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09-19 投稿


swede 发音

英:[swiːd]  美:[swiːd]

英:  美:

swede 中文意思翻译



swede 网络释义

n. 瑞典人;瑞典甘蓝

swede 词性/词形变化,swede变形


swede 相似词语短语

1、swedes ─── n.瑞典人(Swede的复数)

2、sweven ─── 幻想;梦想;睡眠

3、swerve ─── vi.转弯;突然转向;背离;vt.使转弯;使突然转向;使背离;n.转向;偏离的程度

4、-pede ─── n.(Pede)人名;(意)佩德

5、suede ─── n.小山羊皮;vt.使织物起绒面;vi.起绒面;adj.软羔皮制的;仿麂皮织物制的

6、swedgers ─── 瑞典人

7、swedger ─── 斯威杰

8、Swede ─── n.瑞典人;瑞典甘蓝

9、swee ─── n.(Swee)(美、新、马、英、瑞)水(人名)

swede 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Swede was not a regular starter but was pivotal in United's wresting back of the title after four barren years. ─── “我不会让他每周都能上场,我只能告诉他约10天上场一次,”弗爵说,“我这样做是因为轮换在队中是经常进行的。”

2、The Swede insisted there would be "no problem at all" with McClaren working with the national squad at this summer's World Cup finals. ─── 瑞典人坚持认为麦克拉伦在世界杯之后担任国家队领队“没有任何问题”。

3、For Federer, Soderling is a gift that keeps giving -- unless the Swede, already guaranteed a place in the WTF semis, pulls off a season-saving win over Federer in London. ─── 对费德勒而言,索德林是一份经常慷慨赠送的大礼-除非瑞典人在锁定WTF半决赛席位之后,在伦敦取胜费德勒而找补回这个赛季。

4、In order to coax the Norwegians away from pursuing independence, Alfred Nobel, a Swede, arranged for the Norwegian Parliament to be the presenter of the Peace Prize. ─── ?贝尔(瑞典人)为了?拢挪威人不要独立,特地将和平奖由挪威国会来颁发。

5、Shanghai Swede Furnishing Co.Ltd was established in 1998, which is the first store in China. ─── 上海申瑞家具有限公司成立于1998年,是宜家集团在中国建立的第一家商场。

6、And some cuddly Swede. ─── 还有一些赏心悦目的瑞典人。

7、David was a young Swede who went to New York to work for a while at a company located high up in the World Trade Center. ─── 大卫是一个年轻的的瑞典人去纽约为高在世界贸易中心位于一个公司工作了一段时间。

8、"We will report cooperation and lack of cooperation,"the 74-year-old Swede said. "The question of war and peace remains in the hands of Iraq and the members of the UN Security Council." ─── "无论他们对这次行动配合与否,我们都只是如实报告,""这位74岁的瑞典籍联合国官员说。""至于是否要发动战争,这需要伊拉克与联合国安理会各成员国作出决定。"

9、"How old How old are you?" he would demand; and the Swede would answer, "would answer," Twenty-three, sir. would answer, "Twenty-three, sir." ─── “你多大年岁?”他的朋友会问。瑞典人会答道:“二十三,长官。”

10、He: The purpose of the "," is to key you that "who saved the lives of thousands of Jews..." is describing the Swede. ─── 他说这样我才那样翻译的,但是我还是不是很理解他说的意思。

11、The Swede insisted upon carrying the child while they travelled, andin countless other ways did what he could to help Jane Clayton conserveher strength. ─── 华腾缘婚庆服务中心兼承这永恒的信念和真诚的祝愿,已经陪伴数千对幸福的新人携手走进神圣的婚姻殿堂。

12、The Swede does not believe the discussions he has had with his players should surprise anyone. ─── 埃里克森并不认为他和球员的小型会议会影响到任何人。

13、Effects of cultivation factors on yield, number and pod number of secondary branches in hybrid swede rapeseed ─── 栽培因子对甘蓝型杂交油菜二次分枝产量、数目和角果数的影响

14、She remained for one hour, and never had she known a more considerate host than the Red Swede. ─── 她在那里停留了一个钟头光景。她从来也没有遇到过比这个“红胡子瑞典佬”更加殷勤待客的主人。

