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09-19 投稿


overwork 发音

英:[əʊvə'wɜːk]  美:['ovɚ'wɝk]

英:  美:

overwork 中文意思翻译



overwork 短语词组

1、do overwork ─── 加班 ─── 加点

overwork 词性/词形变化,overwork变形

动词过去分词: overworked |动词第三人称单数: overworks |动词过去式: overworked |动词现在分词: overworking |

overwork 相似词语短语

1、overword ─── n.(苏格兰)重复的词句;副歌

2、overswore ─── 溢流

3、overworked ─── adj.[劳经]工作过度的;劳累过度的;v.[劳经]使工作过度;使过分劳累(overwork的过去分词)

4、oversworn ─── 过度磨损

5、overworn ─── 使过度疲乏;使过度磨损(overwear的过去分词);过度磨损的

6、overwore ─── vt.使过度疲乏;使过度磨损(overwear的变形)

7、overworks ─── v.使工作过度,使过度劳累;对……使用过度,滥用;n.劳累过度;过于繁重的工作

8、overwords ─── n.(苏格兰)重复的词句;副歌

9、pokerwork ─── 烙画

overwork 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After the overwork, let us go to take midnight snack. ─── 加完班,一起去宵夜。

2、You would be well advised not to overwork yourself. ─── 你不要过分劳累。

3、He died of a heart attack brought on by overwork. ─── 他死于劳累过度引起的一次心脏病发作。

4、As a result of broken down from constant overwork, disease hemoptysis. ─── 因积劳成疾,肝病咯血。

5、By evening, I was washed out from overwork. ─── 到了傍晚,我被过多的工作累得精疲力尽

6、Health suffers from overwork. ─── 健康由于过分劳累而受到损害。

7、One should not overwork oneself. ─── 一个人不应该过分劳累。

8、Few put up with bad management, stress, overwork, bullying, or anything else that makes us unhappy at work. ─── 几乎每人提到差劲的管理、压力、加班或其他东西使我们工作时不快乐。

9、He became even thinner from overwork. ─── 他更加消瘦了。

10、What with overwork and (what with) undernourishment, she fell ill. ─── 一来操劳过度,二来营养不良,她病倒了。

11、You'll become ill if you continue to overwork. ─── 你这样劳累下去就要病了.

12、"I'm afraid he won't be in today, " said the voice on the phone. "He's on vacation at present. Stress due to overwork. " ─── “抱歉,恐怕他今天不会来了,”电话上的声音说。“他现在正在休假。工作过度导致的疲劳。”

13、Her health suffered from overwork. ─── 她的健康因工作过度而受损。

14、He was suffering from stress brought on by overwork. ─── 他正苦于超负荷工作带来的压力。

15、You may be headed toward a classic case of death from overwork. ─── 你可能正符合典型的“过劳死”症状。

16、Workers complain to the boss of their overwork. ─── 因为工作过度,工人向老板诉苦。

17、When she was fifty she retired, her health having been impaired by years of overwork. ─── 分析第二句汉语是提前退休的原因,因此译为独立结构作状语。

18、This is of course all very strenuous work and no sooner has she completed it all than the Third Princess dies of overwork. ─── 三公主刚刚安排好这些,终因劳累过度,就去世了。

19、depression is often caused by the terrific effects of stress and overwork. ─── 抑郁症通常是由长期紧张和过度疲劳造成的。

20、He fell ill from constant overwork. ─── 他积劳成疾。

21、The problem of overwork is particularly severe among men in their 30s. ─── 30来岁的男性超时工作问题尤为严重。

22、She was in a very overwork state after the accident. ─── 事故发生後她精神十分紧张。

23、He dropped with overwork. ─── 他因过度工作累倒了。

24、Overwork has reduced him to a physical wreck. ─── 他过度劳累而损害了健康。

25、His health is endangered by overwork. ─── 他的健康因劳累过度而受到损害。

26、He wsa brought on an illness by overwork . ─── 他由于劳累过度生了玻

27、He died from overwork. ─── 他死於工作过劳。

28、In 1901, Nightingale lost her sight because of overwork. ─── 1901年,南丁格尔因操劳过度,双目失明。

