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paradoxical 发音

英:[ˌpærəˈdɑːksɪk(ə)l]  美:[ˌpærəˈdɒksɪk(ə)l]

英:  美:

paradoxical 中文意思翻译



paradoxical 词性/词形变化,paradoxical变形

形容词: paradoxical |名词: paradoxicalness |副词: paradoxically |

paradoxical 短语词组

1、paradoxical reflex ─── [医]奇异反射

2、paradoxical embolism ─── [医] 反常栓塞, 交叉性栓塞

3、paradoxical diarrhea ─── [医] 积粪性腹泻

4、paradoxical pulse ─── [医] 奇脉, 逆脉

5、paradoxical contraction ─── [医] 反常收缩

6、paradoxical sleep ─── 快速眼动睡眠

7、paradoxical respiration ─── [医] 反常呼吸, 逆呼吸

8、Hunt's paradoxical phenomenon ─── [医] 亨特氏反常现象(变形性肌张力障碍的一种现象)

9、paradoxical phase ─── [医] 反常相

10、paradoxical diaphragm phenomenon ─── [医] 反常膈现象, 利滕氏膈现象

11、paradoxical incontinence ─── [医] 反常性 ─── [尿]失禁

12、paradoxical percussion ─── [医] 反常叩响

13、paradoxical breathing ─── [医] 反常呼吸

14、paradoxical pupil phenomenon ─── [医] 反常瞳孔现象, 奇异瞳孔现象, 韦-皮二氏现象

15、paradoxical stimulation ─── [医] 反常刺激

16、paradoxical embolus ─── [医] 反常栓子, 交叉性栓子

17、Paradoxical Frog ─── 矛盾的青蛙

18、paradoxical phenomenon of dystonia ─── [医] 亨特氏反常现象

19、paradoxical intention ─── 矛盾意向

paradoxical 相似词语短语

1、paragogical ─── 共生的

2、paradisiacal ─── adj.乐园的;天堂的;天堂似的

3、paradoxically ─── adv.自相矛盾地;似是而非地;反常地

4、paradoxidian ─── 天堂的

5、parabolical ─── adj.比喻的;寓言似的;抛物线的(等于parabolic)

6、paradoxal ─── paradoxal

7、paradisical ─── 天堂

8、paradoxicality ─── 悖逆性

9、paradisaical ─── adj.天堂的;乐园的;天堂似的

paradoxical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Paradox and irony are characteristics of her style. ─── 她善於运用似非而是的隽语和反语。

2、One should not think slightingly of the paradoxical. ─── 人们不应该轻视自相矛盾的东西。

3、The progress paradox: How life gets better while people feel worse. ─── 发展的悖论:生活更好,感觉更糟。书评作者就是原书作者本人。

4、But this is where the paradox appears. ─── 但这正是矛盾之所在。

5、That would have been a normal pattern, and a reassuring, if paradoxical, sign of an improving economy. ─── 那可能是普通模式,一个让人放心或者矛盾的经济复苏标志。

6、Your answer to the question is a paradox. ─── 你对这个问题的回答矛 盾百出.

7、The marvelous paradox was that the ideas themselves were not obscure. ─── 令人惊异的似非而是的说法是主意他们自己不是微暗的。

8、"I always lie" is a paradox because if it is true it must be false. ─── “我永远在撒谎”是一个悖论,因为如果这是真的,那这必然又是假的。

9、Man is really something of a paradox. ─── 人是一个非常复杂的矛盾体。

10、So it seems paradoxical to talk about habits in the same context as creativity and innovation. ─── 因此,在创造和革新的背景下来谈论习惯,似乎显得有点矛盾。

11、For this reason such paradoxical mechanisms are appealing candidate for use in a variety of signal processing context. ─── 因此,随机共振被认为是信号处理领域潜在的可以利用的工具。

12、Confronted with paradoxical request on the job. ─── 工作中面临相互矛盾的要求。

13、The explanation for this paradox may be that people become less satisfied over time with a given level of income. ─── 对于这种自相矛盾的现象也许可作如下解释,随着时间的推移,人们对一定的收入会越来越不满。

