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09-17 投稿


yawl 发音


英:  美:

yawl 中文意思翻译



yawl 短语词组

1、lugsail yawl ─── 狼尾草

2、a mine yawl ─── 布雷快艇

yawl 词性/词形变化,yawl变形

过去分词:yawled 现在分词:yawling 名词复数形式:yawls 过去式:yawled 第三人称单数:yawls

yawl 相似词语短语

1、yawls ─── n.船载小艇;小帆船

2、bawl ─── vi.大叫;放声痛哭;vt.大声叫出;大声宣布;叫卖;n.叫骂声

3、pawl ─── n.制转杆,卡爪;vt.用掣爪停转

4、yawn ─── v.打哈欠;张得很开;(令人恐惧地)豁开;n.打哈欠;乏味的人(事物)

5、yaw ─── n.(火箭、飞机、宇宙飞船等)偏航;vt.使…偏航;vi.偏航;n.(Yaw)人名;(东南亚国家华语)耀;(加纳)亚乌

6、yaws ─── n.[内科]雅司病

7、awl ─── n.锥子;尖钻

8、yawp ─── n.噪声;蠢话;喊叫;vi.大声叫嚷;大发牢骚

9、wawl ─── n.号叫;痛哭;vi.痛哭(等于waul)

yawl 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and climbed into the skiff that did "yawl" duty at the boat's stern. ─── 就爬到船尾那只“突突”待命的小艇上了。

2、Research and Analysis of YAWL Visual Design Environment ─── 工作流模式支持语言YAWL可视化设计环境实现分析

3、a mine yawl ─── 布雷快艇

4、He says: "If gentlemen kin afford to pay a dollar a mile apiece to be took on and put off in a yawl, a steamboat kin afford to carry 'em, can't it? ─── 他说:“要是两位先生愿意每英里路各付一块大洋,由轮船上派一只小艇接送,那大轮就该让他们坐了吧,你们说呢?”这样,他们就软了下来,说好吧。

5、The captain steered the yawl into the harbour. ─── 船长把游艇开进港。

6、A small sail set in the stern of a yawl or similar boat. ─── 补助帆,伸艉后桅帆小帆船或类似船只的船尾上的小装置

7、Based on analysis many kinds of workflow modeling technology, the author introduce a new technology YAWL into secure consumption system modeling. ─── 本文在综合分析现有工作流建模技术的基础上,引入YAWL这一新技术,结合商品安全消费问题的特点,建立商品安全消费系统的YAWL模型。

8、any small mast on a sailing vessel; especially the mizzenmast of a yawl . ─── 帆船上任何小的桅杆;尤指快艇的后桅。

9、The Nellie, a cruising yawl, swung to her anchor without a flutter of the sails, and was at rest ─── 内利号巡航艇,帆都没有颤抖一下,就吃住了锚链,牢牢地泊定了。

10、The sailing boats are grouped according to their sails and masts, such as sloop, schooner yawl, and ketch. ─── 帆船运动中船按其帆和桅杆不同而分类,如单桅多帆船,双桅或三桅纵帆船,双桅船,及大双桅船。

11、Modeling and Analysis of YAWL- Based Secure Consumption System ─── 基于YAWL的商品安全消费系统建模与分析

12、Why all your diagrams are incomplete? This is so special-yawl? You obtain from the girls incorrectly of money! ! ! ! ─── 所有您的图为什么是残缺不全的?这如此是特别小帆船?您从女孩银色金钱不正确地获得!!!

13、keel-centerboard yawl ─── 龙骨稳舵小帆船

14、retractable rudder of keel-centerboard yawl ─── 龙骨稳舵小帆船的可收起的舵

15、any small mast on a sailing vessel; especially the mizzenmast of a yawl ─── 帆船上任何小的桅杆;尤指快艇的后桅

16、the third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts; the after and shorter mast of a yawl, ketch, or dandy. ─── 帆船上从船头算起的第三条桅杆有三根或多根桅杆;快艇、双桅船或双桅帆船上后面的短的桅杆。

17、Shetland yawl ─── 谢德兰群岛渔帆艇

18、"The sailing boats are grouped according to their sails and masts, such as sloop, schooner yawl, and ketch." ─── 帆船运动中船按其帆和桅杆不同而分类,如单桅多帆船,双桅或三桅纵帆船,双桅船,及大双桅船。

19、She sent out her yawl, and we went aboard, and she was from Cincinnati; ─── 大轮放下一只小艇,我们就上了大轮。它是从辛辛那提开来的。

20、The advantage of YAWL model used for analysis the performance of the secure consumption system is identified at the end of the paper. ─── 同时,应用YAWL的分析方法,以可达性分析说明建立YAWL模型对系统性能分析的优点。

21、a small sail set in the stern of a yawl or similar boat ─── 小帆船或类似船只的船尾上的小装置

22、They came after vigorous days of sailing his yawl Wyntje off the coast of Georgia or Maine. ─── 而是从乔治亚或缅因州的海岸出发,驾驶着他的Wyntje游艇的那些快活的日子。

23、the after and shorter mast of a yawl, ketch, or dandy. ─── 快艇、双桅船或双桅帆船上后面的短的桅杆。

24、new haven yawl ─── 一种英国延绳钓鲱鱼帆艇

25、He crept down the bank, watching with all his eyes, slipped into the water, swam three or four strokes and climbed into the skiff that did "yawl" duty at the boat's stern. He laid himself down under the thwarts and waited, panting. ─── 他悄悄溜下河堤,睁大眼睛四处张望,然后潜入水中,游了三四下,就爬到船尾那只“突突”待命的小艇上了,躺在坐板下面,气喘吁吁地等着开船。

26、The third mast from the bow in a vessel having three or more masts,the after and shorter mast of a yawl,ketch,or dandy. ─── 帆船上从船头算起的第三条桅杆有三根或多根桅杆,快艇、双桅船或双桅帆船上后面的短的桅杆。

27、Brian and Chris had a brawl in the yawl . ─── 布莱安和克利斯在小帆船里吵架。

28、cruising yawl ─── 巡航小帆船

29、and climbed into the skiff that did @yawl@ duty at the boat's stern. ─── 就爬到船尾那只“突突”待命的小艇上了,

30、retractable centerboard of keel-centerboard yawl ─── 可收起的船中板

31、Unlike in a ketch or yawl, the forward mast is smaller than the aft mast (or sometimes the same size). ─── 与双桅帆或高低桅帆不同,前侧的桅杆要比后侧的矮(有时尺寸相同)。

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