29、Don't overwork your husband or you will be killing the goose that lays the golden egg. ─── 但做太太的也不能教你先生过分操劳,否则你就是在杀鸡取卵。

30、Generally the onstes is related to trauma even microtrauma of shoulder or caused by the overwork excess fatigue overstrain affection of external wind-cold. ─── 一般来说,起病与肩部的外伤(有时甚至是轻微外伤)或过劳引起的慢性劳损或局部外感风寒有关。

31、A few days ago, a 25-year-old young people in Huawei died of overwork. ─── 前几天,华为的一位25岁的年轻人因为连续加班给累死了。

32、What with overwork and ( what with) so little sleep, she fell ill. ─── 一半由于工作过度的劳累,一半由于睡眠不足,她病倒了。

33、He is the victim of his own success,eg because overwork has made him ill. ─── 他成了自己成就的牺牲品(如积劳成疾).

34、Nervous tension brought on by overwork. ─── 因劳累过度所造成的神经紧张。

35、His illness grew out of his tendency to overwork. ─── 他的病是由于工作过度所致。

36、She had a good job near home after university. Several years later her mother died of overwork. Since then gardenia was never received. ─── 大学毕业后,她在家附件找了份合意的工作。几年后,妈妈操劳过度逝世。从此以后,栀子花再没收到过。

37、Weariness from overwork, pain, injustice, this all doesn't consider as what, but be can not stand him indignity person! ─── 劳累,辛苦,委屈,这都不算什么,但就是受不了他侮辱人啊!

38、Self - make men are very apt to usurp the prerogative of the almighty and overwork themselves. ─── 全凭一己奋斗而成功的人,大有篡夺上帝的大权之势而过度工作。

39、Don't be afraid of killing yourself with overwork. ─── 别害怕会过劳致死。

40、His illness resulted from overwork. ─── 他的病是因为过渡劳累造成的。

41、This position he held until 1876, when overwork induced an affection of the brain and eyes, and he had to travel for his health. ─── 他担任这个职位一直到1876年,这年过度的工作使得其脑部和眼睛受到严重影响,他不得不为他的健康开始旅行。

42、Tell her not t overwork herself, in case she should fall ill. ─── 告诉她不要过度劳累,以免生病。

43、His illness was a result of overwork. ─── 他的病是过度疲劳的结果。

44、After years of overwork his health broke down and he had to retire. ─── 多年过分劳累把他身体弄垮了,他不得不退休。

45、I'm sure you have suffered from overwork. ─── 你肯定是劳累过度了。

46、He was exhausted by overwork. ─── 他因工作过度而疲惫。

47、What with overwork and what with undernourishment his brother became very ill. ─── 一方面因为工作过度,一方面因为营养不良,他哥哥病得很重。

48、He killed himself by overwork. ─── 他因工作过劳而死。

49、He is played out by overwork and worry. ─── 他因过分劳累和焦虑而精疲力竭。

50、His illness was due to overwork. ─── 他的病是由于工作过度。

51、He became ill through overwork. ─── 他因工作过于劳累而病倒了。

52、You must not overwork yourself. ─── 你别太劳累了。

53、What with overwork and what with hunger, he became sick at last. ─── 一半由于工作过度,一半由于饥饿,他终于病倒了。

54、His health collapsed because of overwork. ─── 他的身体因工作过度而垮掉了。

55、In time, the stress of overwork causes the kidneys to lose their filteringability. Waste products then start to build up in the blood. ─── 同时,超负荷工作的压力使得肾脏失去了它们的过滤能力。代谢废物也就会在血液内开始累积。

56、HARA-KIRI is a uniquely Japanese form of suicide.Its corporate equivalent is karoshi, "death by overwork". ─── "切腹自杀"是日本独有的自杀方式,在工作中,日本独语的死法就是"过劳死"。

