cayman 发音
英:[ˈkeɪmən] 美:[ˈkemən]
英: 美:
cayman 中文意思翻译
cayman 短语词组
1、Cayman Turtle Farm ─── 开曼海龟农场
2、careenage cayman ─── 凯伦纳吉开曼群岛
3、Cayman Islands ─── 开曼群岛[拉丁美洲]
4、Cayman Islands dollar ─── [网络] 开曼群岛元;开曼岛元
5、Grand Cayman ─── 大开曼岛
6、Cayman Islands national football te ─── 开曼群岛国家橄榄球队
7、Cayman Islands Football Association ─── 开曼群岛足球协会
8、cayman island ─── 开曼群岛(英国在西印度群岛的一块海外属地)
9、cayman compass ─── 开曼罗盘
10、Yorkey Optical International (Cayman) Ltd Yorkey ─── 光学国际(开曼)有限公司
11、cific cayman ─── 硬件设置
cayman 词性/词形变化,cayman变形
cayman 相似词语短语
1、Stayman ─── n.斯台曼(一种棋牌方法)
2、cabman ─── n.计程车司机(等于cabdriver);出租马车的车夫
3、caymans ─── n.卡曼S(保时捷的一款跑车名)
4、caiman ─── n.[脊椎]凯门鳄(等于cayman);(美洲热带所产之)鳄鱼
5、caman ─── n.(Caman)人名;(法)卡曼;(土)贾曼
6、bayman ─── n.住在港湾的居民;靠伐月桂为生者
7、carman ─── n.电车的车长;运货马车的车夫;n.(Carman)人名;(英、西、瑞典)卡曼
8、layman ─── n.外行;门外汉;俗人;一般信徒;n.(Layman)人名;(英)莱曼
9、candyman ─── n.杀人蜂(或译追命传说,电影名);甜心宝贝(或译甜蜜爱人,歌曲名)
cayman 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Gan Lanba spots are Mansong Man, the Cayman listening, Banna Jiaoyuan, pipa Ghost Village, the Cayman Pottinger, such as fish ponds. ─── 橄榄坝的景点有曼松满、曼听、版纳胶园、琵琶鬼寨、曼乍大鱼塘等。
2、Cayman Turtle Farm, Ltd. ─── 开曼海龟养殖公司
3、the basic unit of money in the Cayman Islands ─── 开曼群岛所使用的基本货币单位
4、Since then, once-notorious tax havens like the Cayman Islands and Liechtenstein have reluctantly accepted reforms to get off the list and escape the threat of sanctions. ─── 此后,开曼群岛以及列支敦士登这些曾声名狼藉的避税天堂便被迫接受改革,以脱离灰名单中并避免制裁威胁。
5、“In terms of performance, on a dollar or euro-per-horsepower comparison, there's no question we're going after the Cayman,” Ebeling said. “That was the benchmark all along.” ─── "在性能,对美元或欧元每马力比较,毫无疑问,我们会在开曼群岛,“埃贝林说。“这是一起."
