jutted 发音
英:[ˈdʒʌtɪd] 美:[ˈdʒʌtɪd]
英: 美:
jutted 中文意思翻译
jutted 词性/词形变化,jutted变形
动词第三人称单数: juts |动词过去式: jutted |动词过去分词: jutted |动词现在分词: jutting |
jutted 常用词组
jut out ─── 伸出
jutted 相似词语短语
1、juttied ─── 突出的
2、rutted ─── adj.有车辙的;v.形成车辙;挖槽(rut的过去式)
3、hutted ─── adj.设在小屋里的
4、jetted ─── adj.用黑色大理石装饰的
5、nutted ─── adj.用螺帽固定的,上了螺母的;v.采坚果;撞击…的头(nut的过去分词)
6、jotted ─── v.摘记下来
7、putted ─── 轻击(球);轻击球(putt的过去分词)
8、gutted ─── adj.容易消化的;v.取出…的内脏;毁坏…的内部(gut的过去式)
9、butted ─── adj.[建]对接的
jutted 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、From the base of the steep wall of rock on which I stood, a moss-covered ledge jutted seaward into deep water. ─── 从我立脚的峭岩底部,一块被青苔覆盖的礁石伸向大海的最深处。
2、So, from the great cliff's base, jut spokes of rock crossing from bank to bank, intersecting ditches until the pit's hub cuts them off from meeting. ─── 就像这样从岩石的基础有危岩通出去而跨越堤岸和壕沟,降到那把它们截断和集合起来的井。
3、Some say that jut as the constant running machine is easily damaged;all work without play makes Jack a dull boy. ─── 有人认为:机器连轴转会坏,人若一直学会傻,拨拨刘海,放松放松。
4、It was not as large as the creature of his vision, nor as wide, but it was still a nightmare creature.Itsheavy jaw was dominated by fangs that jutted upward, its other features small and sinister. ─── 它看起来不像在幻境中那么大,那么宽,但仍然是一种噩梦般的生物:向前突出的大下巴上布满着豁出的尖獠牙,脸上的其他部位小而阴险。
5、A row of small windows jutted out from the roof. ─── 有一排小窗户从房顶上突出来。
6、Jut your neck out ever-so-slightly.If it feels really stupid or it hurts, it’s the right pose. ─── 尽可能的伸长颈部,直到感觉不舒服时,那才是正确的姿势。
7、Jut xianb ax hneb hlat,njout lol sheit ax peax,dangl end ghab xongb nex yad yad lol doux ndeud xongb! ─── 新年头一天,上来发一贴,欢迎所有的苗族朋友们都来学习苗文!
8、many a window showed black gaps deprived of glass,and slates jutted off,here and there,beyond the right line of the roof,to be gradually worked off in coming autumn storms. ─── 不止一个窗子没有玻璃,显出黑洞洞的缺口来;屋顶右边的瓦片有好几块地方凸出来,等到秋天的风雨一来,就要渐渐地掉光了。
9、Well, it is jut a good place to practice my oral english.hha .. ─── 优秀是一种习惯,生命是一种历程,放弃是一种智慧。
10、THE Teton mountains jut suddenly and majestically out of the Wyoming plains near Jackson Hole. ─── 在靠近怀俄明平原的JacksonHole,提顿山突然雄伟的显现。
11、These streets hadn't changed, though housing projects jutted up out of them now like rocks in the middle of a boiling sea. ─── 尽管这里竖起了住宅建筑,犹如露出在波涛汹涌的海面上的岩石,但街道本身没有变化。
12、These streets hadn't changed, though housing projects jutted up out of them now like rocks in the middle of a boiling sea. ─── 尽管这里竖起了住宅建筑,犹如露出在波涛汹涌的海面上的岩石,但街道本身没有变化。
13、Not a happy life, also not bad, jut normal. ─── 你觉得自己现在的生活状态总体而言开心吗?
14、.. makeup/Candy Law hair/ Addem Lo (Xenter Jut) model / Vann Xu (Icon model ) ... ─── 第一时间到便利店购买穿高跟鞋用的厚鞋垫,或用 多张 纸巾迭加并贴于高跟鞋鞋掌、鞋 .
