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09-18 投稿


jeopardize 发音

英:[ˈdʒepərdaɪz]  美:[ˈdʒepədaɪz]

英:  美:

jeopardize 中文意思翻译



jeopardize 词性/词形变化,jeopardize变形


jeopardize 同义词

peril | hazard | threat |danger | endangerment | difficulty | risk | trouble | exposure

jeopardize 反义词


jeopardize 相似词语短语

1、jeopardizing ─── 危害

2、jeopardized ─── vt.危害;使陷危地;使受危困

3、jeopardizes ─── v.危害(jeopardize的第三人称单数)

4、jeoparding ─── vt.危及(等于jeopardize)

5、jeopardise ─── vt.危及(等于jeopardize);使…受危险

6、jeopardies ─── n.危险;(被告处于被判罪或受处罚的)危险境地

7、jeopardised ─── vt.危及(等于jeopardize);使…受危险

8、jeopardises ─── vt.危及(等于jeopardize);使…受危险

9、to jeopardize ─── 危害

jeopardize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No challenge anywhere can be allowed to jeopardize the goal of permanently improving the world by driving out a truly awful disease. ─── 任何地方的任何挑战都不得危及我们的目标,这就是消灭一种非常可怕的疾病,使世界得到永久改善。

2、To protect environment and prevent the jeopardize of pollutant, working over hydraulic characteristic of pollutant diffusing is very content from the aspect of hydrodynamics and hydrokinetics. ─── 为了保护环境,防止污染扩散的危害,因此,从流体力学和动力学方而着手研究污染物在河道中扩散的水力学特性是很有意义的。

3、And because he did not want anyone to disturb his family life and jeopardize his property, he made up some rules which said that adultery is wrong. ─── 又因为他不想让任何人打扰他的家庭生活,危及他的财产安全,所以他制定了一些规则,说通奸是错误的行为。

4、Nevertheless, in our effort to stem inflation and keep prices down, we must on no account jeopardize the policies of reform and opening up or cause the economy to contract. We have to maintain a proper rate of growth. ─── 但是,治理通货膨胀、价格上涨,无论如何不能损害我们的改革开放政策,不能使经济萎缩,要保持适当的发展速度。

5、If you is rude to the boss, it may jeopardize your chance of success. ─── 如果你对老板没有礼貌, 那也许会危及你事业的成功。

6、The American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has sought to allay fears that Washington is pressurizing India into carbon emission cuts that could jeopardize development. ─── 参考翻译:美国向印度施压,要求其减少二氧化碳排放量。印度认为这样会危害其经济发展。美国国务卿希拉里试图减轻这种忧虑。

7、The United States doesn't want to jeopardize its aluminum interests controlled by the Surinamese government. ─── 如果美军贸然派兵营救,并不符合国际法;加上美国政府向来从苏利南的铝材获得利益,不能轻举妄动。

8、Most of them insisted on anonymity because they did not want to offend their clients or jeopardize sales. ─── 坚持匿名大多数,因为他们没有想触犯他们的客户或危害销售。

9、'We'd rather sacrifice growth than do anything that would jeopardize our customers' interests, much less be a part of any blatant fraud. ─── 我们宁愿没有增长,也决不能做损害客户利益的事,更不用提公然的欺骗。

10、Exercise own judgment at all time and speak up when he /she feels the topdown decisions that jeopardize the overall interest of the Company. ─── 当他/她认为管理层的决策有危害公司整体利益时,能运用自己的判断处理及向上级反映。

11、Again, more than two unexcused "unprepareds" will jeopardize your class participation grade. ─── 再次声明,超过两次无故“未预习”将危及你的课堂参与评分。

12、Her arrest for drunken driving may jeopardize her work as a doctor specializing in child care ─── 她因酒后驾驶被捕也许会使她儿科大夫的工作处于危险境地

13、As an observer, you are expected to remain objective and independent from King County Elections. Please refrain from any actions which may jeopardize this status or appear as a conflict of interest. ─── 作为观察员,对景郡选举部,你须保持客观及独立 。请勿采取任何可危及阁下的独立客观地位,及进行任何可被视为有利害抵触的行为。

14、Matches will rarely be perfect, and the owners of the system can vary a sensitivity threshold so as to minimize either the rate of false rejections, which annoy users, or false acceptances, which jeopardize security. ─── 对比很少是十全十美的,系统的主人可以改变灵敏度的门限值,以便减少不真实的拒绝(这将使用户恼怒)或不真实的接受(这将破坏安全)。

15、Workers will not assist in codifying their tacit knowledge about doing their job if they feel it will jeopardize their employment. ─── 如果工人感到文档化有关如何完成他们的工作的背景知识将危害他们的工作位置,那么,他们不会帮助这样做。