6、So do tortoise and cayman. ─── 乌龟也是,鳄鱼也是。
7、British Cayman Islands Business International, Inc.Unisys is a plastic, textile, petrochemical, electronic materials, global trade in one foreign-owned companies, with headquarters in Singapore. ─── 英属开曼群岛商优利国际股份有限公司是一家集塑料、纺织、石化、电子原料、全球贸易于一体的外资公司,总部设在新加坡。
8、Earlier the hurricane's eye passed south of the Cayman Island and Jamaica, where it snapped trees, tore off roofs and flooded streets. ─── 早些时候飓风的风眼经过开曼群岛南部和牙买加,并造成树枝折断,房屋倒塌以及道路积水。
9、Many of the funds are registered in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands, but slightly more than half of the ADB money they have invested is in China and India. ─── 其中许多基金都是在开曼群岛(CaymanIslands)等避税港注册的,但略多于半数的亚行资金被这些基金投资于中国和印度。
10、In Cayman it would not be taxed, but onshore it might have been. ─── 在开曼它并不用缴税,而在其余在岸市场,这家公司却可能得缴税了。
11、The Cayman Islands Stock Exchange, CSX ─── 开曼群岛证券交易所
12、The agreement is inked a few days later, pending approval of the Cayman parliament. ─── 协议几天后签署,尚待开曼议会的批准。
13、Tropical Storm Paloma is strengthening and turning to the north as it approaches the Cayman Islands and Cuba. ─── 热带风暴“帕拉马”的威力不断增强,在它到达开蔓群岛的古巴后,开始移师北上。
14、Call Cayman Islands from United States today for as low as ─── Call开曼群岛from美国today for as low as
15、Porsche Cayman ─── 保时捷卡曼,简称卡曼
16、Mekong restaurant, located in the Cayman Pavilion Road, No. 111, you can taste honey flavor. ─── 湄公餐馆,位于曼亭路111号,可以品尝哈尼风味。
17、The capital of the Cayman Islands, on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. It is an international banking center. Population, 7,617. ─── 乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。它是一个国际性的金融中心。人口7, 617
18、The change will apply to students living in places including the British Virgin Islands, the Falklands, the Cayman Islands, and Bermuda. ─── 这变革将适用于英属维京群岛、福克兰群岛、开曼群岛、百慕达等地的学生。
19、Photo Gallery: Underwater Landscapes Schools of silversides swim with a diver off western Grand Cayman. ─── 水下风景开曼群岛西部,银鱼群与一名潜水员一起游泳。
20、Horse-eye jack swim in a dense school in the Cayman Islands. ─── 意译:鱼的学校图片。马眼杰克游泳在密集的学校在开曼群岛。
21、I chose to not scuba dive while I was pregnant even though I was beach front in the Cayman Islands. ─── 长城旅游点的一个标语是,“游客讲文明,大火不留情”,散发著些孔孟之道。
22、Many of the yachts moored here were registered in George Town, in the Cayman Islands. ─── 许多停泊在摩纳哥的游艇是在开曼岛的乔治城注册。
23、3.Tropical Storm Paloma is strengthening and turning to the north as it approaches the Cayman Islands and Cuba. ─── 热带风暴帕洛玛在到达开曼群岛和古巴时力量加强,并转向北部。
24、Grand Cayman Island ─── 大开曼岛
25、It was while looking for dwarf cayman in Uganda in February that he seems to have contracted the malaria that killed him. ─── 今年2月,他在乌干达寻找小美洲鳄时,似乎染上了致他于死命的疟疾。
26、“In terms of performance, on a dollar or euro-per-horsepower comparison, there's no question we're going after the Cayman,” Ebeling said. ─── "在性能,对美元或欧元每马力比较,毫无疑问,我们会在开曼群岛,“埃贝林说。
