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09-19 投稿


infinitesimally 发音

英:[ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtesɪməli]  美:[ˌɪnfɪnɪˈtesɪməli]

英:  美:

infinitesimally 中文意思翻译



infinitesimally 短语词组

1、infinitesimally small ─── 无穷小

2、infinitesimally rigid ─── 无穷小刚性

infinitesimally 相似词语短语

1、infinitivally ─── 无限

2、infinitesimal ─── adj.无穷小的;无限小的;极小的;n.无限小;极微量;极小量

3、infinitesimalness ─── 无穷小

4、infinitesimality ─── 无穷大

5、infinitely ─── adv.无限地;极其

6、infinitival ─── adj.不定词的

7、infinitesimals ─── adj.无穷小的;无限小的;极小的;n.无限小;极微量;极小量

8、centesimally ─── 百分百

9、infinitesimal calculi ─── 无穷小结石

infinitesimally 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abbreviations made up just 2.4 percent of the vocabulary of IM conversations, which the researchers describe as an "infinitesimally small" proportion. ─── 缩略语作出仅为2.4 %的词汇的IM会话,其中研究人员形容为一个“无穷小”的比例。

2、I believe that death may be the most important part of life.I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity. ─── 虽然我不得不减少自己的医务工作量,但我感到与病人的心靠得更近。

3、In the great plan of the many worlds, the parallel selves of one person becomes an infinitesimally small part of the multiverse.A personal co-ordination cannot save the world from change. ─── 在许多世界的伟大计划,个人平行体成为多重宇宙的一个无穷小的部分.个人协调可能无法拯救世界.

4、How did the universe blossom from an infinitesimally small speck to astronomical proportions in its first trillionth second of existence? ─── 宇宙是怎样在最初的一万亿分之一秒内从一个无限小的点膨胀成天文学尺度的呢?

5、I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity. ─── 我相信一旦跟永恒所具有的那种广博深厚联系起来,人生只不过是极其短暂的一瞬。

6、Meanwhile we present a kind of convex surfaces which are of infinitesimally nonrigidity and global nonrigidity. ─── 其次,我们讨论一类退化椭圆方程的解的正则性:解的解析性的证明。

7、The standard explanation is that we are measuring a geological event in real time on a ridiculously infinitesimally small time span, so what do we expect? ─── 关于这种现象,标准的解释是我们现在其实是在用一个短得有点荒谬的极小的时间跨度来衡量一个发生在漫长地质时间中的事件,那么,我们还能指望看见什么?

8、And when you add space to that equation, it is infinitesimally small. ─── 当你加上无限的空间到那个等式,它是极其小的。

9、All standard measurements seem to have been infinitesimally affected. ─── 所有的测试似乎受到了微量的影响。”

10、All standard measurements seem to have been infinitesimally affected. ─── 所有的测试似乎受到了微量的影响。

11、” He acknowledged the possibility that their achievement could have been the result of luck, but he saw the probability of that being infinitesimally small. ─── 我承认他们的成就也许是运气,但运气的成分是很小的。

12、I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity. ─── 我认为,与死后那慢长的永生相比,人生是极其短暂的。

13、The radiation leak had been infinitesimally small. ─── 泄漏的放射物几近于零。

14、So, the probability that the whole city burns down is infinitesimally small, right? ─── 这样的假设下,整个城市都被烧掉的概率,是非常非常小的

15、It is no more difficult to attract, on a scientific level, something that we consider huge, to something that we consider infinitesimally small. ─── 从科学的角度来说,吸引一个我们认为"很大"的事物,并不比吸引一个我们认为非常小的东西更难.

16、infinitesimally small upper limit ─── 无穷小上限

17、infinitesimally small ─── 无限小

18、Infinitesimally Stable Unfolding of Equivariant Bifurcation Problems ─── 等变分歧问题的无穷小稳定开拓

19、The odds of this patient falling into that category were infinitesimally small. ─── 这名病人属于这一类的机率是无穷的小。

20、The Infinitesimally Stability of Unfolding of Multiparameter Equivariant Bifurcation Problems ─── 多参数等变分歧问题的开折的无穷小稳定性

21、Simulations on High-Concentration Effects of Transmission Fluctuation Spectrometry with Temporal Correlation with Infinitesimally Thin Beam ─── 无限细光束中透射起伏时间相关频谱法高浓度效应的模拟

22、So the odds that all five members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors would be Jewish are infinitesimally small. ─── 所以所有5名“联邦储备理事会”成员会全部是犹太人的怪事的几率是极小的。

23、The next time you lurch towards the toilet-roll holder, will you choose to use a few sheets fewer to reduce your carbon footprint, no matter how infinitesimally small the saving might be? ─── 下一回,你成了厕纸“吝啬儿”,你会选择使用更少碳排放的厕纸,无论这个减少有多么小?

24、another infinitesimally different set of interests has to be assimilated. ─── 又一套不同的利益必须得到顾及。

25、The odds of this patient falling into that category were infinitesimally small. ─── 这名病人属于这一类的机率是无穷的小。

26、To something that we consider infinitesimally small. ─── 比吸引一个我们认为非常小的东西更难。

27、Superreal and surreal numbers extend the real numbers by adding infinitesimally small numbers and infinitely large numbers, but still form fields. ─── 不严谨地说,实数可以和一连续的直线视为同一事物。所有的有理数都是实数,同样地,实数一样可以分成正数、零和负数。

28、Prissy quickened her gait infinitesimally and Scarlett went back into the house. ─── 百里茜这才稍稍加快了脚步,思嘉也回到屋里来。

29、That may not seem like much, especially given the proton's infinitesimally tiny size. ─── 这也许并不起眼,尤其是考虑到质子极小的尺寸。

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