16、And if we do not act quickly, we are going to jeopardize our economy. ─── 如果我们不迅速采取行动,我们就会破坏我们的经济。

17、to jeopardize public security ─── 危害治安

18、Soldiers jeopardize their lives in war. ─── 士兵们在战争中使他们的生命陷入险境。

19、(Their behavior consequence often hurts 6) reach others, jeopardize a society, and themselves is imperturbable however. ─── (6)他们的行为后果常伤及别人,危害社会,而他们自己却泰然自若。

20、jeopardize [harm] the fundamental interests of the state ─── 危害国家的根本利益

21、It is outrageous of you to suggest that I jeopardize the neutrality of the International Fleet in order to take control of children who have completed their military service with the IF. ─── 你让我破坏国际舰队的中立性去控制住那些在结束了军队服役的孩子们的建议是不可容忍的。

22、Overworking can jeopardize your health. ─── 工作过量可能会危及你的健康。

23、to endanger; to imperil; to jeopardize ─── 危及

24、If you are rude to the boss it may jeopardize your chances of success. ─── 如果你对上司无礼,那就可能断送你成功的机会。

25、to jeopardize ─── 侵害

26、Francis and Derrick despise each other, and Derrick is threatening to talk to a journalist about Francis' activities, which will jeopardize his chance of becoming police commissioner. ─── 弗兰西斯和德瑞克各自瞧不起对方,并且如果德瑞克一旦把弗兰西斯的丑事抖落给记者那会是要了他的命的,这不光是丢掉警局局长乌纱帽的问题。

27、Additional limits on weight, range and maneuver are a virtual certainty, and that could jeopardize readiness and ultimately affect the services' ability to conduct future operations. ─── 对于载重、航程和机动的额外限制是确有其事的,这将危害飞机的备战率并且最终影响到军队履行未来作战任务的能力。

28、Serious disturbances on the worksite should jeopardize the industrial control computer through power supply. ─── 工业现场的严重干扰,会通过工业控制机电源对工控系统造成严重危害。

29、Prevalence of individualism will jeopardize collective interests. ─── 个人主义思潮的盛行会危及集体利益。

30、The Administration opposes sanctions and withholding state funds, both of which would jeopardize important state-level safety programs and infrastructure maintenance programs already in place. ─── 布什政府反对禁制令,也反对收紧国家基金,因为这两项都会严重危害已就位的国家级安全计划和基础设施维护计划。

31、Continued gestation may jeopardize the safety of life of the pregnant woman or seriously impair her health, due to the serious disease she suffers from. ─── 因患严重疾病,继续妊娠可能危及孕妇生命安全或者严重危害孕妇健康的。

32、If people want unnecessarily to put their lives at risk, I guess that is their prerogative.But they have no right to jeopardize that of their partner in the process. ─── 如果有人不想拿自己的生命冒险,我看那是他的权力,但是在这个过程中他们可没有伤害同伴生命的权力。

33、If issues arise that might jeopardize the schedule, project management can proactively take steps to mitigate risk at every level. ─── 如果产生了可能能够危害到进度的问题,项目管理者可以预先进行在各个级别采取减小风险的措施。

34、Election-year politics must not be allowed to jeopardize the U.S. commitment to security and reconstruction. ─── 在选举年的政治活动也绝不允许违背美国的安全和重建方面的承诺。

35、Nevertheless, in our effort to stem inflation and keep prices down, we must on no account jeopardize the policies of reform and opening up or cause the economy to contract. ─── 但是,治理通货膨胀、价格上涨,无论如何不能损害我们的改革开放政策,不能使经济萎缩,

36、It will jeopardize your career. Some jobs prohibit certain refractive procedures. Be sure to check with your employer/ professional society/ military service before undergoing any procedure. ─── 你不是一个风险承担者---一些并发症将不可避免的出现在一些患者身上,而目前没有长效的支持数据。

37、HAL: This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it. ─── 哈尔:这次任务对我来说很重要,我不允许你去破坏。

38、For young people who have a history of recurrent ear infections it is vital that they be warned that use of personal stereos with headphones is likely to jeopardize their hearing. ─── 对有耳部病史的年轻人来说,提醒他们,戴耳机听音乐可能对听力有害,这一点很重要.

