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09-18 投稿


improvised 发音

英:[ˈɪmprəvaɪzd]  美:[ˈɪmprəvaɪzd]

英:  美:

improvised 中文意思翻译




improvised 网络释义

adj. 即兴的;临时准备的v. 即兴创作;临时做,临时提供(improvise的过去分词)

improvised 短语词组

1、improvised theater ─── 即兴剧院

2、improvised tire repair kit ─── 简易轮胎修理包

3、Improvised Nuclear Device ─── 简易核装置

4、improvised installation ─── 简易装置

5、improvised sewing kit ─── 简易缝纫套件

6、Improvised Explosive Device Disposa ─── 简易爆炸装置

7、Improvised Explosive Device Disposal ─── 简易爆炸装置处置

8、improvised tool box ─── 简易工具箱

9、improvised explosive device ─── [网络] 简易爆炸装置;临时爆炸装置;即时爆炸装置

10、improvised facility ─── 临时设施

11、improvised plant ─── 临时植物

12、improvised barbecue ─── 即兴烧烤

13、improvised music ─── 即兴音乐

improvised 词性/词形变化,improvised变形

动词过去分词: improvised |动词现在分词: improvising |名词: improviser |动词第三人称单数: improvises |动词过去式: improvised |

improvised 相似词语短语

1、improvises ─── vt.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提供;vi.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时凑合

2、improvisated ─── 即兴的

3、improvisor ─── 即兴诗人;即兴演奏者;即兴演唱者

4、improvise ─── vt.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时做;临时提供;vi.即兴创作;即兴表演;临时凑合

5、compromised ─── adj.妥协的;妥协让步的,缺乏抵抗力的;vt.妥协;连累(compromise的过去分词)

6、improviser ─── n.即兴诗人;即席演奏者;即兴创作者

7、improvisates ─── 即兴的

8、improved ─── adj.改良的;改进过的;v.改进;增加(improve的过去式和过去分词);变得更好

9、improvisedly ─── 即兴地

improvised 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He could feel the ship shake as the Alphas and Betas of Skull Team roared from their launch tubes in the Ground Mobile Unit, and from the improvised bays in the rest of Farrago as well. ─── 他能够感觉到当骷髅中队的阿尔法机与贝塔机呼啸着离开地面机动部队的发射通道时,整个船都在震动,当然还有一些是从法拉戈上搭建的建议发色通道出发的。

2、Writing-rooms, smoking-rooms, dining-rooms, all the customary facilities, were improvised and primitive. ─── 办公室、吸烟室、饭厅以及所用常用的设备都是因陋就简。

3、an improvised,often spontaneous spectacle or performance,especially one involving audience participation ─── 一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出

4、He improvised on the melody. ─── 他即兴演奏了那首曲子。

5、WSJ: With action sequences, how much is preplanned and how much is improvised on the set? ─── 《华尔街日报》:动作片镜头有多少是事先安排好的,有多少是现场发挥的?

6、a decorative accompaniment (often improvised) added above a basic melody. ─── 在主旋律基础上加上的修饰性的伴奏(经常是临时加上的)。

7、Christine regarded the improvised bank draft doubtfully. ─── 克丽丝汀怀疑地看着这张随随便便写的银行支票。

8、However, ballads were what people improvised out of daily life, and due to lack of means to record and preserve them in ancient times, they quickly disappeared without leaving much of a trace. ─── 不过歌谣本是人们在生活中随兴而发的东西,上古时代也没有保存和记载它们的手段,因之也就很快湮灭,不留痕迹。

9、anthems of war to the death against the evil aggressor were improvised, ─── 人们又现发明了各种战歌,发誓要抵挡邪恶的侵略者,战死方休;

10、Senior police sources said they were searching for an "improvised device rather than a sophisticated weapon" capable of releasing chemicals. ─── 伦敦警察局高级官员说,他们当时正在搜寻一种可释放化学物质的“简单装置”,而不是“复杂的武器”。

11、A musical group that uses jugs and washboards and kazoos and other improvised instruments. ─── 使用罐、洗衣板、玩具笛子和其他临时准备的器具的音乐组织。

12、Improvised a dinner for the unexpected guests ─── 为不速之客准备晚餐

13、Without access to key ingredients from their homeland, Chinese immigrants working on the Central Pacific Railroad in the1860 s improvised dishes like chow mein and chop suey that nobody back in their native land would have recognized. ─── 在19世纪印年代,在美国修建铁路的中国移民工人在缺少家乡原材料的情况下,自创了一些诸如炒面、杂烩等美式中国菜,这些菜在中国估计是没人见过的。

