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09-19 投稿


leitmotif 发音


英:  美:

leitmotif 中文意思翻译



leitmotif 网络释义

n. 主乐调;主题;主旨

leitmotif 短语词组

1、leitmotif synosis ─── 主旋律滑膜

2、leitmotif music ─── 主旋律音乐

leitmotif 词性/词形变化,leitmotif变形


leitmotif 相似词语短语

1、leitmotiv ─── n.中心思想,主旨

2、lost motion ─── [机]空动;失位;空转;无效运动

3、Demotic ─── adj.通俗的,民众的

4、phimotic ─── phimotic的

5、leitmotifs ─── 主乐调,乐旨(leitmotif的名词复数)

6、motif ─── n.主题;主旨;图形;意念;基序,模体

7、leitmotivs ─── n.中心思想,主旨

8、electromotive ─── adj.电动的;电动势的;n.电动火车头

9、chemiosmotic ─── adj.化学渗透假说的

leitmotif 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、5.The bludgeoning and bloody leitmotif is packaged in the perky, cheery musical form as contrast and juxtaposition. ─── 同时以浊水溪公社的音乐、陈梅毛的诗与其一贯擅长的通俗肥皂剧桥段为主要成分,营造一个流动诗意的音乐作品。

2、The giant sucking sound emanating from the South and West, another leitmotif of American demographics, continues unmuffled. ─── 南方和西部各州所流出的巨大的“吸奶声”,是美国人口特征的一曲主旋律,这一旋律依旧强劲。

3、Zhang makes the chrysanthemum the film's visual leitmotif, ─── 于是张艺谋把菊花作为影片的视觉主题,

4、Contempt for lawyers who object to their criminal-justice policies has been a leitmotif for Labour home secretaries. ─── 蔑视那些反对其制裁罪恶政策的律师成为工党内政大臣们的主旨。

5、A leitmotif of the Valdai discussions was how Russia should deal with its troubled history. ─── 瓦尔代讨论的议题之一是,如何面对俄罗斯坎坷的历史。

6、But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over-shadowed through the lack of a good self-education. ─── 这是他最初的主题被无望的遮蔽,只因他缺少自我教育。

7、site design by leitmotif . ─── 网站设计的主题 。

8、Is it going too far to suggest that, until very recently, the leitmotif of human history had been misery? ─── 一直以来,人类历史的主旋律就是痛苦,这样说会不会太过分?

9、Under all the complications of verbiage, haven't they all had a single leitmotif: sacrifice, renunciation, self-denial? ─── 在所有的错综复杂的冗长的措辞后面,它们不是有一个共同反复的主题——牺牲、自制和自我否定吗?

10、title of one of Dietrich's best-known songs could serve as the leitmotif for her life. ─── 迪特里希的一生可用她的一首名曲的标题来概括。

11、But in many other places, too, Muslim grievance has been yoked to a broader anti-capitalist or anti-globalist movement whose leitmotif is loathing of the Bush administration and all its works. ─── 同样在其他地方,穆斯林的不满情绪亦开始与反资本主义或反全球化运动发生化学反应,这些运动的共同标签就是“憎恨布什政府及其所作所为”。

12、Amid the drums of war Iran, too, has been sounding a quieter leitmotif of compromise. ─── 在伊朗战争的战鼓隆隆声中也可以听到更安静的妥协乐章。

13、Zhang makes the chrysanthemum the film's visual leitmotif. ─── 张艺谋将菊花作为了这部电影的视觉主旋律。

14、It can best be understood as a leitmotif of human history. ─── 我们完全可以将全球化阐释为人类历史的主旋律。

15、Maybe greater inequality in pay is an unavoidable megatrend, a leitmotif for the 21st century. ─── 也许薪酬差距进一步扩大是一场不可避免的大潮,是21世纪主乐调。

16、The presupposition of the "China threat" leitmotif is precisely China's capacity to influence on a massive scale our world system, but it is also assuming that this impact will be negative. ─── 持有“中国威胁论”观点的人认为,中国将大规模地影响世界体系,而且多属负面的。

17、The treatment suites are embellished with heritage frescos evocative of the sensuous and romantic Rajasthani Royal leitmotif. ─── 按摩套房的墙壁上绘有传统的壁画,给人以视觉上的美感和浪漫的拉加斯坦皇室高贵的氛围。

18、It is the leitmotif of the building, combining a variety of functions: starting with the swimming pool to the living room with a fireplace and then to the bedroom upstairs. ─── 同时圈梁的位置也是房子功能布置的流线:从游泳池开始,到达有一个壁炉的客厅,再到达楼上的卧室。

19、Nostalgia for the Soviet empire has long been the leitmotif of Russia’s ideology. ─── 长久以来,对于苏维埃帝国的怀念一直是俄罗斯意识形态的主流。

20、He has made "broken Britain" a leitmotif in the run-up to the general election due by June 3rd. ─── 他把*“破碎英国”*(注3)作为定于6月3日举行的大选的主题。

21、This last event, which almost concludes the book, is its leitmotif. ─── 而这最后一次正是本书的主旨所在。

22、leitmotif of the disaster is cars. ─── 灾后四处可见的是车辆。

23、But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over-showed through the lack of a good self-education. ─── 否则,常人将以体面的运动和进程走向既定的终点。

24、However, because the selection of topics is so random, the book lacks a predominant leitmotif that advances a specific hypothesis or concept. ─── 不过,因为题目的选择如此随便,书缺乏提出一个具体的假说或者概念的一个显著的主旋律。

25、"The way of true love never works out, except at the end of an English novel, " wrote Anthony Trollope, quoted as leitmotif by Mr Eugenides. ─── 安东尼•特罗洛普写道,“英国小说除非到了结尾,否则真爱无解。”奥金尼德斯将这句话引为主题。

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