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09-17 投稿


jilted 发音

英:[ˈdʒɪltɪd]  美:[ˈdʒɪltɪd]

英:  美:

jilted 中文意思翻译



jilted 词性/词形变化,jilted变形

动词过去分词: jilted |动词现在分词: jilting |动词第三人称单数: jilts |动词过去式: jilted |

jilted 相似词语短语

1、hilted ─── n.刀把,柄;n.(Hilt)人名;(德、挪、罗)希尔特

2、tilted ─── adj.倾斜的,翘起的;v.使倾斜(tilt的过去分词)

3、jilter ─── 产量

4、milted ─── n.脾脏;鱼白;(雄鱼的)精液;雄鱼生殖腺;vt.使受精;adj.繁殖期的;n.(Milt)人名;(英、捷)米尔特

5、silted ─── v.淤塞;充塞(silt的过去式和过去分词)

6、wilted ─── adj.枯萎的;萎蔫的;v.枯萎;衰弱(wilt的过去分词)

7、kilted ─── adj.打褶的;穿褶裥短裙的

8、lilted ─── n.轻快的动作;轻快活泼的调子;vt.轻快地动;唱轻快的调子;用欢快节奏唱;vi.轻快地动;唱轻快的调子;用欢快节奏唱

9、jolted ─── v.猛推,搡;使颠簸,使摇动;使震惊,使觉醒;使突然活跃(或有效);n.颠簸,摇晃;一阵强烈的感情(如震惊);一份(烈酒)

jilted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To reject or jilt. ─── 拒绝,抛弃

2、My aunt was jilted as a young woman and she's been as bitter as gall ever since. ─── 我姨姨年轻时被人抛弃,从那以来她一直十分痛苦。

3、The case was actually solved when a jilted girlfriend of one of the gang went to the police, and Kevin and his friends were soon arrested. ─── 当一个队之一的被遗弃的女朋友给警察,而且凯文和他的朋友很快被拘捕的时候,情形实际上被解决。

4、his four nemeses are a medical doctor, a university professor, a jilted fianc?and the woman he loves. ─── 剧情简介: Plot:Count Alucard (read his name backwards) finds his way from Budapest to the swamps of the Deep South;

5、She was jilted by her first fiancé. ─── 她被第一任未婚夫抛弃了。

6、Young lady"Luo Luo Luo" ground smiled and she jilted once the hair of gold yellow to say:"Hi, this is too easy and he only have an ear." ─── 小姐“咯咯咯”地笑了,她甩了一下金黄色的头发说:“嗨,这太容易了,他只有一只耳朵。”

7、Jilt me right here shuddering in the wind ─── 丢我一个人在这里吹冷空气

8、The funny light wear arm to squat down to drink beer to jilt poker in the shade under a tree. ─── 无厘头光着膀子蹲在树荫下喝着啤酒甩着扑克。

9、What a disgrace it would be if he were to be jilted by a teen-age girl! ─── 不如趁早死了心罢,给一个未成年的女孩子甩了,那多丢脸!

10、He is a pleasant fellow,would jilt you creditably. ─── 他是个有趣的家伙,他会用很体面的办法把你遗弃。”

11、When he lost his money she jilted him ─── 当他破产以后她便抛弃了他。

12、But she said this recent study on the just-jilted and dejected is the most important one she'll ever do. ─── 但她补充说,近期关于刚被抛弃者和对此感到沮丧者的研究是她所做研究中的关键一部分。

13、The Jade Emperor felt body quick to be pull to spread, unbearable, a jump old Gao, jilted to open two women:Don't contend for, I be not a Jade Emperor either! ─── 玉皇大帝觉得身子快被扯散了,忍无可忍,一跳老高,甩开了两个女人:别争了,我也不是玉皇大帝!

14、If approved by the city assembly, the law would offer engaged couples a legal contract outlining how much a man or woman can recoup if he or she gets jilted at the altar. ─── 如果该提案在市民大会上通过,那么按照该法案规定,新人们在订婚后可签订一份具有法律效力的协议,其中规定在婚礼当天不幸被对方抛弃的一方所能获得的赔偿。

15、A arently,Bill was jilted. ─── 很明显,比尔被女朋友甩了。

16、Consider the tale of the jilted husband who exacted his revenge after his wife ran off: He charged into the shop that gave her a makeover and broke the beautician's fingers. ─── 一个戴绿帽子的丈夫在老婆跟别人跑了之后,冲到给她老婆做美容的店里实施报复,将美容师的手指折断。

17、The jilted Germans called on GM to put up at least 50% of the money required under its restructuring plan. ─── 被背弃的德国人要求通用公司根据其重组计划提供至少50%的所需资金。

