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libertarianism 发音


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名词: libertarianism |

libertarianism 短语词组

1、libertarianism anti lgbtq ─── 自由主义反lgbtq

2、libertarianism liberalism ─── 自由主义 ─── 自由主义

libertarianism 反义词


libertarianism 相似词语短语

1、Sabbatarianism ─── n.严守星期日为安息日;严守安息日主义

2、libertarians ─── n.自由意志主义者;行动自由论者;adj.自由的;自由论者的;持自由论的

3、librarians ─── n.图书管理员(librarian的复数)

4、liberationist ─── n.解放论者;妇女解放论者;adj.主张(妇女)解放论的

5、barbarianism ─── 野蛮

6、libertarian ─── n.自由意志主义者;行动自由论者;adj.自由的;自由论者的;持自由论的

7、liberationism ─── 自由主义

8、Hibernianism ─── n.爱尔兰习语或表达

9、libertinism ─── n.玩乐;放荡;自由思想

libertarianism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、According to soft-determinism, both libertarianism and hard-determinism are founded on a shared misconception ─── 在柔性决定论看来,意志自由论和刚性决定论都基于同一误解。

2、Neither Ron Paul, the libertarian, nor Ralph Nader, on the left, got anywhere. ─── 与此同时,必须花大力气“清洗”家庭和金融系统的资产负债表。

3、The libertarian, on the other hand, believes that experience reveals the reality of free will, and so denies that determinism is true ─── 另一方面,意志自由论者则认为,经验揭示了自由意志的现实存在,所以他们对决定论的真实性持否定的态度。

4、civil libertarian ─── 公民自由主义者

5、To the libertarian movement. He argued that it is important for libertarians to also be "communitarians," defending traditional social institutions from the state. ─── 他争辩道,自由主义者同时具有“共产主义者”的气质非常重要,能够保卫国家的传统社会制度。

6、Many US internet laws were enacted in a burst of giddy libertarianism in the mid-1990s. ─── 美国许多与网络相关的法律,都是在自由意志盛行的 1990年代中期制订的。

7、An unenviable task, then, for the American diplomats who face the task of arguing back in defence of old-fashioned libertarianism. ─── 美国外交官面临一个不值得羡慕的任务,即为过时的自由意志主义辩护。

8、But as a libertarian I would rule out resentment and malice from policy considerations. ─── 但作为一个自由主义者,我会从政策的角度来考虑从而消除掉愤怒和怨恨。

9、The two polarities of managerial type are the Authoritarian and the Libertarian manager. ─── 经理风格的两极是权力主义者和自由主义者。

10、As the founder and major representative of Analytic Marxism, Cohen makes the sharpest criticism of Nozick who is a right-wing libertarian. ─── 摘要作为分析的马克思主义学派的创立者和首要代表,柯亨对右翼自由至上主义者诺齐克的持有正义理论作了最为犀利的批判。

11、Compatibility of Individual Rights Assignment and Libertarian Impossibility Theorems ─── 个人主权的相容性与不可能性结论

12、libertarianism, like hard-determinism, is based on the assumption that free will cannot exist in a deterministic universe ─── 与刚性决定论类似,意志自由论基于这一观点:自由意志在一个先定的世界中无法存在。

13、WASHINGTON — In keeping with their position as the First Family of Libertarianism, the Pauls of Lake Jackson, Tex., did not have many rules around their home. ─── 华盛顿报道-作为自由意志主义的第一家族,来自德克萨斯州杰克逊湖市的保罗家族,在家庭里没有太多规矩。

14、A note of Sen libertarian impossibility theorem ─── 关于Sen个人主权不可能性定理的注记

15、This might sound like libertarian boilerplate: Nietzsche repackaged for the Chamber of Commerce crowd.But three things gave her work its hypnotic power. ─── 兰德无疑是在大萧条时期任坚定不移地抨击集体主义、而没有被其浪潮淹没的最坚定的一员。

16、Atheistic thinkers have generally accepted a utilitarian basis for judging moral issues, and they have exhibited a libertarian attitude toward human needs and impulses. ─── 无神论思想家们普遍以功利主义为基础来进行道德判断。 他们对人们的需要和冲动持意志自由论的态度。

17、Beyond Utilitarianism and Libertarianism--Amartya Sen's Goal View of Right ─── 超越功利主义与自由至上主义--阿马蒂亚·森的目的权利观

