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09-17 投稿


wetted 发音

英:[ˈwetɪd]  美:[ˈwetɪd]

英:  美:

wetted 中文意思翻译

v.使潮湿,把…弄湿( wet的过去式和过去分词 )



wetted 词性/词形变化,wetted变形

过去式:wetted 原型:wet

wetted 短语词组

1、wetted perimeter ─── [化] 润湿周边

2、mercury-wetted contact relay ─── [电] 湿汞接触电驿

3、wetted-wall column ─── [机] 湿壁塔

4、wetted wall tower ─── [化] 湿壁塔

5、wetted part ─── [化] 润湿部件

6、wetted surface column ─── [化] 湿面分馏塔

7、wetted surface ─── [化] 湿面; 潮湿表面

8、wetted area ─── [机] 湿润面积

9、wetted wall column ─── [化] 湿壁塔

wetted 相似词语短语

1、vetted ─── 诊疗;审查(vet的过去式和过去分词)

2、petted ─── v.宠爱;爱抚;亲吻(pet的过去式和过去分词)

3、-etted ─── 已删除

4、jetted ─── adj.用黑色大理石装饰的

5、retted ─── v.将(亚麻,麻)沤软;浸水(使)柔软;n.(Ret)(美)雷特(人名)

6、betted ─── v.打赌(bet的过去式和过去分词)

7、letted ─── let的过去式及过去分词的异体

8、whetted ─── vt.刺激,增强;磨快,磨刀(whetted的过去式及过去分词)

9、netted ─── adj.网状的;用网捕获的;v.赚,得到(net的过去分词)

wetted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He came and at once threw a wet blanket over me. ─── 他来了马上就对我泼冷水。

2、The spring was foul this year it was cold and wet for weeks. ─── 今春天气恶劣--一连几个星期又冷又潮湿。

3、A snake wormed on the wet ground. ─── 一条蛇在潮湿的地上慢慢爬行。

4、He walked home in the rain and was wet through. ─── 他冒雨步行回家,淋得浑身湿透。

5、Wetted parts: All Austenitic Stainless Steel and Stellite 6. ─── 接触液体的部件: 都采用奥氏体不锈钢和钨铬钴合金6材料.

6、The baby has wetted the bed. ─── 孩子把床尿湿了。

7、Some types are mercury wetted to improve switched current rating and make contact resistance more predictable. ─── 有些为水银湿簧式,以提高开关电流额定值并使接触电阻更具可预见性.

8、Do towel the children down very thoroughly, they're wet to the skin and might catch cold! ─── 一定要用毛巾把孩子们彻底擦干,他们浑身湿透了,说不定会着凉的。

9、Because it was wet he took a taxi. ─── 因为天下雨了,他乘出租车。

10、The baby has wetted the bed. ─── 孩子把床尿湿了.

11、Her wet shoes squelched at every step. ─── 她的鞋里进了水,走一步吧唧一声。

12、The wet grass sparkles in the sun. ─── 太阳使湿草闪闪发光。

13、Wet weather is a feature of life in this area. ─── 天气潮湿是这个地区生活的一个特色。

14、Her wet clothes moulded round her body. ─── 她的湿衣服紧贴在身上。

15、He get his coat wet. ─── 他把外套弄湿了。

16、He wet down the ground by buckets of water. ─── 他用一桶桶水把地泼湿。

17、Don't leave your things on the sand, the sea is setting in and they could get wet. ─── 不要把东西留在沙滩上,海水上涨了,它们可能会打湿。

18、Keep your fingers off the wet paint. ─── 勿用手指触摸未干的油漆。

19、He was wet from top to toe. ─── 他从头到脚都湿透了。

20、Everything was shaded in his wet and dark room. ─── 在他那间阴暗潮湿的房子里什么东西都看不清。

21、It must have been raining. The pavement is all wet. ─── 刚才准是下雨了。人行道都湿了。

22、He lost his footing on the wet floor and fell. ─── 他在潮湿的地板上失去平衡而跌倒了。

23、She wetted her sleeves with tears. ─── 她泪沾衫袖.

