intermarriage 发音
英: 美:
intermarriage 中文意思翻译
intermarriage 词性/词形变化,intermarriage变形
intermarriage 相似词语短语
1、interlanguage ─── n.中介语;人工辅助语言;adj.不同语言间的
2、undercarriage ─── n.飞机起落架,着陆装置;底盘
3、intermarried ─── v.不同种族(或国家、教派)间通婚;近亲结婚(intermarry的过去式及过去分词)
4、intermarry ─── vi.通婚;近亲结婚
5、intermarries ─── vi.通婚;近亲结婚
6、intermarrying ─── vi.通婚;近亲结婚
7、intermarginal ─── adj.缘间的
8、intermarriages ─── n.联姻,异族结婚;近亲结婚
9、inmarriage ─── 婚姻
intermarriage 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Han-Tibetan intermarriage ─── 藏汉通婚
2、Especially the ethnic intermarriage, not only reflects the relations between individuals, but also the demarcation, evaluation and selection of a special race by couples. ─── 当一个人决定选择另一个人为配偶的时候,其行为不仅是个体化的,而且体现了一种社会关系。
3、2.While many forces are at work to facilitate intermarriage, others militate against it. This is particularly the case for African Americans. ─── 尽管有许多力量在促进异族婚姻,也有因素在妨碍这一进程,对非洲裔美国人来说尤其如此。
4、This quiet demographic counter-revolution is a dramatic upsurge in intermarriage. ─── 这种人口统计学意义上的逆向流动便是异族婚姻的大幅增加。
5、How four things did Nehemiah do as a response to this intermarriage according to Nehemiah 13:25? ─── 根据尼13:25作为对这次通婚的反应,尼希米作了那四件事?
6、Intermarriage Circle and Rank Endogamy of Cao-Miao People ─── 草苗的通婚圈和阶层婚
7、He said it was impossible to feel rancor toward Denmark, given all of the intermarriage and connections between the countries. ─── 他说不可能对丹麦心怀仇恨,因为两国间有这么多异族婚姻和联系。
8、ban on intermarriage here is quite specific. ─── 很明确地规定了禁止通婚联姻。
9、Of course, many portray intermarriage as gradual genocide that will culminate in the disappearance of their particular group. ─── 当然,也有很多人认为异族婚姻是一种慢性种族灭绝,最终将导致某些种族的消失。
10、" In the long-term historical process through intermarriage and other factors, gradually formed the Hui nationality. ─── 回族的族源比较复杂,就构成的成份来看主要是阿拉伯人、波斯人和中亚人等等。
11、Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics have higher rates of intermarriage than do US-born whites and blacks. ─── 在外国出生的亚洲人和西班牙裔的异族通婚率比在美国出生的白种人和黑种人更高。
12、Intermarriage Circle ─── 通婚圈
13、However, there is a long history of linkages and integration between the various ethnic groups brought about by trade, conquest, diplomacy, travel, intermarriage and learning. ─── 然而,长期以来,由于贸易、侵略、外交、旅游、通婚和学习,各民族之间也出现了融合的趋势。
14、In Nehemiah, we read that he saw, knew, and discovered this intermarriage problem and he did something about this. ─── 在尼希米记中,我们知道他看到、知道并且发现了通婚的问题,然后他采取了一些行动。
15、Additionally, the taboo existed not only in the intermarriage between the Han and the Yao, but also between the “shanzhu” (masters) and the “shanding” (slaves) in the internal society of the Yao. ─── 此外,大瑶山的通婚禁忌不仅存在于汉瑶两个民族之间,而且还存在于瑶族内部的“山主”与“山丁”之间。
16、Familial in parents is still living and in good health, be not intermarriage, familial similar disease is not had in 3 generation. ─── 家族中父母健在,非近亲结婚,家族三代中无类似疾病。
17、As intermarriage in the gens was prohibited, it withdrew its members from the evils of consanguine marriages ─── 由于民族内部禁止通婚,其成员才得免于血亲通婚的弊害。
18、The argument is made that intermarriage with Muggles could pose a threat to the wizarding gene pool, but this is not possible. ─── 原文的论证是建立在与麻瓜的通婚会对巫师基因库造成威胁的基础上的,但这并无可能。
19、Not only express the anthropology pay attention to the marriage but also express the anthropology care for the people through ethnic identity and ethnic interaction in the intermarriage. ─── 从族群认同与互动方面去考察族际通婚则既体现了人类学对婚姻的关注,也表达了人类学对婚姻中的人的关怀。
20、"We're seeing very high rates of intermarriage for Hispanics and Asians who are living in fairly integrated areas outside their traditional areas in the Southwest and West," Edmonston pointed out. ─── 埃德蒙斯顿指出"与传统的西南部和西部聚居区相比,居住在各族混居地区的亚裔和拉美裔美国人异族婚姻的比例非常高。"