15、His broad shoulders were hunched forward and his chin jutted out as though the thoughts in his mind were not pleasant. ─── 他的阔肩膀向前佝着,下巴颏儿翘起来,象似心里在想什么不愉快的事。
16、You know, as parents, you don't always instruct the children what to do and how to do, jut let them go and give them the advice at the right time. ─── 你知道吗,为人父母,并不需要规定孩子要做什么以及如何去做,而是在他们需要的时候给出正确的建议。
17、Mrs.Merriwether was a tall, stout woman and so tightly corseted that her bust jutted forward like the prow of a ship. ─── 梅丽韦泽小姐本是个身高体胖的女人,乳罩把胸脯箍得很紧,胸脯挺得简直像船头。
18、She jutted her chin out stubbornly. ─── 她倔强地把下巴翘得高高的。
19、Mrs. Merriwether was a tall, stout woman and so tightly corseted that her bust jutted forward like the prow of a ship. ─── 梅里韦瑟太太是个结实的高个儿女人,她的紧身褡束得很紧,挺出来的胸脯像个船头。
20、She is jut one track-minded ,not be harmful. ─── 她只是一根筋,但并无恶意。
21、jut out ─── 伸出
22、A row of small windows jutted out from the roof. ─── 有一排小窗户从房顶上突出来。
23、and slates jutted off, here and there, beyond the right line of the roof, to be gradually worked off in coming autumn storms. ─── 屋顶右边的瓦片有好几块地方凸出来,等到秋天的风雨一来,就要渐渐地掉光了。
24、His teeth tend to jut out a little. ─── 他的牙齿长得有点儿凸出。
25、The waves of the shallow Coral Sea sweep against this beach, and islands - little more than spires of jagged rock - jut from the water. ─── 浅浅的珊瑚海的波浪冲刷着海滩,无异于锯齿状礁石的尖顶海岛从水中冒出来。
26、The rafters that jut out rot first. ─── 出头的椽子先腐烂。
27、Great horns jut out above its solid white eyes. ─── 巨大的角和触须在他谨慎的白眼睛上方伸出。
28、" The wonder of it would not let me go."Imagine," I said, "if I'd had a vision and worked at it, jut a little bit every day, what might have I accomplished? ─── 这个奇迹让我禁不住想象“如果我有一个想法,然后努力实现,一天做一点点,那现在我已经取得什么样的成就呢?”
29、Jut To extend outward or upward beyond the limits of the main body; project ─── 突出,伸出:向外或向上延伸,超出主体的界限,突出
30、A pair of razorsharp incisor tasks jut forward from the lower jaw and grind against two blunter versions in the upper jaw ─── 象剃刀那样锋利的一对门牙从下颚向前突出,可以与上颚的两颗较粗钝的牙对称嚼食。
31、OG is jut a game. ─── 人生也不过是场游戏。
32、A little while after passing the ruin, they reached a small peninsula which jutted haphazardly into the sea before them, forming a small gulf to their north. ─── 不一会儿的时间就走过了废墟,来到一个小半岛上,一个不规则小半岛从海洋里突出,在北面形成一个小海湾。
33、not everytime need to 进入 de ?if jut wanna use finger den how ? ─── 回答:是的,用手指也可以。不需要进入。
34、The Influence of Property of High Voltage Condenser with Semicircle Cylinder Jut on the Plate ─── 极板上半圆柱形凸起对高压电容器性能的影响
35、Excellent Works 4--The College of Architeture and Urban Planning, B JUT ─── 4号优秀方案--北京工业大学建筑与城规学院设计
36、In addition, the body of these vessels was elongated, the mouth widened, the neck became more tapered, and the double handle jutted out at a greater angle. ─── 壶身由矮变长,壶口变高,颈部更细长,颈中部以弦纹装饰,足部外撇,肩部双系也出现新的形式。
37、I just found that my life like a doll , jut do the things over and over again. ─── 你愿意把你的灵魂交给我。你说无论怎样都好,只要我愿意。
38、The natural eco-environment of Cai Damu Basin is really fragile, this situation is not jut determined naturally, but also relates to the human's sweeping producing activities in it. ─── 摘要柴达木盆地自然生态环境十分脆弱,这种状况不但由其禀赋所决定,更与近50多年来人类在盆地开展的大规模生产活动不无关系。
39、jut out or project in space. ─── 在空间上突出或者凸出。
40、Rockformations jut from the floor of the Grand Canyon of YellowstoneNational Park. Floods from melting glaciers helped carve this canyon,deepening it and removing most of its sand and gravel. ─── 意译:峡谷照片美术馆。岩层突出所提的黄石国家公园的大峡谷。洪水从冰川融化帮助雕刻这个峡谷,加深它,并消除其大部分沙和碎石。
