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09-19 投稿


incoming 发音

英:[ˈɪnkʌmɪŋ]  美:[ˈɪnkʌmɪŋ]

英:  美:

incoming 中文意思翻译




incoming 网络释义

adj. 进来的,到来的; 即将就任的n. 进入;到来;常作 incomings 收入,收益

incoming 短语词组

1、incoming event ─── [计] 外来事件

2、incoming beta signal ─── [计] 输入β信号, 输入开始指令信号

3、incoming access ─── [计] 入口通路

4、incoming borrow ─── [计] 输入借位

5、incoming frame ─── [计] 输入帧

6、incoming degree ─── [计] 入度

7、incoming circuit ─── [计] 输入电路

8、incoming correspondence ─── [经] 来信

9、incoming and outgoings ─── [经] 收支

10、incoming carrier ─── [计] 输入载波

11、incoming collection ─── [经] 外埠托收款项

12、incoming clearings ─── [经] 其他银行交换来的支票或汇票

13、incoming aggregate signal ─── [计] 输入集合信号, 入局集合信号

14、incoming call ─── [计] 呼入, 外来呼叫

15、incoming channel ─── [计] 输入通道, 输入信道

16、incoming flow ─── [化] 来流

17、incoming alpha signal ─── [计] 输入α信号, 输入停止指令信号

18、incoming current ─── [电] 来电流

19、incoming call barred ─── [计] 呼入受阻

incoming 常用词组

incoming inspection ─── 质量检验;进货检查;受入检查

incoming call ─── 来电;呼入

incoming data ─── 输入数据,引入数据

incoming 反义词


incoming 词性/词形变化,incoming变形


incoming 同义词

homeward bound | ingress | entrance | next | new | returning | entry | inward bound | inbound | succeeding |in | inward | entering

incoming 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A signal sent in response to a clear forward signal that indicates the circuit is free at the incoming end. ─── 为应答清除转发信号而发送的一种信号,用来表明该线路的输入端是空闲的。

2、Between the incoming breath and the outgoing breath is your center. ─── 在进来的气和出去的气之间是你的中心。

3、A private box for incoming mail. ─── 信箱私人用来接收信件的盒箱

4、The process of combining incoming messages into a single message. ─── 将输入的多个报文合并成一条报文的过程。参阅concentrator。

5、Main Loop: This construct is typical for iterating over the incoming data. ─── 主循环:这个结构是遍历输入数据的典型方法。

6、Either way, the incoming Fed chief will have to walk a fine line in slowly ending the stimulus. ─── 不管怎样,这位即将上任的美联储主席不得不小心翼翼地缓慢结束这一激励计划。

7、The incoming tide washed up cargo from the wrecked ship. ─── 上涨的潮水将失事船只上的货物冲到岸上。

8、Tasks from a work queue, like the incoming responses thread from our example. ─── 任务的线程,类似于我们的示例中的入站响应线程。

9、A customs officer who boards incoming ships at a harbor. ─── 在港口登上进港的船的海关官员

10、It is said that he has been designated as the incoming minister. ─── 听说他已内定为下一任部长。

11、In Systems Network Architecture(SNA),deprecated term for incoming,receiving. ─── 在系统网络体系结构(SNA)中,建议使用接收。

12、Level1- Gives4% chance to redirect incoming damage into the area near her. ─── 一级-有4%几率将伤害折射到她周围400范围的区域中去。

13、You will feel sweat pour from your forehead, as you jerk the ship to the side, weaving between the hail of destructive incoming lasers. ─── 你会觉得汗水倾诉从您的前额,正如你挺举该船的一边,织布,印染之间的冰雹的desructiveincomming激光器。

14、Sorry, the subscriber you dialed has set barring of incoming calls. ─── 您拨打的用户已设置呼入限制。

15、MUST HAVE screen display incoming caller ID ..... IT MUST like SE HBH-DS970. ─── 一定要有来电显示!加上来电显示就100分.外部设计也要好看哦!

16、No checking of expiry dates in incoming inspection or direct ship to stock. ─── 对来料时未有检查物料有效期,就直接进仓.