24、They sat in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes. ─── 他们坐在炉火前以烘乾他们的湿衣服。

25、Wet ink smudges easily. ─── 墨水没乾很容易弄出污迹。

26、The key to this valve is in the flexible reinforced rubber sleeve - the valve's only wetted part. ─── 其主要原因就在于这种阀门内部的弹性强化套管,也就是这种阀门唯一与流体接触的部件.

27、My feet were thoroughly wetted; I was cross and low. ─── 我的脚全湿了; 我心境不好,无精打采.

28、A method is presented to generate the mesh for wetted surface of floating body. ─── 给出了一种浮体湿表面网格生成方法.

29、Will it hurt this hat if I get it wet ? ─── 假如我把这顶帽子弄湿,会把它弄坏吗?

30、You shouldn't have gone out in the rain -- you're wet through. ─── 你原不应冒雨外出,这不,浑身湿透了。

31、He was wet from head to foot from the shower. ─── 他被雨浇得全身湿透。

32、The baby has wetted the bed again. ─── 婴儿又把床尿湿了。

33、She twisted a wet towel and dried her face. ─── 她拧干一块温毛巾擦脸。

34、Then began a series of wet days that spoiled our vacation. ─── 之后就是一连串的下雨天,把我们的假期弄得一团糟。

35、He insisted that our inference was all wet. ─── 他硬说我们的推论完全错了。

36、The bad light, coupled with (ie together with) the wet ground, made play very difficult. ─── 光线不足兼之地面潮湿,比赛难以进行。

37、She hitched up her skirt so as not to get it wet. ─── 她把裙子往上提起,免得弄湿了。

38、You shouldn't sit on the ground when it's wet. ─── 地面潮湿时就不应该坐在地上。

39、As the reactor in Chernobyl continues to bum, military helicopters flew over the side and dropped wet sand and various minerals onto the burning reactor. ─── 切尔诺贝利反应堆还在继续燃烧时,军用直升飞机飞临现场,向正在燃烧的反应堆投掷湿沙和各种矿物质。

40、She pegged wet clothes on the line. ─── 她用衣夹将湿衣服夹在晒衣绳上。

41、He blotted the wet ink with a clean blotter . ─── 他用干净的吸墨纸吸干墨水。

42、Despite the good weather forecast, the next morning was as wet as ever. ─── 尽管预报称天气很好,但次日上午仍阴雨绵绵。

43、Don't ask Mike to the party. He's such a wet blanket, always talking about rising prices and unemployment. ─── 不要让迈克来参加晚会。他是个煞风景的人,总是爱谈化物价上涨和失业这些话题。

44、When it was wet the buses are crowded. ─── 下雨天公共汽车很挤。

45、The heavy rain wetted us through. ─── 大雨把我们浇透了。

46、Moisten your clay, wet the other eye, drink, man. ─── 喝酒,再干一杯,喝吧,伙计。

47、In this wet weather, grass runs riot in the vegetable beds. ─── 在这种潮湿的天气里,蔬菜地面杂草丛生。

48、Maybe if I wet my whistle, I'll perk up. ─── 如果我喝点酒,也许就来精神了。

49、They wear galoshes in wet weather. ─── 他们在下雨天穿胶套鞋。

50、The colour will not be evenly fixed unless the cloth is first properly wetted out. ─── 如果不把布用水浸透,那么就不会均匀地着色.

51、She wetted her hair and then put shampoo on it. ─── 她把头发弄湿后抹上洗发剂。

52、It's too wet to walk, so we'll go swimming instead. ─── 天气太潮湿,不能去散步,所以我们就改去游泳吧。

53、The baby has wetted the bed again. ─── 婴儿又把床尿湿了.

54、Try not to rub your coat against the wet paint. ─── 别把未干的油漆蹭到你的上衣上。

55、The dog wetted the carpet. ─── 狗把地毯尿湿了.

56、In wintertime he will don a wet suit and go right on surfing. ─── 到冬季,他就穿上橡皮紧身衣去冲浪。

57、They sit on the grind in spite of the wet grass. ─── 不顾草是湿的,他们不是坐在地上。

58、She wrung the wet towel out. ─── 她把湿毛巾拧乾。

59、The secret is in the rubber sleeve - the valve's only wetted part. ─── 秘密就在于阀门内唯一与流体接触的部件--橡胶套管上.

