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09-18 投稿


jo 发音

英:[,dʒe 'o]  美:[dʒoʊ]

英:  美:

jo 中文意思翻译



jo 短语词组

1、jo marlone I ─── 马龙

2、jo in n. ─── 连接处,接合点v.成为……的一员,参加; ─── 连接,接合;联合,汇合;上(火车、飞机等);和……作伴,随同

3、jo chanel ─── 乔·香奈儿

4、jo marant ─── 我在想

5、ha neul jo ─── 和神经jo

6、heath ledger the jo ─── 希思·莱杰的工作

7、bole jo ─── 很疼是的

8、jo martinez ─── 乔·马丁内斯

9、G-Jo ─── [网络] 鸟居元忠

10、alan jo ─── 阿兰·乔

11、c jo c jo ─── 公司

12、jo malone london ─── 祖·玛珑(著名香水品牌)

13、jojo n. ─── 乔 ─── 乔(《JOJO的奇妙冒险》系列长篇漫画的主人公); ─── 乔 ─── 乔(美国女歌手)

14、jo loves ─── 乔喜欢

15、baby jo ─── 宝贝乔

16、en attendant les jo en ─── 服务员les jo en

17、ask doctor jo ─── 询问乔医生

18、Amy Jo ─── 艾米·乔

19、big jo ─── 大作业

jo 词性/词形变化,jo变形


jo 相似词语短语

1、joe ─── n.乔(男子名)

2、jol ─── n.荒芜碎裂的石灰岩高地(阿拉伯半岛南部)

3、jor ─── n.乔(印度传统乐曲拉迦的有节奏的第二乐音)

4、jow ─── v.打铃;敲钟(等于toll);n.钟声;敲钟;n.(Jow)(美)乔(人名)

5、jot ─── vt.略记;摘要记载下来;n.少量;稍许

6、Ijo ─── abbr.青少年特发性骨质疏松症(idiopathicjuvenileosteoporosis)

7、jog ─── vt.慢跑;轻推;蹒跚行进;使颠簸;vi.慢跑;轻推;蹒跚行进;颠簸着移动;n.慢跑;轻推,轻撞;n.(Jog)人名;(尼)乔格

8、job ─── n.工作;职业;vt.承包;代客买卖;vi.做零工;n.(Job)人名;(英)乔布;(法、葡)若布;(?-1605)约伯〈俄〉俄罗斯正教会莫斯科牧首。;(德、塞、捷、荷、意)约布

9、-jo ─── abbr.乔(女子名,等于Joseph,Josephine)

jo 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Laurie was standing by their mother with such a penitent face that Jo forgave him on the spot. ─── 劳笠站在她们的母亲身边,羞愧满面,无地自容。裘马上原谅了他。

2、Jo: How do you know? Dad, could you shut the door? ─── 乔:你怎么知道的?爸爸,把门关上好吗?

3、Jo, fifteen, was tall, thin, and coltish, and gloried in an unconcealed scorn of polite conventions. ─── 乔,十五岁,是个瘦高个活泼的姑娘,她毫不掩饰对斯文习俗的蔑视,并以此自豪。

4、"I'm the man of the family now Father is away, and I shall buy them, " said Jo. ─── “现在爸爸不在,我就是家里的男人,我来买拖鞋,”琼说。

5、Jo: The Empire State Building. ─── 乔:帝国大厦。

6、Jo was chastising his teddy bear in the living room. ─── 乔在起居室里严厉地惩罚他的玩具小狗熊。

7、"Aunt March had a good fit, and sent the supper," cried Jo, with a sudden inspiration. ─── “是玛基姑母善心大发,送来了这桌晚餐

8、Here comes Jo(= Jo is coming)! ─── 乔来啦!

9、Jo was very upset by the news. ─── 乔听了觉得很难过。

10、Jo laughed, Meg scolded, Beth implored, and Amy wailed because she couldn't remember how much nine times twelve was. ─── 乔大笑着,梅格责备着,贝思央求着,艾美因为想不起九乘十二等于多少而号哭起来。

11、Jo and Ian are a perfect match for each other. ─── 乔和伊恩真是天设的一对地配的一双。

12、Jo: ‘oh, but you have Matty, he can be your daughter too! ─── ’(噢. 可是你还有Matty啊, 他也可以做你的女儿啊!

