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09-17 投稿


Jamaican 发音

英:[dʒəˈmeɪkən]  美:[dʒəˈmeɪkən]

英:  美:

Jamaican 中文意思翻译




Jamaican 短语词组

1、Jamaican Lizard Cuckoo ─── 牙买加蜥蜴杜鹃

2、Jamaican Blackbird ─── 牙买加黑鸟

3、jamaican tree snack ─── 牙买加树点心

4、Jamaican flower bat ─── 牙买加花蝠

5、jamaican patties ─── 牙买加馅饼

6、Jamaican Woodpecker ─── 牙买加啄木鸟

7、jamaican tree snake ─── 牙买加树蛇

8、Jamaican dollar un. ─── 牙买加元 [网络] ─── 牙买加- ─── 牙买加元

9、Jamaican capital ─── [网络] 牙买加首都

10、Jamaican Owl ─── 牙买加猫头鹰

11、Jamaican cherry ─── [网络] 牙买加樱桃

12、Jamaican Defense Force ─── 牙买加国防军

13、Jamaican rice rat ─── 牙买加老鼠

14、jamaican in new york ─── 纽约的牙买加人

15、Jamaican Crow ─── 牙买加乌鸦

16、Jamaican Mango ─── 牙买加芒果

Jamaican 词性/词形变化,Jamaican变形


Jamaican 相似词语短语

1、Samain ─── n.(Samain)人名;(法)萨曼

2、Gallican ─── n.教宗权制限主义者;法国天主教徒;adj.教宗权制限主义派的

3、Tarascan ─── n.塔拉斯坎人;塔拉斯坎语;adj.塔拉斯坎人的;塔拉斯坎语的

4、Jafaican ─── n.伦敦方言英语

5、Jamaican ─── adj.牙买加的;牙买加人的;n.牙买加人

6、Mahican ─── n.马希坎人,马希坎部落(美国印第安部落)

7、Barbican ─── n.外堡;枪眼;碉堡或其他类似的防御工事

8、Jamaica ─── n.牙买加(拉丁美洲一个国家)

9、Jamaicans ─── n.牙买加人(Jamaican的复数)

Jamaican 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Powell, the sixth son of church pastors, is one of the few among the many famous Jamaican sprinters who has not emigrated. ─── 鲍威尔是一名牧师的第六个儿子,也是少有的成名后没有移民的牙买加短跑运动员。

2、BBC Four: Finally, this year marks the 40th anniversary of Jamaican independence. ─── 今年是庆祝牙买加独立的40周年纪念日。

3、The Greens themselves might balk, perhaps preferring a “Jamaica” coalition with the CDU and FDP instead. ─── 但绿党自身可能犹豫不前,或许更期望与基民盟和自民党结成黄绿联盟。

4、"It's part of the natural ability of Jamaicans," Jamaican Sports Minister Olivia Grange told Reuters when asked the question recently. ─── “这部分源于牙买加人的天份。”当最近被问到这个问题时,牙买加体育部长奥里沃告诉路透社说,

5、Film in Class: Black, S. Life and Debt. (About Sweatshops in Jamaica. ─── 《生命与债》(关于牙买加的血汗工厂)。

6、Two or three Jamaican teachers sit at the back of the room in case you get stuck, and they may be able to help. ─── 会有两到三个牙买加教师坐在教室后面以便在你有学习困难的时候给与帮助。

7、The maid said he brought back bundles from Jamaica. ─── 女仆说他从捷梅卡带回了花束。

8、A 12-year-old Jamaican girl was the last one left, but the championship was not hers yet until she could spell one more word. ─── 年仅12岁的牙买加女孩成为唯一留在赛台上的选手;不过她还得再拼对一个单词才能拿到冠军。

9、There's an article about Jamaica in this issue. ─── 在这一期里有一篇关於牙买加的文章。

10、The capital of the Cayman Islands, on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. ─── 乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。

11、Some Jamaican gays say the police are becoming more helpful. ─── 一些牙买加的同性恋者称警察现在比原来肯帮忙了。

12、Similarly successful Jamaican flier Boulter arranges at the Olympic Games at 5th (total 21st). ─── 在奥运会上同样大红大紫的牙买加飞人博尔特排在第5位(总第21位)。