14、The paradox of objectification and differentiation is the historical mystery. ─── 对象化与异化的二律背反是历史之谜。

15、These examples should help you see that, as paradoxical as it seems, stress can be a sanctuary. ─── 这些例子应该有助于你认识到也许看上去是矛盾的,可是压力成为了一个避难所。

16、When it comes to human affairs,everything is paradoxical. ─── 人间事务尤其如此,似非而是。

17、"More haste,less speed"is a paradox. ─── “欲速则不达”是一种似非而是的论调。

18、But a different, paradoxical, strategy might be better: a stimulative tightening. ─── 但另有一种看似矛盾的货币政策手段或许更为有效,那就是刺激性紧缩政策。

19、Sam had a very paradoxical personality; he was very shy, but often outgoing, too. ─── 山姆的个性是矛盾的,很害羞,但又有些外向。

20、Confused: Perhaps my problem is still my desire to eliminate all my desires. . . a very paradoxical stubbornness. ─── 惑儒:也许我的问题还是在于,想要屏除欲望的欲望…一种很矛盾的固执。

21、This brings us to a seeming paradox. ─── 对我们来说,这似乎是矛盾。

22、Adapting visual Delphi language and Paradox database, structure ceramic database management system is developed. ─── 应用可现视化的Delphi语言和Paradox数据库,开发了结构陶瓷数据库管理系统。

23、The answer to the question is full of paradox. ─── 对这个问题的回答矛盾百出。

24、Credit Paradox has long made concentration risk a potential burden on commercial banks. ─── 信贷悖论一直以来使商业银行不得不承受信贷资产集中的风险。

25、Only minds corrupted by generations of misleading propaganda can regard this conclusion as paradoxical. ─── 只有历经一代又一代谬论的影响,被长期误导,才会觉得上述结论似是而非。

26、Both seek to improve system performance, through paradoxical using directly opposite approaches. ─── 两类(思路)都试图通过似非而是、看似矛盾的两种不同的努力方向来增进系统的效率。

27、Logrolling can provide a solution to the so-called Paradox of voting. ─── “互投赞成票”可以给所谓的“投票悖论”提供一个解答。

28、Researches clarified some paradoxical problems, and put forward the developmental trend of teaching theory in new situation. ─── 对一些似是而非的理论问题进行了澄清,并提出在新形势下教学论的发展趋向。

29、The change from extreme rationality to extreme irrationality, appearing to be paradoxical, is logically unavoidable. ─── 从极端的理性走向极端的非理性,看似悖谬,实则有着逻辑的必然性。

30、The expectation towards time and space and elapsing of time itself form a paradoxical state of the characters in Gefei's novelettes . ─── 对时空(存在)的期待和时间本身的易逝构成格非小说中人物生存的一种悖论式境遇。

31、From the start, Mr Aso's strategy was to capitalise on this paradox. ─── 从一开始,麻生的战术就是利用这一矛盾。

32、The paradox inherent in this situation is easy to state. ─── 在这种情形中固有的自相矛盾之处显而易见。

33、A little noticed but central character of such vivisystems is that this paradoxical essence is contagious. ─── 少有人注意到活系统的这种似是而非的中心特质是具传染性的。

34、The post-modernism revolt against The Promise has its paradox too. ─── 对《无极》的后现代反叛同样存在悖论。

35、J.Simpson and Crackhead Jesus Reveal Paradox of U.S. ─── 当前位置:首页 > 财经资讯 > 美股 > 美国股市 > O.

36、This may seem a paradoxical claim to make at a time when mankind is so much preoccupied with weapons of destruction. ─── 在人类如此全力贯注于毁灭性武器的时代,这看来可能是一种自相矛盾的主张。

37、He is a paradoxical aesthete as well as a paradoxical moralist. ─── 他是一个矛盾的唯美主义者,同时他更是一个矛盾的道德家。

38、Their content is often paradoxical. ─── 它们的内容经常是荒谬的。

39、In Boise, families like the Capps and Muirsillustrate the paradox. ─── 在博伊西市,像凯普和墨尔这样的家庭正反映了节俭的悖论效果。

40、Philosophic thought, the exhilarating experience of paradox and discovery, is the first step toward a civilized faith. ─── 哲学思考,这一矛盾和发现所带来的令人振奋的经历是迈向文明信念的第一步。

41、The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene. One thinks one knows him very well. ─── 在美国的某些地方人们对猩猩的了解总是自相矛盾的,他们总觉得对它了解得很透彻。

42、In paradoxical simplicity, Kobe is both overrated and underrated. ─── 事与愿违的是科比即被高估又被低估!