18、The jilted woman vowed to take revenge on her former lover. ─── 那位被抛弃的女人发誓要报复她的前任情人。

19、I guess it's like getting jilted by a girlfriend, a serious girlfriend. ─── 我想这就像获得jilted的一个女朋友,一个严重的女朋友。

20、Most postings on the site are from jilted lovers but there are also contributions aimed at Greek taxi drivers,banks, the public sector and even Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis. ─── 多数发贴者都是被恋人抛弃的人,也有一些发贴者诅咒出租车司机、银行、公共服务部门,希腊总理科斯塔斯?卡拉曼利斯也成了网咒的“靶子”。

21、By selling up and flouncing off, the Chinese would be exercising the right available to all jilted lovers to slam the door satisfyingly hard as they exit. ─── 如果选择全部抛售、一刀两断,中铝将是在做一件所有被抛弃的恋人都有权去做的事:狠狠地摔门而去。

22、God had to take responsibility then for a jilted lover, as well as anything a man did at God's command in prayer. ─── 对于被抛弃的情人,以及男人在祷告中获得神的命令所做的任何事情,神都必须负上责任。

23、The jilted lover soon rallied and found new friends; The stock market rallied. ─── 股票市场发生了回弹。

24、As everybody in our small town knew, the worst of all fates had befallen Miss Caroline. She had been jilted. ─── 小镇里人人都知道,卡洛琳小姐遭遇了厄运,她被人抛弃了。

25、Soundtrack from the movie "Jilted" Finale. ─── 他还是永在我心上-负心的人插曲。

26、Monger:Big suffer a deficit, big bleed, big jilt to sell. ─── 商贩:大亏本、大出血、大甩卖。

27、Jilt to Open Opponent to Create International Well-known Brand ─── 乐凯二胶:甩开对手,打造国际知名品牌

28、Perhaps she felt a little jilted. ─── 又或者她自认为自己已经开始被剧组抛弃。

29、Among these, I now believe that it developed to enable jilted lovers to extricate themselves from dead-end love affairs and start again. ─── 在这中间,我现在相信它提高了人们从失恋中救赎自己的能力,并且重新开始一段新的恋情。

30、jilt a lover ─── 抛弃情人

31、As a young woman she had written a novel, a collection of short stories and a cathartic memoir about being jilted by her lover. ─── 年轻的时候,她也写过一部小说,一本短篇故事集,还有一本宣泄感情的回忆录,记述的是她被爱人抛弃的故事。

32、Liu 翔 winks to jilt those good hand of top worlds in the behind, the lightning flash breaks through generally eventually line. ─── 刘翔眨眼间把那些世界顶尖的好手甩在后面,闪电一般冲破终线。

33、His a pair intentionally jilt whip son the Pa Pa ring and"year" be frightenedly strange to call and ran up mountain. ─── 他俩故意把鞭子甩得啪啪响,”年”惊恐地怪叫着,跑上山了。

34、I hear your girl jilted you. That's too bad. ─── 听说你的女朋友把你甩了。那太糟了。

35、A:I hear your girl jilted you.Too bad. ─── 听说你女朋友把你甩了,太不幸了。

36、From already the pass take out three greatest mouths in the house and Be take out and say:"You the arrant fool of this pig brain, don't jilt you to jilt who ah? ─── 把自已关在屋里,抽三大嘴巴,一边抽一边说:“你这猪头猪脑的大傻瓜,不甩你甩谁呀?

37、Or maybe she felt like she wanted to be part of the show [full time], not just half the season.Perhaps she felt a little jilted. ─── 或者她想要一个更好的在整剧中都很重要的角色,而不仅仅只有半季。

38、Answer:Because touch a tiger bottom, once its tail jilt, will jilt the person's hand to the ground go up of, very painful of. ─── 答:因为摸到老虎屁股,它尾巴一甩,会把人的手甩到地上去的,很疼的。

39、Very strong:Drive girl the son sea jilted 45 times and return on the hoof. ─── 十分坚强:被女孩子海甩了45次,还活着。

40、Master elder brother Ao 1 jilted that regiment"baby" to go out. ─── 大师兄嗷一声把那团“宝贝”甩了出去。

41、Apple jilted the wrong developer. ─── 苹果抛弃了错误的开发者。

42、BE depend on a leaf a round leaf's slice to turn movable property to living to leave a heart function, jilt liquid. ─── 是依靠叶轮叶片的转动产生离心作用,将液体甩出。

43、Both events also demonstrated that despite being jilted on his quest for some Republican support during the debate on the fiscal stimulus, he is not giving up on his pursuit of bipartisanship. ─── 两个事件显示尽管他放弃在财政刺激的辩论中寻求共和党支持,他并未放弃其寻求两党合作。

44、Old Liu right away"Pa, Pa" jilted beautiful two record big box on the ear, hands*waist, Chi this tooth mouth ground larynx way:"Drink mine, return to dare to seduce a man, now roll for me!" ─── 老刘当即“啪,啪”甩了丽丽两记大耳光,双手*腰,齿此牙咧嘴地喉道:“喝我的,还敢勾搭男人,现在就给我滚!”