39、Light pollutioncan cause fatigue and diminution of vision and sexual precocity of children,but also jeopardize wild animds and plants. ─── 光污染会引起人的视觉疲劳和视力下降,导致儿童性早熟,而且也危及野生动植物。

40、China's banks were initially reluctant to jeopardize their hard-fought internal reforms in the name of inflating a monetary bubble through increased lending. ─── 中国的银行最初在增加贷款吹大金融泡沫的时候是很不情愿的,因为这与它们艰难的内部改革背道而驰。

41、Experts of the real estate bubble and widespread concern that could jeopardize the country's financial security. ─── 专家对房价虚高而产生的地产泡沫表示忧虑,认为可能危及国家金融安全。

42、The trio tries every means to interfere and jeopardize the romance.Unfortunately, all efforts and tricks fail to cool down the courtship. ─── 两小孩各施计谋排斥及戏弄对方新欢,但告失败,伤心之馀,竟离家出走。

43、China is also reluctant to take steps that would jeopardize economic growth and risk political instability. ─── 中国也不愿意采取那些可能威胁到经济增长和引起政治不稳的措施。

44、You'll have plenty of opportunity to meet someone through work this week but don't jeopardize your position in the process. ─── 双子座:本周通过工资有很多约会的机会,但是不要因此危及自己的职位。

45、Again, more than one unexcused "unprepared" will jeopardize your class participation grade. ─── 再者,超过一次未经允许的“无准备”将影响你的课堂参与分。

46、Her arrest for drunken driving may jeopardize her work as a doctor specializing in child care. ─── 她因酒后驾驶被捕也许会使她儿科大夫的工作处于危险境地。

47、But isn't it possible that something could happen in the region that might jeopardize the fundamental interests of the country? ─── 但是,特别行政区是不是也会发生危害国家根本利益的事情呢?

48、But they have no right to jeopardize that of their partner in the process. ─── 可能正因为如此,同伴也是享受双重经验,并可分享的人。

49、But the leader of Democratic Party and Progressive Party colluded with Yuan Shikai in order to suppress Kuomintang and jeopardize democratic procedure, which dashed Sun Hongyi"s wish. ─── 但民主党与进步党党首梁启超等为对抗国民党不惜与袁世凯勾结,破坏民主宪政程序,使孙洪伊的愿望破灭。

50、jeopardize liberty ─── 危及自由

51、jeopardize one's life ─── 冒生命的危险

52、No matter how one looks at it, it is difficult to imagine how such an act would not severely jeopardize the security of the Iranian regime. ─── 这样的举动很不明智。不论我们怎样看待这场密谋,都很难想象这样的举动怎能使伊朗政权的安危免于重创。

53、If you are rude to the boss, it may jeopardize your chance of success. ─── 如果你对老板没有礼貌,那也许会危及你事业的成功。

54、She was too calculating to jeopardize any advantage she might gain in the way of information by fruitless clamour ─── 她十分善于算计,当她由于了解到某些情况而占了上风时,她决不会去徒劳无益地争吵而失去这种优势。

55、"And there would emerge a multitude of problems, risks, inequalities and irrationalities, which would ultimately jeopardize the interest of developed countries." ─── 就会带来诸多困难、风险和不公正不合理的现象,最终发达国家也会受到损害。

56、If you are rude to the boss , It may jeopardize your chance of success ─── 如果你对老板没有礼貌,那也许会危及你事业的成功

57、There are concerns about the temperature profile components and boards can sustain to not jeopardize their functionality. ─── 关于线路板能够承受的温度特性曲线不致影响元器件的功能方面存在着人们关注的一些问题。

58、It's a problem big enough to jeopardize the recovery that the economy seems to be building. ─── 在重建经济的当口,这个问题大到足以对复苏造成危害了。

59、There's a real danger that you will jeopardize your own relationship with the person you are trying to help. ─── 你可能会破坏自己与这个你试图帮助的人之间的关系,这种危险是确实存在的。

60、Should they fail to do so, they will simply drift with events and, no matter how hard they try, they will not be able to attain victory and may even jeopardize the cause of the revolution. ─── 如果他们不能事先看到,那他们就只会跟着时间迁流,虽然也在努力工作,却不能取得胜利,反而有使革命事业受到损害的危险。

61、The inclusion of other topics at this stage was likely to jeopardize the truly international approach to harmonization of substantive patent law and its potential benefits. ─── 在这一阶段纳入其他主题,可能危及实体专利法协调方面真正的国际方针及潜在的收益。

62、If you are rude to the boss ,it may jeopardize your chance of success. ─── 如果你对老板没有礼貌,那也许会危及你事业的成功。

63、She was too calculating to jeopardize any advantage she might gain in the way of information by fruitless clamour. ─── 她太工于心计,不愿意让无谓的大吵大闹暴露出自己的疑心。 那样会听不到消息,占不了上风。

64、harm; endanger; jeopardize ─── 危害

65、Indeed, anything other than brutal honesty from the channel's roughly 140 participants would jeopardize its elite and unforgiving reputation. ─── 尽管如此,这些来自140多位频道成员的评论并不会对那些软件精英的名誉造成危害。

66、If large numbers of people are left behind by China's economic development, such foolish disregard for wealth will jeopardize a stable society. ─── 如果大部分人都被中国的经济发展抛在后面,那么对财富的这种愚蠢的不尊重最终将危及社会的稳定。

67、Carnegie China Debate Series IX: Does China's Financial Sector Jeopardize Economic Growth? ─── 卡内基“中国政策辩论系列”之九:中国金融体制是否适应中国经济发展的需要?

