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09-19 投稿


ideological 发音

英:[ˌaɪdiəˈlɑːdʒɪk(ə)l]  美:[ˌaɪdiəˈlɒdʒɪk(ə)l]

英:  美:

ideological 中文意思翻译



ideological 短语词组

1、ideological pollution ─── 精神污染

2、ideological trend ─── 思潮

3、four-cornered ideological grid ─── 四角思想网格

4、ideological eduction ─── [法] 思想教育

5、ideological barrier ─── [网络] 思想障碍

6、ideological lines ─── 思想路线

7、ideological and political work ─── [法] 思想政治工作

8、ideological obstructions ─── [法] 思想障碍

9、ideological criminal ─── [法] 思想犯

10、ideological spectrum ─── 意识形态光谱

ideological 词性/词形变化,ideological变形

异体字: ideologic |

ideological 常用词组

ideological education ─── 思想教育;政治教育;意识形态教育

ideological 相似词语短语

1、oreological ─── 矿物学

2、geological ─── adj.地质的,地质学的

3、rheological ─── adj.流变学的;液流学的

4、neological ─── adj.新词的

5、adenological ─── 腺病

6、ideologic ─── 意识形态的;思想体系上的

7、unideological ─── 一元论的

8、areological ─── adj.火星科学研究的

9、ideologically ─── adv.思想上;意识形态上

ideological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、People working in the ideological field must not spread mental pollution. ─── 思想战线不能搞精神污染。

2、Physical and ideological barriers had come down in Eastern Europe. ─── 物质和意识形态上的障碍在东欧都已减少。

3、All this goes to show the extent of ideological confusion that has existed among theoretical workers. ─── 可见理论界的一部分同志思想混乱到什么程度。

4、But there must be ideological work, criticism and self-criticism. ─── 但是不做思想工作,不搞批评和自我批评一定不行。

5、Comrade Wei Guoqing has analysed the organizational and ideological conditions in the army in his report. ─── 在韦国清同志的报告中对部队的组织状况、思想状况等方面的问题已经作了分析。

6、College Students' Ideological and Political Education is a system engineering. ─── 大学生思想政治教育是一个系统工程。

7、For the majority it will be only a matter of strengthening their Party spirit through ideological education. ─── 对大多数党员来说,是通过思想教育,增强党性。

8、Her father's personal ambitions stretched elsewhere, particularly in ideological terms. ─── 她父亲的个人抱负范围广泛,特别是政治方面的事。

9、We must highlight the Party's ideological and theoretical building. ─── 必须把党的思想理论建设摆在更加突出的位置。

10、The ideological field covers a broad area,but I shall chiefly discuss theoretical work and literature and art. ─── 思想战线范围很广,我现在主要说理论和文艺战线。

11、An age of ideological confrontation. ─── 一个意识形态对抗的年代

12、If the boss is the old ideological, County market under, ran to make money, or for the courage of young people, or not-for-ass for his head. ─── 如果老板还是老思想,做下县级市场,跑量赚钱,要么就换有胆识的年轻人上,要么就不换屁股换脑袋。

13、It was a woman student who wrote a letter to the Party committee criticizing our weak ideological work. ─── 倒是一个女学生给校党委写了一封信,批评了我们思想战线上软弱无力的现象。

14、All our workers fighting on the ideological front should serve as "engineers of the soul". ─── 思想战线上的战士,都应当是人类灵魂工程师。

15、Confucius neutralism takes an important part in China ideological history. ─── 孔子的中庸思想在中国思想史上占有重要地位。

16、Some have minimized the importance of ideological factors. ─── 一些人已经贬低了意识形态因素的重要性。

17、As ''engineers of the soul'', our ideological workers should hold aloft the banner of Marxism and socialism. ─── 作为灵魂工程师,应当高举马克思主义的、社会主义的旗帜

18、The Chinese armed forces have all along given priority to ideological and political work. ─── 中国军队始终把思想政治建设摆在各项建设的首位。

19、Leadership by the Party mainly refers to its political,ideological and organizational leadership. ─── 党的领导是指党在政治、思想和组织上的领导。

20、In any case, political and ideological work in the army must be strengthened. ─── 但是,不管怎么样,军队里的政治思想工作需要加强。

21、The Third Plenary Session laid down -- or more precisely, reaffirmed -- the Party's Marxist ideological line. ─── 三中全会确立了,准确地说是重申了党的马克思主义的思想路线。

22、In this period,our ideological and theoretical workers have a particularly heavy responsibility. ─── 在这个时期,思想理论工作者的任务特别重大。

23、But this doesn't mean they should devote a great many classroom hours to ideological and political teaching. ─── 但这并不是说要把大量的课时用于思想政治教育。