27、GCL - Poly Energy Holdings Limited (the “Company”) was incorporated in the Cayman Islands under the laws of the Cayman Islands as an exempt company and acts as an investment holding company. ─── GCL聚乙烯能源股份有限公司在加曼群岛组建,是加曼群岛法律下的一个免税公司和股份制投资公司。
28、Gan Lanba two big Zhaizi, is a Man Song Man, that is, Walled Garden, and the other is listening to the Cayman, which is Huaguo stockade. ─── 橄榄坝两个比较大的寨子,一个是曼松满,也就是花园寨,另一个是曼听,也就是花果寨。
29、the basic unit of money in the Cayman Islands. ─── 开曼群岛所使用的基本货币单位。
30、Please let me know your phone and fax number, I want to directly talk to you regarding to registration of Cayman Island company. ─── 我是厦门的,我想注册香港离岸公司,可以报个价格给我吗?还有第二年是收多少费用.谢
31、Patterns in Nature: Coral Star coral (Montastrea cavernosa) polyps open in search of food near Little Cayman Island. ─── 意译:珊瑚在自然界的模式。星状珊瑚虫张开为了寻找食品在靠近小鳄鱼岛。
32、"It extends the range of data available on hedge funds, not just in the Cayman Islands but globally. ─── 此举不但扩展了开曼群岛,也扩展了全球对于避险基金产业资料的可得性。
33、The president also called for more transparency in bank accounts held by US citizens in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands. ─── 奥巴马还呼吁提高美国公民在开曼群岛等避税港的银行账户透明度。
34、Grand Cayman Thrush ─── n. 大开曼鸫
35、Cayman is the Hunan-Tuo Hill, it had a solid ground-hung, mountain Wei-an, Kistler Jiuwen forest and the world; ─── 湖南端是曼陀山,它素以地势雄固、 山体伟岸、奇石林立而久闻于世;
36、Divers and fish hover over the remains of a ship that broke up on one of the many shallow reefs around the Cayman Islands, West Indies. ─── 意译:开曼群岛沉船。潜水员和鱼徘徊越过一条船的遗骸打碎在许多浅的暗礁围绕开曼群岛,西印度群岛。
37、Of the Cayman Islands' $1.3 trillion in bank deposits, 93% are interbank bookings, not personal or corporate accounts. ─── 在开曼群岛13000亿美元的银行存款中,超过93%的资金是来自其他银行的业务,而并非个人或者企业账户。
38、Inventec Appliances (Cayman) Holding Corp. ─── 则以投资业务为其营业范围。
39、Anyone wishing to reside in Cayman without engaging in employment of any kind may apply to the Chief Immigration Officer for consideration. ─── 所有想久居在开曼群岛上,又不在岛上从事任何工作的人需要向开曼首席移民官申请。
40、The world famous off-coast jurisdictional areas include British Virgin Islands,Cayman Islands and Anguilla Islands etc. ─── 世界上著名的离岸管辖区有英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、安圭拉群岛等岛屿和地区。
41、Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province in Asia Cayman Taxus professional cooperatives is a professional man in Asia Taxus breeding, cultivation promotion of cooperatives. ─── 浙江省青田县曼地亚红豆杉专业合作社是一家专业从事曼地亚红豆杉繁育、种植推广的合作社。
42、The Cayman Islands' department of tourism buys ads on Nickelodeon, a children's cable channel, promoting expensive holidays. ─── 开拓孩童市场不再只是推销玩具、糖果以及连环画夹页中的谷物食品了。
43、3.Tropical Storm Paloma is strengthening and turning to the north as it approaches the Cayman Islands and Cuba.Forecasters predict the storm could make landfall over Cuba as a hurricane by Sunday. ─── 热带风暴P风力加强,并且在靠近开曼群岛和古巴时向北移动.预报员预计此次风暴可能在周日以飓风形式登陆古巴.
