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09-17 投稿


imprudence 发音


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imprudence 中文意思翻译



imprudence 同义词

incaution | profligacy | indiscretion | irresponsibility | impulsiveness | carelessness | foolishness | recklessness | rashness |haste | extravagance

imprudence 反义词


imprudence 短语词组

1、commit an imprudence ─── 轻率行事

imprudence 相似词语短语

1、impudence ─── n.厚颜无耻;冒失

2、imprudently ─── adv.鲁莽地;不小心地

3、prudence ─── n.审慎

4、improvidence ─── n.浪费;无先见之明;浅见

5、impudencies ─── 无礼

6、impudency ─── 厚颜无耻

7、imprudent ─── adj.轻率的,鲁莽的;不小心的

8、impendence ─── n.迫切;危急

9、impudences ─── n.厚颜无耻;冒失

imprudence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lack of wisdom;imprudence or recklessness. ─── 轻率缺乏智慧;轻率或鲁莽

2、I hope not so. Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me. ─── 但愿不会如此。我要是在银钱问题上粗心大意,那是不可原谅的。

3、Lack of wisdom; imprudence or recklessness. ─── 轻率缺乏智慧;轻率或鲁莽

4、Here, Sir, is the letter of his mother, which will serve to convince you of her imprudence ─── 先生,这就是他母亲的信,你一读就可以相信他母亲的轻率行为。

5、"I hope not so. Imprudence or thoughtlessness in money matters would be unpardonable in me." ─── “但愿不会如此。我要是在银钱问题上粗心大意,那是不可原谅的。”

6、5. Some dim ideas of imprudence or impropriety in the measure seemed to embrass him considerably. ─── 他模模糊糊意识到这一行动似乎有点不正常,不谨慎,因而感到进退两难。

7、It is a grave imprudence in a great man to turn the future into derision. ─── 伟大人物的严重疏忽,便是对未来的嘲笑。

8、I hinted at his imprudence. ─── 我曾暗示他的不谨慎。

9、d) In connection with the performance of this Agreement, each party shall be responsible for damages caused by his fault to third parties whether by positive act, imprudence, neglect or want of skill. ─── 履行本协议时,各方须对因自己的过失,不论是积极行为、卤莽、疏忽或缺乏技术而给第三方造成的损害负责。

10、He had the imprudence to run into debt. ─── 他轻率举债。

11、A former employee of the FSA who wrote to Vince Cable, a Liberal Democrat MP, alleging that regulators had been deaf to warnings about the imprudence of building societies, so far remains anonymous. ─── 前联邦安全署工作人员曾写信给自由民主党议员文斯卡特,信中提到管理者对关于建筑学会草率行为的警告熟视无睹的行为,而这位检举人至今仍为匿名。

12、Some dim ideas of imprudence or impropriety in the measure seemed to embarrass him considerably. ─── 他模模糊糊意识到这一行动似乎有点不正常,不谨慎,因而感到进退两难。

13、Anne herself was become hardened to such affronts; but she felt the imprudence of the arrangement quite as keenly as Lady Russell. ─── 安妮本人对这种蔑视已经无动于衷了,但她还是像拉塞尔夫人一样敏锐地感到,这样的安排有些轻率。

14、Here, Sir, is the letter of his mother, which will serve to convince you of her imprudence. ─── 先生,这就是他母亲的信,你一读就可以相信他母亲的轻率行为。

15、and enabled her frequently to counteract, to the advantage of them all, that eagerness of mind in Mrs. Dashwood which must generally have led to imprudence. ─── 大女儿埃丽诺的劝解奏效了。埃丽诺思想敏锐,头脑冷静,虽然年仅十九岁,却能为母亲出谋划策??

16、If that is called imprudence, I wonder what would be called a thoughtful provision against the vicissitudes of fortune. ─── 如果这样就叫考虑不周的话,那么我想知道,怎样的做法才能称为是对命运起伏面面俱到的防备呢?

17、Scene Five You will get the knock because of your imprudence. ─── 因为你的轻率行为你将被解雇。

18、I was so persecuted with discussions arising from the publication of my theory of light that I blamed my won imprudence for parting with so substantial a blessing as my quiet to run after a shadow! ─── 我的“光理说”点燃了人们议论纷纷的热潮,而这种伤害使我责备自己的轻率,因为我远离了美满、安静的物质生活,反而去苦苦地追寻那个虚无缥缈的影子。

19、Hastiness, imprudence, unreasoning caution or fear, emotional immaturity. ─── 性急,不明智、缺乏理性、过于谨慎或害怕。

20、and her mother, with manners so far from right herself, was entirely insensible of the evil.Elizabeth had frequently united with Jane in an endeavour to check the imprudence of Catherine and Lydia; ─── 要知道,她身为彭伯里的达西先生和安妮夫人的千金小姐,不那样便难免有失体统。

21、All our previous efforts were wasted because of his imprudence. ─── 他的轻率使我们前功尽弃。

22、have the imprudence to ─── 卑鄙

23、immediately mom lost her temper. up till now none of my friends has admitted such a call. so she's been complaining about my imprudence in making friends. ─── 妈气坏了,到现在没一个朋友承认打过这样的电话,她就一直怪我交友不慎。

24、4 Nines = usury; 3 Nines imprudence; 2 Nines = a small profit. ─── 4张翻倒的九=高利贷;3张翻倒的九=轻率;2张翻倒的九=小利润。