68、The dispute could jeopardize the negotiations. ─── 这一争论可能会使损害谈判。

69、The creation of extra edges may jeopardize the precision of the analysis in the later stages. ─── 多余边的产生可能危害以后阶段分析的准确性。

70、tritt was never able to steal money from a customer. this would have endangered his position at the bank,and he did not want to jeopardize his future. ─── 在句子或段落种,我们可以利用熟悉的词语,根据语言环境推断生词词义。例如:although he often had the opportunity, mr.

71、In an environment where the focus on money-making is intense, there are pressures on lawyers not to“ rock the boat” by adopting positions outside the mainstream that could jeopardize the common enterprise. ─── 在一种赚钱意识浓厚的环境中,有一种压力要求律师们不得采取任何可能会危害到联合投资企业的非主流立场来协从那些主张变革的政治观点。

72、Exercise own judgment at all time and speak up when he/ she feels the topdown decisions that jeopardize the overall interest of the Company. ─── 当他/认为管理层的决策有危害公司整体利益时,能运用自己的判断处理及向上级反映。

73、He would never do anything to jeopardize his career. ─── 他决不会做任何有损于他事业的事。

74、She told him not to jeopardize his future for nothing -- that she had already lost her job. ─── 她希望巴拉拉不要为了无所谓的事情,拿自己的未来冒险,因为当时她已经丢掉了饭碗。

75、His foolish behaviour may jeopardize his whole future. ─── 他的愚蠢行为可能会危及他的整个前途。

76、Ethics Charges Jeopardize Just-Announced International Cloning Program ─── 伦理上的指责可能危及刚宣布的国际克隆计划的实施

77、Would such legislation jeopardize chances for a treaty? ─── 制定这样的法律会危及签约的可能性吗?

78、If we remain unaware of cultural differences, we may fatally jeopardize our business relationships and entire projects. ─── 如果我们还不注意文化差异,我们可能会给业务关系和整个方案带来致命的伤害。

79、If you bought any, is aware of the chairs will jeopardize the safety of your children home? ─── 如果您买过,是否意识到这种椅子会危及到您家孩子的安全?

80、If Lidle re-signs with the Yankees, he would fly at his own risk; in the Yankees' standard contract, a player who injures himself in an off-field activity like flying would jeopardize the guaranteed money in his deal. ─── 在洋基的合约规定,任何非地面活动如开飞机造成的意外可能会让他的年薪减少,所以他必须对自己负责。

81、How could it let a ringleader with cumulation of crimes as Li Hongzhi continue to harm and kill people cruelly, tramp on human rights and jeopardize society? ─── 中国有句俗语“物以类聚,人以群分”。

82、Sociologists are greatly concerned whether the foreign cultural acquisition will jeopardize Chinese cultural norms and values ─── 外国文化输入是否会对我国的文化准则和价值观念产生不良影响,社会学家对于这一点非常关切

83、But the huge budget, which contemplates a $1.2 trillion deficit, has drawn the ire of small-government conservatives, who say that such high deficits jeopardize the nation's economic future. ─── 但是,这项巨额预算,需要1.2万亿美元的赤字。这一下激怒了支持小政府的保守派。他们预言,如此高额的赤字将危害这个国家未来的经济。

84、The results are similar, though: business people are conditioned to behave in ways that jeopardize their software projects. ─── 但结果是类似的:业务人员习惯于用危及其软件项目的方式工作。

85、The protective functions will initiate a unit in the event of an abnormal condition which would jeopardize the safety of major equipment or personnel. ─── 在对主要设备或人身有危害的状态下,保护功能启动脱扣装置。

86、Even when the policy alternatives are reasonably clear, an attempt to write highly detailed standards in the legislature may delay the passage of desired legislation, or jeopardize its chances for enactment. ─── 即便政策的多种选择合情合理地明白无误,企图在立法机关撰写高度详细的标准的努力也会延迟通过人们期望的立法,或破坏颁布立法的机会。

87、to impair public sanitation; to jeopardize public security ─── 危害公共卫生

88、By capping her grades at 94 while most other teachers grade on a scale that tops out at 100, your teacher could jeopardize a student's chance of getting a scholarship or getting into a top college. ─── 如果你的老师把自己的成绩限制在94分,而其他大多数老师的评分范围都在100分以上,那么你的老师可能会危及学生获得奖学金或进入顶尖大学的机会。

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