43、At first sight, this is all terribly paradoxical. ─── 乍一看,这似乎完全违反了常理。

44、Now, new research suggests some have reached the point where a paradoxical truth applies: To get more done, we need to stop working so much. ─── 现在,新的研究表明,一些人已经到了适用于一个看似自相矛盾的原理的地步:要做完更多的工作,我们就得少做点儿。

45、The idea of an indoor retail paradise dedicated to the outdoor life sounds paradoxical. ─── 室内零售业的兴盛归因于户外生活,这听起来有点矛盾。

46、The disturbing paradox of social change is that improvement brings the need for more improvement in constantly accelerating demands. ─── 似非而是的社会变更中,令人不安的因素是:改进带来的是对更多的改进的需要,这种需要不断地呈加速趋势。

47、It is paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author. ─── 令人难以理解的是,我们对这位英国最伟大的作家的生平所致甚少。

48、The C-value paradox: no correlation between apparent structural complexity and genome size. ─── 值矛盾:结构上的复杂度与基因组大小没有明显的关系。

49、A contradiction between principles or conclusions that seem equally necessary and reasonable; a paradox. ─── 二律背反看上去同样必要及合理的原理或结论之间的矛盾;充满矛盾的人或事

50、Cocoa and lipid profile: a fat paradox? ─── 可可和脂质介绍:脂肪悖论?

51、Berlin confronted a theoretical paradox between Monism and Pluralism. ─── 伯林提出了自由主义一元与多元化的价值悖论。

52、It"s a paradox, Isolation exists only in isolation.Once shared, it evaporates. ─── 孤独只存在于孤独中,一旦与人分享,它就消失得无影无踪了。

53、Heinlein story featuring twins paradox. ─── 主题: Re: YASID: Robert A.

54、He could not bear this continual paradox in which he and the other officers lived. ─── 他们这些当官的天天都在无法自圆其说的处境中过日子,他实在受不了。

55、The paradox of earth is that it cradles life and then entombs life. ─── 大地的奥妙在于它既生长万物, 亦埋葬万物。

56、OK here's an interesting situation. You can play the hard stuff but not the easy stuff? That's quite a paradox. ─── 好的,这是一个很有趣的现象,你可以弹难的却弹不了容易的?这确实让人觉得奇怪。

57、"More haste, less speed" is a paradox. ─── "欲速则不达"是似非而是的隽语。

58、Ehrlich too was fascinated by the rubbery chameleon-on-the-mirror paradox. ─── 埃尔利希也执迷于这咬嚼不烂的“镜子上的变色龙”的孰是孰非。

59、is paradoxical that some of the poorest people live in some of the richest areas of the country. ─── 某些最贫穷的人却住在这个国家一些最富有的地区,这似乎很矛盾。

60、The Swedes will find this paradoxical and try to find solutions. ─── 瑞典人会发现这种自相矛盾,并试图找到解决办法。

61、Paradox plowed into paradox, stillness mixed with stillness, sound with sound. ─── 万寂交而万籁和,若真若假,若是若非。

62、Every historical insight, therefore, intrinsically has a paradoxical nature. ─── 因此,每一种历史见解本质上都有一种矛盾特性。

63、Paradoxical stripping of clothes as cold impairs thermoregulation center of brain. ─── 乱脱衣服(因为大脑的体温调节系统被寒冷削弱)。

64、In so far as it thinks it solves the paradox, it reinstates it intact. ─── 只要飞跃自认解决了这个悖论,它便恢复了无缺的原貌。

