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09-17 投稿


trolling 发音

英:[ˈtroʊlɪŋ]  美:[ˈtrɒlɪŋ]

英:  美:

trolling 中文意思翻译




trolling 词性/词形变化,trolling变形

原型:troll 现在分词:trolling

trolling 短语词组

1、absorber trolling ─── 吸收塔拖曳

2、absorber girl voice trolling ─── 吸收塔女孩声控

3、trolling speed ─── 拖航速度

4、musky trolling ─── 麝香

5、handline trolling ─── 手摇

6、trolling wire ─── 牵引钢丝绳

7、trolling gear ─── 曳引装置

8、con trolling adj. ─── 控制欲强的(含贬义)v. ─── 控制;管理(control的现在分词)

9、trolling time ─── 拖航时间

trolling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Before this catastrophe befell them, the ice trolls had controlled a small Empire similar to that of the larger Empires of their forest troll and jungle troll brothers. ─── 在遭逢这场劫难之前,冰霜巨魔也同那些表亲一样,有个小型的帝国。最近,在他们延续和矮人的圣战中,冰霜巨魔开始乐于驱使穴居人去消磨矮人。

2、Troll Shaman will gain the full benefits of Berserk despite their percentage of health. ─── 巨魔萨满将从狂暴中获得全部的增益而无视他们的生命值。

3、Three Blind Mice is a well-known troll. ─── "三只瞎老鼠”是一首著名的轮唱歌曲。

4、The audience were made up of staff from the Statoil Troll A platform. ─── 她们在北海一处属于挪威国家石油公司的近海天然气钻台上举办了两场各1小时的演唱会。

5、When the King looked at him, he was surprised for he was little and ugly as a troll, and his hair was shaggy and messy. ─── 国王看著这个小矮人,他觉得非常讶异,因为这个小矮人的头发不但蓬松杂乱,而且他看起来就像是带有魔力的侏儒一般,丑陋极了。

6、6.As one of management activities, management accounting al: includes four functions: planning, organizing and directing, co trolling, decision-making. ─── 作为管理工作的一个组成部分,管理会计也包括四项职能:计划、组织与领导、控制、决策。

7、Not many first-year students could take on a troll... ─── 很少新生可以制服成年山怪,

8、And we'll start off from shallow water and use side scan sonar, trolling it up and down lanes as we call it paths. ─── 我们将从浅水开始,使用侧扫声纳,上下扫过航道。

9、"Where it is that you are going to." The troll tossed his toothpick into the fire and stood up. He was so small! ─── “你想去哪儿啊。”矮人将剔牙棒扔到火里,站了起来。他的个子可真小啊!

10、Troll Female -"Strong halitosis be but one of my feminine traits." ─── 强烈的口臭,是我的魅力所在。

11、patent troll ─── 专利钓饵

12、"troll": a person who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset people. ─── 原意为“气田”,指喜欢在因特网上散布不和谐信息的人,他们(而且是经常性的)尝试挑起争执,叫人看了心意烦乱,坐立不安。

13、Finally, the type of lure is Trolling. ─── 最后,鱼饵的类型是Trolling

14、Elaine theorizes that trolling at work is the problem. ─── 当然,依连推论在工作地点没有俊男是一个原因。

15、The only thing in the game uglier than a Tauren female is a Troll female. ─── 唯一比女性牛头人丑的就是女性巨魔。

16、"Troll" and "problem user" are factionally defined terms at best. ─── “小白”和“问题用户”充其量只是一群人对另一群人的称呼。

17、Replaced one Troll Trapper with an equal level Ogre to the all troll trapper green camp next to each start location. ─── 在小地图上所有显示绿色的怪物点,把一个巨魔改为一个同等级的食人魔。

18、Sure, there were moments when I wanted to tell her she resembled a troll (you heard it here first) and days where I considered sending a nasty gift to her attention to the office. ─── 当然,有的时候我像告诉她她像一个魔头(读者们你们是第一个了解到这的人)而且,有时候我想,在她注意下将一个肮脏礼物送进她的办公室。

19、The only way to ensure a troll is dead is to burn its remains with fire or acid. ─── 只有一种办法确保巨魔是死的,就是用火焰或者强酸销毁他们的残骸。

20、Not many first-year students could take on a fully grow mature troll and live to tell the tale. ─── 很少有一年级的新生可以制服成年山怪,并能活着讲述所发生的事.