13、Regrettably, only a fraction of this amount would flow to developing countries like Jamaica. ─── 令人遗憾的是,像牙买加这样的发展中国家,只在这一数额中占很小的部分。

14、Jamaican sprinter Powell's famous first for the defence team, followed by Jamaica media also began to counterattack. ─── 先是牙买加短跑名将鲍威尔替队友辩护,紧接着牙买加媒体也开始做出反击。

15、Carol: Yes, he grew up on a plantation in Jamaica with big guys and coconuts. That lying pig dog stole your wine. ─── 卡罗尔:是的,他在牙买加的农场里长大,跟着大人,还有椰子树。那个撒谎的狗偷了你的酒?

16、Also the people in Jamaica were going through the most blooding period in its history. ─── 也是人民在牙买加正在经历最出血期间,在其历史上。

17、Huntley was born in Jamaica in 1963 and grew up there. ─── 亨特利于1963年生于牙买加,并在那里长大。

18、Beating his chest as he crossed the line, this time there was no showboating, only seriously fast sprinting from the Jamaican star. ─── 博尔特拍着胸脯越过终点,这一次不是哗众取宠,我们看到的是牙买加明星一丝不苟的快速冲刺。

19、Tell him Mr. Mason. Mr. Mason from Spanish Town, Jamaica. ─── 就说是梅森先生。牙买加西班牙城的梅森先生。

20、Jamaican fern having round buttonlike bulbils. ─── 具有圆形纽扣状珠芽的一种牙买加蕨类。

21、Bob Marley popularized reggae music, along with the Rastafarian religion, to the world outside Jamaica. ─── 巴布?马利将雷鬼乐以及原属于牙买加的拉斯特法里教义通俗化,让牙买加以外的世界得以接受它们,

22、Jamaica Body Slides: Experience the adrenaline rush! ─── 体验惊心动魄的冲击感受!

23、Calico Jack Rackham and the most of his crew were captured in October 1720, near western coast of the Jamaica. ─── 印花布杰克克汉姆和他的大部分船员被抓获的1720年一十零月,西部海岸附近的牙买加。

24、In the women's 60-metre hurdles,Michelle Freeman of Jamaica set the fastest time of the year with 7.77 seconds to heat Slovenia's Brigitta Bukovec. ─── 在女子60米栏赛中,牙买加选手米切尔·佛里曼以本年度最快的时间7秒77的成绩击败斯洛文尼亚选手布里吉塔·布科维奇而获胜。

25、Michael Frater of Jamaica was second in 10.03, followed by Jaysuma Saidy Ndure of Norway in 10.10. ─── 另一名牙买加选手以10秒03的成绩获得亚军,紧跟其后的是一名挪威选手,他的成绩是10秒10。

26、Rastafarians are at present an integral part of Jamaican culture rather than just being a senseless ideal. ─── 塔法里教现在是牙买加文化的一个主要部分而不是一个无意识的观点。

27、The kit was tested in Chad, Liberia, Congo Brazzaville, Jamaica, Guyana, Maldives and Iraq before being launched. ─── 在开始推出这个宝盒前,它已经在乍得、利比里亚、刚果首都、牙买加、圭亚那、马尔代夫和伊拉克进行了测试。

28、Do you want to enjoy Reggae music in a brand new cool bar? Do you like Rastafari culture? Are you into dreadlocks, Bob Marley and Jamaican lifestyle? ─── 你是否曾经听说过一种音乐叫做“雷鬼”,也许你知道,但是你是否知道“雷鬼文化”背后隐藏的几千年的故事?

29、Beating his chest as he crossed the line, this time there was no showboating, only seriously fast sprinting from the Jamaican star. ─── 博尔特拍着胸脯越过终点,这一次不是哗众取宠,我们看到的是牙买加明星一丝不苟的快速冲刺。

30、We are on course for Jamaica. ─── 我们朝着牙买加航行。

31、With the collapse of the Bretton Woods System, International Money Currency System entered into the period of Jamaica System. ─── 布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,国际货币制度进入所谓“牙买加体系”时代。

32、In 2006 Linda Walker, 60, woke from a stroke to find that her Geordie accent had been transformed into a Jamaican one. ─── 2006年,琳达沃克60岁,从中风中醒来的她发现她的泰恩赛德口音变成了牙买加口音。

