走所有杂物,最好避免交叉施工、禁止无关人员出入。

3、Therefore, implementation of policy is irrelative to the official on high position, for which his position doesn't dent. ─── 正因如此,主政者的位置,也就不会由于某些政策的失败而受损了。

4、The main idea is to selectively collect Web pages on a predefined topic and avoid downloading irrelative Web pages in order to find more accurate and useful information for the user. ─── 其思想是在爬行过程中按预先定义好的主题有选择地收集相关网页,避免下载主题不相关的网页,其目标是更准确地找到对用户有用的信息。

5、However, there are a lot of linkages irrelative to topics, which lead to topic drift. ─── 然而存在着许多与主题无关的链接,造成了主题漂移。

6、The researcher finds that the content can be classified into two types: the private speech relative to play and the private speech irrelative to play. ─── 研究发现:儿童自语的内容可以分为与游戏活动无关和有关两大类;

7、The FDD algorithm is irrelative to base line and scale of series.And for the huge series, it is a fast algorithm. ─── FDD算法具有较高的效率 ,且可以消除基准值与幅间度的影响 .

8、the time and space can not be separated, but irrelative with substance; ─── 用一个时间与空间彼此不可分,但与物质存在无关的时空来描述运动;

9、Irrelative Analysis of Wind Shear in the Design of a Wind Turbine ─── 风剪切对风力机设计的无关性分析

10、Ground preparation Cleaning all the sundries in the construction field; Avoiding cross construction; Prohibiting all the irrelative from entrancing in. ─── 场地准备施工现场须清走所有杂物,最好避免交叉施工、禁止无关人员出入。

11、They aren't totally irrelative but correlative to each other, not fully independent from but combinative with each other, and tend to transformation between one and another under some circumstances. ─── 它们并非互不相干和孤立自存,而是内在关联和彼此融合,并且在某些情形下一者向另一者转化。

12、The critical value of these parameters and that of flow pattern criterion Reynolds number of Newtonian fluid are equally possessed of the character irrelative to fluid rheological property. ─── 这些参数的临界值与牛顿液体流态准数雷诺数的临界值,同样具有与液体流变性无关的特点。

13、Don't mention Mr.Shi, it's irrelative to making mistake. Be cautious for this Jian. ─── 史老先生的事情就不要提了,和走眼无关,呵呵此剑请慎重。

14、Solution for a Kind of Irrelative Path's Curvilinear Integral ─── 一类与路径无关的曲线积分的解

15、For the embedded coordinates of new data are irrelative to the embeddings of training sets, IATP is insensitive to noise. ─── 对于含噪声的数据,由于新样本的低维嵌入与训练集的低维坐标无关,基于拓朴保持的增量式算法对噪声不太敏感。

16、As a result, Lochak's argument that Bell's inequality is irrelative to locality is rediscovered. ─── 这样我们就重新发现了洛查克的论据:贝尔不等式与定域性原理无关。

17、when you spend your work time on irrelative stuffs, you'll find the preciousness of time. ─── 在投入工作无关事情的时候,时间过的比2中相对要快。

18、After Free-writing, you will find that there are a lot for you to write.What you need to do is to select the essential parts of your thoughts, and to erase the irrelative materials. ─── 写前尽量在大脑中酝酿材料,一边思索,一边记录下来,不考虑语法,逻辑是否合理,组织是否严密,只是把与题目有关的,涌现心头的笔端的想法一律记录下来。

19、irrelative component ─── 无关元件

20、(2) To reduce the irrelative local minima, morphological reconstruction is conducted; ─── (2)为减少梯度图像产生的无关局部最小区域,进行形态学灰值重建;

21、Everything else is irrelative. ─── 但立法会议员有没有要求政府提供多一些方案供市民考虑呢?