17、Show pages with no incoming hyperlinks. ─── 即使一个网页没有任何超链指向它,目录中也会把它列出来。

18、They claimed to have shot down one incoming missile. ─── 他们声称已经击落了一枚来袭的导弹。

19、Twenty incoming flights were stacked up overhead, and orbiting. ─── 仍然有二十架已经飞进来的班机积压在上空,在轨道上盘旋。

20、Our fax machine differentiates between an incoming fax signal and a voice call. ─── 我们的传真机能区分接收传真信号和语音信号。

21、Incoming: Users in the local domain can authenticate in the specified domain. ─── 传入: 本地域中的用户可以在指定域中进行身份验证。

22、Incoming requests can be routed to outgoing partner links. ─── 引入的请求能够路由到外部伙伴链接。

23、The server then calls the application upon receiving an incoming message. ─── 当服务器收到消息时,就会调用相应的应用;

24、Welcome the incoming telegram messenger, visit , condescend to inquire , order. ─── 并多次被市质量技术监督局授予“质量信得过单位”称号。

25、The incoming solar energy is shared by a thicker layer of water. ─── 入射的太阳能被较厚的水层吸收分散。

26、If this line are uncomment incoming traffic is permitted with. ─── 如果此线路未进行说明,进入的的信息被允许WITH

27、Adolescent girls from the first incoming tide began to have hormone fluctuations and a lack of iron, all affect sleep. ─── 青春期女孩从第一来潮开始就有荷尔蒙的起伏和铁的缺乏,都影响睡眠。

28、How does AFK manage incoming funds? ─── 我们的资金分配情况如何?

29、Dedicated incoming SMS can be automatically filtered as pager message. ─── 专责接收到的SMS可以自动过滤掉,因为传呼机的讯息。

30、Sorry, the incoming call of the striver you dialed is fired. ─── 对不起.您拨的用户已被限制呼入.

31、Our server is now awaiting incoming client INS requests. ─── 我们的服务器现在正在等待传入客户机INS请求。

32、But Why should You serve under alien kings blind for incoming danger? ─── 但是,为什么你应该下服务外来国王盲目传入的危险?

33、Another example of the attitude toward these incoming men is the honor system. ─── 怎么对待这些进来的男人的另一个例子是一个诚实系统。

34、We have manufactured model MRC incoming coal sampler used on railway train and model QRC used on truck. ─── 我厂已研制出门式、桥式、回转悬臂式等形式的入厂煤采样机。

35、Incoming packets are saved to a temporary memory area or buffer in memory. ─── 传入分组保存到临时内存区或内存缓冲区中。

36、Data buffer for incoming data. ─── 传入数据缓冲。

37、"Incoming: Users in this domain can authenticate in the other domain. ─── "传入: 此域中的用户可以在其它域中身份验证。

38、To respond to an incoming telephone call by placing a telephone device in the"off-hook" state. ─── 将电话设备置于“摘机”状态而对到来的电话呼叫进行响应。

39、The client is waiting for an incoming call from the remote access server. ─── 客户端正在等待来自远程访问服务器的呼叫。

40、The subscriber you dialed has set embarring on incoming calls. ─── 你好,你所拨打的号码是空号,请核对后再拨。

41、Including incoming circuit breakers, outgoing switches etc. ─── 包括进线断路器、输出线路开关等。

42、Incoming flights land on this side of the airport. ─── 入境的飞机停在机场这一边。

43、Does the incoming have good test and inspection coverage? ─── 对来料的检验覆盖率是否高?

44、The usual bottleneck in a conventional router is the relentless next-hop route table lookup for the constant stream of incoming packets. ─── 常规路由器中常见的瓶颈就是为不断送来的恒定的包流紧张地查找下一跳跃的路由表。

45、If this line is uncomment incoming traffic is permit with. ─── 如果此线路未进行说明 ,进入的的信息被允许 WITH。

46、You must keep track of all incoming money. ─── 你们一定要记录所有的收入。

47、I don't know how to set up an incoming connection. ─── 我不知道如何建立传入连接。

48、An incoming train clanked heavily above his head, coach after coach. ─── 入站的列车在他的头顶上沉重地响着,车厢一节接着一节。

49、Place USAID logo stickers on all incoming relief supplies containers. ─── 在所有救援物资的容器上贴上美国国际开发署的标签.

50、Feedback incoming material issue to QC to improve incoming material quality. ─── 发来料不良的信息给QC,以提高来料的质量。

51、Urge to quality improvement for incoming goods. ─── 促进进货产品质量提高。

52、They tend to happen because of the air incoming into the storm as well as a little bit of friction, Kyra. ─── 发生这种情况可能是因为气流进入风暴,同时还有少量摩擦。

53、The stockroom used kits from bins that incoming inspection filled. ─── 仓库使用工具箱引入检查。

54、The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incomingfriendly fire. ─── 当你防守严密到敌人攻不进来时,那往往你自己也打出不去。

55、The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire in incoming friendly. ─── 唯一比敌人火力还精确的事友军打过来的炮火。

56、Incoming diskettes shall be scanned for viruses before they are read. ─── 外来磁盘在读取前须经过病毒扫描。

57、Incoming Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel agrees. ─── 即将上任的奥巴马参谋长伊曼纽尔对此表示同意。

58、Receive the incoming letters, newspapers and journals. ─── 公司信件及报刊的签收工作。

59、All incoming passengers for baggage and belongings to check one by one. ─── 对于所有入境旅客的行李及随身物品要挨个检查。

60、A: How many incoming messages do you have? ─── 你有几条电话留言啊?