24、Your fear of criticism is an obstacle to your ideological progress. ─── 害怕批评是进步的绊脚石。

25、Ideological political work is the fine tradition and political preponderance of our party. ─── 思想政治工作是我们党的优良传统和政治优势。

26、Confucius and Guan Yu are the two saints of China, and the former ideological and the latter military. ─── 孔子与关羽是华夏文武两圣,文拜孔子,武拜关羽。

27、Because there was an ideological trend in favour of liberalization. ─── 因为有一股自由化思潮。

28、If they want to practice bourgeois great democracy, I will propose a rectification, that is, ideological remoulding. ─── 你要搞资产阶级大民主,我就提出整风,就是思想改造。

29、On the other side, President Obama has got to knock off the nonsense when it comes to ideological spending and nanny state building. ─── 另一方面,奥巴马总统已停止了说到思想支出和婆婆妈妈的国家建设时的胡言乱语。

30、People don't use ideological terms in open-ended proves. ─── 在回应开放答案的问题时,人们不以意识形态词语来回答。

31、Hitler repudiated all ideological prejudices. ─── 希特勒抛开了一切意识形态的偏见。

32、Adhere to heuristic teaching, ideological and political importance of teaching the lessons of history. ─── 坚持启发式教学,是思想政治课教学的重要的历史经验教训之一。

33、A given culture is the ideological reflection of the politics and economics of a given society. ─── 一定的文化是一定社会的政治和经济在观念形态上的反映。

34、This confusion about humanism and the theory of alienation is a very serious problem among people working in the ideological sphere. ─── 人道主义和异化论,是目前思想界比较突出的问题。

35、It is for the people to judge the ideological and artistic value of a work. ─── 作品的思想成就和艺术成就,应当由人民来评定。

36、"Highly elevated" reflects a realm of propaganda and ideological workers. ─── “站得高”体现了一个宣传思想工作者的境界。

37、The direct object of introspection is ideological reality. ─── 反思的直接对象是思想现实。

38、The "Three Improvements" meant organizational consolidation, ideological education and rectification of style of work. ─── 三整,是指整顿组织、整顿思想、整顿作风。

39、But his scholarship, like his past, straddles ideological gaps. ─── 但其学识,正如他的过去一样,超越了意识形态的差距。

40、Manual labour is also a kind of training, a political and ideological course. ─── 劳动也是教学,是政治思想课。

41、Next, I would like to say something about the ideological line. ─── 其次,谈谈思想路线问题。

42、As befits a former businessman, he is pragmatic rather than ideological. ─── 作为一名成功的前商人,他注重实效而不是玩概念。

43、In doing ideological work, one must suit one's methods to the situation. ─── 做思想工作必须对症下药。

44、So we have to strengthen their ideological education continually. ─── 因此我们不断地加强她们的思想教育。

45、Man has accumulated a vast material and ideological wealth which is beyond comparison with that of the previous millennia. ─── 人类创造了巨大的物质财富和精神财富,是过去几千年所不可比拟的。

46、Since the downfall of the Gang of Four an ideological trend has appeared that we call bourgeois liberalization. ─── 中国在粉碎“四人帮”以后出现一种思潮,叫资产阶级自由化

47、Clearly a tug of war over key policies continues between the pragmatic and ideological camps. ─── 不言而喻,注重务实的和强调意识形态的两大营垒还会在重大政策问题上争吵不休。

48、He always tries to link his study with his ideological problems . ─── 他总是努力把学习和自己的思想问题联系起来。

49、He helped me enormously with advice on how to do ideological work. ─── 他告诉我怎样做思想工作,对我有很大帮助。

50、The ideological trenches of the last century were roughly in place. ─── 上一个世纪意识形态的壁垒大致依旧。

51、We should continue to criticize and correct ''Left'' views in the ideological and theoretical sphere. ─── 对于思想理论方面“左”的错误观点,仍然需要继续进行批评和纠正。

52、The ideological and social system of feudalism has a place only in the museum of history. ─── 封建主义的思想体系和社会制度,是进了历史博物馆的东西了。

53、The perfect ideological construct only exists in your mind. ─── 完美的意识形态观念只存在于人的头脑中。

54、Ideological and political work should never be allowed to fall off. ─── 思想政治工作决不允许削弱。

55、An ideological struggle is already under way in literary and art circles in Yenan, and it is most necessary. ─── 延安文艺界现在已经展开了思想斗争,这是很必要的。

56、Schools should do as much ideological work as possible among the students. ─── 学校要把学生的思想工作做到家。

57、In rudderless despair and searching for ideological sustenance, he contemplated religion. ─── 在失去航向的绝望中,在寻求精神食粮的过程中,他想到了宗教。

58、On the interpretation of a revenge plan became a bitter ideological enemy. ─── 一个复仇计划就这样演绎成了一次痛苦的思想突围.