44、He also told his sons, temporarily close not FaSang cayman his name, xia from on the land of China forever efface.This was genghis khan. ─── 他还告诉他的儿子们暂时密不发丧,正是他的余威,使西夏这个名字从此在中国的大地上永远地抹去了。
45、Huan-chun in Jinghong City Park is the oldest park, located in Shahe Interchange Lancang River flow and listen to the Cayman Walled side, the original "Man listen Park", an area of 20 hectares. ─── 春欢公园是景洪城区历史最悠久的公园,位于澜沧江与流沙河交汇处的曼听寨边,原称“曼听公园”,占地20公顷。
46、How do you know Cayman ─── 你是通过什么渠道认识鳄鱼恤品牌的
47、Star coral (Montastrea cavernosa) polyps open in search of food near Little Cayman Island. ─── 意译:珊瑚:在自然界模式。星珊瑚水虫息开放是寻找食物接近小开曼岛。
48、Cayman cents Minnie the Italian fashion brand is the style of the international women's well-known brands, mainly targeted at a level of taste and knowledge of female white-collar family. ─── 曼仙妮品牌是意大利时尚风格的国际知名品牌女鞋,主要针对有品味有层次的知识女性及白领家族。
49、Mavrix Technology, Inc. is a Cayman Isls exempted company has R&D centers as well as business operation centers in California, USA Shanghai China. ─── 摩威科技在中国上海和美国加州都设立有研发中心和地区营运总部。
50、Over the past half-century offshore finance, along with tourism, has lifted the Cayman Islanders from poverty to prosperity. ─── 开曼群岛凭借着近半个世纪的境外金融以及旅游业蓬勃发展,从荒芜小岛到欣欣向荣的金融中心。
51、The company is Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Rafah Governor Cayman Brothers Group to explore the Chinese market and set up branch offices in Shanghai. ─── 本公司是马来西亚吉隆坡拉督曼兄弟集团为了开拓中国市场而在上海成立的分公司。
52、Shareholders do not need to approve a merger between a Cayman parent company and a Cayman subsidiary. ─── 一家开曼公司和一家开曼子公司所进行的合并,并不需要股东同意通过。
53、Question of the Cayman Islands ─── 开曼群岛问题
54、So, he came to Grand Cayman with the HSA and I took him on his first open water scuba dive. ─── 所以,当他跟专家来到美丽的开曼群岛,我带着他做了他的第一次携水肺潜水。
55、Loans from UK banks to Cayman institutions also fell, but at a lower pace. ─── 英国银行给开曼群岛金融机构的贷款也出现下滑,不过下滑的速度慢一些。
56、Display tax information for ISO country code KY (Cayman FTAX-KY Islands) ─── 显示指定地点(两字代码)的税项
57、Yorkey Optical International (Cayman) Ltd ─── 精熙国际(开曼)有限公司,简称精熙国际
58、Please tick if there is no individual beneficial owner of the Corporate Person holding 10% interest or more of the Cayman Company, and you do not need to complete B.6a and B.6b. ─── 法人的最终受益人拥有公司百分之十或以上权益或拥有处理公司资产的主要控制权。
59、Cayman Islands Calling Card Rates ─── 开曼群岛电话卡费率
60、Cayman Islands (Constitution) Order ─── 开曼群岛(宪法)令
61、The capital of the Cayman Islands, on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. ─── 乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。
62、submersible Alvin investigates the Cayman Trough, a transform boundary on the floor of the western Caribbean Sea. ─── 阿尔文潜水器研究开曼群岛海槽,这是西部加勒比海底面上的转换边界。
63、Divers and fish hover over the remains of a ship that broke up on one of the many shallow reefs around the Cayman Islands, West Indies. ─── 水下沉船残骸图片。潜水员和鱼类徘徊在一艘遗骸的船舶解体之上,在其中的许多浅层岛礁周围,开曼群岛,西印度群岛。
64、Gann protected his fortune Offshore in the Cayman Islands when taxes in the USA exceeded 70%. ─── 在美国税收超过了70%时,江恩将他的大量财产保藏于境外的开曼群岛。
65、Bankers and lawyers in Cayman work with the lawyers of American multinationals on structured-finance transactions. ─── 开曼群岛的那些银行家和律师们则经常和美国跨国公司的律师一起处理金融重组的相关交易。
66、The Evora is aimed to compete with Porsche's Cayman on the performance side, but will be slightly more practical thanks to its available 2+2 passenger layout. ─── 的埃武拉的目的是竞争,保时捷的开曼群岛的表现方面,但将略高于实际由于其提供2+2客运布局。