57、Calculate by overwork time commonly, the overtime that does not have a hour is monthly wages those who divide 21.5 days is duple. ─── 一般是按加班时间算的,没小时的加班费是月工资除21.5天的二倍。

58、He was completely knocked up from overwork. ─── 他由于工作过重,累倒了。

59、You'll become iii if you continue to overwork. ─── 你这样劳累下去就要病了。

60、Therefore,we can explain the orientation of the rebar、cable and other targets in the concrete without overwork. ─── 因此,在对混凝土中钢筋、电缆等目标体进行检测时,利用天线的极化特性可以了解目标体的延伸。

61、She was run down by overwork. ─── 她由于工作过累,身体疲惫不堪。

62、After years of overwork his health broke down and he had to retire in advance . ─── 多年的超负荷工作使得他的健康受损以致不得不提前退休。

63、Thus parents who want the best education for their child must overwork to afford a house in a good school district. ─── 因此想让孩子接受最好教育的父母必须过度劳累才买得起好学校所在地区的房子。

64、Doctor: Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork. ─── 医生:嗯,没什么好担心的。你只不过是有点劳累过度。

65、They suffered greatly from overwork. ─── 他们因为工作过度吃了很大的苦头。

66、HARA-KIRI is a uniquely Japanese form of suicide.Its corporate equivalent is karoshi, “death by overwork”. ─── “切腹自杀”是日本独有的自杀方式,在工作中,日本独语的死法就是“过劳死”。

67、It might be prudent not to overwork those good angels. ─── 不过还是谨慎点儿,别让这些善良的天使操劳过度。

68、Perhaps I suffered a little from overwork. ─── 也许我是因过度劳累而不舒服。

69、His illness was induced by overwork. ─── 他的病是因工作过度而引起的。

70、He make himself sick by overwork himself. ─── 他因工作过度而得

71、His illness is attributable to overwork. ─── 他的病可归因于劳累过度。

72、His untimely death was attributable at least in part to overwork and lack of exercise. ─── 他的英年早逝至少有部分是因为过度劳累和缺乏段锻炼。

73、One of Warburg's maxims was that bankers never got ill from overwork, but only from bad organisation or bad business. ─── 华宝的格言,其中一条就是,银行家不会因加班而累倒,只会倒在坏的组织和不良业务上。

74、They were bogged down by overwork. ─── 他们被过度的工作拖住了。

75、In order to earn money for my study,mother often overwork. ─── 为了挣钱供我上学,母亲经常超负荷工作。

76、His illness was brought on by money worries and overwork. ─── 他的病是因操心钱和劳累过度而造成的。

77、It would be presumptuous, as well as tasteless, to suggest we are looking at another example of "death by overwork" here. ─── 不管怎样,那些认识拉特纳的人都会谈到他巨大的工作热情。

78、The doctor said I must cut overwork out. ─── 医生说我必须停止过度劳累。

79、In order to afford my tuition,parents always overwork. ─── 为了挣钱供我上学,父母亲经常超负荷工作。

80、Perhaps she's too tired from overwork. ─── 也许她工作太累了。

81、He is a complete wreck from overwork. ─── 他因过度劳累而弄坏了身体。

82、The overwork that increases temporarily among them, charter flight 121 sortie. ─── 其中临时增加的加班、包机121架次。

83、Don't overwork that excuse. ─── 不要滥用那个藉囗。

84、A white-haired pioneer,her face gaunt from overwork and worry. ─── 一位白发苍苍的拓荒者,由于过度劳累和担忧而面容憔悴

85、She was worn down by overwork. ─── 她因过度劳累而垮了下来。

86、Well, there is nothing to be alarmed about. You are just a little exhausted from overwork. ─── 医生:嗯,没什么好担心的。你只不过是有点劳累过度。

87、His illness was brought on by money worries and overwork. ─── 他的病是因操心钱和劳累过度而造成的。

88、He strained his heart by overwork. ─── 他因过劳而心脏负担过重。

89、You should not overwork your strength. ─── 你不应过用你的精力。

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