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09-18 投稿


inaugurates 发音

英:[ɪˈnɔːɡjəreɪts]  美:[ɪˈnɔːɡjəreɪts]

英:  美:

inaugurates 中文意思翻译



inaugurates 反义词


inaugurates 同义词

introductory | primary | germinal | preliminary | initial | inaugural address | original | first | inauguration | initiatory | opening | initiative |maiden

inaugurates 词性/词形变化,inaugurates变形

名词: inaugurator |动词第三人称单数: inaugurates |动词过去式: inaugurated |动词过去分词: inaugurated |动词现在分词: inaugurating |

inaugurates 相似词语短语

1、inaugurating ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

2、inaurates ─── 不吉利

3、uninaugurated ─── 未预言的

4、inaugurator ─── n.开创者;举行就职典礼者

5、inaugurate ─── vt.创新;开辟;开创;举行开幕典礼;举行就职典礼

6、inaugurals ─── adj.开始的;开幕的;就任的,就职的;n.就职演讲;开幕辞

7、inauguration ─── n.就职典礼;开始,开创;开幕式

8、inaugurations ─── n.就职典礼;开始,开创;开幕式

9、inaugurated ─── v.开始;开幕(inaugurate的过去分词);使正式就任

inaugurates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Under the guidance of the perspective of "from bottom to up", Hill inaugurates a new research model of social history. ─── 而希尔等人正是以“自下而上”的历史观为指导,才开创出了新社会史这种全新的史学研究模式。

2、AT&T inaugurates the Teletypewriter Exchange Service (TWX) November 21. ─── 11月21日,AT&T举行用户电报业务开通典礼。

3、in fact, inaugurates an entirely new kind of philosophy. ─── 事实上开辟了全新的哲学类型。

4、Through the evolution mode of technology, the advance of image persistently inaugurates a novel look for the human-known terms of time and space. ─── 影像的发展由科技的演化模式可知,持续不断的为人们已知的时间观和空间观开创新的面貌。

5、This method also inaugurates a new approach for quick and precise carrying through number recognition with remaining high robustness of neural network. ─── 并且该方法在保留神经网络高鲁棒性的同时,为快速准确地进行数字识别开辟了新的途径。

6、the logical principle of structure arrangement and structural mechanics computation model of large-scale arc steel strobe are studied.It inaugurates a new approach to the design of arc strobe. ─── 探讨了人型弧形钢闸门合理的结构布置原则及结构力学计算模型,为弧形闸门的设计开辟了新的途径;

7、distemperedness of organization of villager committee, which inaugurates for clan force. ─── 村民委员会组织机构的不健全,为宗族势力的复活开辟了空间。

8、The spatial metadata standard of NREDIS was adopted to develop spatial metadata databases, which inaugurates a new era in developing spatial metadata database in the field of water resources. ─── 采用NREDIS信息共享元数据内容标准建立的空间元数据库,开创了我国水资源领域建立空间元数据管理系统的先河。

9、Reform and opening up freaks through the pan of the classic Marxist writers, Soviet Union and Chinese traditional socialist and inaugurates a development road with Chinese characteristics. ─── 改革开放突破了马克思主义经典作家设计的社会主义发展模式、苏联模式和自身的历史模式,开创了中国特色社会主义发展道路,实现了社会主义发展模式的新突破。

10、The appearance of the bluetooth technology without fail inaugurates a new channel for robot research’s development. ─── 蓝牙技术的出现,无疑为机器人发展开辟了一条崭新的通道。

11、It gives new powers to the prime minister and parliament and inaugurates a much-needed overhaul of the judiciary. ─── 它赋予了新的总理和议会的权力,并对司法机关进行急需的改革。

12、4. Afghanistan inaugurates its first popularly elected parliament in more than 3 decades, a major step toward democracy following the ouster of the hardline Taliban. ─── 阿富汗举行了近三十多年来的首次公众议会选举,这是自强硬路线的塔利班夺取政权以来迈向民主的重要一步.