15、Freddie Ljungberg missed the same game with the same problem and the Swede is a definite absentee for the final home match of the season. ─── 瑞典人将肯定不能在本赛季的最后一个主场伤愈复出了。

16、The company was started by a Swede and a Dane who contracted out much of their work to computer programmers in Estonia. ─── 这家公司最初由一个瑞典人和一个丹麦人发起设立,他们把许多工作外包给爱沙尼亚的计算机程序员。

17、As he ponders all the possibilities, the Swede will hope that chant from the United fans at Stamford Bridge does not prove prophetic. ─── 他得考虑所有的可能,瑞典人希望在斯坦福桥从曼联球迷中传出的圣歌不会让寓言变成现实。

18、Newspaper speculation emerged over the state of his left knee tendon after the Swede walked off just 20 minutes into his first training session. ─── 但是在国际米兰的夏季首堂训练课中,伊布仅仅出现了20分钟就匆匆离场,这不免让人开始担心他的左膝伤病。

19、Supporters at Anfield on Friday night for the Youth Cup tie against Reading could have been forgiven for mistaking Liverpool's new young Swede Astrit Ajdarevic for a youthful Patrik Berger. ─── 周五晚上在安菲尔德观看青年足总杯利物浦对雷丁比赛的球队支持者们,可能会把红军新进的瑞典球员阿斯特里特阿达莱维奇误认为是年轻时的帕特里克博格.

20、The swede could not possibly remember all these words and so his friends decided to teach him only the answers in their proper order. ─── 瑞典人不可能记住这些话,所以他的朋友们就决定只教他按顺序学会这些问题的答语。

21、And with just 64 days before the big kick-off, Campbell has given Sven a boost by telling the Swede he is over his injury nightmare. ─── 现在离世界杯开球只有64天了,坎贝尔给了埃里克森一个惊喜。告诉他伤病的噩梦已经过去了。

22、First was the decision to appoint a Swede, Tomas Alfredson, to direct. ─── 首先是该片被委任给瑞典人托马斯·阿尔弗莱德森来执导的决定。

23、Certain to be without Rooney for pre-tournament friendlies against Hungary and Jamaica on May 30 and June 3, the Swede must use his time well. ─── 显然鲁尼没办法在5月30号和6月3号参加和牙买加以及匈牙利的热身赛,瑞典人很会利用时间。

24、He is a Swede ─── 他是瑞典人。

25、In fact the Swede didn't understand the three questions,which were asked in French. ─── 事实上,那位瑞典人不理解那三个问题,他们是用法语问的。

26、Swede Alex Kacaniklic opened the scoring and Jordy Brouwer, Jay Spearing and Emmanuel Mendy added further goals as McMahon's team reached the last four of a competition they won last season. ─── 瑞典人卡坎尼克里奇首开纪录,随后布鲁尔、斯皮灵以及门迪锦上添花,正如上赛季麦克马洪的球队晋级最后的四强。

27、Asked repeatedly if Rooney's dominance over proceedings was causing a blurring of focus, the Swede's response was unequivocal. ─── 在会议中被一再问及鲁尼的统治力使得焦点变得模糊,瑞典人的反应毫不含糊。

28、"Both, sir!" cried the Swede proudly. ─── “两个都,长官!”瑞典人自豪地大声说。

29、TWO UPNadal has won both his previous meetings with Canas and is the hot favourite to join Swede Mats Wilander as the only other man to win the Barcelona Open three years in a row. ─── 不过即便如此,纳达尔在赛后还是对卡纳斯送去了赞美之词,“卡纳斯是泥地上最好的球员之一,本赛季他拥有一个完美的开局,这场比赛并不轻松,我抓住了属于自己的机会。”

30、The Swede has been experimenting with a 4-5-1 formation in training this week ahead of the Cardiff clash, with Jermain Defoe set to lose out on a starting place even though Michael Owen is suspended. ─── 埃里克森这个星期在加迪夫球场实验了451阵容,在欧文停赛的情况下,迪福也失去了他的首发位置。

31、And the d.t.Mark Branch takes position on the case of the Swede who is tried from Barcelona in order to try more fortune also in Cham-pions League. ─── 伊布经纪人认为伊布想去巴萨这件事存在可能,因为瑞典人想要有更多在欧冠赛场上踢球的机会。

