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09-18 投稿


leafstalk 发音

英:[['li:fstɔ:k]]  美:[['li:fstɔ:k]]

英:  美:

leafstalk 中文意思翻译



leafstalk 词性/词形变化,leafstalk变形

异体字: leaf stalk |

leafstalk 相似词语短语

1、beanstalk ─── n.豆茎

2、leaf trace ─── 叶迹

3、leafstalks ─── n.叶柄

4、leaf scald ─── 叶烫伤

5、beanstalks ─── n.豆茎

6、leaf scalds ─── 叶烫伤

7、backtalk ─── n.(美)顶嘴;[通信]工作联络电话

8、eyestalk ─── n.(虾,蟹等甲壳类动物之)[无脊椎]眼柄

9、self-talk ─── 自我交谈;自语

leafstalk 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The upper angle between a lateral organ, such as a leafstalk, and the stem that bears it. ─── 腋在侧部器官如叶柄和支撑着它的叶梗之间的上角

2、Construction of leaf and leafstalk regeneration systems in two cherry rootstocks ─── 樱桃砧木叶片和叶柄再生体系的构建

3、Characteristics: dark green color leaves, long leafstalk with few down, leaf is soft and tasty, 25-30 days maturity. ─── 特征特性:叶色深绿、叶数多,播种后25-30天可收获。叶柄茸毛少,收获便利,叶片柔软,口感好,适合鲜食。叶柄长,易捆扎包装。

4、The upper Angle between a lateral organ, such as a leafstalk, and the stem that bears it. ─── 腋在侧部器官如叶柄和支撑着它的叶梗之间的上角

5、Construction of leaf and leafstalk regeneration systems in two cherry rootstocks ─── 樱桃砧木叶片和叶柄再生体系的构建

6、The results showed that the nitrate content in laminae and leafstalk increased following the increase of nitrogen, while that in fruit first increased and later decreased. ─── 结果表明,随氮肥施用量增加,叶片和叶柄硝酸盐含量增加,果实先升高后略有降低;

7、The results showed that the adventitious shoot inducing rate of leafstalk was higher than leaf and stem, the adventitious shoots polarization of stem cambium was also good. ─── 结果表明叶柄不定芽诱导优于茎段和叶片,茎段形成层不定芽诱导效果也较好。

8、the upper angle between an axis and an offshoot such as a branch or leafstalk ─── 象树枝或叶柄的分支与轴之间的上角

9、North-Chaihu's stem tufts or grows single, there isn't any fabric leafstalk, and the remnant is purple red. ─── 柴胡茎从生或单生,茎基部无纤维状叶柄,残基物为紫红色;

10、North-Chaihu's stem tufts or grows single, there isn't any fabric leafstalk, and the remnant is purple red. ─── 北柴胡茎从生或单生,茎基部无纤维状叶柄,残基物为紫红色;

11、METHODS We used scan electron microscope to study tengcha s leaf and leafstalk that were the main medicinal parts. ─── 方法对藤茶主要药用部位叶及叶柄进行了扫描电镜研究。

12、Establishment of Regeneration System from Leaves and Leafstalk of Spiraea prunifolia Sieb . et Zucc. ─── 与叶绣线菊叶片和叶柄再生体系的建立>>相似的文献.

13、H. dubia could elongate the max root length to meet the flooding, when water level decreased, it tends to root and can subsequently adapt the flooding by plasticity of leafstalk. ─── 扎根生长的水鳖能够通过叶柄的可塑性来适应水位上涨。

14、a flattened leafstalk that functions as a leaf,as in an acacia ─── 起叶子作用的扁平叶柄,如洋槐的叶柄

15、Individual fruit mass was an important constituent character of yield, while leafstalk length and node length were two important constituent characters of fruit length. ─── 分析认为单果质量为产量的重要构成性状,而叶柄长、节间长为果长的重要构成性状。

16、Red leafstalk is partly dominant on green one, meanwhile purple flesh gene influence on the inheritance of leafstalk color. ─── 红叶柄对绿叶柄为不完全显性,同时紫红肉基因也会对叶柄色的遗传产生影响;

17、virus-free leafstalk ─── 脱毒叶柄

18、The nitrate contents in leafstalk were decreased at first and later increased following the lower of positions, re verse the direction of the nitrate reductase activity. ─── 随叶位降低,叶柄硝酸盐含量先降低后升高,叶片硝酸还原酶活性呈相反趋势。

19、A flattened leafstalk that functions as a leaf, as in an acacia. ─── 叶状柄起叶子作用的扁平叶柄,如洋槐的叶柄

20、9.the upper angle between an axis and an offshoot such as a branch or leafstalk. ─── 象树枝或叶柄的分支与轴之间的上角。

21、In laminae and leafstalk, nitrate contents of metaphase of fruiting were highest, while in fruit that of early-days of fruiting was highest. ─── 叶片和叶柄硝酸盐含量盛果期最高,末果期最低,果实则初果期最高;

22、The nitrate contents in leafstalk were higher than that in laminae and fruit. ─── 叶柄硝酸盐含量高于叶片和果实;

23、MS + 2,4-D 4mg/L medium was very perfect for the callus abduction,on which the callus abduction rates of stem,leaf and leafstalk was separately 100%,40%,20%. ─── ( 2 )MS + 2 ,4 D 4mg/L为较理想的愈伤组织诱导培养基 ,在此培养基上 ,茎、叶片、叶柄的诱导率分别是 :1 0 0%、40%、2 0%.

24、The results showed that the adventitious shoot inducing rate of leafstalk was higher than leaf and stem, the adventitious shoots polarization of stem cambium was also good. ─── 结果表明叶柄不定芽诱导优于茎段和叶片,茎段形成层不定芽诱导效果也较好。

25、In this paper, leaves, flower stems, leafstalk of Rieger Begonia are used as explants. ─── 以丽格海棠叶片、叶柄和花茎为试材进行培养。

26、Establishment of Regeneration System from Leaves and Leafstalk of Spiraea prunifolia Sieb. Et Zucc. ─── 李叶绣线菊叶片和叶柄再生体系的建立。

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