33、Vice-Premier Madame Wu Yi and Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing made separate visits to Jamaica in 2003. ─── 2003年吴仪副总理及李肇星外长分别访问牙买加。

34、A “Jamaica” coalition of the CDU/CSU, FDP and Greens (so-called because the party colours are those of the Jamaican flag) was floated in autumn 2005. ─── 基督教民主、基督教社会、社会民主党以及绿党(之所以这么称呼是因为这个党派的颜色是那些牙买加人旗帜的颜色。)

35、Earlier, the hurricane's eye passed south of the Cayman Islands and Jamaica, where it snapped trees, tore off roofs and flooded streets. ─── 之前,风暴中心通过牙买加和开曼群岛南部,折断树木,撕裂屋顶,淹没街道。

36、Figure three this named “the heroic `link ' poly a hall” the picture photography on August 16, Jamaican contestant Boulter pushes to the front in the men's 100 meters finals. ─── 图三这张名为“英雄‘环’聚一堂”的照片拍摄于8月16日,牙买加选手博尔特在男子100米决赛中一马当先。

37、On Saturday, the 1.96m tall Jamaican exploded out of the blocks in sizzling fashion for a man of his size. ─── 周六,这位1.96米高的牙买加人以他的身材和表现造成了轰动。

38、Jamaican Dwight Thomas, who trains with Gatlin and Crawford, wasn't even yet looking towards the final. ─── 在四分之一比赛中仅比加特林落后1/100秒的牙买加选手托马斯虽然预赛成绩不错,但说到决赛,他甚至连一个字也不愿意说。

39、Looking for a place to unwind with an ice cold red stripe or real Jamaican Coffee and have dinner on an outdoor patio setting? ─── 想找个地方休息一下,喝点清凉的吗?在凉爽的户外凉亭享受牙买加特制咖啡和牙买加料理听起来如何?

40、Another Jamaican Asafa Powell, a former world record holder, took the bronze in 9.84. ─── 另一位牙买加选手鲍威尔获得季军,成绩是9秒84。

41、The 5:15 train to Jamaica left on time. ─── 五点十五分到牙买加的火车准时离开。

42、Our next landfall should be Jamaica. ─── 我们下一靠岸处应是牙买加。

43、But as Jamaican sprint legend Don Quarrie reminds us, anything can happen at a major competition. ─── 但正如短跑名宿、1976年奥运会两枚奖牌获得者古巴人夸里所言,在世锦赛这样的大赛上,任何事情都有可能发生。

44、Perhaps a holiday to Jamaica was an unrealistic expectation. ─── 也许去牙买加度假是个不现实的期望。

45、You see Jamaica's European connection in the Spanish and British names of towns, counties, and parishes. ─── 你可以看到在西班牙和英国的城镇、国家与教区的取名方面都表明牙买加与欧洲有联系。

46、He is the most widely known performer of reggae music, and is famous for having popularized the genre outside Jamaica. ─── 他是最著名的瑞格音乐演奏者,也因牙买加以外的流行音乐形式而闻名。

47、It just yells stuff at the driver in a crazy Jamaican accent. The shrunken heads keep showing; they were a nice touch. It did get annoying at some parts, though. ─── 大声喊叫,以一种疯狂的牙买加的腔调。这些皱缩的头不停的放映。它们时一种不错的点缀。但是在某些部分,它然人感到反感

48、Before his calf problem, he was troubled by a hamstring injury which forced him to miss the warm-up friendly against Jamaica. ─── 在他的腿伤前,他的肌腱伤势就曾使他缺席对牙买加的热身赛。

49、One examplefrom a study in Jamaica showed that continuously removing algae-grazersfrom a reef allowed the algae to overwhelm the coral. ─── 例如,在牙买加进行的一项研究表明若不断去除附着在珊瑚礁上的海藻捕食者,海藻会淹没整块礁石。

50、Many of the practices of elder Rastafarians are traits of older generations of Jamaican farmers who were lacking money and material possessions. ─── 大多数年长的塔法里教徒的习惯具有缺乏金钱和原料的牙买加农民老一代的特性。

51、Most Allspice is produced in Jamaica, but alternative sourcesinclude Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico. ─── 大多数多香果产于牙买加,但也有另外的来源,包括危地马拉,洪都拉斯和墨西哥。