32、Sir Alex failed to lure Larsson to Old Trafford when the Swede was at Celtic, but the coach refused to attach too much importance to it. ─── 拉尔森在多几天就要回去瑞典了,现在人们都忙着讨论他的离开会否对曼联带来不好的影响,因为索尔斯克亚也必须养伤两个月。

33、Shanghai Swede Furnishing Co.Ltd is a retail store in home furnishing retails under IKEA group. ─── 上海申瑞家具有限公司是隶属全球知名企业宜家集团在上海成立的一家零售商场。

34、Countries in the north of Europe , such as Finland , Norway and Swede , are all small countries . ─── 北欧的国家,如芬兰、挪威以及瑞典都是小国。

35、At the beginning of this century, swede puts forward catchword of a canorous : "Make commodity more beautiful! " ─── 本世纪初,瑞典人提出一个响亮的口号:“把日用品做得更美!”

36、It is worth mentioning that on October 3 was Ibrahim's 27-year-old birthday, with the Swede into his own goal as a belated birthday present. ─── 值得一提的是,10月3日是伊布的27岁生日,瑞典人用这个进球为自己送上了一份迟来的生日礼物。

37、The Swede replied, "That was yesterday. ─── 瑞典人回答说:“昨天已经送去了。

38、Her husband asked a few questions and sat down to read the evening paper. He was a silent man, American Born, of a Swede father, and now employed as a cleaner of refrigerator cars at the stock-yards. ─── 她的丈夫问了几句话,就坐下来看晚报。他是个沉默寡言的人,美国出生,父亲是瑞典人,他本人是畜牧场冷藏车的清洁工。

39、And he has backed Eriksson after claims senior players were losing faith in the Swede. ─── 并且他极力支持艾里克松,之前有声称老资格球员不再信任瑞典人。

40、Gerrard admits it is a dilemma for the manager, but is confident the Swede will make the right choices. ─── 杰拉德承认作为教练来说,这是个两难的事情,但是他相信瑞典人会做出正确的选择。

41、She was a swede by birth, a German by education. ─── 她是瑞典人,接受的是德国教育.

42、" Both, sir" cried the Swede proudly. ─── “两个都,长官

43、Thierry Henry paid tribute to Barcelona substitute Henrik Larsson, saying that the Swede made all the difference when he came on for Dutch midfielder Mark van Bommel. ─── 亨利对巴塞罗那的替补球员拉尔森大加赞扬,他认为是瑞典人在替补荷兰中场范博梅尔后改变了整场比赛。

44、"We will report cooperation and lack of cooperation," the 74-year-old Swede said. ─── "无论他们对这次行动配合与否,我们都只是如实报告,"这位74岁的瑞典籍联合国官员说。

45、He was a Swede by birth, a German by education. ─── 他具有瑞典血统,受的是德国的教育。

46、LONDON (AFP) - England manager Sven-Goran Eriksson would never sell David Beckham if he was manager of Manchester United the Swede told the BBC. ─── 伦敦(法新社)-英格兰主教练埃里克森对BBC专访表示如果他是曼联教练,他就不会出售贝克汉姆。

47、The vice-captain featured for the 589th time at Sunderland on Saturday and the Swede reckons the impending landmark is proof that he will go down as one of the club's finest defenders ever. ─── 周六面对桑德兰是卡拉格的589场,而瑞典人海森估计这个里程碑的记录可能代表他是俱乐部最佳的后卫之一的象征。

48、At the beginning of this century, swede puts forward catchword of a canorous: "Make commodity more beautiful! ─── 本世纪初,瑞典人提出一个响亮的口号:“把日用品做得更美!”

