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insufferably 发音

英:[[ɪn'sʌfrəblɪ]]  美:[[ɪn'sʌfrəblɪ]]

英:  美:

insufferably 中文意思翻译



insufferably 短语词组

1、insufferably arrogant ─── 骄横

insufferably 相似词语短语

1、insuperable ─── adj.不能克服的;无敌的

2、invulnerably ─── adv.不受伤害地;不受损的

3、innumerably ─── adv.无数地,数不清地

4、insuperably ─── adv.不能取胜地;不能超越地;无法克服地;不能制胜地

5、sufferably ─── 忍受地

6、inferably ─── 推断

7、unsufferable ─── adj.难以忍受的;难堪的;不可容忍的

8、inseverably ─── 可插入

9、insufferable ─── adj.难以忍受的;不可忍受的;令人厌恶的

insufferably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Spader says he has not seen the film since he made it, half his life ago when he was 25 playing an insufferably sardonic teenager. ─── 斯派德说演完他就没看过那部电影,在人生的一半也就是25岁时,他演过一个让人难以忍受的爱冷嘲热讽的青年。

2、Oh, awful. They would have an entire army of extremely energetic, insufferably annoying, mindless pawns at their command. ─── 哦,真可怕。他们将能够掌控一群极端活跃,令人烦躁又毫无主见的垫脚石。

3、At school the children made so much of him and of Joe, and delivered such eloquent admiration from their eyes, that the two heroes were not long in becoming insufferably "stuck-up. ─── 在学校里从孩子们羡慕的眼神里可以看出汤姆和乔简直被人给捧上了天。不久,这两位“英雄”就开始翘尾巴,别人只好强忍着。

4、His letters are insufferably dull. ─── 他的信乏味不堪。

5、but there is something insufferably tedious in the usual process of such a meeting. ─── 我劝你最好还是先征求一下在场朋友们的意见再作决定吧。

6、Clean living, she may not be so insufferably arrogant leader, but people, of course, a leisurely nanshan Dongli Picking chrysanthemums. ─── 她洁身自好,也许不能颐指气使做领军人物,但满庭芬菲怡人,自是悠然南山采菊东篱。

7、"I should like balls infinitely better," she replied, "if they were carried on in a different manner;but there is something insufferably tedious in the usual process of such a meeting. ─── 彬格莱小姐说:“要是开舞会能换些花样,那我就更高兴了,通常舞会上的那老一套,实在讨厌透顶。

8、This was taught to me by my pipe-smoking guru, an insufferably grouchy old curmudgeon. He DID know pipe smoking, though. . . ─── 呼吸式抽斗法是我的烟斗导师教给我的,他是一个不苟言笑,脾气乖戾的老头,但他却的确懂得抽烟斗。

9、And not shown to others, as an ambitious way forever, forever like an insufferably arrogant. ─── 而不是对别人所表现的那样,永远一副雄心壮志的样子,永远一副不可一世的样子。

10、an insufferably precious performance; a child with intolerably cute mannerisms. ─── 不能忍受的矫揉造作的表演;有着无法忍受的矫揉造作的习气的小孩。

11、Lays down vanity which these once were insufferably arrogant, honest start.. ─── 放下那些曾经不可一世的虚荣,诚实的开始。。。

12、some from the sky as if vacant and China, the insufferably arrogant, Rede a Gap Discovered Water 100 waterfall Zi,尽显airflow. ─── 有的仿佛从天际腾空而泄、不可一世、惹得一峡秀水百瀑千姿、尽显风流。

13、You are great, do not need as light exposure, insufferably arrogant. ─── 你就是了不起,也不需要那样光芒外露、不可一世。

14、He also possible the morning you said categorically that he "love you", the evening becomes insufferably arrogant brutal phase. ─── 他可能早上还对你信誓旦旦的说“爱你”,晚上就变成不可一世的残暴相。

15、This was taught to me by my pipe-smoking guru, an insufferably grouchy old curmudgeon. ─── 这是我的烟斗导师教给我的,他是一个不苟言笑,脾气乖戾的老头,但他却的确懂得抽烟斗。

16、Insufferably haughty ─── 气焰逼人

17、You are still paranoid that the juvenile. Insufferably arrogant. ─── 你始终还是那个偏执的少年。不可一世。

18、10 rounds does not defeat, the Zhejiang green city is insufferably arrogant, they by the media, the fan are held ascended the sky; ─── 10轮不败,浙江绿城不可一世,他们被媒体、球迷捧上了天;

19、insufferably arrogant ─── 气焰嚣张

20、he was imperious and dictatorial; the timid child of authoritarian parents; insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter ─── 他专横、独裁;专制的父母的懦弱的孩子;不能忍受的对服务员的傲慢行为

21、he was imperious and dictatorial; the timid child of authoritarian parents; insufferably overbearing behavior toward the waiter. ─── 他专横、独裁;专制的父母的懦弱的孩子;不能忍受的对服务员的傲慢行为。

22、You are great, do not need as light exposure, insufferably arrogant. ─── 你就是了不起,也不需要那样光芒外露、不可一世。

23、There were times when I found this place to be insufferably dull, isolated and provincial. ─── 当年觉得这个地方既沉闷、又孤立,而且土气,简直不堪忍受。

24、And not shown to others, as an ambitious way forever, forever like an insufferably arrogant. ─── 而不是对别人所表现的那样,永远一副雄心壮志的样子,永远一副不可一世的样子。

25、We’re insufferably self-aware, like some post-modern novel, so that the brain can’t go for more than a few seconds before it starts calling attention to itself. ─── 我们耐不住地时时处于自我意识之中,就像阅读后现代小说一样,几秒不到,我们的大脑就会重回自我意识的漩涡之中。

26、I am a pessimist in the morning and an optimist at night, am defeated on Tuesday and insufferably victorious by Friday. ─── 可就因为我身材粗壮,嗓音低沉,叼着烟斗,所以很少有人意识到,其实我像根墙头草那般习于见风使舵。

27、"My friend no. It is not the engagement but the severe cold with which I perceive you are afflicted. The vaults are insufferably damp. They are encrusted with nitre." ─── “不,老兄,不是这个意思。酒窖里相当冷,何必遭罪。而且那里潮湿的要命,四壁都是硝石。”

28、His behavior toward the waiterwas insufferably overbearing. ─── 他对待仆人的行为太霸道了。

29、His behavior toward the waiter was insufferably overbearing. ─── 他对待仆人的行为太霸道了

30、The vaults are insufferably damp. ─── 地窖潮湿不堪。

31、Hereafter, Spain takes advantage of its huge knight troop, dominates an area Europe, conquers the Americas, just like is insufferably arrogant. ─── 此后,西班牙依仗其庞大的骑士队伍,称雄欧洲,征服美洲,俨然不可一世。

32、'My personality is what I'm most proud of, ' one announced insufferably: 'I rarely lose to others. ' ─── 有一个人宣称:我最为自豪的是我的个性,我很少输给别人。

33、insufferably hot ─── 酷热难当

34、Once I always insufferably arrogant. ─── 曾经的我,总是不可一世。

35、I just want to be proud of insufferably arrogant. Only in this way will not bare the wound out, people notice. ─── 我就是要骄傲的不可一世。只有这样,才不会把伤口袒露出来,让人察觉。

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