18、Kucinich ran for president representing the Democratic left flank, while Paul ran representing the libertarian wing of his party. ─── 库钦奇代表着民主党左翼力量,而保罗则代表着共和党内的自由意志派力量。

19、Many North Americans usually categorized as conservative or libertarian have adopted some of his views. ─── 一些保守主义或自由主义的美国人采纳了他的一些观点。

20、Libertarianism takes individual rights seriously. ─── 自由主义严肃对待个人权利。

21、Most of the population adheres to one of the four dominant ideologies in the United States: liberal, conservative, libertarian, or populist. ─── 在美国大部分的人民信奉四个佔优势的意识形态的其中之一:包含自由主义、保守主义、自由派,或是民粹主义者。

22、Libertarian is not my original idea, it can be traced back to great thinkers like Milton Friedman, Fredrick A. ─── 先界定:我一样享受著资本主义带来的社会进步、物质文明与生活享受,亦乐于在资本主义既定的游戏规则下继续投入参与。

23、Is there a libertarian case for a minimum threshold of education for all? ─── 对放任自由主义而言,是否有支持最小教育门槛的理据?

24、Libertarianism, therefore, cannot provide an adequate account of moral responsibility because it is a theory in which decisions are not caused by the central mechanisms of the personality. ─── 在意志自由论看来,人们的决定不是由其人格核心机制产生的。所以,意志自由论无法对道德责任做出充分解释。

25、He has less money on hand than even the maverick Texan libertarian Ron Paul, and has been forced to lay off dozens of his staff of 120. ─── 这使得麦肯恩的金库水位比独立参选人---德克萨斯州无党派人士朗保罗还低,也迫使他对其120人的竞选参谋军大举裁员。

26、To the libertarian and the hard-determinist, such a distinction is unintelligible ─── 对意志自由论者和刚性决定论者来说,这样的区别是难以理解的。

27、Carlo Lottieri director of the Political Theory department of the Bruno Leoni Institute, a libertarian think-tank based in Turin and Adjunct Faculty member of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. ─── 卡罗洛提尔利,布鲁诺列尼研究会政治理论部主任,基于图灵的智囊团的自由主义者,路德威格研究会助理教员。

28、This might sound like libertarian boilerplate: Nietzsche repackaged for the Chamber of Commerce crowd. ─── 这似乎说白了也就是自由意志主义者:只不过是包装成商会成员的尼采。

29、Early economics was firmly tethered to the libertarian presumption that individuals should be left to their own devices because their selfish choices will result in the economy running efficiently. ─── 早期的经济学执著于自由主义的假设,相信应该放任个人活动,因为个人的自私选择,将导致整个经济有效率的运作。

30、Niederhoffer's Junto is more casual, but he takes libertarianism seriously, considering it to be a natural complement to speculating. ─── 尼德霍夫的秘密聚会比较普通,但是他很关注自由,他认为投机是自然的。

31、The first pole represents pure individual freedom, unconstrained by government.I call this pole "libertarian. ─── 第一种极端代表纯粹的个人自由,完全不受政府控制,所以我称这一极为“自由主义”。

32、Appalled by such hubris, a libertarian scholar called Gene Healy wrote “The Cult of the Presidency”, a book decrying the unrealistic expectations Americans have of their presidents. ─── 一位自由学者对他的言论感到胆寒,写了一本书叫总统崇拜,书中谴责了美国人对总统的不切实际的期望。

33、"This movie takes a grain of truth and turns into a mountain of apocalypse," says Patrick Michaels, a senior fellow in environmental studies with the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank. ─── "这部影片抓住了一点点事实,就将其演变为巨大的灾难,"自由论者团体"加图协会"的高级环保研究员帕特里克·迈克尔说。

34、The Frankfurt School has made an important contribution to rehabilitating the libertarian aspect of Marx's thought ─── 法兰克福学派在振兴马克思思想的自由意志论方面做出了重大的贡献。

35、In this lecture, a group of students ( "Team Libertarianism" ) are asked to defend the objections against Libertarianism. ─── 在这个讲座里,一组学生(名为“自由意志队”)被要求为自由意志的反对意见辩护。

36、24. Atheistic thinkers have generally accepted a utilitarian basis for judging moral issues, and they have exhibited a libertarian attitude toward human needs and impulses. ─── 无神论思想家们普遍以功利主义为基础来进行道德判断。他们对人们的需要和冲动持意志自由论的态度。

37、Communitarism, libertarianism and other theories are the primary basis for ethics in public health. ─── 公共卫生主要以社群主义、其他理论为理论基础。