45、Jilt three bottom hairs, see a cellular phone screen to have what variety? ─── 甩三下头发,看看手机屏幕有什么变化?

46、Music for the jilted generation ─── 给被遗弃一代的音乐

47、Eventually , however, the jilted lover gives up . ─── 然而最终,被抛弃的恋人会放弃希望。

48、See the blind person amuse so us, I in anger response 1"have not I wash face!", Jilted to open a hand to no longer take a reason him after. ─── 见瞎子这么消遣我们,我生气地回应了一句“我还没洗脸呢!”,之后,甩开手不再搭理他了。

49、He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably. ─── 他是个有趣的家伙,他会用很体面的办法把你遗弃。

50、jilted lover ─── 被人抛弃的情人

51、You're free to go off and be jilted yourself. ─── 你自己可以很自在的离开,并且抛弃别人。

52、Male:"You think I can't?If it weren't for my this public Ci hand goes limp, early be like you to jilt big nasal discharge the ground jilted!" ─── 男:“你以为我不能?要不是我这人心慈手软,早就把你像甩大鼻涕似地甩了!”

53、a jilted bride/lover ─── 被抛弃的新娘/情人

54、C would be crazy to adopt the action of bicycle will make you dimmed eyesight confused, the Na Er Di Ni jilt of Ao tail action will also bilk you. ─── C罗会狂采单车的动作会令你眼花缭乱,罗纳尔迪尼奥的甩尾动作也会把你蒙骗。

55、a jilted lover ─── 被抛弃的恋人.

56、Now is your time.Here are officers enough at Meryton to disappoint all the young ladies in the country.Let Wickham be your man.He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably. ─── 你千万不能为了某一个人而改变原则,破格迁就,也不要千方百计地说服我,或是说服你自己去相信,自私自利就是谨慎,糊涂胆大就等于幸福有了保障。”

57、Unable to kick their respective love habits, the jilted twosome schemes shamelessly to destroy the new relationship igniting between their old flames. ─── 森以为青梅竹马的莲达不过是受男方诱骗而一时意乱情迷,希望藉监视行动揭露男方的弱点。

58、get jilted ─── ph. 被(情人或恋人)抛弃

59、jilt a lover or a bride. ─── 抛弃一位情人或新娘。

60、Some also not exaggeration, fully jilt that runt to go out five meters far! ─── 一点儿也不夸张,足足把那小东西甩出去五米远!

61、She has been jilted and I am trying to console her. ─── 她失恋了,我正在对她进行解劝。

62、If approved by the city assembly, the law would offer engaged couples a legal contract outlining how much a man or woman can recoup if he or she gets jilted at the altar. ─── 假如该提案在市民大会上通过,那么按照该法案规定,新人们在订婚后可签订一份具有法律效力的协议,其中规定在婚礼当天不幸被对方抛弃的一方所能获得的赔偿。

63、Hsieh-ch'an knew all about Hsin-mei's being jilted ─── 辛楣的失恋,斜川全知道的。

64、True, he had been "jilted"-the word sounded awkward and unnatural on his father's tongue-but not by Su Wen-wan ─── 不错

65、Pulled to ascend to jilt to jilt together the beard of chest, hazily smiled, say:Float soft, be so self-confidence! ─── 拉登甩了甩齐胸的胡子,阴森森地笑了,说:飘柔,就是这样自信!

66、Jilted by Jane, Dick tried to assuage his heartache by indulging in ice cream. One gallon later, he had assuaged his appetite but not his grief. ─── 迪克被简抛弃后,试图以大吃冰淇淋来抚慰心痛。吃了一加仑后,他满足了胃口但并没有缓和悲伤的情绪。

67、When love fades, the jilted may seek consolation in the thought that there are plenty more fish in the sea. ─── 当爱情凋谢,被抛弃一方可能会从“大海何处无鱼”的思想中去寻找慰藉。

68、Again constant become a monkey head monkey brain, next time is jilt of still you? ─── 再不变成猴头猴脑,下次被甩的还是你?