21、Both candidates have been trolling for votes. ─── 两个候选人一直都在拉票。

22、>You are a liar a troll and you have no proof, if you did you would post it. ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

23、"It (the Troll) was a horrible sight.Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite gray, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut. ─── “它(巨怪)有十二英尺高,皮肤暗淡无光,像花岗岩一般灰乎乎的,庞大而蠢笨的身体像一堆巨大的泥砾,上面顶着一个可可豆般的小脑袋。”

24、Whether browsing a fine jewelry counter or trolling the internet, a woman can spend as much or as little as she likes. ─── 不管是流连于高级的珠宝店,还是浏览互联网,一个女人总能如她所愿找到自己喜欢的东西。

25、Regardless, Thrall and his forces managed to defeat further murloc attackers, repair the damaged fleet, and retrieve a number of troll survivors. ─── 不过萨尔和他的部队还是击败了更多的鱼人,修复了受损的船队,并营救了一批巨魔幸存者。

26、WoW Vault: A recent screenshot showed a Troll on a Raptor mount. Is that the Troll mount? ─── 一个最近的截图显示了一个巨魔坐在一个巨大的鸟身上,这会是他们的坐骑么?

27、Troll Male -"I like my women dumpy and droopy with halitosis." ─── 我希望我的女朋友身材矮胖精神萎靡,还要充满口臭味。

28、Improving shipbuilding competitive in the world by cost-con trolling ─── 以成本控制提高造船工业国际竞争能力

29、Thanks LZ for sharing with us your first experience on trolling. ─── 我也是斗湖人,上星期回去就没"空头"了,钓了两天都是吃白果 ,新人技术不好的关系吧 。

30、As most of you have now guessed, the Troll's mount is currently a raptor. ─── 就如大家所猜一样,巨魔的坐骑目前是一种猛禽。

31、Troll laughter, shook up the turbulent sea. ─── 巨魔的笑声,震得海涛汹涌起来。

32、The exception is the lure type, which is one of three strings: trolling, casting, or other. ─── 除了鱼饵类型,它是以下三个字符串之一:trolling,casting或other。

33、Once a member of a secluded troll tribe before a hostile scourge takeover, Dazzle was highly revered as a master of the supporting magics. ─── 在天谴军的邪恶侵攻以前,戴佐曾是某个隐蔽的食人妖部族之中的一员,以精于辅助魔法而受到敬重。

34、OKay so I hate people con trolling MY life All right? ─── 好的, 我讨厌人们来控制我的生活, 不是吗? 再说你也没有权力对我发火!

35、Undead mage rots, Troll mage smells. Thank god, the Horde has the third choice now! ─── 亡灵法师有烂味,巨魔法师有汗味。感谢上帝,部落现在有了第三种选择!

36、They also troll lists of names with domain registrations set to expire, enabling them to get a jump on buying it. ─── 他们还特罗尔名单与域登记即将到期,使他们能跳就买它。

37、After all, Microsoft joined the patent trolling game recently, and who knows, it might be addictive. ─── 可是毕竟,最近微软就卷入过一场专利游戏,并且谁能说得准它不会上瘾?

38、Try to find "troll bridges" where opposing factions can work together. ─── 努力找到“小白桥”以使对立的派别能在一起工作。

39、And an old troll wish you a Happy Halloween! ─── 以及淘气的老侏儒都在祝你万圣节快乐!

40、Three Blind Mice is a well - known troll. ─── 三只瞎老鼠是一首著名的轮唱歌曲。

41、This is a simple PHP function that accepts one parameter: type, which can be trolling, casting, or other. ─── 这是个简单的PHP函数,接收一个参数:type,它可以是trolling、casting或other。

42、Internet Troll ─── n. 网路巨魔,指一个人在因特网上发煽动性的信息。

43、Nerfed Troll Necromancer, Beast Master, Lava Spawn, Zergling, Quick Draw. ─── 弱化食人妖死灵法师,兽王,熔岩兽,小狗兵,快速抽牌

44、At the dreadlord Tichondrius' suggestion the pit lord Mannoroth spilled his blood into a pool of water and the resulting corruption was soon detected by the Horde's troll witch doctors. ─── 在恐惧魔王提克迪奥斯的建议下,深渊魔王玛诺洛斯将他的血液洒到了一处湖水里,这个污染很快就被部落的巨魔巫医发现了。

45、The three Billy Goats Gruff were leaving their farm to look for food. But as they crossed a river, they came face to fang with the Terrible Troll. ─── 三只山羊离开的农场出去找吃的,但当它们经过一条小河时,它们遇到了可怕的恶魔.....