49、(3) the mythic Swede; ─── (3)虚化的瑞典人;

50、On the side walk in front of one of the stores sat a little Swede boy, crying bitterly. ─── 一家商店门前的人行道上,坐着一个瑞典小孩,在悲伤地哭泣。

51、" But the Swede seems to think that these are very simple. ─── 但瑞典人似乎认为,这些都很简单。

52、Not exactly a disinterested one, since England play Sweden in Cologne on 20 June, but the Arsenal midfielder has seen an awful lot more of Walcott in training than his fellow Swede. ─── 当英格兰和瑞典20号在科隆比赛时这不一定是无私的。但是阿森纳中场认为沃尔科特在训练中表现的东西远比他的瑞典同乡厉害。

53、Sampras overcame an upset stomach and an upset bid by 19-year-old Swede Andreas Vinciguerra on Sunday, winning 5-7, 7-6 (3), 6-4 in the third round in the Ericsson Open. ─── 桑普拉斯忍着剧烈胃痛,以5-7、7-6(3)、6-4的总比分击败了瑞典19岁的新秀文斯古埃拉,取得了爱立信网球公开赛的第三轮比赛的胜利。

54、It was rumored that the white officer had been a Swede . ─── 传说那个白人军官是个瑞典人。

55、Nature is close to the heart of every Swede and this makes it a natural starting point for innovation. ─── 大自然与每个瑞典人都息息相关,也是我们创意的源泉。

56、The poor Swede found himself in a hornet's nest;everyone in the place hated him, particularly his shipmates.They wanted to see him done in. ─── 可怜的瑞典人这才发现自己惹出了大乱子,在场的每个人都恨他,特别是和他在同一条船上的水手。

57、Dull purple flush on leaf of four week old swede plant. ─── 在四周老甘蓝植物叶上有暗紫色。

58、The Swede has insisted that he will be returning to Helsinborg on the 12th of March, as set in his current loan deal. ─── 但他会根据条约的规定,在租借日期结束后回瑞典.他说:"这是个美好的旅程,真是太好了!

59、Terry is desperate to be part of the Swede's squad at the prestigious tournament because he thinks England can go all the way and repeat their success of 1966. ─── 在这场意义重大的比赛里特里非常希望可以作为球队的一员,因为他认为英格兰能够一路走到底,从而重建1966年的成功。

60、There was some difficulty in explaining this to the swede,but when at last he understood he became very anxious. ─── 向这个瑞典人说明这件事很费劲,最后他听懂了,显得很着急。

61、While Paul Robinson and Joe Cole presumably did not appear on Eriksson's makeshift list, which would have included three central defenders in Terry, Rio Ferdinand and Campbell, the Swede's positive attitude could at least not be faulted. ─── 也许保罗罗宾逊和乔科尔不会出现在大名单中,当然只要有包含特里、迪南德和坎贝尔三名中卫,那么瑞典人的积极态度至少不会出现太大纰漏。

62、Kamprad, an 80-year-old Swede fabled for his frugality and vintage Volvo, lives near Lausanne. ─── 80岁的瑞典人坎普拉以他的节俭和富豪老爷车闻名,住在洛桑附近。

63、"The Swede would answer with pride," Both, sir! "For many days this practice continued. ─── 瑞典人会骄傲地答道:"两次, 长官."这样的练习进行了好多天。

64、The difficulty is how to make the Swede understand them. ─── 困难是怎样让那瑞典人听懂他们的话。

65、A story is told about a Swede who wanted to join Napoleon's Grand Army. ─── 有一篇故事讲的是一个要参加拿破仑的瑞典人的事。

66、But the 25-year-old, who was often sidelined during Eriksson's reign as England manager, has no intention of playing for his former club if the Swede takes over. ─── 不过25岁的他在埃里克森的国家队里得不到出场机会,如果瑞典人执教曼城,小赖特不打算回曼城效力。

67、The Swede keeps dogs as pets. ─── 瑞典人养的宠物是狗。

68、"Twenty-three, sir" said the Swede clearly and well. ─── “二十三,先生”那个瑞典人回答得既清楚又好听。

69、The poor Swede found himself in a hornet's nest; everyone in the place hated him, particularly his shipmates. ─── 可怜的瑞典人这才发现自己惹出了大乱子,在场的每个人都恨他,特别是和他在同一条船上的水手。

70、Now, in the biological educational world most commonly used nomenclature is the two-syllable given name law which Swede Lin Nai invents. ─── 如今,在生物学界最常用的命名法是瑞典人林奈发明的双名法。

71、The Swede was warned that the great man would probably ask him some questions. ─── 他们提醒那个瑞典人,那位大人物很可能问他一些问题。