41、Feed dog 3 is factory-adjusted to jut out 1.2 mm from the surface of throat plate 2. ─── 请把距离送布牙3 的针板2 的突出量调整到1.2mm 。
42、He landed on a flat rock that jutted above the surface of the water. ─── 他跌落在一块突出水面的岩石上。
43、Long dark hair swung in braids about his chiseled face, the tasseled ends occasionally striking the long tusks that jutted up from his lower lip. ─── 同样漆黑的长发扎成辫子吊在他棱角分明的脸上,末端的流苏不时接触着他下颚突出的獠牙。
44、A rocky headland jutted into the sea. ─── 嶙峋的岬角突入海中。
45、I had never been on a fishing boat before and was captivated by the speed and grace in which it jutted through the waves. ─── 我以前从未乘坐渔船出航,所以立刻就被它乘风破浪的速度和优雅所吸引。
46、I told Khenpo about the surprising feeling and he said of course, jut think of how many great masters had gone to read and pay homage to that scripture.Indeed. ─── 回来跟堪布说,堪布说,故事版本他听到的就有三个,不过只要想到那经书是多少伟大上师、学者们读过的,加持是必然的。
47、His broad shoulders were hunched forward and his chin jutted out as though the thoughts in his mind were not pleasant. ─── 他的阔肩膀向前佝着,下巴颏儿翘起来,象似心里在想什么不愉快的事。
48、The importance of economic responsibility audit is becoming well known Jut economic responsibility auditing system is not perfect and audit-scale issues is difficult to grasp. ─── 摘要经济责任审计的重要性渐为人知,但也存在着经济责任审计的制度不够完善、审计尺度难以把握等问题。
49、His mouth started to jut out, and his jaw got longer. ─── 他的嘴向前突出,下巴也变长了。
50、More than a hundred teeth jut from narrow jaws that must have been adept at snagging fish ─── 在狭窄的下颚间,100多颗利牙突兀而出,这些利牙在戳鱼时一定游刃有余。
51、His cock proudly jutted from his groin as he resumed his pacing. ─── 他重新开始踱步,那话儿骄傲地从他的两腿之间伸出来。
52、Mrs. Merriwether was a tall, stout woman and so tightly corseted that her bust jutted forward like the prow of a ship. ─── 梅里韦瑟太太是个结实的高个儿女人,她的紧身褡束得很紧,挺出来的胸脯像个船头。
53、"Imagine," I said, "if I'd had a vision and worked at it, jut a little bit every day, what might have I accomplished? ─── 我说,“想象一下,如果我当时有这样的一个想法并且坚持为此而努力,每天做一点点,到现在又会完成了多少呢?”
54、Beton activates a man-sized gin to catch his target. Four hemicyclic iron ring will jut from the ground and immobilize the target. ─── 比顿启动一个对人用的捕兽夹抓住他的目标。四个半圆形铁环将从地面突出,使目标无法移动。
55、jut nend ad jut weib ghobnhangb? ─── 今年的这一年啊,又是为了什么?
56、Her mouth adamantly jutted upward as if wanting to peck, her arms lifted as if positioning to take off. ─── 她的坚硬的嘴高高地噘起来,好像要啄人,两条胳膊举起来,仿佛要起飞。
57、Well, conserv-ion isn't jut the business of a fewn the Marketing orld, the laws of nature. ─── 其实环保不仅是小众关心的事,而是关乎每个人的切身问题,是亿万年来的大自然法则。
58、To jut out; project. ─── 突出;伸出
59、To jut out; hang suspended. ─── 悬挂,悬置
60、She jutted her chin out stubbornly. ─── 她倔强地把下巴翘得高高的。
61、Later, as I stood above the tide near the entrance to the pool, the promise of that rosy light was sustained. From the base of the steep wall of rock on which I stood, a moss-covered ledge jutted seaward into deep water. ─── 后来,当我在高于海潮的水潭人口处附近站着时,四周已是瑰红色的晨光。从我立脚的峭岩底部,一块被青苔覆盖的礁石伸向大海的最深处。
62、The crystalline blade jutted out from the hilt in an almost cylindrical fashion. ─── 水晶般的剑身从剑柄上兀然突出,看上去甚至有点圆柱状。
63、From amid the branches there jutted out the grey gables and high roof-tree of a very old mansion. ─── 从树丛中伸展出灰色的山墙和一座古老宅邸的高高的脊梁。
64、As a result, these black nails jutted almost invisibly from the blackboard and this teacher kept banging his hands on them while erasing the board. ─── 由于钉子的颜色和黑板一样,都是黑色,即使突出来也不明显的。再加上,老师边擦黑板边把钉子往里按紧,这下就更加隐蔽了。
65、Jut press the swith on your arm rest. By the way, would you like a copy of the latest"Guangzhou Daily"? ─── 只在扶手处压一下开关,顺便说一下,你想要一份最新的《广州日报》吗?
