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09-17 投稿


juxtapose 发音

英:[,dʒʌkstə'pəʊz]  美:['dʒʌkstə'poz]

英:  美:

juxtapose 中文意思翻译



juxtapose 词性/词形变化,juxtapose变形

动词过去式: juxtaposed |动词第三人称单数: juxtaposes |动词现在分词: juxtaposing |动词过去分词: juxtaposed |

juxtapose 相似词语短语

1、juxtaposing ─── 并置

2、extraposed ─── 外置

3、juxtaposition ─── n.并置,并列;毗邻

4、extrapose ─── vt.右方移尾(在不改变句意的情况下,把单词移到末尾或移走)

5、to juxtapose ─── 并置

6、extraposes ─── 外相

7、contrapose ─── vt.针对;对照

8、juxtaposed ─── v.并列(juxtapose的过去式)

9、juxtaposes ─── vt.并列;并置

juxtapose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Juxtapose pictures of Frankfurt and Liverpool in 1945, and then again in 2010 (or, for that matter, Hiroshima and Detroit). ─── 分别拿1945年和2010年法兰克福和利物浦(广岛或者底特律也可以)的照片来做比较,中间似乎有种不可思议的东西。

2、Juxtapose the HTTP verbs GET and POST. What is HEAD? ─── 对比http动词GET和POST? 什么是HEAD?

3、We cannot juxtapose these pursuits with what you call ‘the Chinese democracy movement. ─── 我们不能把这样的追求与你指称的“中国民运”并列起来。

4、1.The different groups of magnetic pole juxtapose in this series products, the magnetic line transmit along quadrangle. ─── 该产品磁极工作面可根据用户需要加长,便于吸吊中间有孔或有缺口的工件。

5、Somehow this clear background made it difficult to juxtapose with contemporary arts. ─── 所以某种程度上无法进入到当代的艺术空间中。

6、Level 1 - Gives a 5% chance to evade attacks and increases Juxtapose's image ge暗夜ration by 2%. Gives Juxtapose images a 3% chance to duplicate themselves on an attack. ─── 一级-让幻影长矛手能以5%的几率闪避攻击力力,提高2%的幻象生成几率,同时,幻象在攻击力力中有3%的几率制造幻象。

7、Establishing juxtapose management system of CEO and CFO ─── 建立CEO与CFO并行的管理模式

8、You juxtapose that in terms of the humanitarian aspect coupled with the daily airstrikes and you get a very explosive situation in Gaza. ─── 如果你将人道主义与习以为常的空袭放在一个台面上看,你就知道加沙地区的局势有多么糟糕。

9、Gives the Phantom Lancer an edge in combat by allowing him to evade attacks and increasing Juxtapose's image generation. ─── 让幻影长矛手能以一定的几率闪避攻击,提升在攻击中制造幻象的几率。

10、Juxtapose them, read between the lines, and if you’re lucky or imaginative or both, you’ll get an image. ─── 将它们并列置之, 领悟其意. 如果你很幸运或是富有想象,又或是两者兼具的话, 故事的全景便会在你脑海中浮现.

11、Level 3 - Gives a 15% chance to evade attacks and increases Juxtapose's image generation by 6%. Gives Juxtapose images a 7% chance to duplicate themselves on an attack. ─── 三级-让幻影长矛手能以15%的几率闪避攻击,提高6%的幻象生成几率,同时,幻象在攻击中有7%的几率制造幻象。

12、French playwright whose works, such as Antigone(1944), juxtapose harsh reality and fantasy. ─── 阿努伊,简1910-1987法国剧作家,他的作品如安提戈涅(1944年)把幻想和现实严格地融为一体

13、Be sure to juxtapose your actions so as to make their achievement possible in the easiest and most efficient way. ─── 一定要对比你的行动,确保用尽可能最简单、有效的方法完成。

14、About the summing-up of experience. Although we have a rich store of experience, we should not merely juxtapose a host of facts but should sum up by grasping the essentials, proceeding from reality and adopting a Marxist standpoint. ─── 关于总结经验,我们的经验是很丰富的,但是不能够罗列很多事情,而是要抓住重点,从实际出发,根据马克思主义的观点,加以总结。

15、Elements of Indian culture juxtapose newer designs. ─── 印度文化元素与新型设计并行。

16、Juxtapose the use of override with new. What is shadowing? ─── 什么时候使用override?什么时候使用new? 什么叫shadowing?

17、Level 3 - Gives a 15% chance to evade attacks and increases Juxtapose's image ge暗夜ration by 8%. Gives Juxtapose images a 7% chance to duplicate themselves on an attack. ─── 三级-让幻影长矛手能以15%的几率闪避攻击力力,提高6%的幻象生成几率,同时,幻象在攻击力力中有7%的几率制造幻象。

18、P2P(Peer to Peer) is recently crowned as one of the key technologies in the next revolution of Internet. In the research of P2P network, JXTA(juxtapose),an absolutely new solution to P2P, has attracted more attention. ─── 对等网络P2P (PeertoPeer)是因特网实现下一次飞跃的关键 ,在P2P网络模式的研究领域里 ,JXTA (juxtapose ,并行 )作为一种全新的P2P网络解决方案已经日益受到业界的关注。

19、juxtapose the classical style of architecture with the modern ─── 将古典的与现代的建筑风格并列对照.