61、Also on her agenda, including incoming Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. ─── 她还将会见即将上任的总理内塔尼亚胡。

62、If you directly face a door you may be overpowered by the incoming Chi. ─── 如果你直接面对大门,你会压倒来袭智。

63、On the verge of the new semester, both universities and incoming freshmen are trying to make independence the priority. ─── 新学期伊始,各大高校和大一新生们都试图将自力更生放在首位。

64、Declare message objects to hold the incoming messages. ─── 声明消息对象以保存进来的消息。

65、In communications, pertaining to the state in which a transmission control unit can accept incoming calls on a line. ─── 在通信中,修饰或说明传输控制器的一种状态,在此状态下可接受线路上的输入呼叫。

66、The ripe wheat undulated in the breeze like the incoming tide. ─── 成熟的小麦象潮水般随风起伏。

67、Keeping a strict account of all our incoming and outgoing is not easy. ─── 严格记录我们所有的进出账目不是件容易的事情。

68、Scripts are constantly rewritten to blend well with incoming pictures. ─── 广播稿不断地经过修改,以便同接着送来的图像很好地融合在一起。

69、We finished the incoming inspection of the goods of our order . ─── 我们对定单上的货物已经完成了到来的检验.

70、In Systems Network Architecture(SNA), deprecated term for incoming, receiving. ─── 在系统网络体系结构(sna)中,建议使用incoming。

71、In the Incoming mail server (IMAP) box, type the name of your IMAP4 server. ─── 在“接收邮件服务器(IMAP)”框中,键入您的IMAP4服务器的名称。

72、It will continue to assess the economic outlook in light of incoming information and is prepared to employ these tools as appropriate. ─── FOMC将继续根据未来相关信息对经济前景进行评估,并随时准备在适当情况下使用这些工具。

73、If this line are uncomment,incoming traffic is permitted with. ─── 如果此线路未进行说明,进入的信息是被允许的。

74、Most push products require a client element of some sort-software to catch the incoming packets of data and delivery instructions and process them. ─── 多数推送产品需要某种类型的客户端部件,即能捕获输入的数据包和交付指令、并处理它们的软件。

75、Once he detects the incoming blow, Blauer readies his arms (1). ─── 一旦他发现将至的打击,布莱尔双臂做好准备(1)。

76、In contiguous selection, however, the incoming data always replaces the currently selected data. ─── 但在连续选择中,输入的数据总是会替换当前选中数据。

77、We usually yell heads up to warn others of an incoming ball. ─── 我们通常吆喝着警告其他人有球传入。

78、"Luminous, monks, is the mind. And it is defiled by incoming defilements. ─── “清净的,明亮的,僧侣们,是心.而它不被所来的污染给沾污”

79、This volume setting control how loud the system will sound the incoming call ring when auto answer is turn off. ─── 当系统的自动应答功能被关掉时,铃声控制系统接收来电时振铃的音量大小。

80、We keep a tape of incoming calls. ─── 我们保留打进电话的录音磁带。

81、Why the incoming President's advance exhortation in favor of the decision? ─── 爲什麽当选总统要提前对服从裁决提出劝告?

82、How to handing incoming leads and procedure of it? ─── 如何操作收到的会议及宴会线索,程序是什么?

83、Backlash Deals 50% of the next incoming damage attack back to your opponent. ─── 对目标制造50%下次自己遭受的伤害。

84、To store up the incoming text. ─── 它会存储传入的文本。

85、A teammate cannot leave the platform before an incoming swimmer has touched the end wall. ─── 当一个选手还未触及端壁时,下一个队友不得从出发台出发。

86、And outgoing and incoming correspondence is kept in the file. ─── 发出和收到的信函都存在那个档案里了

87、You interpret the meaning of incoming sensory information. ─── 你来解析接受到的感关信息的意义。

88、Welcome the general customers to attempt, the incoming sample or to kiss to this company chooses the version custom make! ! ─── 欢迎广大客户来图、来样或亲到本公司选版定做!!

89、Will read the first enqueued datagram available in the incoming network buffer. ─── 将读取传入网络缓冲区中第一个排队的可用数据报。

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