13、The quicker, shallow breaths of Jo sprawled comfortably across a camp bed beside the far wall. ─── 乔的呼吸声轻微而短促,在靠墙边的行军床上空轻快地回荡。

14、Jo: Six girls in college, maybe seven. ─── 乔:干过六个女孩,也许还是七个。

15、Jo found her fate in an elderly professor, wise and kind, but too poor to think of marriage. ─── 乔命中注定要跟一个年纪大的教授过,这位教授博学而又慈祥,但是穷得从没想到结婚。

16、Jo no longer worked for Aunt March. ─── 乔不再为马姑妈工作。

17、"I've sent for Mother."said Jo, tugging at her rubber boots with a tragic expression. ─── “我已发电报去叫母亲了。”裘带着一副悲悲戚戚的表情,边说边脱自己的橡胶鞋。

18、"I'm not that good either,but I'll go and play with you,"said Jo. ─── "我的水平也很一般,但还是愿意陪你打打,"乔说。

19、Jo: Hugo thinks the true reason was the family just like the name. ─── 之所以给王子起名为查尔斯是因为想让众人记住斯图亚特王朝。

20、All the while Jo watched her in silence. ─── 乔一直闷声不响地看着她。

21、It's the dampness drying, replied Jo. ─── “是烘干的湿汽味儿”,乔回答。

22、"I wish we had the money Father lost when we were little, Jo," said Meg. ─── “真希望我们能有在我们小时候爸爸失掉的那些钱呀,琼,”麦格道。

23、Jo told old Mr. Laurence what had happened. ─── 乔向罗老先生解释这一切。

24、Now don't forget to keep the bad breadth out of sight, Jo. ─── “现在记住不要把烧坏了的一面让别人看到,乔。

25、Jo looked very confused, but then she laughed. ─── 乔疑惑的看著他,然后笑了起来。

26、Jo: Today we are going to talk about hair styling. ─── 今天给我们带来的新词是什么呢?

27、For a moment Jo felt very lonely. ─── 一时间,乔备觉孤单。

28、The manager was favourably impressed by Jo's work. ─── 乔的工作给经理留下了良好的印象。

29、Jo developed into a writer of sensational stories. ─── 乔发展成为专写耸人听闻的故事的作家。

30、Jo and Amy visited six houses. ─── 乔和艾美拜访了六个家庭。

31、Jo does use such slang words! ─── 乔就是爱用这些粗俗的字眼!”

32、They decided to offer the job to Jo. They decided to offer JO the job. ─── 他们决定给乔那个工作。

33、We went to jo's office again, this time we have done a preperation. ─── 今天做了火锅跟他们大吃了一顿,桌上说了一些类似于饯行的话,喝了很多酒。

34、For a week or two, Jo behaved so queerly that her sisters were quite bewildered. ─── 一两个星期以来,裘行动诡秘,她的姐妹们都大惑不解。

35、"We haven't got father ,and we shan't have him for a long time,"answered Jo. ─── "我们现在没有爸爸、在很长一段时间里,我们还会没有爸爸的."乔回答说.

36、Jo twisted in her arms to face forward. ─── 乔在她的怀里扭了扭身子,把脸转向前面。

37、I sat down between Jo and Diana. ─── 我在乔和黛安娜中间坐下。

38、Jo: I left it by the telescopes. ─── 乔:我把他落在望远镜那边了。

39、Jo seems a little off colour today. ─── 乔今天好像身体有点不舒服。

40、Jo: She laughs like a hyena? ─── 乔:她笑起来象只土狗。

41、Going out for exercise,' answered Jo, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. ─── “出去锻炼,”乔答,眼睛调皮地一闪一闪。

42、Jo came to realize that if she had lived Patrick's life, she might have done what he did. ─── Jo意识到,如果她过着和Patrick一样的生活,她也会去做那些事的。

43、Fifteen-year-old Jo was very tall, thin, and brown, and reminded one of a colt. ─── 15岁的裘,长得又高又瘦,皮肤棕色,使我联想到一个愣小子。

44、I'll be with you in a minute, Jo. ─── 一会儿见,乔。

45、Jo, you looked tired to death. ─── 乔,你好像很累。

46、Drivin around the mountains with steenie bear and stefi jo. ─── - -love you daisy :( 心情: Adventurous 16 小时前发布。

47、They decided to offer Jo the job. ─── 他们决定让乔做这件工作。

48、He introduced himself to Jo as Laurie. ─── 他向乔自称罗力。

49、As for Jo, she's doing fine. ─── 于乔,她现在日子过得不错。

50、However, on one occasion Demi noticed how the professor looked at Jo. ─── 不过,有一次迪米注意到贝教授望著乔的样子。

51、Jo was a little quiet at first, but she agreed that they were very well suited. ─── 乔起初有些沈默,但同意他们两人非常适合。

52、"He did do wrong, but we forgave him, and all promised not to say a word to anyone." began Jo reluctantly. ─── “他的确干了坏事,可是我们已经原谅他了,大家约定不对任何人说一个字。”裘不得已地说道。

53、Historic sights Jo: People want to see places most people have heard of. ─── 人们想去他们听说过的地方。

54、Jo often stared at Meg with sad eyes. ─── 乔常以哀伤的眼神对著梅格凝视。

55、He seemed to have already struck up(= begun)a friendship with Jo. ─── 他似乎已经开始和乔交朋友了。

