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09-18 投稿


plenary 发音

英:[ˈpliːnəri]  美:[ˈpliːnəri]

英:  美:

plenary 中文意思翻译




plenary 常用词组

plenary meeting ─── 全会;全体会议

plenary session ─── 全体大会

plenary 词性/词形变化,plenary变形


plenary 短语词组

1、plenary powers ─── [法] 全权

2、plenary causes ─── [法] 完整诉案

3、plenary action ─── [法] 完整诉讼

4、plenary confession ─── [法] 全部供认, 彻底坦白

5、plenary indulgence ─── 大赦, 全免罪罚

6、plenary session ─── 全体会议

7、plenary meeting ─── [法] 全体会议

8、plenary power ─── [法]全权

plenary 相似词语短语

1、plenty ─── n.丰富,大量;充足;adj.足够的,很多的;adv.足够;pron.大量;充足;富裕;n.(Plenty)普伦蒂(人名)

2、scenary ─── 情节

3、lunary ─── n.诚实;阴地蕨;adj.月球的(等于lunar)

4、senary ─── adj.六的;[数]六进制的

5、plena ─── n.满;充满;完全(plenum的复数形式)

6、plenarily ─── adv.充分地;完全地;有全权地

7、plenarty ─── 全体会议

8、panary ─── adj.面包的

9、denary ─── adj.十的;[数]十进制的

plenary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The local Party committees at all levels meet in plenary session at least twice a year. ─── 党的地方各级委员会全体会议,每年至少召开两次。

2、The Sixth Plenary Session of the Fifteenth Party Central Committee adopted an important decision on strengthening and improving the Party's style of work. ─── 党的十五届六中全会作出了加强和改进党的作风建设的重要决定。

3、List of speakers for the general debate in the plenary shall be established on a first-come, first-served basis. ─── 全会一般性辩论的发言名单按先来后到顺序排定。

4、The Third Plenary Session formulated or, one might say, reaffirmed the Party's ideological line. ─── 三中全会确立了或者说重申了党的思想路线。

5、After the Third Plenary Session we proceeded to explore ways of building socialism in China. ─── 十一届三中全会以后,我们探索了中国怎么搞社会主义。

6、SCIT Plenary meetings have provided a forum for discussions on IP-related aspects of ICT since its reform in 2001. ─── SCIT全会自2001年改革以来,为讨论ICT与知识产权相关的问题提供了论坛。

7、The plenary session manages by Central Political Bureau. ─── 全会由中央政治局主持。

8、At the Third Plenary Session, this notion was expressed in the phrase "studying new situations and solving new problems". ─── 三中全会的提法,叫研究新情况,解决新问题。

9、A year during which plenary indulgence may be obtained by the performance of certain pious acts. ─── 大赦年可以通过做某些虔诚行为获得全免罪罚的一年

10、They decided to take the matter up at the plenary meeting. ─── 他们决定在全会上把这件事提出来。

11、Is anything I have said here out of keeping with the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee? ─── 以上所说的,同三中全会的精神有没有不一致的地方?

12、Since the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee, reform has focused on the cities. ─── 十二届三中全会以后,改革的重点转移到城市。

13、These committees then submit proposals for approval to plenary meeting of the Assembly. ─── 委员会向大会全体会议提交提案并由大会通过。

14、When the resolution to be adopted by the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee is promulgated, people will see we aim at nothing less than a comprehensive reform. ─── 十二届三中全会的决议公布后,人们就会看到我们全面改革的雄心壮志。

15、Conferences held by the Committee consist of plenary meetings and meetings of professional committees. ─── 委员会会议分为全体会议和专业委员会会议。

16、Since the Third Plenary Session of the eleventh Central Committee we have been working on establishing a legal system -- that is indispensable. ─── 从党的十一届三中全会以后就开始抓法制,没有法制不行。

17、The first Third Plenary Session focused on rural reform,whereas this Third Plenary Session will focus on urban reform,including the reform of industry,commerce and other sectors. ─── 前一次三中全会重点在农村改革这一次三中全会则要转到城市改革,包括工业、商业和其他行业的改革,可以说是全面的改革。