20、Bottle gourd liquor: The bitter bottle gourd 30 grams, will apply medicine the stamp crushing to juxtapose in Yu Jingping, soaks it by 150 milliliters nice wines, 1 week later Kaifeng, skim spare. ─── 葫芦酒:苦葫芦子30克,将上药捣碎并置于净瓶中,以150毫升好酒浸之,1周后开封,去渣备用。

21、The technique Mr. Wilson uses most often is to juxtapose things for dramatic effect. ─── 威尔逊先生最常用的技巧是把事物并列起来以获得戏剧性效果。

22、Level 1 - Gives a 5 chance to evade attacks and increases Juxtapose's image generation by 第二: Gives Juxtapose images a 3 chance to duplicate themselves on an attack. ─── 一级-让幻影长矛手能以5得几率闪避攻击,提高2得幻象生成几率,同时,幻象在攻击中有3得几率制造幻象。

23、using the concept of "anti" to juxtapose any two extremely different things, rather than two descriptive scenes or topics; ─── 带著颠覆观念将差异极大的两者并列,而非景物或主题并列;

24、JXTA(the abbreviation of Juxtapose) is an open P2P project of Sun beginning at Apr. 2001. The target is providing whole general base protocols of P2P, which try to aggregate all kinds of P2P using model and standardize the P2P Services. ─── JXTA(Juxtapose的缩写,指并行)是Sun公司于2001年四月份提出的开放性对等网研究项目,它的主要目的是建立一整套的泛型P2P基础协议,整合P2P应用、标准化P2P服务。

25、The body color for pale brown approaches the gray central, the back has the large-scale dun streak to juxtapose in on, because also around interlocks mutually presents the zigzag appearance. ─── 体色为淡褐而近乎灰色,背部中央则有大型的暗褐色斑纹并列于上,且因前后相互交错而呈现出锯齿状模样。

26、Level 2 - Gives a 10% chance to evade attacks and increases Juxtapose's image generation by 4%. Gives Juxtapose images a 5% chance to duplicate themselves on an attack. ─── 二级-让幻影长矛手能以10%的几率闪避攻击,提高4%的幻象生成几率,同时,幻象在攻击中有5%的几率制造幻象。

27、Therefore, my lens aims to capture these 'Key Words' and juxtapose or intertwine the 'scene' of each key word. ─── 由此,我的镜头瞄准了“关键词”及其与之并置或缠绕的一个个“关键词的景观”。

28、I added the robot's hand and juxtapose it to the head so it looks as if in “sushhhhh!!” action. ─── (我接着画出了机器人的手臂,将手和头部并列放置,这样它看起来就像是在做“嘘”的动作。)

29、added the robot's hand and juxtapose it to the head so it looks as if in "sushhhhh! ! " action. ─── 我接着画出了机器人的手臂,将手和头部并列放置,这样它看起来就像是在做“嘘”的动作。

30、The block form refers that the first word of each line should juxtapose with each other. ─── 行首齐头式指信头数行的每行第一个字母上下对齐。

31、When you juxtapose the two, you can see the difference. ─── 要是你把这两个人并在一起,就看得出分别来了。

32、Admittedly, it's easy to get a computer to combine ideas in new ways: It can simply pick items at random and juxtapose them. ─── 诚然,让一台计算机按照新方法进行想法组合是容易的一件事:它只要随机选取,然后进行比照。

33、French playwright whose works,such as Antigone(1944,juxtapose harsh reality and fantasy. ─── 阿努伊,简1910-1987法国剧作家,他的作品如安提戈涅(1944年)把幻想和现实严格地融为一体

34、We tried to juxtapose the sculptures to give the best effect. ─── 我们把雕刻品加以并排以得到最好的效果。

35、Level 3 - Gives a 15 chance to evade attacks and increases Juxtapose's image generation by 8. Gives Juxtapose images a 7 chance to duplicate themselves on an attack. ─── 三级-让幻影长矛手能以15得几率闪避攻击,提高6得幻象生成几率,同时,幻象在攻击中有7得几率制造幻象。

36、combat by allowing him to evade attacks and increasing Juxtapose's image generation. Additionally, it enables his images to generate their own images. ─── 让幻影长矛手能以一定的几率闪避攻击,提升在攻击中制造幻象的几率。同时,幻象本身也能以一定的几率制造幻象。

37、I am going to speak about corruption, but I would like to juxtapose two different things. ─── 我将要谈论腐败的问题,但是我想先将两件不同的事情放在一起讲讲。

38、He tried to juxtapose the photos of his girlfriend on the desk to show his love. ─── 他把女朋友的照片在桌上加以并列以表示他的爱。

39、Comparison will be easier if you juxtapose the two objects. ─── 把这两个物体并列就较易作出比较了。

40、juxtapose v. ─── 并列;

41、Three basic levels of the city were designed to juxtapose Turtle "safe" zones against human zones.Particular attention was paid to how a ninja would move stealthily through the city. ─── 城市的3个基本水平线的设计是和神龟的“安全”地带靠着人类地带保持一致的。设计者们为了让武士们平稳地在城市中穿梭特地下了大工夫。

42、you are out of work and searching - nobody is calling. ─── 你等到自己失业了再去重新找工作,到时这些人可不会来找你了。

43、Level 1 - Gives a 5% chance to evade attacks and increases Juxtapose's image generation by 2%. Gives Juxtapose images a 3% chance to duplicate themselves on an attack. ─── 一级-让幻影长矛手能以5%的几率闪避攻击,提高2%的幻象生成几率,同时,幻象在攻击中有3%的几率制造幻象。

44、JXTA (the abbreviation of Juxtapose) is an open P2P project of Sun beginning at Apr.2001, which mainly provides the foundation service of the P2P procedure. ─── JXTA(juxtapose的缩写,指并行)是Sun公司于2001年四月份提出的,主要用于提供P2P程序所需的基础服务。

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