21、The Intermarriage Between the Gao Family in Bohai State and the Prominent Families of the Tang Dynasty ─── 唐代渤海国高氏与中原望族的关系新证
22、On the Intermarriage between the Alashan Mongols and the Qing Royal Court ─── 阿拉善蒙古与清廷联姻述评
23、What word is used to describe the intermarriage in Ezra 9:3? ─── 以斯拉对于这样的通婚有怎么样的感受?他是如何表达他的感受?(拉9:3-6)
24、"We're seeing very high rates of intermarriage for Hispanics and Asians who are living in fairly integrated areas outside their traditional areas [of concentration] in the Southwest and West," Edmonston pointed out. ─── 埃德蒙斯顿指出"与传统的西南部和西部聚居区相比,居住在各族混居地区的亚裔和拉美裔美国人异族婚姻的比例非常高。
25、In Nehemiah, we read that he saw, knew, and discovered this intermarriage problem and he did something about this. ─── 在尼希米记中,我们知道他看到、知道并且发现了通婚的问题,然后他采取了一些行动。
26、Intermarriage was a violation of holiness. ─── 这是与圣洁有关的问题。
27、language, home ownership and intermarriage. ─── 语言,回家所有权和通婚。
28、As a result, the Census Bureau should obtain a better picture of the extent of intermarriage in the United States. ─── 这样,人口普查局就能够更好地了解美国异族通婚的广度。
29、However, if magic is a dominant trait, Muggle heritage may indeed result in more Squibs in the community after some generations of intermarriage. ─── 而如果魔法具有显性特征,则在经过许多代通婚之后,麻瓜遗传确实有可能在社会中造就更多的哑炮。
30、In spite of this, the research proves there was no or hardly any intermarriage between H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis. ─── 尽管两种人类比邻数千年之久,但有研究证明他们之间没有或几乎没有通婚。
31、and she is the more anxious to get Miss Darcy for her brother, from the notion that when there has been one intermarriage, she may have less trouble in achieving a second; ─── 虽说她们这一次突然的迁走叫她感到惊奇,可是她并不觉得真有什么可以惋惜的地方。
32、They still try to discourage intermarriage, but once it occurs, they tend to welcome new interfaith families. ─── 他们仍然尽量不鼓励异族婚姻,但一旦既成事实,他们便欢迎这些多信仰的家庭。
33、How did Ezra feel about this intermarriage? How did he express his feelings? (Ezra 9 ─── 以斯拉对于这样的通婚有怎么样的感受?他是如何表达他的感受?(拉9
34、Intermarriage is a critical variable to observe the integration of social relations. ─── 通婚是考察社会关系整合程度的重要变量。
35、The growing segment of the black community that is going to college, entering the middle class and moving out to the suburbs is also following the general trend toward intermarriage. ─── 越来越多的黑人上大学,跻身中产阶级,搬迁到郊区,他们也处于异族婚姻的潮流之中。根据雷诺兹.
36、Now, consider three indices of assimilation—language, home ownership and intermarriage. ─── 现在,思考一下这三个同化的指标——语言、房屋拥有权和异族通婚。
37、"We're seeing very high rates of intermarriage for Hispanics and Asians who are living in fairly integrated areas outside their traditional areas of concentration in the Southwest and West," Edmonston pointed out. ─── 埃德蒙斯顿指出“与传统的西南部和西部聚居区相比,居住在各族混居地区的亚裔和拉美裔美国人异族婚姻的比例非常高。”
38、The Intermarriage of Russians with Other Ethnic Groups in the Period of the Soviet Union ─── 苏联时期俄罗斯人的族际婚姻
39、Relationship between Ethnic Chinese in Thailand and Local Nationalities: From the Perspectives of Intermarriage ─── 从族际通婚看泰国华人与当地民族的关系
40、The Alashan Mongol was a major tribe with which the royal family of the Qing Dynasty had political intermarriage. ─── 阿拉善蒙古是清朝皇帝实行政治联姻。重点部落,有清一代,该部与清皇家的婚姻始终不断。
41、Diluted by intermarriage and drained of young people by nearby cities, the coastal tribes were also subjected to “termination” programmes designed to break their traditional culture and leadership. ─── 通过与异族人草率的通婚,年轻人逐渐到附近的城市生活,海边的部落也面临着传统文化被颠覆、首领乏力这样丧根断种的问题。
42、They were not to make any treaties with the heathen nations, nor allow any intermarriage which is a compromise leading to spiritual downfall. ─── 他们也不可与迦南地的异教国家立约或通婚,任何型式的妥协只会导致灵性的堕落。