66、The environmental Problems jut out,especially refuse problem is most difficult to solve. ─── 环境问题相当突出。其中以垃圾问题的解决难度最大。
67、From amid the branches there jutted out the grey gables and high roof-tree of a very old mansion. ─── 从树丛中伸展出灰色的山墙和一座古老宅邸的高高的脊梁。
68、Scanning down from the jut of my chin to the tips of my toes, I’ve even managed to brand my feet. ─── 从下巴的尖端到脚趾尖扫视下来,我甚至还设法在脚上打上了烙印。
69、jump forward, project, jut out, protrude, outleap ─── 向前跳。跳到前面。向外突出。凸出。
70、When the crystals do not mesh properly, the occasional atom will jut out where it should not, creating a defect to which a phage can stick. ─── 但晶体之间若无法适当啮合,有些原子可能凸出到它原本不该出现的位置,从而成为可与病毒结合的缺陷处。
71、5.It was late the next day before Jean and George found him lying on a sheltered patch of ground.His right front leg was shattered, jagged splinters of bone jutted through the skin. ─── 第二天晚些时候,琼和乔治发现它躺在有遮掩的一处地面上,右前腿折断,露出锯齿状的碎骨。
72、When the engineer and his assistant jut their heads through open side windows to see the track ahead, coal cinders whip into their faces.Their bloodshot eyes tear. ─── 不需信号,司机和他的助手把他们的头伸出开着的侧窗了望前方的路轨,煤炭灰打在他们的脸上,他们的眼睛透着血丝,流着泪水。
73、But you jut tell me that you only have 115LBS. ─── 但你却告诉我,你只有115磅.
74、She was spared the watching of the branches jut out beyond the point of balance. ─── 她幸免于看到将来枝干攲侧倾斜的景象。
75、The rest of the territory the United States acquired were islands, with the exception of Alaska, which is a peninsula jut ting out from northwestern Canada. ─── 美国所取得的其余领土是一些岛屿,阿拉斯加除外,它是从加拿大西北突出的一个半岛。
76、To cause to jut. ─── 使伸出,使突出
77、Twenty miles from the city a pair of enormous eggs, identical in contour and separated only by a courtesy bay, jut out into the most domesticated body of salt water in the Western hemisphere, the great wet barnyard of Long Island Sound. ─── 这两块陆地距城市20英里,恰似一对硕大无朋的鸡蛋,轮廓全然相同,仅一水相隔,伸入西半球那片最最温驯的海水,即位于犹如巨大水上庭院的长岛海峡之中。
78、"Where glaciers meet mountains in Canada's Yukon Territory, some peaks jut from the ice like islands in a frozen sea. ─── 在加拿大育空地区的冰川和山脉交汇之处,一些山峰突出冰层,看起来就像冰封海洋中的岛屿。
79、There will always be people who'll hurt you,so you need to continue trusting,jut be carefull. ─── 生活中总会有伤害你的人,所以你仍然要继续相信别人,只是小心些而已。
80、The tops of the flooded houses jutted out of the water. ─── 一个个遭水淹的房顶突出水面。
81、Towards the Iranian border and south to the gulf, rigid and yellowing reeds jut from a hard-baked landscape of cracked mud. ─── 在这片靠近伊朗边境,南接海湾的土地上,现在只有龟裂的泥地上耸立衰黄的连天芦苇。
82、His jaw jutted stubbornly forward; he would not be denied. ─── 他固执地扬起下巴,一副不肯罢休的样子。
83、The Influence of Property of High Voltage Condenser with Hemisphere Jut on the Plate ─── 极板上球形凸起对高压电容器性能的影响
84、jut window ─── 突出窗
85、Feed dog 3 is factory-adjusted to jut out 1.2 mm.from the surface of throat plate 2. ─── 请把距离送布牙3的针板2的突出量调整到1.2mm。
86、He jutted out his jaw ─── 他伸出下巴。
87、She jut down a few note, and later transcribe them into an exercise book ─── 她草草做了些笔记, 然後誊写在练习本上
88、19.I am jut an email or a phone call away. ─── 给我打个电话或发个电子邮件就找到我了。
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