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09-18 投稿


jackstraw 发音

英:[[ˈdʒækstrɔ:]]  美:[[ˈdʒækˌstrɔ]]

英:  美:

jackstraw 中文意思翻译



jackstraw 相似词语短语

1、jackstay ─── n.支索,稳定索;[机]撑杆

2、backstab ─── v.以卑鄙的手段陷害他人

3、jockstraps ─── n.下体弹力护身;护身三角绷带

4、jackscrews ─── n.螺旋起重机;起重螺旋;顶丝

5、backstay ─── n.(船桅的)后支索;后部加固或支持物

6、jackstraws ─── n.稻草人;小木片(游戏用)

7、jockstrap ─── n.下体弹力护身;护身三角绷带

8、jackscrew ─── n.螺旋起重机;起重螺旋;顶丝

9、blackstrap ─── n.普通红葡萄酒

jackstraw 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dongsheng reaches the jackstraw pile and the jackstraws scattered on the ground remind him of something. ─── 冬生来到稻草垛旁,他看着地上编扎草人时散落的稻草,想起了什么。

2、9 see joke: Have a farmer, he has a very ugly daughter, so ugly that make without the thing, be forced to let her install jackstraw to go to Tian Li gally crow. ─── 9看笑话: 有一个农民,他有一个十分难看的女儿,丑得没有事情作,只好让她到田里装成稻草人去恐吓乌鸦。

3、Dongsheng walks towards the jackstraw pile at the field corner. ─── 冬生往田角的稻草垛走去。

4、a game in which players try to pick each jackstraw (or spillikin) off of a pile without moving any of the others ─── 一种游戏,玩家力图把每个稻草人或者小棒从一堆里分出来而不移动其他任何一个

5、Should be:jackstraw also has love, jackstraw also needs love. ─── 稻草人也有爱.稻草人也需要爱.

6、Dongsheng walks towards the jackstraw pile at the field corner. ─── 冬生往田角的稻草垛走去。

7、He was not able to be with the jackstraw all the time, because she had no wings of bird, she couldn't fly with the little bird seeking another sky. ─── 它不能永远陪伴着稻草人,因为稻草人没有一双鸟儿的翅膀,她不能和小鸟一起飞翔,去寻找另一片的天空。

8、"Take me with you. " the jackstraw implored. ─── “我和你一起去吧。”稻草人祈求。

9、a game in which players try to pick each jackstraw (or spillikin) off of a pile without moving any of the others. ─── 一种游戏,玩家力图把每个稻草人或者小棒从一堆里分出来而不移动其他任何一个。

10、The justice secretary, Jack Straw, yesterday questioned whether MacAskill should have visited Megrahi in jail before coming to a decision. ─── 昨天,司法部长杰克·斯特劳(JackStraw)对迈克阿斯克尔是否应该在作出决定前去监狱探访迈格拉希表示质疑。

11、On the journey of finding the King Oates, Dorothy met the jackstraw Bruru, the iron boy Kanuka and the little lion Park who lose his bravery and courage. ─── 在寻找奥茨王的路上,多莉娅遇到了被魔法困住的稻草人布噜噜、铁皮人卡努卡和失去了勇气和胆量的小狮子帕克。

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