65、therapy used to suppress HIV replication is often associated with a paradoxical increase in HCV RNA levels, as well as hepatotoxicity. ─── 此外,抗逆转录病毒治疗用于抑制HIV复制通常与HCVRNA反常升高和肝中毒相关。

66、For life is a paradox, it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 因为人生就是一对矛盾:它既让我们抓住人生的多种赐予,同时它又要我们到头来把这些赐予放弃。

67、From the perspective of pragmatics, the problem is not a paradox unsolvable. ─── 从语用学的角度看,直译和意译的矛盾是可以解决的;

68、A curious paradox will reveal itself during 2010 in France. ─── 2010年的法国将有一个奇特的矛盾现象。

69、A notion in economics known as the paradox of value is closely tied to consumers'surplus. ─── 在经济学中,价值的反论这一概念是与消费者盈余密切有关的。

70、However, that is paradoxical in its own aspect. ─── 其实它的存在也相当矛盾。

71、The science of happiness offers two explanations for the paradox. ─── 快乐学为这一矛盾提供了两个解释。

72、Even if time travel isn't strictly paradoxical, it is certainly weird. ─── 不过,就算严格说来时光旅行不再矛盾好了,它肯定是很怪异的。

73、When the superior money has disappeared, the situation becomes very paradoxical. ─── 当较优越的货币消失时,情况便变得有点似是而非了。

74、For many people the need for human translation seems paradoxical in this age of computers. ─── 对于许多人来说,在当今计算机时代还需要有人来作翻译似乎不合情理。

75、For blogs pose the paradox of the internet in its starkest terms. ─── 因为博客网站造成了互联网上最彻底的自相矛盾现象。

76、It is a paradox that such a rich country should have so many poor people living in it. ─── 如此富足的国家竟有如此多的穷人,这是个矛盾的现实。

77、The Chinese modernity outspreads between two paradoxical dimensionalities:tradition and world mainstream culture. ─── 中国的现代性的展开在中国传统与世界主流文化两个充满矛盾的维度中。

78、He was renowned as a great character and a great leader but was a paradoxical man. ─── 他作为一个伟大的人物和伟大的领导者而享有盛名,但也是一个很怪的人。

79、As an actor, there's a bit of you that's decided you want to be looked at and watched, but there's a paradoxical bit that wants to run away. ─── 作为演员,我也会渴望人们的关注和欣赏;但矛盾的是,有时我却又想远远的离开这一切。

80、Paradoxical as it may seem, the value of a star's luminosity does not depend on the nuclear reactions taking place in the interior. ─── 看来十分奇怪的是,恒星的光度竟然与发生在内部的核反应无关。

81、Most studies have shown that paradoxical embolism is the principal mechanism for stroke in patients with ASA. ─── 大量的研究结果表明,反常性栓塞是房间隔瘤病人发生脑卒中的主要机制。

82、Some sedatives produce the paradoxical effect of making the person more anxious. ─── 一些镇静剂产生出使人更紧张这样自相矛盾的结果。

83、Several main paradoxical factors in the process of N and P removal were introduced. ─── 介绍了脱氮除磷过程中互相矛盾的几个主要因素;

84、For life is paradox: it enjoins us to cling to its many gifts even while it ordains their eventual relinquishment. ─── 因为人生就是一对矛盾,它促使我们牢牢抓住人生的很多赐予,但同时又注定了我们对这些给予最终的放弃。

85、Greek logician,possibly author ofthe liar paradox. ─── 希腊逻辑学家,一说是檄谴者悖论的作者.

86、A trade is a bet on a price change, but there is a paradox. ─── 交易是关于价格变化的赌注,但这里有一个悖论。

87、The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene. ─── 在非洲大舞台上大猩猩有点象似是而非的隽语。

88、There's nothing paradoxical about that: the mobilisation of resources was immense. ─── 大量资源的动用是个无可争论的事实。

89、On the market of monopsony-oligopoly structure, "Bertrand Paradox" may lead the price to the costs, too. ─── 在垄断-寡头竞争的市场结构下,“伯川德悖论”可能使装备价格低至成本水平,甚至其下;

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