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09-19 投稿


introductive 发音


英:  美:

introductive 中文意思翻译



introductive 短语词组

1、introductive bias ─── 介绍性偏倚

2、introductive crossing ─── [医]导入杂交,引入杂交

3、introductive method ─── 介绍方法

4、introductive words ─── 介绍词

5、introductive speech ─── 返老还童

introductive 相似词语短语

1、introspective ─── adj.内省的;反省的

2、introductions ─── n.说明,介绍;引入

3、introduction ─── n.介绍;引进;采用;入门;传入

4、inductive ─── adj.[数]归纳的;[电]感应的;诱导的

5、nonproductive ─── adj.非生产性的;对生产无直接关系的

6、instructive ─── adj.有益的;教育性的

7、unproductive ─── adj.非生产性的;徒劳的;不毛的;不生产的

8、interdictive ─── 阻截

9、introjective ─── 内投射

introductive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Meanwhile, the introductive effects of book records and detail instructions of version records in his book can be referenced by later people. ─── 同时,它在图书著录上的导读作用以及版本著录上的详细说明,对后世乃至今天都有借鉴意义。

2、Introductive words should be purposeful,inductive,feeling-passing,amusing,pertinent and recapitulative. ─── 导语应具有目的性、诱导性、传情性、趣味性、针对性和概括性等特点。

3、One, introductive 20 centuries 30 time are German the aggregate reaction that discovered ester of different cyanic acid and lively hydrogen compound, initiated polyurethane industry times thereby. ─── 一、前言二十世纪30年代德国人发现了异氰酸酯与活泼氢化合物的聚合反应,从而开创了聚氨酯工业时代。

4、One, the characteristic of process of introductive agriculture production, biologic nature reproduction and economic reproduction interweave together each other. ─── 一、前言农业生产过程的特点,是生物的自然再生产与经济再生产相互交织在一起的。

5、One, introductive coke is in the action in blast furnace is well-known. ─── 一、前言焦炭在高炉中的作用是众所周知的。

6、Chapter 5s are introductive is use the process in should notice of problem do to elaborate, be the customer should accept in register process of service item. ─── 第5章介绍的是使用过程中应该注意的问题做以阐述,就是用户在注册过程中应该接受的服务条款。

7、One, bureau of aquatic product of introductive Hubei province will be started formally 1995 use world bank to borrow money " small-sized and laky punish " piscatorial subproject. ─── 一、前言湖北省水产局一九九五年将正式启动利用世界银行贷款“小型湖泊整治”渔业子项目。

8、Allow me to introduct Professor Linda Ferguson of Harvard University. ─── 请允许我介绍一下来自哈佛大学的琳达弗格逊教授。

9、The author has tried an introductive design to form the Distributed Educational Resource Integration System, and mark out its logical structure. ─── 最后,本人提出了构建“分布式教育资源整合系统”的目标。

10、introductive crossing ─── 导入杂交, 引入杂交

11、The introductive words we often see are intergradation, topic-explaining, suspense, and intuition, etc. ─── 常见的导语有过渡式、解题式、悬念式、直观式等。

12、First Let me introduct myself. I'm Peter White, production manager. ─── 先让我来自我介绍一下。我叫彼得怀特,是生产主管。

13、Introductive 20 centuries 80 time second half period later, the industrialization of Thailand had striking progress, subsequently, thailand society also happened very big fluctuant. ─── 前 言 20世纪80年代后半期以后,泰国的产业化有了显著的进展,随之,泰国社会也发生了很大的变动。

14、Introductive words should be purposeful, inductive, feeling passing, amusing, pertinent and recapitulative. ─── 摘要导语应具有目的性、诱导性、传情性、趣味性、针对性和概括性等特点。

15、Beginning exploration of a teaching method called "inspiring and introductive discussion" ─── “启导讨论式”教学法初探

16、However, philosophy has in common with theology, the realism.There are today tentatives to unify theology with philosophy.The philosophy is the introductive part and theology is the conclusive part. ─── 今天人们尝试着将神学和生存主义哲学联合起来,其中序言部分是哲学,结论性部分是神学。

17、Service category, such as consultative information service, competitive information and introductive contents etc. ─── 包括参照性信息服务、竞技性信息和知识性内容等。

18、Application to hold press conferences and news releases should be at least 30 days in advance, and introductive documents about the brand, designer and the company are required. ─── 举办媒体招待会或新闻发布会至少应提前30天向中国国际时装周组委会申报登记,并提供品牌、设计师及发布机构的相关资料。

19、Introductive mainly introduces the background, research topics of the meaning and the use of the main research method, etc. ─── 前言主要介绍了选题的背景、研究的意义及本文所使用的主要研究方法等内容。

20、The text introductive situation that Bengang adopt process route of produce combine between BOF and special rolling for development 9260 square steel for 155 shell. ─── 本文介绍了本钢采用普特结合生产工艺路线研制开发155弹用9260方钢的情况。