18、Judicial review in this area is influenced above all by the fact that the Commerce Clause is a grant of plenary authority to Congress. ─── 在这一范围的司法审查尤其要受这一事实的影响,即《商业条款》是对美国国会的全权授权。

19、Originally, I had not intended to say anything at the Sixth Plenary Session of the twelfth Central Committee. ─── 在六中全会上我本来不准备讲话

20、For the most part,the current changes in China started at the end of 1978,when the Third Plenary Session of our Party's Eleventh Central Committee was held. ─── 中国现在发生的变化主要是从一九七八年底开始的,我指的是我们党的十一届三中全会。

21、A decision to this effect was made at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, and it represented an important turning point. ─── 十一届三中全会解决了这个问题,这是一个重要的转折。

22、Before the Fifth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee,our Party fought Chen Tu-hsiu's Right opportunism and Comrade Li Li-san's "Left" opportunism. ─── 在党的六届五中全会以前,我们党反对了陈独秀的右倾机会主义和李立三同志的“左”倾机会主义。

23、The incumbent chairman is Mr.Deng Haiguang.The chairman, vice-chairmen and standing commissaries are elected by the plenary session. ─── 委员由各团体会员推荐、协商产生的代表和本会特别邀请的各族各界青年的代表出任。

24、He is a diplomat with plenary powers. ─── 他是一位具有极权的外交家。

25、There are also student plenary sessions and workshops to share their experience in organising health promotion activities in the campus and community. ─── 另外设有工作坊让同学们分享筹划活动时的经验及感受。

26、'll be another plenary at the end of the afternoon after the workshop. ─── 傍晚专题讨论会后将另有一个全体会议。

27、But it is only since the Third Plenary Session that the issue has been raised more explicitly. ─── 但是把它更明确地提出来,还是三中全会以后的事情。

28、At the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee our Party, having reviewed our experience, laid down a series of new policies. ─── 在总结经验的基础上,党的十一届三中全会提出一系列新的政策。

29、A children's choir sings during the opening plenary, symbolizing the international fellowship that is a signature of the RI Convention. ─── 一个儿童合唱团在开幕式全会中演唱,象徵著国际联谊那是国际扶轮的一个特色。

30、The resolution was carried at the previous plenary session. ─── 决议在上次全会上获得通过。

31、Read in the plenary session after the announcement, a number of critical statements of concern. ─── 在细读全会公告后,有一些关键语句值得关注。

32、Originally, I had not intended to say anything AT the Sixth Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee. ─── 在六中全会上我本来不准备讲话

33、We will hold a plenary meeting at 15:00. ─── 下午三点我们将召开公司全体会议。

34、Our decision at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee to carry out reform meant that we were choosing a better policy. ─── 十一届三中全会决定进行改革意味着我们要选择更好的政策。

35、Congenital heart lungs function not what kind of complication does plenary meeting cause? ─── 先天性的心肺功能不全会引发什么样的并发症?

36、Since the Third Plenary Session more than four years' practice has shown that this line is correct. ─── 十一届三中全会召开至今四年多的实践证明,这条路线是正确的。

37、President of the Court nominated by the long ball, the Earth passed by a plenary session of Parliament, the Speaker signed the appointment. ─── 法院院长由球长提名,地球议会全体会议通过,议长签署任命。

38、The Trilateral Commission, Tokyo Plenary Meeting, April 2006, April 22-24, Tokyo, Japan. ─── 2006年4月22-24日,在日本东京参加“三边委员会”2006年东京全体会议。

39、Once it is finalized it will be submitted to the Sixth Plenary Session of the Central Committee. ─── 定了以后,提到六中全会。

40、RI President-elect Dong Kurn Lee and Joan Wilkinson, wife of the RI president, greet the governors-elect spouses at a spouses plenary session. ─── 在一场配偶全体会议,国际扶轮社长当选人李东建与国际扶轮社长魏京森的妻子琼?魏京森,迎接总监当选人的配偶们。

41、new committee holds its first plenary session this week. ─── 新委员会本周举行第一次全会。

42、The draft lists prepared by the different delegations were discussed in the plenary, and the PCDA agreed on the proposals contained in Annex I. ─── 全会讨论了各不同代表团编拟的清单草案,PCDA就本总结附件中所载的各项提案达成一致意见。