22、In fact, the local states are irrelative each other, therefore the combination of local state is not needed.The LRG can be constructed in parallel. ─── 这种方法对于规模较大的任务图Petri网系统可以分块研究,而任意两个模块Petri网的LRG所代表的状态又可以是并发存在的,所以可以并行生成各个LRG。

23、It is absurd for a subject to have two irrelative attentions simultaneously since unconscious workings are not memorized. ─── 显然物质模型无法模拟人的精神世界。

24、As a bearer of the global business, logistics suffered a heavy blow, and China's logistics certainly cannot be irrelative. ─── 物流业作为全球商贸的承载体遭受了沉重打击,而中国物流业当然不可能独善其身。

25、Developing into irrelative fields can then be considered in the future after the enterprise is further enlarged. ─── 在未来,企业更大以后,再考虑向非相关领域发展。

26、Results evaluation system of water shutoff and profile control has the feature of platform irrelative and strong flexibility, it can be run under UNIX and Windows operation system. ─── 堵水调剖效果评价系统具有平台无关性、灵活性强的特点,能够运行在UNIX和Windows操作系统下。

27、30 cases with wrong-writing characters (75%) found in 16 with similar tone,24 with similar shape,3 with similar meaning and 7 with irrelative character replacement; ─── 字词错写发生30例,发生率75%,表现为近音16例,近形24例、近义字3例和无关字代替7例。

28、The things that we said are irrelative. ─── 咱俩说的事根本不搭界。

29、The VA contents rose from east to west and i were irrelative with the tobacco planting altitude. ─── 挥发碱含量则从东往西升高,与烤烟种植的海拔高度变化的关系不明显。

30、Cleaning all the sundries in the construction field;Avoiding cross construction;Prohibiting all the irrelative from entrancing in. ─── 施工现场须清走所有杂物,最好避免交叉施工、禁止无关人员出入。

31、The equal chance doesn't mean that everyone has the same and doesn't have differences, but means that one doesn't get prejudice because of irrelative or futile factors. ─── 平等机会并不是要人人相同,没有区别,而是指每人并没有因为不关连或微不足道的因素而受到歧视。

32、The infection rate among HIV-infected patients' spouses is 5.71%, with a higher infection rate in non-experimental domain, irrelative to gender. ─── 感染者配偶HIV感染率为5.71%,非示范区较高,与其性别等因素无关。

33、The data disposed by this method can be irrelative to the time scales,and the detection and identification speed of the"dirty data"in a large volume of data is fast. ─── 该方法所处理的数据不需要与时间相关,且可以快速地识别、检测出大数据量中的"脏数据"。

34、Irrelative path ─── 路径无关

35、A nimbus and beauty irrelative with the appearance. ─── 一种与外表无关的灵气和美丽。

36、is irrelative to the official on high position. ─── 是说,“大门是原先来自高旳正式立场”。

37、Nowadays there are many different kinds of subjects or fields that seem irrelative while at a glance, yet indeed they are firmly connected with each other. ─── 同义改写题目,提出看似合理的理由,即一个领域的成就都离不开这个领域前人的研究;

38、The E-commerce Application Based on Fingerprint Identification Algorithm Irrelative Problem ─── 指纹识别算法无关性问题在电子商务应用中的研究

39、while the watermarks embedded in the video frames in the different GOP are irrelative. ─── 而不同GOP中的视频帧,嵌入的水印是彼此无关的。

40、As a result, Lochak's argument that Bell's inequality is irrelative to locality is rediscovered. ─── 这样我们就重新发现了洛查克的论据:贝尔不等式与定域性原理无关。

41、In the theory of neoclassical economics, sunk cost is the irrelative cost. ─── 在新古典经济学中,沉没成本是与决策不相关的。

42、When the communication environment alters, the application system need not to carry out any adjustment and implement that the application system is irrelative to communication environment. ─── 当通信环境发生变化时,应用系统无作任何调整,实现应用系统与通信环境的相对无关性。

43、However, there are a lot of linkages irrelative to topics, which lead to topic drift. ─── 然而存在着许多与主题无关的链接,造成了主题漂移。

44、The Application of Differential Equation of Second Order in the Irrelative Path's Curvilinear Integral ─── 二阶微分方程与路径无关的曲线积分的解

45、The grade of disc degeneration was signifcicantly correlated with the age(P0.05). ─── 椎间盘退变程度与年龄相关性非常显著(P0.05)。

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