52、August 20 2008, Usain Bolt of Jamaica jubilates broke the 200m world mark again in a time of 19’’30. ─── 44 8月20日,男子200米决赛,牙买加飞人博尔特夺冠,并再次打破了迈克尔约翰逊保持的19秒32的世界纪录,成绩:19秒30;

53、British author Andrea Levy won the 2004 Orange Prize for Fiction June 8 with her story about Jamaican migration to London after World War II. ─── 6月8日,英国作家安德里亚·利维获得了2004年度奥林奇小说奖,她的获奖小说讲述了二战后牙买加人向伦敦移民的故事。

54、Levy was born in England to Jamaican parents. ─── 利维生于英国,父母都是牙买加人。

55、A catastrophe that has helped nautical archeologists was the earthquake that destroyed part of the city of Port Royal, Jamaica. ─── 一场灾难,帮助海里考古学家是地震摧毁部分城市的皇家港,牙买加。

56、Francis: See, let me give some unsolicited advice: Catch the next thing smoking to Jamaica. ─── 弗朗西斯:西弗,我能否免费给你提点建议?搭下一斑冒烟的玩意去牙买加。

57、Popular music of Jamaican origin having elements of calypso and rhythm and blues, characterized by a strongly accentuated offbeat. ─── 一种源于牙买加的流行音乐,有布鲁斯的节奏与卡力骚曲(一种起源于西印度的音乐在特立尼达有影响)元素。

58、amaica. The company had been fairly concerned about the Jamaican business and its contracts from the very beginning. ─── 牙买加。该公司一直相当关注,牙买加商业和从一开始的合同

59、He identified the turtles as Diamondback terrapins, a species common to Jamaica Bay, which surrounds the airport. ─── 他鉴定机场附近的这些海龟为钻纹龟,这种海龟在牙买加海湾很常见。

60、Woolmer died as a result of asphyxiation as a result of being strangled," said Karl Angell, the director of communications for the Jamaican police force. ─── 对58岁的乌尔莫的死因,警方的说法同两份牙买加报纸的报道很相似。

61、Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Guyana. ─── 巴巴多斯、买加、立尼达和圭亚那等国的母语。

62、Woman: Yes. Jamaica is much bigger than Hong Kong. ─── 女士:是的。牙买加比香港大的多。

63、IT WAS another big occasion and yet another world record for a Jamaican sprinter, Usain Bolt, on Sunday August 16th. ─── 8月16日(星期日),是牙买加短跑运动员乌塞恩•博尔特又一个伟大时刻和又一个世界记录。

64、The Jamaican woman asks her husband as they walk to their car." ─── 他们边向汽车走去,牙买加妇女边问她丈夫。

65、The Kop legend had previously been in charge of the Jamaican national team. ─── 利物浦传奇球星先前执掌牙买加国家队的教鞭。

66、Initial has operated throughout Jamaica for over 30 years, delivering innovative products and services tailored to individual customer requirements. ─── Initial已在牙买加全国范围内经营30多年,提供针对个性化客户需求而量身打造的创新产品和服务。

67、Molly from Jamaica had her child taken away by authorities and was constantly depressed when I lived with her in Brooklyn. ─── Molly来自牙买加,她的孩子被权威人士取走了,我和她在纽约市布鲁克林区住那段时间,她经常非常的沮丧。

68、It all started in the poorest neighborhoods of New York City in the 1970s, when Jamaican DJ Kool Herc created rap by speaking words over reggae beats. ─── 嘻哈始于20世纪70年代纽约市最贫穷的社区,当时一位牙买加DJ库尔·贺克随着雷盖音乐的节奏念出歌词,从而发明了饶舌乐。

69、Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt and Russian pole vaulter Yelena Isinbayeva won the IAAF World Athlete of the Year awards Sunday in Monte Carlo, Monaco. ─── 当地时间23日晚,国际田联在摩纳哥蒙特卡洛将2008年度最佳男女田径运动员奖分别授予牙买加短跑选手博尔特和俄罗斯撑杆跳高选手伊辛巴耶娃。

70、The police statement followed similar reports in two Jamaican newspapers on the cause of the 58-year-old Woolmer's death on Sunday. ─── 巴基斯坦队被无名小卒爱尔兰队出人意料地击败后,被淘汰出了世界杯。