69、In the era of the wave that has a return to jilt that had been sold era, Time: yes, really is flesh... ─── 站在时代的浪尖以为已经把时代给甩了,一回头才发现早被时代给卖了;

70、he murdered the woman who jilted him. ─── 他谋杀了抛弃他的那个女人。

71、Eventually, however, the jilted lover* gives up. ─── 最终,那些被抛弃的人也许还是会放弃。

72、Shipments have been frozen, orders left unpaid, suppliers jilted, and hundreds of thousands of migrant workers made redundant. ─── 海运停止,订单作废,供应商被抛弃,成百上千的外来移民工人成了“多余的人”。

73、be disappointed in love; be jilted ─── 失恋

74、Maybe she didn't want to have to fly down and have to do this stuff.Or maybe she felt like she wanted to be part of the show [full time], not just half the season.Perhaps she felt a little jilted. ─── 因为很多时候我们都会听到反派角色在恐吓“你最好照着什么什么做否则就会怎么怎么样”,但过一阵子之后就会觉得是在唬人。

75、Toward him say, (really good thank you.If it weren't for yesterday you to break up with me, I still not know how to jilt you. ─── 对着他说,(真的好好谢谢你。要不是昨天你和我分手,我还不知道怎么甩了你了。

76、Wash away dirt a method:Use Shower Gel or Clean Jeju benefit to wash lightly, jilt stem water nature to dry in the air then. ─── 洗涤方法:用沐浴露或洗洁济轻轻手洗,甩乾水份自然晾乾即可。

77、Apparently,Bill was jilted. ─── 很显著,比尔被女朋友甩了。

78、Recommend chain, but well-trained usage chain demand equal strong basic achievement.Therefore suggestion everyone more practice.To much do laundry by hand act as to jilt stem machine. ─── 推荐链条(主要是自行车的附加品例如车锁和车链),但是熟练使用链条需要相当强的基本功。因此建议大家多加练习。要多洗衣服,用手充当甩干机。

79、The man can not do it, seemed to take her, the woman of this kind of age can hardly jilt. ─── 男人做不到,就好像负了她,这种年纪的女人很难甩。

80、Though her mother eventually accepted her decision, her jilted suitor was not so generous, and reported her as a Christian to the authorities. ─── 虽然她的母亲接受了她的决定,但是她那被拒绝的追求者可没有这么宽宏大量,他向当局告发了她。

81、If you paid the kicker cost, Jilt deals 2 damage to another target creature."You're not my Hanna!?-Gerrard, to YawgmothIllus. ─── 若你已支付其增幅费用,则遗弃再对另一个目标生物造成2点伤害。

82、The mother of my classmate one day say:"Put the inside of the television to the clothes to jilt stem once". ─── 我同学的妈妈有一天说:“把衣服放电视机里甩干一下吧”。

83、Vernon zhong: this is not an ordinary restaurant. This is where we met first. I was jilted, and you were arrested here. This is the restaurant of our fate. ─── 仲天骐:这不是普通的餐厅,这是我们第一次相遇,我被甩,你被捕,全部都发生在这里。这是我们缘分的餐厅。

84、Here are officers enough at Meryton to disappoint all the young ladies in the country.Let Wickham be your man.He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably. ─── 他象上次一样隆重其事地告别了浪搏恩的亲戚们,祝贺姐妹们健康幸福,又答应给他们的父亲再来一封谢函。

85、Voltore portrays Bonario and Celia as lovers, Corvino as an innocent jilted husband, and Corbaccio as a wounded father nearly killed by his evil son. ─── 涡陀将西利亚和玻那利欧说成是一对爱人、卡维诺则是位被抛弃的可怜丈夫而柯巴邱欧则是位差点被儿子杀害的父亲。

86、True, he had been " jilted" -the word sounded awkward and unnatural on his father's tongue-but not by Su Wen-wan. ─── 不错,自己是“失恋”——这两个字在父嘴里,生涩拗口得——可是,并非为了苏文纨。

87、Steven Fink recently received an unsolicited email containing nude photos of a woman whose jilted ex-boyfriend wanted to embarrass her. ─── 史蒂芬-芬克(StevenFink)最近收到一封陌生邮件,里头有一名女子的几张裸照,遭到这名女子抛弃的前男友想羞辱她。

88、Six, see you with another little girl walk together, little girl would happily with she is a friend;See you with another woman walk together, the woman will jilt your[one] box on the ear. ─── 六、看见你和另一个小女孩走在一起,小女孩会高兴地和她做朋友;看见你和另一个女人走在一起,女人会甩你一个耳光。

89、My Aunt Martha thought that she was done a terrible injustice when she was jilted as a young woman and she's been as bitter as gall ever since. ─── 我的阿姨玛莎认为,因为她当姑娘的时候曾被情人抛弃,所以她遭到了极其不公平的待遇。从那时候她一直很苦恼。

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