43、After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee we began our reform step by step, starting with the countryside. ─── 党的十一届三中全会以来,我们逐步进行改革。改革首先从农村开始。

44、At the Third Plenary Session in 1950, I spoke against hitting out in all directions. ─── 一九五零年,我在三中全会上说过,不要四面出击。

45、The Council has plenary powers to administer the agreement. ─── 理事会拥有全权执行这项协议。

46、Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, we have been calling for separating the functions of the Party and the government. ─── 党政分开,从十一届三中全会以后就提出了这个问题。

47、If attending the 2006 Malm?-Copenhagen Convention, attend the plenary session on Literacy, held on Monday, 12 June and the interactive discussion group on literacy that follows. ─── 如果参加2006马尔摩/哥本哈根的世界年会,请参加在6月12日举行的有关识字的全体会议,与紧接的识字小组讨论会。

48、Our principle of peaceful reunification of the motherland was formulated after the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee. ─── 和平统一祖国的方针,是我们党的十一届三中全会以后制定的

49、A local rule shall be decided upon by government regular affairs meeting or plenary meeting. ─── 地方政府规章应当经政府常务会议或者全体会议决定。

50、Secondly, I respect the decision made by the June 24th CCM Plenary that not using Dual Track Financing by a democratic process. ─── 其次,我尊重第24次CCM大会通过民主程序做出的在第八轮艾滋病项目中不使用双重轨道筹资政策的决定。

51、Chinese delegacy attended plenary meeting of the 3rd miniascape at coming to will go to Singapore on June 1 on May 26, 1995. ─── 中国代表团于1995年5月26日至6月1日赴新加坡参加了第三届盆景大会。

52、The 68th Plenary Meeting of the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) is underway. ─── 国际棉花咨询委员会(ICAC)第68届全体会员大会正在进行中。

53、Party committee meetings must be divided into two categories, standing committee meetings and plenary sessions, and the two should not be confused. ─── 委员会又须分别为常委会和全体会两种,不可混在一起。

54、The premier shall convene and preside over the plenary sessions of the State Council and executive meetings of the State Council. ─── 七、总理召集和主持国务院全体会议和国务院常务会议。

55、Renowned scholars and practitioners will be invited to deliver keynote and plenary speeches. ─── 大会邀请著名的学者及教育工作者作主题及专题演讲;

56、Delegates reconvene in plenary hall. ─── 代表返回主会场。

57、At the Third Plenary Session of its eleventh Central Committee, the Party established a new collective leadership -- the second generation. ─── 党的十一届三中全会建立了一个新的领导集体,这就是第二代的领导集体。

58、We need to look back over the period since the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee. ─── 十二届三中全会后已经过了一段时间,现在需要回顾一下。

59、In May, the Twelfth Plenary Session of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang again declared that it would "protect freedom of speech". ─── 五月,国民党五届十二中全会又宣言“保障言论自由”。

60、Accordingly,at the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the CPC,we formulated a series of principles and policies and thus took a new path. ─── 十一届三中全会制定了这样的一系列方针政策,走上了新的道路。

61、The plenary session of the Party branch is to be held tomorrow afternoon. ─── 党支部大会定于明天下午举行。

62、The correctness of the decision adopted at the Third Plenary Session will be borne out in three to five years'time. ─── 再过三年五年,可以证明我们中央全会通过的决定是正确的。

63、It will reaffirm the principles and policies formulated since the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee. ─── 十三大要重申我们党十一届三中全会以来制定的一系列方针和政策

64、The Third Plenary Session laid down -- or more precisely, reaffirmed -- the Party's Marxist ideological line. ─── 三中全会确立了,准确地说是重申了党的马克思主义的思想路线。

65、The proposal was turned downat the plenary meeting of the committee. ─── 在委员会全体会议上这个建议遭到拒绝。

66、Later at the Second Plenary Session we expressed the hope that he would speak on his mistakes, but instead he digressed, lavishing praises upon us. ─── 后头,在二中全会上,我们希望他讲一讲他自己的错误,但是他讲别的东西,只讲我们这些人怎么好怎么好。