46、By the time Harry, Ron, and Hermione arrived in that chamber, the troll was out cold (PS16). ─── 当哈利、罗恩和赫敏到达密室时,巨怪已经被打得失去知觉了(魔法石,第16章)。

47、He did not have to tell the troll everything, and it was certainly preferable to have a companion versed in woodcraft. ─── 他不用将所有的事情都告诉这个矮人,而且,能有这样一个精通森林生存知识的人同路,当然是件很好的事情。

48、Professor Quirrel: Troll in the dungeon! Troll in the dungeon! Thought you ought to know. ─── 奎诺教授:山怪!在地牢里!地牢里有山怪!我想应该通报你一声。

49、Outline of Tuna Longline, Troll and Pole and Line Fishery in Western and Central Pacific Ocean ─── 中西太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓、曳绳钓和竿钓渔业概况(2)

50、The water bike handles well in shallow water to get in close to shore.The near silent to operation makes it great for trolling. ─── 在靠近海岸的浅水处很容易掌控,近乎无声的操作很适合旅行,轻巧且容易组装或拆分。

51、"Diane is not a troll. ─── 我尝试翻译为:“黛安不是侏儒。

52、The fact that you renewed your account yesterday in order to get this piece of shit article posted doesn't change the fact that you're trolling for publicity by writing inflammatory content. ─── 你昨天重新申请帐号来发送这篇垃圾文章,并不能改变你想通过写煽动性文章来吸引公众注意的事情。

53、Let us admit that the Hninu, half troll and half beast, is torn apart between Malecta, goddess of Trolls, and Maam, or even Agnar, which could explain why it has such a bad temper. ─── 我们还得承认,半巨魔和半兽人辛尼努是从玛勒克塔(巨魔的女神)和玛亚姆分离而来的,甚至是安格内尔,这足可以解释他为什么脾气暴燥。

54、Many seasoned adventurers have made the mistake of turning from a fallen troll, only to meet their ends impaled by the troll's sharp claws. ─── 很多经验丰富的冒险者会转身离开已经倒下的巨魔,那最后只会让他们被巨魔的利爪刺穿。

55、Don't shy away from trolling the Web for "horror stories" about that particular package and then calling the CIO of the company. ─── 不要为高调抛出网络上有关特定软件包的“恐怖故事”然后致电该公司CIO而羞愧。

56、"You may continue trolling here; these would be my last replies to you and my last posts on the eBay Taiwan forums." ─── 哈哈哈!这是我的荣幸,随时欢迎你回来,我不会介意,也不会看不起你,一时情绪上的用语,没有人会在意的!

57、Some ice troll warlords are charismatic and savvy enough to impose more sophisticated tactics on their warriors. ─── 一些冰霜巨魔督军拥有很强大的能力和头脑,让其他战士作出很有战略性的行动。

58、- * '''-1250''' [[Thunder Mountain]] erupts, forcing Orcs, Goblins and Trolls towards the north.The Troll Wars begin for the Dwarfs. ─── + * '''-1250''' 雷霆山脉火山爆发,迫使兽人,地精,巨魔向北方迁徙,矮人所谓巨魔战争开始。

59、The effect is applied to the troll on the uruk's death. ─── 在强兽人死亡的基础上应用在巨魔身上。

60、"Berserker's Rage gives Troll the option of melee combat, which gives him many powerful offensive bonuses at the cost of losing his ranged ability." ─── "狂战士之怒给予巨魔战将许多额外的强力战斗能力,代价是不再能远程攻击。"

61、For example, in our scripting system we might have a global boolean variable called PlayerArmed which will direct a cowardly troll to ambush only unarmed opponents. ─── 例如,在我们的脚本系统中有一个控制着胆怯的巨人只是埋伏徒手的敌人(译者注:也可能指的是玩家)的全局布尔型变量。

62、A troll terrorized those hoping to cross this river, until it was killed by Almerick Sawbridge in the 1600s (fw). ─── 一个巨怪曾经在此威胁想要过河的人,直到它在十七世纪被AlmerickSawbridge杀死(巫师卡片)。

63、They troll the lake for bass. ─── 他们用曳绳钓法在湖中钓河鲈。

64、There's a troll under the bridge. ─── 小心点!有一个怪物在桥下面。

65、And you know what else? How long since you acted like a troll? Pick up that makeup and fight, soldier! ─── 你还知道什麽??你象洞穴巨人一样表演了多久?抄家伙战斗吧,战士。

66、He asked permission to use the telephone in the shelter’s office and called the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, in Alexandria, Virginia, trolling for a real identity. ─── 他申请到用收容所的办公室电话打给了弗吉尼亚州亚历山大城的国家失踪及被剥削儿童中心,搜寻一个真实的身份。

67、You do not need any weapons for it as the audience turn to the one who can sing better.Take the microphone and troll like during a karaoke competition. ─── 因此,如果你在这里问关于软件的问题,而不是反馈问题,那么您在这里的提问将得不到回答,敬请谅解。