21、Introductive since application of plan part chance wait for a domain at office, design and project in, output becomes inevitable issue. ─── 前言 自从计处机应用于办公、设计和工程等领域里,输出就成为不可避免的问题。

22、Effect of Climatic Conditions on Introductive Planting of European Cherry in Shanxi Province ─── 气象条件对陕西宝鸡市引种栽培欧洲樱桃的影响

23、Chapter 5s are introductive is use the process in should notice of problem do to elaborate, be the customer should accept in register process of service item. ─── 第5章介绍的是使用过程中应该注意的问题做以阐述,就是用户在注册过程中应该接受的服务条款。

24、The Reflection and Practice of Introductive Teaching Pattern in Mathematics Teaching ─── 数学教学中关于归纳式教学模式的思考与实践

25、Introductive: This year the beginning of the year, president of Cui Qingyi of model worker of the founder of group of leather of Henan shoe city, whole nation dies due to illness. ─── 前言: 今年年初,河南鞋城皮革集团的缔造者、全国劳动模范崔庆义董事长因病去世。

26、Comprehensive Introductive Study on Data Mining ─── 数据挖掘技术的理论及应用

27、Industry of 1 introductive spin is the traditional industry of our country. ─── 1 前言纺织行业是我国的传统产业。

28、Introductive Discussion on the Comparative Study between Mongolian Medicine and Chinese Medicine ─── 蒙医学和中医学比较研究引论

29、One, introductive 2002 is our country joins jian hou mian of World Trade Organization one year, it is reform a year when develop a key, also be transformer industry a year when develop quickly. ─── 一、前言 2002年是我国加入世界贸易组织后头一年,是改革发展关键的一年,也是变压器行业迅速发展的一年。

30、Beginning exploration of a teaching method called "inspiring and introductive discussion" ─── "启导讨论式"教学法初探

31、CHN3G.CN is the first introductive website in the field of 3G, which is always devote to provide complete and professional information of 3G and latest electronic commerce service. ─── 3G通信网(CHN3G.CN)是中国3G领域首家门户网站,始终致力于为用户提供全面、专业的3G资讯和全新电子商务的体验式服务。

32、Service category, such as consultative information service, competitive information and introductive contents etc. ─── 服务类。包括参照性信息服务、竞技性信息和知识性内容等。

33、One, paint of introductive SBS spray, it is a kind of new-style coating. ─── 一、前言 SBS喷涂料,是一种新型涂料。

34、Investigation and Thoughts on Olive Tree's Introductive Cultivation and Development in Sichuan Province ─── 四川油橄榄引种栽培及发展的调研与思考


36、As for me, I like to see movies very much. I think every good film is a creative product of mankind. They are useful and introductive as well as entertaining. ─── 对于我来说,我非常喜欢看电影。我认为每一部好的电影都是人类创造性的产物。它们和娱乐一样都是有用的并具有指导性。

37、After choosing a reference book, want to see the introductive share that delivers a letter first. ─── 选择好一套参考书后,先要看一下书的前言部分。

38、The cardinal introductive contents in website have a brief about my work on medicinal plants, insects and mites; ─── 网站主要内容有:关于医学植物,昆虫和小虫的工作摘要;

39、Introductive in recent years, the production of mould pressing bottom outside the mould pressing method besides the tradition, begin very use widely note press craft. ─── 前言近年来,模压底的生产除了传统的模压方法外,开始极为广泛地采用注压工艺。

40、Can you write something introductive about the natural beauty of our hometown? ─── 你能否写点东西介绍一下我们家乡的自然美景呢?

41、Poisonous and harmful material has caused the close attention of world each country in material of 1 introductive shoe. ─── 1前言鞋材中有毒有害物质已经引起世界各国的密切关注。

42、Conclusion: The exact orientation of intraocular eyewinker is a introductive worthy to extirpate eyewinker befo. . . ─── 结论:术前眼球异物的准确定位对及时摘除异物有重要的指导价值。

43、Can you write something introductive about the natural beauty of our hometown? ─── 你能否写点东西介绍一下我们家乡的自然美景呢?

44、Introductive cultivation ─── 引种栽培

45、Introductive mainly introduces the present situation and problems of Internet addiction. ─── 前言主要介绍当前网瘾问题的现状与危害。

46、introductive : draw up the theme of the participant of social practice , practice , time , ground is nodded. ─── 前言:写出社会实践的参加者、实践的主题、时间、地点。

47、Finally, given the example which used the introductive technique method by the cadastral alteration subsystem of the urban and rural integrative cadastral management system of JiangSu province. ─── 最后,文章通过对江苏省城乡一体化地籍管理应用系统地籍变更子系统的介绍,给出了本文所论述技术方法的应用实例。

48、Conclusion:The exact orientation of intraocular eyewinker is a introductive worthy to extripate eyewinker befo... ─── 结论:术前眼球异物的准确定位对及时摘除异物有重要的指导价值。

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