13、The appearance of the bluetooth technology without fail inaugurates a new channel for robot research's development. ─── 蓝牙技术的出现,无疑为机器人发展开辟了一条崭新的通道。

14、AT &T inaugurates the Teletypewriter Exchange Service (TWX) November 21. ─── 11月21日,AT &T举行用户电报业务开通典礼。

15、The foundation of constitution inaugurates the new horizon for constructing social public adaptive revenue. ─── 摘要宪法的基础地位为构造我国社会主义公共财政相适应的税收理念提供了指导方针。

16、Saint-Gobain Winter Diamantwerkzeuge inaugurates the Technology Center for Abrasives Engineering, at Norderstedt, near Hamburg. ─── 圣戈班集团WinterDiamantwerkzeuge公司在德国汉堡附近的Norderstedt成立了磨料磨具工程技术中心。

17、In effect, Descartes inaugurates the initial bases of a science in which God has nothing to do. ─── 事实上,笛卡尔开展的这门科学的最初基础,跟上帝完全没有关系。

18、Especially, he has endowed Pop Art with epoch-making significance, and it inaugurates art's own philosophical self-consciousness so that art comes to an end. ─── 尤其是他赋予了波普艺术以划时代的意义,它开辟了艺术自身哲学化的自我意识,从而使艺术走向“终结”。

19、As a hotspot and a focus, the study on the relationship between Mao Zedong and Chinese traditional culture inaugurates a new domain. ─── 作为一个跨世纪的热点和焦点——“毛泽东与中国传统文化”的研究开辟了毛泽东研究的新领域。

20、The development of the social capital has broken the monopoly of the human capital to the lifelong education,which inaugurates a new realm to the education. ─── 西方社会资本理论的发展打破了传统人力资本对学习型社会的垄断地位,为教育开辟了新的领域。

21、It reflects the developmental actuality and the newest product for library.It also inaugurates a new way to the management of library.What's more it can guide us how to serve readers in library. ─── 它反映了当今图书馆的发展现状和最新成果,开辟了新的图书馆的管理,是图书馆寻求新的服务的指南。

22、Yuanpei Program inaugurates a new mechanism of major decision for Chinese college students.This article reports the result of major decisions of Yuanpei Program students,and make suggestions to Chi... ─── 一般来说,专业由学生自由选择,但是,专业选择的时间、机制以及各种约束条件不同,结果很不一样。

23、On Sunday the London Film Festival inaugurates the first Fido Awards, honouring the cinematic talents of this year's leading canines. ─── 星期天,伦敦电影节开创了首个Fido大奖,表彰今年担任主演的犬类电影明星。

24、Under the guidance of the perspective of "from bottom to up" , Hill inaugurates a new research model of social history. ─── 而希尔等人正是以“自下而上”的历史观为指导,才开创出了新社会史这种全新的史学研究模式。

25、Dec. 5, 2007: Hyundai Asan inaugurates regular day trip tours from Seoul to Kaesong. ─── 现代峨山所办理的首尔至开城定期短程旅游活动正式开始。

26、The United States inaugurates its President in January. ─── 美国于元月份为其总统举行就职仪式。

27、Already speculation is rife that the Clinton visit inaugurates the prospect of a change of course of American policy and of a bilateral U.S. ─── 已经有不少人猜测,克林顿的访问开创美国政策路线转变及美朝双边解决方案的前景。

28、Whereupon Sir Tarzan, bushman and scallywag no longer, augustly inaugurates his more empyreanavocations. ─── 于是,泰山先生再也不是那个丛林里的傻小子了,他有了更崇高的追求和爱好。

29、The influence of the society comes from running the journal jointly and distinctively and this inaugurates the mode of running journal and exerts the theoretical research function of group education. ─── 学会的影响力来自有特色的联合办刊,创新了办刊模式,发挥了集团教育的理论研究功能。

30、Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra Mastery : "The Harbourside Inaugurates the New Era of Hong Kong Philharmonic with Edo de Waart". ─── 田北俊与太座笑容一致。


inaugural 英[ɪˈnɔ:gjərəl] 美[ɪnˈɔɡjərəl] adj. 就职的,就任的; 创始的,最早的; n. 就职演说; 就职典礼; [网络] 就职; 开始的; 创始的; [例句]In his inaugural address, the President appealed for unity. 总统在他的就职演说中呼吁国家统一。 [其他] 复数:inaugurals


inaugural 英[ɪˈnɔ:gjərəl] 美[ɪnˈɔɡjərəl] adj. 就职的,就任的; 创始的,最早的; n. 就职演说; 就职典礼; 全部释义>>[例句]You pulled my hair during clinton's inaugural ball.在克林顿就职晚会上你扯了我的头发。

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