14、Compare with an improvised spell, which requires no training. ─── 与之相比,即兴法术无需接受训练。

15、a large dance or jazz band usually featuring improvised solos by lead musicians. ─── 大型的伴舞或爵士乐队,通常以领头音乐家临时准备的独奏曲为特色。

16、Something improvised, especially a dramatic skit. ─── 即兴作品即兴而作的东西,尤指戏剧小品

17、Concealing the very obvious pleasure we took in each other's proximity led to some rather baffling improvised choreography, involving cushions and hats. ─── 一方面把接近对方身体而产生的明显愉悦掩饰住,我们还要转向一些令人费解的即性表演,涉及垫子和帽子。

18、But this is not a business that can be undertaken in day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will. ─── 但这不是一蹴而就的事情,也不能单靠毅力就能临时凑成。)

19、A dance style of the Andalusian Gypsies characterized by forceful, often improvised rhythms. ─── 佛来明哥舞风格安达鲁西亚吉普赛人的一种强劲的、常伴随有即兴节奏的舞蹈风格

20、He improvised on the melody. ─── 他即兴演奏了那首曲子。

21、Design of Simple Improvised Pipe-type Heat Apparatus for Catalytic Reactions ─── 催化反应用简易管式加热装置的设计

22、Unlike the confused and improvised Israeli response as the war against Hizbullah in Lebanon unfolded in 2006, Operation Cast Lead appears to have been carefully prepared over a long period. ─── 2006年针对黎巴嫩真主党的以黎冲突中,以色列的反应既混乱又仓促,然而这次行动的领导们显然是精心准备了很长时间。

23、To make an improvised modification. ─── 作一次临时性的修正。

24、In a few minutes the train drew up beside an improvised wooden platform. ─── 几分钟以后,列车在一个用木头搭成的临时月台边停了下来。

25、Italian comedy of the 16th to 18th centuries improvised from standardized situations and stock characters. ─── 16到18世纪的意大利喜剧,根据程式化的情景和角色即兴创作而成。

26、Improvised jumps. Different type of them. Revealing impulse's secrets. Sequences for performances. Displaced jumps. How to use them with the music. ─── 即兴之跳跃.跳跃之不同型态.揭示冲力之密技.用于表演之套路.跳跃之转换.如何于音乐中运用跳跃技巧.

27、They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. ─── 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。

28、But this is not a business that can be undertaken in day orftly improvised by a mere command of the will. ─── 但这不是一蹴而就的事情,也不能单靠毅力就能临时凑成。)

29、The variety shows in Taiwan are featured in their lively atmosphere, humorous language and improvised performance, which vividly exhibit the interestingness of the variety show. ─── 台湾电视综艺节目以热闹的气氛、幽默的语言、即兴的表演为其主要特征,将综艺节目的趣味性发挥得淋漓尽致。

30、In short, a volume of a novel of fashionable life was that day improvised by her for my benefit. ─── 总之,那一天,她为了我即兴创作了一部时髦生活的小说。

31、A type of music that originated in the West Indies,notably in Trinidad,and is characterized by improvised lyrics on topical or broadly humorous subjects. ─── 卡力骚曲,一种起源于西印度的音乐,在特立尼达有影响,主要特征是根据主题或广泛的幽默体裁即席而作的音律。

32、In strong demand are technology and systems to counter and defeat an unconventional enemy using unconventional weapons such as electronically detonated improvised explosive devices (IEDs) . ─── 为了对抗和击败使用非常规武器的非常规敌人,对相关的技术和系统有着强烈的需求。

33、The improvised shelters make front to the south. ─── 临时搭起的避难棚面朝南。

34、an improvised response/speech ─── 即席回答/演讲

35、They would have to haul Frankie out of the woods on an improvised litter and drive him to Round Valley Veterinary Hospital, five miles away. ─── 他们得把弗兰基用临时做的担架从树林里抬出来,开车把它送到5英里外圆谷地方的兽医院去。

36、Other musicians began to copy him, and later, the improvised solo performance became an essential part of every jazz song. ─── 其他乐手开始模仿他,后来,即兴独奏成为每一支爵士乐曲必备的部分。

37、He improvised a song about the football team's victory. ─── 他即席创作了一首足球队胜利之歌。

38、He improvised a bed out of leaves. ─── 他用叶子临时制作一张床。

39、He improvised in rhyme. ─── 他即席作了韵诗。

40、The count would have taken leave, but Ellen besought him not to spoil her improvised ball. ─── 伯爵想走了,但是海伦央求他不要搞垮她的即兴舞会。