59、He was concerned with that work and with the political and ideological education of officers and men. ─── 他一贯关心干部战士的政治思想教育,关心政治工作建设。

60、As to the ideological work, we should never go about impetuously. ─── 对于思想工作,千万不可草率从事。

61、China has become more commercialized and less ideological, and the Chinese are enjoying more relaxed social control. ─── 中国变得越来越商品化,缺乏独立的思想体系。

62、The ideological level and professional competence of teachers should be raised in an all-round way. ─── 全面提高教师思想和业务素质。

63、From the first we must master well the ideological weapon. ─── 一开始,我们就该掌握好思想武器。

64、The whole Party should strengthen political and ideological work. ─── 全党都要加强政治思想工作。

65、He had ample opportunity to reaffirm his basic ideological commitment. ─── 他曾多次有机会重申他的基本思想信念。

66、All past experience has demonstrated one point: ideological struggle must hit the mark. ─── 历来的经验说明一条:思想斗争必须中肯。

67、But public transportation continues to have its ideological critics. ─── 但公共运输系统继续受到了观念形态方面的批评。

68、The traditional method for ideological and moral education is to infuse . ─── 传统式的思想道德教育方法是灌输。

69、A front or boundary, especially one between military, political, or ideological positions. ─── 前线尤指在两军或政见、方法思想论不同的两股力量之间前沿或边界

70、Now if all that sounds as if I'm simply flogging the ideological merits of the FSUW, well, you're dead right. ─── 如果综上所述,我听起来只是在出售FSUW的意识形态优点,那么你太有才了。

71、The leadership of the Party is mainly an ideological and political leadership. ─── 党的领导主要是思想政治的领导。

72、An expression of political ideological intention and value-establishing narration can be found in its creation. ─── 它的构思、作明显贯穿着政治意识形态主观意图和价值重构的叙事策略。

73、This is what most ideological workers have been doing, to one degree or another. ─── 大多数人正是在不同程度上这样做的。

74、Among them, his philosophy of life is the core of the ideological doctrine. ─── 其中,他的人生哲学思想是其思想学说的核心内容。

75、The Third Plenary Session formulated or, one might say, reaffirmed the Party's ideological line. ─── 三中全会确立了或者说重申了党的思想路线。

76、The party's urgent tasks on the organizational and ideological fronts. ─── 党在组织战线和思想战线上的迫切任务。

77、The ideological makeup of the unions is now radically different from what it had been. ─── 这些协会的意识形态构成如今与过去大相径庭。

78、In Japan, Bushido has several ideological sources, such as Buddhism, Taoism and the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius. ─── 在日本 ,武士道有佛教、神道教、孔孟之道的儒家学说几个思想渊源。

79、Ervin Laszl's analysis of social system and social control throws a new light on ideological studies. ─── E·拉兹洛对社会系统与控制的论述为意识形态研究提供了新角度和视野。

80、The Party must strengthen its ideological leadership. ─── 必须大力加强党对思想战线的领导。

81、However, it does not mean that there is no conflict between China and EU, the bilateral relations do not surpass the ideological conflict. ─── 但是,中欧关系并非没有摩擦,双方关系远没有超越意识形态冲突。

82、Thatcher and Reagan were determined to go on the ideological offensive. Their political rhetoric began to heat up. ─── 撒切尔和里根决定继续进行意识形态攻击,他们的政治甜言密语开始不断升温。

83、The puzzle of Hume about the split between fact and value roots in the modern ideological dilemma. ─── 休谟关于事实与价值分裂的问题缘于现代意识形态的内在困境。

84、Its value lies partly in demonstrating the consistency with which Hitler stuck to his basic ideological precepts. ─── 一定程度上,该书的价值在于它论证了希特勒所坚持的基本意识形态的原则的一致性。

85、Innovating methods of ideological moral education. ─── 创新思想道德教育方法。

86、Many traditions are not ideological at all and can often find themselves sit easily with modernity. ─── 并非所有的传统都是意识形态的;

87、Why did we do this? Because there was an ideological trend in favour of liberalization. ─── 为什么做这件事?因为有一股自由化思潮。

88、In this period our ideological and theoretical workers have a particularly heavy responsibility. ─── 在这个时期,思想理论工作战线的任务特别重大。

89、How can you improve the ideological and political work in schools? ─── 学校的思想政治工作,怎样改进?

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