72、Swede gives back Acropolis marble ─── 瑞典人则返回雅典大理石

73、He was a silent man, American born, of a Swede father, and now employed as a cleaner of refrigerator cars at the stock-yards. ─── 他是个沉默寡言的人,美国出生,父亲是瑞典人,他本人是畜牧场冷藏车的清洁工。

74、The Swede would answer with pride: "Both, sir!" For many days this practice continued. ─── 瑞典人会骄傲地答道:“两次,长官。”这样的练习进行了好多天。

75、For Capello and Juventus the 23-year-old Swede is a star in the making, still far away from Buffons, Nedveds and Del Pieros status. ─── 对于卡佩罗和尤文图斯来说,这位23岁的瑞典人还在巨星之路上奋斗成长,目前的地位尚远不及布冯、内德维德和皮耶罗。

76、And his father, a Swede, was now working in a hospital as a brain doctor. ─── 他是一个沉没的人,美国人,他爸爸是瑞典人,他现在在一家医院做脑科医生。

77、In the opinion of Andrei Medvedev, Magnus Norman is not worthy to lead the ATP Champions Race 2000, but the third-seeded Swede got the last laugh Monday at the French Open. ─── 在乌克兰名将梅得维德夫眼中,诺曼不配在2000年的ATP排名中名列第一,但是这位瑞典三号种子选手在周一法国网球公开赛八分之一决赛的二人对决中却笑到了最后。

78、Swede Freddie Ljungberg has not just entertained the Arsenal faithful with his array of colourful hairstyles and model looks.His swashbuckling wingplay has also earned him an army of admirers. ─── 瑞典人弗雷迪永贝里不仅仅以他摩登的发型和外形博得阿森纳铁杆球迷的欢心,他的边路进攻火力强大,为他赢得了一个军的支持者。

79、Although Agassi eventually prevailed in four sets, the American left with nothing but praise for the Swede's serve. ─── 尽管阿加西最后在四盘大战中获胜,他最后对瑞典人的发球赞叹不已。

80、The Swede attracted considerable flak before his final tournament as England manager for only selecting four strikers, and Lampard said: " ─── 曾因为世界杯阶段英格兰队中仅有4名前锋入选,瑞典人早就引起了诸多媒体的关注和炮轰。

81、The Swede was given an enthusiastic welcome by a generally young crowd that enjoyed every second of the presentation. ─── 到场的球迷中,大多数都是年轻人,他们享受着当晚的每一秒种,并给予了瑞典人最热烈的欢迎。

82、There was some difficulty in explaining this to the swede, but when at last he understood he became very anxious. ─── 向这个瑞典人说明这件事很费劲, 最后他听懂了, 显得很着急。

83、England's Nick Faldo and Swede Jesper Parnevik are the European team's wildcards for the Ryder Cup golf event at Valderrama,Spain at the end of September. ─── 9月底,在西班牙瓦尔德拉马举行的莱德杯高尔夫赛中,英格兰选手尼克·法尔多和瑞典选手杰斯珀·帕内维克是欧洲队的2张百搭王牌。

84、He was a silent man, American born, of a Swede father, and now employed as a cleaner of refrigerator cars at the stock-yards. ─── 他是个沉默寡言的人,美国出生,父亲是瑞典人,他本人是畜牧场冷藏车的清洁工。

85、The Swede said this win went some way to making up for their Old Trafford disappointment. ─── 伊布说这场胜利多少弥补了他们在老特拉福德失利的伤痛。

86、Swede Midge,Contarinia nasturtii:A New Invasive Insect Pest to the US ─── 一种潜在的危险性害虫:甘蓝瘿蚊Contarinia nasturtii (Keiffer)

87、The Swede revealed: 'The doctors and physios have told me Steven is fit. He has been training very well yesterday and this afternoon we will have a new practice session.' ─── 埃里克森说:“医生和体能师告诉我杰拉德恢复了。他已经很好的参加了昨天的练习,今天下午我们还将对他进行一次检查。”

88、The Swede, who was confirmed as City's new manager on Friday, is actively scouring the transfer market to bolster City's squad for the coming season. ─── 周五正式成为曼城主帅的瑞典人,为了即将到来的新赛季,正在转会市场上积极的寻找可以增强球队实力的球员。

89、"No," said the Swede, in overwhelming alarm ─── “不用了”,瑞典人大惊失色地说。

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