41、a style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity,improvised solo performances,and a brilliant style of execution ─── 博普,一种爵士乐风格,具有节奏与和声混合的特征,即兴独奏表演,是一种音乐演奏技巧上的卓越风格

42、a phrase improvised by a soloist,especially on the guitar or banjo ─── 一段由独奏演员即兴创作的乐句,尤指在吉它或班卓琴上完成的

43、An improvised, often spontaneousspectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation. ─── 事件剧一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出。

44、He improvised a poem at the evening party. ─── 他在晚会上现编了一首诗。

45、A piece for solo organ, often improvised, played before, during, or after a religious service. ─── 即兴演奏在宗教仪式之前、之间或之后演奏的常常为即兴的乐器独奏乐

46、He said the convoy contained a number of advanced technology improvised explosive devices. ─── 他说,车队中包括一些数量的技术先进的自制爆炸装置。

47、In an improvised but fluent speech, she returned the compliment by lavishing praise on his achievements, and promising to consolidate them. ─── 在即兴发挥但语言流畅的讲话中,她对丈夫所取得的成就大加赞赏并承诺要强化这些成就。

48、A short piece of music, often improvised on a solo instrument, played as an introduction to a larger work. ─── 即兴曲一段短音乐,常为乐器即兴独奏,作为大型作品的序曲

49、improvised spell: A spell cast using only the mage's raw Supernal understanding (Gnosis) and Arcanum lore. ─── 即兴法术:仅通过法师的天生对上界的理解(灵知)和奥秘学识来施展的法术。

50、"She has always been fond of art," She improvised. ─── “她对艺术一直是感兴趣的。”她随口编道。

51、Unable to compete with the endless riches or political clout of a Hapan prince, Solo improvised in typical Solo fashion. ─── 和海皮斯王子相比,索洛无钱无势,于是,他即兴发挥,想出一个典型的“索洛式对策”。

52、Cadenza is abrilliant sometimes improvised passage usualy toward the close of musical composition. ─── 华彩是通常出现在音乐作品临近结尾处由音乐家即兴演出的优美段落。

53、He improvised a bandage out of a clean sheet. ─── 他用乾净的床单临时制作绷带。

54、1.[Formal] impromptu; extemporaneous; offhand; improvised; ad lib; extempore; 2.to take one's seat ─── 即席

55、any improvised arrangement for temporary use. ─── 为应付暂时之用而临时拼凑的器具。

56、When having the Classics class at home or as a formal curriculum at normal school, that is more lenient to arrange the procedure differently or you can even do it under improvised manner. ─── 儿童本来就是活泼的,而且是喜欢念书背书的,所以只要顺势利导,教室气氛很容易保持良好状况。

57、Newly improvised high density steel extension. ─── 全新改良之高密度全钢油网。

58、They just basked in his reflected glory and improvised somewhat. ─── 他们只是满足于他留下的光荣和某些临时拼凑出来的东西。

59、Made up without preparation; improvised. ─── 即兴的不经准备而作的; 即兴的

60、Some friends are improvised camp, but early in the morning Yuehao often postponed, improvisation to find he has immediately. ─── 又有些朋友是即兴派的,一早约好反而经常要改期,即兴找他却立即出现。

61、Its original intention is playing improvised psychedelic rock. ─── 乐队最初的意图是演奏即兴迷幻摇滚。

62、"casually" "regulation beverages master," improvised play, "will be produced for each different. ─── “随便”是“调饮料师傅”即兴发挥的,“每次出品都会不同”。

63、In Tiresia, the moon's shattered capital city, the Royal Hall was aglow. The improvised lighting and decorations reemphasized the vast, almost endless size of the place. ─── 在泰洛碎裂的首都泰雷西亚,皇家大厅灯火辉煌。临时布置的照明设备和装饰物品,又一次将这个地方近乎无边无际的宏大空间强调出来。

64、He trawled for sea creatures using an improvised net. ─── 他用临时制作的网去捕捞海生物。

65、An improvised, often spontaneous spectacle or performance, especially one involving audience participation. ─── 事件剧一种即兴的、通常是自发的、尤指由观众参与的场景或演出

66、But this is not business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will. ─── 但这不是一日之工,也不是单凭意志一蹴而就的事情,精神上多种情趣的培养一个长期的过程。

67、Manpower at an improvised mine in Ghana includes a 13-year-old boy put to work sluicing for gold. ─── 加纳的一个简陋矿场的工人包括一个被安排作金子冲洗工的13岁少年。

68、He worked late into the night and improvised a meal for himself. ─── 他一直工作到深夜,于是为自己临时做了顿饭。