67、A diplomat with plenary powers. ─── 具有极权的外交家

68、Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh CPC Central Committee, we have been concentrating on modernizing the country so as to revitalize the Chinese nation. ─── 党的十一届三中全会以后,我们集中力量搞四个现代化,着眼于振兴中华民族。

69、The song which in Tokyo IOC held at the 55th plenary session which authorizes in 1958, its music presently deposits in the IOC Headquarters. ─── 国际奥委会在1958年于东京举行的第55次全会上批准的会歌,其乐谱现存放于国际奥委会总部。

70、What can the Kuomintang be planning to do now, following the Eleventh Plenary Session? ─── 十一中全会后国民党人可能打什么主意呢?

71、During the plenary session, hundreds of flexible cars will be added in our city to ease the traffic situation. ─── 大会期间我市将加开上百辆机动车,以便缓解交通拥堵的状况。

72、The plenary assembly official election supposes scrutineer 36. ─── 大会全体会议正式选举设监票人36名。

73、In the nine months since the Third Plenary Session of the Twelfth Central Committee, practice has proved that the decision to reform prices was correct. ─── 十二届三中全会以来九个月的实践证明,物价改革是对的。

74、Important issues in the work of the State Council must be discussed and decided by an executive or plenary meeting of the State Council. ─── 国务院工作中的重大问题,必须经国务院常务会议或者国务院全体会议讨论决定。

75、After The Fourth Plenary Session of the Thirteenth Central Committee, our country made great efforts to implement the legalization on anti-corruption. ─── 十三届四中全会后,党和国家强化了反腐败的执法力度;

76、The Third Plenary Session has called for the achievement of stability and unity -- for carrying out a programme of socialist modernization on the basis of stability and unity. ─── 三中全会就要求安定团结,就要求在安定团结的基础上进行社会主义现代化建设。

77、The importance of this Plenary session was evidenced by the presence of all high party officials and returning diplomats and ambassadors. ─── 图:二中全会的召开十分隆重,出席者除高级党籍官员外,还有许多外交使节亦特地赶回参加。

78、We have done a good deal, solved many problems and accomplished much that reflects credit on us since the Third Plenary Session of the Party's Eleventh Central Committee. ─── 党的三中全会以来,我们已经做了很多工作,解决了很多问题,取得了很多成绩。

79、Between the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee and the Twelfth National Congress, we have blazed a new path: concentrating on economic development. ─── 从十一届三中全会到十二大,我们打开了一条一心一意搞建设的新路。

80、A committee was set up to look into the matter and report to the next plenary session. ─── 成立了一个委员会来调查此事,并由它向下次全会进行汇报。

81、These results indicate that initiation reaction is not a plenary condition for enhancing degradation efficiency of ozonation. ─── 以上结果表明,自由基引发反应并不是臭氧化降解效率提高的充分条件。

82、Say with respect to somebody in Beijing " elder brother hill has a mayoress, had attended world woman plenary meeting. ─── 在北京就有人说“昆山有个女市长,参加过世界妇女大会。”

83、They will hold a plenary session next week. ─── 下周他们将召开全体会议。

84、Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, Eshan has achieved satisfactory economic and social developments. ─── 党的十一届三中全会以来,峨山的国民经济和社会发展成就喜人。

85、The present plenary session has discussed the draft of the revised Party Constitution. ─── 全会讨论了党章修改草案。

86、Company component, amalgamative, disband etc great and decision-making must approve via worker shareholder plenary meeting. ─── 企业分立、合并、解散等重大决策必须经职工股东大会批准。

87、If not, let us declare that the Sixth Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee has successfully completed its work. ─── 如果没有,我们就宣布第六次中央全会胜利闭幕。

88、The Eighth Plenary Meeting of Agricultural Technical Cooperation Working Group. pp1-3. ─── 中华农艺学会九十三年度年会作物科学讲座暨研究成果发表会。

89、Our current principles and policies were formulated at the Third Plenary Session of our Party's Eleventh Central Committee, held in 1978. ─── 一九七八年我们党的十一届三中全会确定了现行的方针政策。

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