71、Jamaica. The company had been fairly concerned about the Jamaican business and its contracts from the very beginning. ─── 牙买加。该公司一直相当关注的牙买加业务及其合同从一开始。

72、FIFA sought to block Boxhill's plan to sell and lease-back the Jamaican federation's offices in Kingston, in an attempt to reduce the debts Burrell had left behind him. ─── 博克斯希尔打算先卖出牙买加足协在金士顿的办公室,然后再回租,以减少布雷尔留下来的债务,而国际足联试图阻止这一计划。

73、The 32-year-old Jamaican-born fighter believes he can still regain some of his old magic. ─── 那个32岁、生于牙买加的斗士相信自己仍能重拾一些昔日的神奇功能。

74、A man has hijacked a passenger plane in the Jamaican resort of Montego Bay, and is still holding several crew members hostage, reports say. ─── 一个男子在牙买加度假胜地蒙特戈贝(已经)劫持一架客机,(和)(正在)仍然扣押几(个)个工作人员人质,报告说.

75、We are also approved by the Coffee Industry Board of the Jamaican Government as an Importer of their Coffees. ─── 公司亦是中国及邻近地区少数能够取得牙买加咖啡工业管理局特许进口商资格的公司之一。

76、TRANMERE are set to open talks with John Barnes over their vacant managerial position after he was replaced as Jamaica coach by Theodore Whitmore. ─── 在巴恩斯在牙买加的教练职位被维特莫尔替代后,特拉梅尔已经与巴恩斯就填补他们的教练空缺进行谈判。

77、Tourists watch catamarans moored outside a restaurant in Jamaica's Montego Bay. ─── 在牙买加蒙特哥湾的一个饭店外面,很多游客们观看停在水面上的双体船。

78、There is a predominance of black people in the population of Jamaica. ─── 在牙买加人口中有一个黑人的主流。

79、By your eighties, you've had a major stroke, and you end up babbling to some Jamaican nurse who your wife can't stand but who you call mama. ─── 八十岁时,你中风了,由一个你太太不能忍受但会叫你"妈妈"的外籍护士照顾你

80、When Nijay Williams entered college last fall as a first-generation student and Jamaican immigrant, he was academically unprepared for the rigors of higher education. ─── 去年秋天,当 Nijay Williams 作为第一代学生和一名牙买加移民进入大学时,他还没有做好接受高等教育的学业方面的准备。

81、Spreading the Gospel is an active concern of the Jamaican brothers and sisters. They get excited about literature which might be appropriate in their outreach work. ─── 传播福音就是积极关心牙买加的弟兄和姐妹。他们对文学作兴趣盎然,对于外出传教工作大有禆益。

82、She regularly volunteers through her church and recently spent a week working in an orphanage in Jamaica. ─── 她固定在教堂做志工,最近还在牙买加的一所育幼院做了一星期的义工。

83、From the beginning it appeared indistinct on maps, a tiny smudge not much bigger than a ladybug on a windshield, in the windward passage between Haiti and Jamaica. ─── 从一开始,它在地图上看来就若有似无,一个小污点,不比挡风玻璃上的瓢虫大,位于海地到牙买加迎风的航线上。

84、Five cadets swore they all layed the girl one night on Jamaica Shore. ─── 五名候补军官承认,有一夜在牙买加海岸他们全体把她干了。

85、Fennell dismissed that claim, saying 96 tests have been conducted on athletes in Jamaica so far this year. ─── 分奈尔否认了上述指控,声称在本年度已经在牙买加进行了96起测试。

86、Yeah. We wanna welcome to Kingston Jamaica a sister who has a great voice. ─── 嗯,让我们欢迎拥有美妙声音的来自牙买加金斯顿的小女孩。

87、They took up residence in Jamaica. ─── 他们定居于牙买加。

88、The team now flies to Kingston as Nigeria meet Jamaica in a friendly on Tuesday night. ─── 尼日利亚还将在星期二晚上和牙买加队进行一场比赛。

89、He might not have looked entirely match sharp in the warm-up games against Hungary and Jamaica, not as quick as the Owen we know and love. ─── 他也许看起来在热身赛中整场比赛并不很锋利,不像我们了解并深爱的那个敏捷的球员。

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