56、Promethazine 5mg and Nacl 50ml jo int analgesia. ─── B组患儿采用氯丙嗪5mg+异丙嗪5mg+生理盐水50ml。

57、Jo lived a very happy life, and, as the years went on, two little lads of her own came to increase her happiness. ─── 乔过得非常快活,随着岁月的流逝,她自己的两个小儿子更给她增添了幸福。

58、"Dear me, I didn't know anyone was here!" stammered Jo. ─── “天啊,我不知道有人在这里

59、Jo: I thought that was for hiccups? ─── 乔:我想那对打嗝有用。

60、Jo feels a great affinity towards Pamela. ─── 乔十分喜欢帕梅拉。

61、Jo knew that Laurie liked her very much. ─── 乔知道罗力很喜欢她。

62、"Beats me,"Jo shrugged his shoulders. ─── "不认识,"乔耸耸肩。

63、Jo! Jo! Where are you? cried Meg at the foot of the garret stairs. ─── “乔!乔!你在哪儿?”玫站在通往顶楼的楼梯上喊着。

64、Funny angels in hoods and mittens,' said Jo and set them laughing. ─── “是戴帽子手套的趣怪天使,”乔说道,逗得他们都笑起来。

65、"I can't thrash Aunt March, so I suppose I shall have to bear it." And Jo resigned herself with a sigh. ─── “我不可能揍玛基姑妈,那么看来我只好忍受下去了。”裘叹了口气,只好作罢。

66、"He did do wrong, but we forgave him, and all promised not to say a word to anyone," began Jo reluctantly. ─── “他的确干了坏事,可是我们已经原谅他了,大家约定不对任何人说一个字。”裘不得已地说道。

67、Jo appeared, a proud aunt, bearing a bundle on a pillow. ─── 乔出现了,一个自豪的姨妈,抱着躺在枕头上的一个包包。

68、Jo told him a little about what had happened, but she did not mention Meg. ─── 乔稍稍透露了内情,但是没有提到梅格。

69、Jo told the others about her visit to the newspaperman. ─── 乔向大家叙说她拜访报社一事。

70、Jo: Somewhere in the middle? ─── 乔:在中部的某个地方吧?

71、Jo galloped across the field towards him. ─── 乔骑马穿过田野向他奔去。

72、Jo,fifteen,was tall,thin,and coltish,and gloried in an unconcealed scorn of polite conventions. ─── 15岁的乔是个高瘦活泼女孩,得意于对传统礼仪的蔑视;

73、Father March was an army chaplain in the Civil War, and in his absence Jo declared herself to be the man of the family. ─── 父亲马奇是南北战争时期的军队牧师,他不在家期间,乔自命为一家之主。

74、Jo doubled up with laughter. ─── 乔笑弯了腰。

75、Jo spended her time writing stories and earning a little money. ─── 乔将时间花在写作上,赚些稿费。

76、Jo: Yep, they're all good hikers and campers and that's what we need for a trip to the Andes. ─── 乔:是啊,他们都是远足、营好手,正是我们游安地斯山脉的理想同伴。

77、They decided to offer the job to Jo. ─── 他们决定把这份工作给乔。

78、Jo asked her sister to be (a) bridesmaid. ─── 乔请她妹妹做伴娘。

79、Jo will help us with some of the organization. ─── 乔将帮我们做一部份组织工作。

80、sounds a good weekend. You know it always amazes me that two people as different as you and Jo can become such close friends. ─── 听起来不错。你知道吗,我一直觉得你和乔差别那么大还能成为好朋友感到特别不可思议。

81、"I rewrote Little Women so that Laurie married Jo because I thought that was a better ending. ─── “我曾经改写过《小妇人》,让劳瑞如愿以偿地嫁给了乔,我觉得这样的结局更好。”

82、Oh, dear, what a blunderbuss I am!' exclaimed Jo, finishing Meg's glove by scrubbing her gown with it. ─── “噢,天呵,我真是个冒失鬼!”乔叫道,忙用梅格的手套擦拭,谁知又赔上了一只手套。

83、Jo doubled up with laughter. ─── 乔笑弯了腰。

84、He seemed very exciting to Jo. ─── 乔觉得他很有趣。

85、Jo had a book, Meg carried a cushion, Beth a basket and Amy a sketch book. ─── 乔带了本书,梅格带著坐垫,贝丝拿著篮子;艾美抱著本素描簿。

86、Jo decided to continue writing. ─── 乔决心继续写作。

87、Jonah: (Jo for short) Hello, this is Jonah. ─── 乔那:(简称乔)您好,我叫乔那。

88、Immediately Jo thought Beth was dead. ─── 乔立即认为贝丝已经死了。

89、Jo, this is Kate(= when you are introducing them). ─── 乔,这位是凯特。

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