43、The Discussion of Rural Intermarriage Circle under Social Transition ─── 社会转型背景下农村社会通婚圈变迁刍议
44、of Malaya of mercantile live abroad the Christian era 14 centuries, period of Ma Liujia kingdom, the Chinese begins to settle in Ma Liujia, and with century of local intermarriage; ─── 在公元14世纪,马六甲王国时期,华人开始在马六甲定居,并与当地人通婚;
45、Foreign-born Asians and Hispanics “have higher rates of intermarriage than do U. ─── 外国出生的人亚洲人和西语裔"比做U有通婚的较高比率。
46、intermarriage of nationality ─── 民族通婚
47、urban intermarriage between nationalities ─── 城市民族通婚
48、The growing segment of the black community that is going to college,entering the middle class and moving out to the suburbs is also following the general trend toward intermarriage. ─── 越来越多的黑人上大学,跻身中产阶级,搬迁到郊区,他们也处于异族婚姻的潮流之中。根据雷诺兹。
49、Intermarriage mode ─── 通婚模式
50、Their territory could expand by royal intermarriage, or merge with another state when the dynasty merged. ─── 通过王朝之间的婚姻这些国家可能与其它国家合并或者扩张。
51、By the Ming dynasty, interaction and intermarriage had led to some sinicization, such as the adoption of Chinese names. ─── 在明朝的时候因为交流和联姻促使了一些中国化的情形像是采用中文名字。
52、But by far the most common reason seems to be that black women still regard intermarriage as tantamount to betraying the race. ─── 但是目前来看最常见的原因还是黑人女性仍然把通婚看的和背叛种族一样严重。
53、On the Cultural Reform of the Han-Tibetan Intermarriage and Its Evolution ─── 藏汉通婚的文化整合及演变
54、He said it was impossible to feel rancor toward Denmark, given all of the intermarriage and connections between the countries. ─── 他说不可能对丹麦心怀仇恨,因为两国间有这么多异族婚姻和联系。
55、They miserably failed this test and even transgressed the regulation Moses had laid down forbidding intermarriage with the heathen inhabitants of the land (v.6;cf. ─── 以色列人不幸失败了,他们甚至违背了摩西所定不得与迦南地异族人通婚的规定(6节;
56、In spite of this, the research proves there was no or hardly any intermarriage between H. sapiens and H. neanderthalensis. ─── 尽管两种人类比邻数千年之久,但有研究证明他们之间没有或几乎没有通婚。
57、The sixth analyses and summarizes the influence of such intermarriage. ─── 第六部分分析和总结了族际通婚产生的影响。
58、intermarriage between blacks and whites ─── 黑人和白人之间的通婚
59、The numbers also demonstrate that intermarriage is on the rise. ─── 数据还表明异族婚姻呈上升趋势。
60、The intermarriage becomes a common phenomenon in America today. ─── 在美国的今天异族通婚是很普遍的现象。
61、Nowadays people begin by sneering at family life and family institutions, and next they'll throw everything overboard and have intermarriage between black and white." ─── 这年头人们开始对家庭生活和家庭制度嗤之以鼻,再下一步他们就该抛弃一切,搞黑人和白人通婚了。”
62、Tension will be mitigated even more by intermarriage. ─── 另外异族通婚更有助于缓和种族紧张情势。
63、Intermarriage is more common among second-and third-generation Asian-Americans. ─── 异族通婚在第二、三代的亚裔美国人中更为常见。
64、After Ezra arrived in Jerusalem and joyously offered sacrifices unto the Lord, he was suddenly struck with much grief as he heard about the problem of pagan intermarriage among the people of God. ─── 以斯拉欢抵耶路撒冷,向上主献祭之后,突然听到一个消息使他忧心如焚,就是上帝的百姓和异族人杂混通婚的事。
65、The leaders came to him and told him about the problem of intermarriage. ─── 首领们来告诉他出现了犹太人和外邦人通婚的问题。
66、Keywords suburbanites of Shanghai;surname;intermarriage scope;correlation analysis;principal components analysis;pedigree records;simulative test;natural diffuseness; ─── 上海郊区;姓氏;通婚范围;相关分析;主成分分析;家谱;模拟测试;自然扩散;
67、Intermarriage measure was an important ruling measure which Alexander adopted in the expedition. ─── 联姻措施是亚历山大在远征过程中实施的重要统治措施。
68、(1) not intermarriage: Near marry an unripe children is medium, transmissibility disease incidence of a disease is high. ─── (1)勿近亲结婚:近亲婚配所生的子女中,遗传性疾病发病率高。
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