68、Several specific troll tribes have been confirmed as cannibalistic, including the Mossflayer and Vilebranch tribes. ─── 一些部族已被确认为食人成性,包括烂苔部族和邪枝部族。

69、"Later I will show you," the troll replied. ─── “晚些时候我再跟你说,”矮人回答。

70、While trolling the showground, something from the showroom of RichPower Electronic Devices Co., LTD caught our attention. ─── 个人也跟厂商人员聊了一下,也挖出了这戒指轨迹球一些的故事。

71、But once the trolling agents spied her, they were tripping over their own feet as they scrambled to sign her. ─── 仅仅一次旋转的代理人侦察她,当他们攀缘签署时,他们正被他们自己的脚绊倒她。

72、So after weeks of trolling eBay and Craigslist, you've finally found it -- the object of your obsession at an affordable price. ─── 在eBay和Craigslit网站上浏览了好几个星期以后,你终于找到了它:一个负担的起的价钱并且让你困扰的东西。

73、Some ice troll mercenaries and slaves reach Lordaeron and Kalimdor through the goblin merchant empire. ─── 一些冰霜巨魔跟着地精商人到达过洛丹伦和卡利姆多。

74、Trolling through the files revealed a photograph of me drinking coffee in the office. ─── 我随便浏览这些文件时发现了一张我在办公室喝咖啡的照片。

75、I'll leave this post unlocked for now, assuming the responses stay intelligent and we don't get too much flaming or trolling. ─── 假如这个贴的回帖保持理智,我们没有被喷太多的话,我将不会锁帖。

76、He used a spinner as his troll. ─── 他将一个旋转匙形诱饵用作他的鱼饵。

77、Troll Berserker - Troll Headhunters may now be upgraded into Troll Berserkers, which are tougher and have the Berserk ability. Can learn Troll Regeneration. ─── 巨魔狂战士-巨魔猎头者可以升级成巨魔狂战士.他们是拥有"狂暴"技能的恶棍.可以学习"巨魔再生".

78、In room 28, you can even help a troll fighting several goblins. ─── 在房间28你可以帮助巨人对付几个妖精。

79、Meanwhile, Spike whacks off the hand of his troll opponent, chops off the undead's head, and stabs the tauren in the shoulder. ─── 同时,狼牙切下了巨魔的手,砍下了亡灵的脑袋,插了牛头人肩膀一刀。

80、We have a really depraved troll who is having a blast mocking the Chinese in their sorrow. Apologies. I'm deleting as fast as I can. ─── 我们(的讨论中)有过一个非常不光彩的暗示,强烈讽刺这些悲伤中的中国人。我道歉。我会以最快的速度将之删除。

81、Horstad I.Larter S R Petroleum migration,alteration,and remigration within Troll Field, Norwegian North Sea 1997(2 ─── 张敏.林壬子.梅博文油藏地球化学--塔里木盆地库车含油气系统研究1997

82、Immune to Conjunction: The Handler is immune to conjunctions while the troll is active. ─── 对护戒队联合技免疫:当巨魔被激活的状态下,驯兽者对护戒队联合技免疫。

83、Troll Berserker - Troll Headhunters may now be upgradedsintosTroll Berserkers, which are tougher and have the Berserk ability. Can learn Troll Regeneration. ─── 巨魔狂战士-巨魔猎头者可以升级成巨魔狂战士.他们是拥有'狂暴'技能的恶棍.可以学习'巨魔再生'.

84、Quote (Originally by Guitar's Cry)--- Hi, The staff here have decided to delete your posts because they are considered trolling by our rules: ─── 我发现了国外关于法**的一些报道,的确是太失真,因此我就问题发表了自己的观点,但其论坛给我发了邮件,邮件内容如下:

85、Multivariate Statistic Method in Application of Con trolling Product Quality ─── 多元统计方法在产品质量控制中的应用

86、Danish running line trolling ─── 丹麦式循环曳绳钓

87、A short while later the troll had a campfire flickering, pale and spectral in the last potent sunbeams of the fading afternoon. ─── 一排白杨树,硬币般圆滑的绿色叶子,在刚刚开始吹拂的夜晚的微风中,沙沙作响。

88、In PS/SS, Harry, Ron and Hermione battle the troll and Hermione becomes friends with the boys. ─── 在第一部中,哈利,罗恩,赫敏共同对付巨怪,赫敏成为他们的好朋友。

89、Three Blind Mice is a well-known troll ─── 三只瞎老鼠”是一首著名的轮唱歌曲。

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