69、An improvised platform was set up in the square. ─── 在集市场上搭起了一座临时讲台。

70、He improvised a new stanza for the school song at the football game . ─── 他在足球赛中临时为校歌作新词。

71、He improvised a bookcase out of crates. ─── 他用板条箱临时做成书架。

72、There is necessarily required a certain modicum of antiquity in a race, and the wrinkle of the centuries cannot be improvised. ─── 可是并非任何一个家族都可以拿来当作一个王族的世系。

73、a short piece of music,often improvised on a solo instrument,played as an introduction to a larger work ─── 即兴曲,一段短音乐,常为乐器即兴独奏,作为大型作品的序曲

74、But the is not business those can be undergetn in a day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will.The growth of alternative mental interests is a long process. ─── 但这否则一日之工,也否则单凭意志一蹴而就的事件,精神上多种情趣的培养唯一长久的过程。

75、A type of music that originated in the West Indies, notably in Trinidad, and is characterized by improvised lyrics on topical or broadly humorous subjects. ─── 卡力骚曲一种起源于西印度的音乐,在特立尼达有影响,主要特征是根据主题或广泛的幽默体裁即席而作的音律

76、Many of his recorded songs are archived in the Library of Congress, and his musical legacy encompasses hundreds of political, traditional and children's songs, ballads and improvised works. ─── 他的许多唱片都被国会图书馆收藏,在他传奇般的音乐人生中创作了几百首政治的、传统的和儿童的歌曲、民谣以及即兴作品。

77、But this is not a business that can be undertaken in a day or swiftly improvised by a mere command of the will. ─── 但这种事情不是一朝一夕或单纯靠意志的支配所能顺利地一蹴而就的。

78、Tuesday was no different; at least three people died after an improvised bomb targeted a patrol and a shoot-out followed. ─── 周二没什么不同,一枚简易炸弹袭击了一支巡逻队,后来又发生了枪击事件,造成至少3人死亡。

79、We improvised some shelves out of planks of wood and bricks. ─── 我们用木板和砖头临时搭了些架子。

80、A style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmonic complexity, improvised solo performances, and a brilliant style of execution. ─── 博普一种爵士乐风格,具有节奏与和声混合的特征,即兴独奏表演,是一种音乐演奏技巧上的卓越风格

81、The vet had improvised a harness. ─── 兽医临时凑成了一套马具。

82、Improvised a dinner for the unexpected guests;improvise a makeshift tourniquet. ─── 为不速之客准备晚餐;提供备用的止血带

83、The following is an Advertising Strategy Format which will be improvised here in our office. ─── 以下是一个在我们应用的广告策略撰写格式。

84、Improvised chest, composed of 20 old drawers put in a wooden case, piled up and bound together with a belt. ─── 即兴制作的柜子,由放在木头盒中的20个旧抽屉组成,这些旧抽屉堆在一起,用一根带子捆着。

85、Performance art highlights the intersubjectivity of the artist and the audience during the performance, while the happening emphasizes improvised interactive creativity. ─── 在行为艺术中,艺术家借助自己的身体作为艺术媒介以传达艺术家的思想和诉求。

86、A style of jazz characterized by rhythmic and harmoniccomplexity, improvised solo performances, and a brilliant style of execution. ─── 博普一种爵士乐风格,具有节奏与和声混合的特征,即兴独奏表演,是一种音乐演奏技巧上的卓越风格。

87、a large dance or jazz band usually featuring improvised solos by lead musicians ─── 大型的伴舞或爵士乐队,通常以领头音乐家临时准备的独奏曲为特色

88、His experiments were conducted in his home, using very primitive improvised equipment and small experimental animals. ─── 他的研究工作是在家时进行的,试验用的是小动物,试验设备十分简陋。

89、An improvised spell's dice pool = Gnosis + Arcanum dots. ─── 即兴法术的骰库=灵知+奥秘点数。


简易爆炸装置(英语:Improvised Explosive Device;IED),又称土制炸弹,路边炸弹。是一种制作简单,威力巨大的 爆炸装置,一般而言,会使用土制炸弹的多是缺乏资源的恐怖份子或游击队。IED炸弹特点:1、高受伤率,爆炸威力巨大,被炸了基本不死便重残。2、战术奇袭性,由于结构简单,引爆方式简单,一般都是在敌军毫无防备下引爆。3、战略影响性,恐怖份子将IED爆炸现场制作成录像带,在网络或电子媒体播放,对美军及美国民众造成心理冲击,影响美国反恐战争的意志与决心。可以去看一个**《拆弹部队》。讲的就是美军遇到的一系列IED袭击。








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