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09-19 投稿


Laconia 中文意思翻译



Laconia 短语词组

1、laconia nh ─── 拉科尼亚nh

Laconia 相似词语短语

1、laconism ─── n.简洁;简洁之语句

2、laconic ─── adj.简洁的,简明的

3、laciniae ─── 漆树科

4、Laconia ─── n.拉科尼亚(希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛东南部分的区域)

5、Baconian ─── adj.培根的,培根哲学的;归纳的,归纳法的;n.信仰培根哲学的人,培根主义者;认为莎士比亚戏剧实为培根所著的人

6、lacinia ─── n.内颚叶;[植]条裂;内叶;(胸)叉丝

7、laconical ─── 简明的;简洁的;说话简短的;精练的

8、Laconian ─── n.拉哥尼亚人;拉哥尼亚方言;adj.拉哥尼亚人的;拉哥尼亚方言的

9、Slavonia ─── n.斯拉沃尼亚(南斯拉夫北部一旧地区名称)

Laconia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Captain Benwick had some time ago been first lieutenant of the Laconia; ─── 本威克中校以前曾在“拉科尼亚号”上当过上尉。

2、The girls were now hunting for the Laconia. ─── 女孩们眼下正在查找“拉科尼亚号。”

3、The name of their land was Laconia and so they were sometimes called Lacons. ─── 因其居住地叫拉哥尼亚,所以有时候他们被称为拉哥人。

4、of the area in which they lived was Laconia, and so they were also called Lacons. ─── 他们居住的地方叫拉科尼亚,所以他们又被称为拉科人。

5、Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia,saying,"If I go down into your country,I will level your great city to the ground." ─── 随后他发了一封信给拉科尼亚的斯巴达人,信中说:"如果我踏上你们的国土,我将把你们雄伟的城市夷为平地。"

6、The name of the area in which they lived was Laconia,and so they were also called Lacons. ─── 他们居住的地方叫拉科尼亚,所以他们又被称为拉科人。

7、Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia, and said, "If I go down into your country, I will level your great city to the ground. ─── 后来,他派人给斯巴达人送去了一封信,傲慢地说:“如果我踏进你们的王国,那么你们的王国就将被我夷为平地。”

8、The fact is,we not only don't walk anywhere in this country,we won't walk anywhere ,either.and woe to anyone who tries to make us,as the city of Laconia,N. ─── 这是描述美国人以车代步的现状的文章的一部分。

9、Greek, probably made in Laconia, 6th century BC, found in Prizren, Kosovo (formerly Yugoslavia ─── 古希腊作品,可能制作于拉科尼亚,公元前6世纪,发现于科索沃(前南斯拉夫)的普里兹伦

10、The Cyclades Islands, and the Prefectures of Laconia and Xanthi will be the honored Greek regions at the exhibition. ─── 基克拉底群岛,和拉哥尼亚和克桑西辖区将会成为此次展会的希腊主宾区。

11、Ancient Greek city-state, capital of Laconia and chief city of the Peloponnese. ─── 古希腊城邦,拉科尼亚(Laconia)地区首府,伯罗奔尼撒主要城市。

12、The name of their land was Laconia, and so they were sometimes called Lacons. ─── 这个地方叫拉科尼亚。因此,有时候他们被称为拉科人。

13、Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia, saying,"If I go down into your country, I will level your great city to the ground. ─── 这时菲利普国王送了一封信给拉科尼亚的斯巴达人,信中说:“如果我进入你们的国土,我要把你们这座巨大的城堡夷为平地。”

14、Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia,and said,“If I godown into your country,I will level your great city to theground. ─── 后来,他给拉科尼亚的斯巴达人送去了一封信。信上说,“假如我开进你们的国家,我要把你们这座大城市夷为平地。”

15、Then he sent a letter to the Spantans in Laconia, and said, “If I go down into your country, I will level your great city to the ground. ─── 后来,他给哥拉尼亚的斯巴达人送去了一封信。信上说,“假如我到达你们的区域,我将把你们这座大城邦夷为平地。”

16、Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia, and said, "If I godown into your country, I will level your great city to the ground. " ─── 后来,他给拉科尼亚的斯巴达人送去了一封信。信上说,“假如我开进你们的国家,我要把你们这座大城市夷为平地。”

17、Then he sent a letter to the Spartans in Laconia, saying, “If I go down into your country, I will level your great city to the ground.” In a few days, an answer was brought back to him. ─── 最后,菲利普给拉科尼亚人下了一封战书,说:“我进兵之日,便是你们的都城斯巴达夷为平地之时。”

18、The name of the area in which they lived was Laconia, and so they were also called Lacons. ─── 他们居住的地方叫拉科尼亚,所以他们又被称为拉科人。

19、The girls were now hunting for the Laconia. ─── 女孩们眼下正在查找“拉科尼亚号. ”

20、The Cyclades Islands, and the Prefectures of Laconia and Xanthi will be the honored Greek regions at the exhibition. ─── 基克拉底群岛,和拉哥尼亚和克桑西辖区将会成为此次展会的希腊主宾区。

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