67、Mr Woodford suggests that his offence was to ask questions about large payments to a firm in the Cayman Islands. ─── 伍德福德认为其被辞退原因是对公司支付大额款项给一家位于开曼群岛的公司提出质疑;
68、Jiujiang Amat in the Cayman Import and Export Co., Ltd. is an owned import-export operations right, Trade and Industry integration of professional foreign trade enterprises. ─── 九江艾得曼进出口有限公司是一家拥有自营进出口经营权、贸易与实业一体化的专业外贸企业。
69、Cayman Islands ─── n. 开曼群岛(拉丁美洲)
70、Born in southern Bake Lin, born in the Cayman family. ─── 生于贝鲁特南部的巴克林,出身于曼家族。
71、caiman, cayman ─── 凯门鳄
72、Columbus visits the Cayman Islands ─── 哥伦布发现开曼群岛
73、No offer of Offer Shares may be made to the public in the Cayman Islands. ─── 概不得向开曼群岛公众提呈要约股份。
74、Earlier, the hurricane's eye passed south of the Cayman Islands and Jamaica, where it snapped trees, tore off roofs and flooded streets. ─── 之前,风暴中心通过牙买加和开曼群岛南部,折断树木,撕裂屋顶,淹没街道。
75、Hurricane Dean left its mark on Jamaica over the weekend, and now the officials in the Cayman Island are bracing for a brush from the storm. ─── 周末飓风迪安横扫牙买加,现在开曼岛上的官员们正严阵以待。
76、Copy of Filing Schedule of Cayman Islands Companies. ─── 开曼公司文件登记时间表。
77、The capital of the Cayman Islands, on Grand Cayman in the West Indieswest of Jamaica. It is an international banking center. Population, 7,617. ─── 乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。它是一个国际性的金融中心。人口7,617。
78、Enhance the unique character of your Cayman. ─── 增强Cayman的独特个性。
79、In fact, he and Schilling, who today maintains a $20 million-a-year portfolio from his home in the Cayman Islands, are often accused of driving up prices. ─── 事实上,他和现在每年域名投资组合收入2000万美元,家在开曼群岛的希林,时常被指责提升了域名价格。
80、Huan-chun Park is next to the Walled Cayman and Cayman listen to listen to Buddhist temples, together form the park, Buddhist temples and villages in-one pleasure point. ─── 春欢公园旁边是曼听寨和曼听佛寺,共同形成了公园、村寨和佛寺三位一体的游乐点。
81、Come all the way from the Cayman Islands. ─── 从凯门群岛一路而来。
82、2.In 1991, Mentholatum Cayman invested about 100 million RMB in Zhongshan,Guangdong Province and established Mentholatum Cayman(Zhongshan)Pharmacy Co.Ltd., officially entering the Chinese market. ─── 2.1991年,曼秀雷敦在广东中山投资约一亿人民币,设立了曼秀雷敦(中山)药业有限公司,正式进入中国市场。
83、On August 9, 2007, the parent company WuXi PharmaTech (Cayman) Inc. became a New York Stock Exchange listed company and its American Depositary Shares commenced trading under the ticker symbol WX. ─── 2007年8月9日,母公司无锡药明康德(开曼)有限公司正式在纽约证券交易所挂牌上市,其美国存托股份交易代号为WX。
84、In Cayman, this firm would not be taxed, but onshore it might have been. ─── 在开曼群岛,这家公司并不用缴税,而在陆地上,它却可能得缴税了。
85、08292 Ordinary Shares APAC Capital Advisors Ltd sub a/c APAC Greater China Fund (Cayman) Ltd 2006/08/31 29,931,850 29,931,850 ─── 注解(L)-好仓;(S)-淡仓;(P)-可供借出的股份代号类别主要股东日期买入/卖出或涉及的股份数目先前结馀目前结馀注解
86、Cayman takes advantage of a legitimate loophole—and the financial system is none the weaker for it," says one regulator in Europe. ─── 开曼群岛利用了法律的漏洞——金融制度也没有变得更弱。”欧洲一监管者说道。
87、Georgetown , on Grand Cayman , is the capital. ─── 其首府乔治镇位于大开曼岛。
88、The capital of the Cayman Islands,on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. It is an international banking center. Population,7,617. ─── 乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。它是一个国际性的金融中心。人口7,617。
89、on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. It is an international banking center. Population, 7,617. ─── 乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。它是一个国际性的金融中心。人口7,617
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