60、The crowds packed into the cinema on a wet day. ─── 一大群人在雨天挤进了电影院。

61、She often gets chesty in wet weather. ─── 在潮湿天气,她经常犯支气管炎。

62、Don't let your coat touch the wall the paint's still wet. ─── 你的大衣别蹭著墙--涂料还没乾呢。

63、If the day turns out wet we may have to change our plans. ─── 万一下雨的话,我们也许得改变计划。

64、What a heavy shower that was! I was soaked wet. ─── 好大的雨!我淋成落汤鸡了。

65、Don't bring Robert to the picnic. He's such a wet blanket. ─── 不要带罗伯特去参加野餐,他实在是个很扫兴的人。

66、He was such a wet blanket at the party that they never invited him again. ─── 他在那次聚会中异常扫兴,人家再也不邀请他了。

67、The threads on the lower valve stem are in the wetted gas stream. ─── 下阀杆上的螺纹是处在潮湿气流中的.

68、He removed his wet shirt and threw it into a chair. ─── 他脱下湿衬衣,扔在椅子上。

69、You should wet out the cloth before you use it. ─── 你在使用之前必须先把布浸湿。

70、He loses his footing on the wet floor and fall. ─── 他在潮湿的地板上失去平衡而摔倒了。

71、You're all wet, actually. ─── 你实际上全搞错了·。

72、He wetted his lips to be ready, but Hook came staggering out, without his lantern. ─── 他舔了舔嘴唇,准备好了,但是胡克蹒跚地走了出来,没有提着他的灯笼。

73、Her skirt was wet with the morning dew. ─── 她的裙子被朝露沾湿。

74、Wet weather may continue for a few more days. ─── 多雨的天气可能还要持续好几天。

75、Don't go out; you'll get wet through. ─── 不要出去,你会给淋得湿透的。

76、He wrung the water from the soaking - wet shirt . ─── 他扭出了泡湿的衬衫里的水。

77、She wetted her hair and then put shampoo on it. ─── 她把头发弄湿后抹上洗发剂.

78、He likes to wet his whistle on the way home from work in the evening. ─── 他喜欢在晚上下班回家的路上喝点酒。

79、She was wet through and her clothes clung to her body. ─── 她湿透了,衣服黏在身上。

80、I can't go out till my hair's dry; it's still wet from being washed. ─── 头发未干,我不能外出,头发洗后现在还湿着。

81、What are you sitting on wet ground for? ─── 你为什么坐在湿地上?

82、Oops! We're getting wet from the spray. ─── 啊呀!我们被飞溅的水雾弄湿了。

83、Hook wetted his dry lips. ─── 胡克舔了舔干燥的嘴唇。

84、He is all wet. ─── 他完全搞错了。

85、Your clothes are sopping (wet)! ─── 你的衣服湿透了!

86、Her eyes were wet with tears. ─── 她的眼泪湿透了眼睛。

87、Be careful the paint is still wet. ─── 小心--油漆还没乾呢.

88、The soaking wet sneakers squished as he walked. ─── 他走路时,他的湿胶鞋发出咯吱咯吱的声响。

89、A snake wriggled across the wet path. ─── 一条蛇从潮湿的小路上蜿蜒而过。

90、She wetted her sleeves with tears. ─── 她泪沾衫袖。

91、In all of the rain. the real drop all of the rains which wetted me! ─── 在所有的雨中.淋湿我的那一滴. 才是真的雨!

92、If you air your quilt on such a wet day, it'll soak up the moisture. ─── 如果在这么潮湿的天晒被子,被子就会把湿气都吸去。

93、You have rubbed your coat against some wet paint . ─── 你的外套擦到未干的油漆了。

94、He damped the table down, and then rub it with a wet cloth. ─── 他先把桌面弄湿,然后用湿布擦拭。

95、Don't get your feet wet or you'll catch cold. ─── 别把脚弄湿了,否则会感冒。

96、You've rubbed your trousers against some wet paint. ─── 你把裤子蹭上了未干的油漆。

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