25、Lady Russell had little taste for wit, and of anything approaching to imprudence a horror. ─── 拉塞尔夫人不喜欢听人逗趣,极端厌恶一切轻率的举动。

26、and I flatter myself they will settle so quietly, and live in so rational a manner, as may in time make their past imprudence forgotten. ─── 我相信他们俩从此会安安稳稳、规规矩矩地过日子,到时候人们也就会把他们过去的荒唐行为忘了。”

27、I suspect some imprudence of Mr. Franklin's on the Continent ─── 我疑心是弗半克林先生在欧洲大陆的时候,有什么不检点的行为。

28、The crown of the wise is their riches: the folly of fools, imprudence. ─── 愚昧人的冠冕,是他们的糊涂。

29、The wisdom of a. discreet man is to understand his way: and the imprudence of fools erreth. ─── 愚昧人的昏愚,在于自欺欺人。

30、I hinted at his imprudence, his folly, but he did not take my hint. ─── 我暗示他的轻率,他的愚蠢,但他没有觉察我的暗示。

31、Lady Russell had little taste for wit, and of anything approaching to imprudence a horror. ─── 拉塞尔夫人不喜欢听人逗趣,极端厌恶一切轻率的举动。

32、It is a grave imprudence in a great man to turn the future into derision. ─── 伟大人物的严重疏忽,便是对未来的嘲笑。

33、I was amazed at his imprudence. ─── 他的鲁莽使我大为震惊。

34、event occurred, due, no doubt, to the imprudence of some servant who had neglected to extinguish the lights. ─── 那天夜里发生了一件很大的意外事故,无疑的是由于某个仆人的疏忽,没有把灯熄灭而引起的。

35、Mr Brown's imprudence sapped the nation's finances.Whereas other European economies, such as Germany's, restored fiscal order, Britain stayed in the red even when the economy was booming. ─── 哪怕是经济最景气的时候,其他的像德国这样的欧洲经济都是在体恢复财政秩序,而英国的状况却不曾改变。

36、Their saying ‘Imprudence is the second happiness’ can only be understood by them. ─── 轻率是第二幸福”只有俄罗斯人他们自己可以理解。

37、I hinted at his imprudence. ─── 我曾暗示他的不谨慎。

38、It's my imprudence that make the ink bottle overturn and flow to the table . ─── 我不小心撞翻了墨水瓶,墨水泼了一桌子。

39、3.The novel is a powerful indictment of our capitalistic economy and a sharp criticism of the southwestern farmer for his imprudence in the care of his land. ─── 这本小说是对我们的资本主义经济的强烈控诉、也是对西南部农民糟蹋土地的尖锐批评。

40、43 billion ($84 billion) in 2007-08, according to Citigroup, a bank.Mr Brown's imprudence has left his chancellor, Alistair Darling, with little scope to provide a fiscal boost. ─── 企业将不会愿意在一个正在变弱的经济体内投资,而且无论如何会被紧缩的信贷所限制。

41、She would not endure her son rs imprudence. ─── 她不会忍受她儿子无耻的行为。

42、4 Nines = usury; 3 Nines imprudence; 2 Nines = a small profit. ─── 4张翻倒的九=高利贷;3张翻倒的九=轻率、鲁莽;2张翻倒的九=微少的利润。

43、commit an imprudence ─── 作出轻率的举动

44、Elizabeth had frequently united with Jane in an endeavour to check the imprudence of CatherineLydia;while they were supported by their mother's indulgence, what chance could there be of improvement? ─── 伊丽莎白常常和吉英合力同心,约束咖苔琳和丽迪雅的冒失,可是,母亲既然那么纵容她们,她们还会有什么长进的机会?

45、I hinted at his imprudence and his folly, but he did not take my hint. ─── 我暗示他的轻率和愚蠢,但他没有觉察我的暗示。

46、"That night a memorable event occurred, due, no doubt, to the imprudence of some servant who had neglected to extinguish the lights. ─── “那天夜里发生了一件很大的意外事故,无疑的是由于某个仆人的疏忽,没有把灯熄灭而引起的。

47、This incident gives zest to our investigation, however, and I only trust that our little friend will not suffer from her imprudence in allowing this brute to trace her. ─── 不过这事倒给了我们调查的热情,而且我相信我们的小朋友不会因为疏忽让这个畜牲跟踪她而受苦。

48、I hinted at his imprudence, his folly, but he did not take my hint. ─── 我暗示他的轻率,他的愚蠢,但他没有觉察我的暗示。

49、Someone would go with the wind feeling no empathy,everything has to be a fresh start.just think about what a mess would be if you hand over your future to such a imprudence! ─── 时光倒流回往昔。我在遗憾那些个瓶子之余,也真正地快乐。因为我又见到了这个快乐的老人,她还快乐地活着。

50、In his early time's profession, Depp's life is very chaotic, in some kind of degree may say that is “the mild imprudence”. ─── 在他早期的生涯中,德普的生活很混乱,某种程度上可以说是“轻度的不检点”。

51、n an endeavour to check the imprudence of Catherine and Lydia; ─── 那两位先生第二天早上就离开了罗新斯;

52、His father ticked him off for his imprudence. ─── 他父亲斥责他粗暴无礼。

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