38、Some of the most popular sites are conservative or libertarian, but there are many of all political stripes. ─── 虽然最受欢迎的站点是保守派的或者自由主义者的,但还有许多属于各种政治派别的。

39、Western attitudes toward economic planning can be found along a continuum.The two poles of that continuum are 1) libertarianism (no planning) and 2) micromanagement (detailed planning). ─── 西方对经济计划的态度是各种各样的,两种极端的观点是:1)自由主义否认任何计划,2)微观管理主张具体到细节的计划。

40、Libertarian selfishness would cause people to move away from 100 to lower numbers with less efficiency in the hope of gaining more individually. ─── 但是自由主义者的自私想法,会让玩家从100转移到较小的数值,降低了整体效益,只为了自己希望多拿到一点。

41、But if we fail to see beyond that, we betray the libertarian principles of our society. ─── 他们怕的不只是个一般的大国;

42、Libertarian: One who believes in freedom of action and thought. ─── 自由论者:信仰行动和思想自由的人。

43、The position known as hard-determinism rejects free will whereas its opposite counterpart, libertarianism asserts that determinism is false ─── 所谓刚性决定论否定自由意志,而与其相对的意志自由论则认为,决定论是站不住脚的。

44、How is that a meaningful form of libertarianism? ─── 这种“有意义的自由主义形式”你怎么看待?

45、And it does not matter if you are on the right, on the left, moderate or extreme, socialist or libertarian. ─── 不论你是左、中、右,温和的还是极端的,社会主义者或是自由意志主义者;

46、In this way, freedom and interests, freedom and cooperation, cooperation and integrity find their peaceful co-existence in Narveson’s libertarianism. ─── 在纳维森的自由至上主义中,自由与利益、自由与合作、合作与道德和谐并存。

47、Today, although it still refers to revolutionary syndicalism and libertarian federalism, it also refers to self-management as the unique way to the global anti-capitalist and self-managed society. ─── 今天,尽管它仍然是指革命syndicalism和自由联邦制,它还提到自我管理的独特的方式向全球反资本主义和自我管理的社会。

48、Opposition is too fierce, because of the shadow of the past. Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia. ─── 由于历史的阴影反对安乐死的力量异常强大,在那些近年来自由意志的传统未受任何干扰的国家里,为自愿安乐死制定有限的规定并不会使人们产生太多的恐惧。

49、exose of the deceptive tactics &elections of the Libertarian Party.free speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression. ─── 自由对个人及社会都具有重要的价值;“法律的自由”才是真正意义上的自由。

50、The markets were still volatile a week later, when Niederhoffer came into Manhattan for his monthly libertarian meeting. ─── 一周后,市场还在波动,尼德霍夫则到曼哈顿参加自由党的例行每月聚会。

51、One form of this libertarian view even treats the law as a product of contending individual preferences. ─── 这种自由主义观点的某一种甚至把法律看作是个人偏好之间互相竞争的结果。

52、An unenviable task, then, for the American diplomats who face the task of arguing back in defence of old-fashioned libertarianism. ─── 美国外交官面临一个不值得羡慕的任务,即为过时的自由意志主义辩护。

53、But Mr.Eastwood also confesses to some sympathy for Walt's choice of words in a way sure to irk the Hollywood types who have finally embraced him despite his libertarian politics. ─── 不过克林伊斯威特也坦承,对华特的用语有些同情,这肯定会让那些不计较他自由派政治立场、总算接受他的好莱坞人士恼火。

54、The libertarian in me disagrees with the utilitarian but will support the moralist, as long as the moralist promises to refrain from using the coercive power of the state. ─── 而且,我的那个“自由主义”化身,不同意“功利主义化身”的观点,却同意“道德主义化身”的看法,不过,他说:道德主义者,一定要发誓自己绝不能使用国家权力去强迫别人。

55、In the science-fiction classic, libertarian technologists and entrepreneurs try to turn it into a data haven for such things as anonymous online banking and electronic money. ─── 在这部经典科幻小说里,为了让“匿名的在线银行和电子货币”之说成为现实,自由主义技术专家和企业家试图把小岛变成安全数据港。

56、Libertarianism, like hard-determinism, is based on the assumption that free will cannot exist in a deterministic universe . ─── 与刚性决定论类似,意志自由论基于这一观点:自由意志在一个先定的世界中无法存在。

57、The academic left has placed its faith in libertarian cultural politics, celebrating everything from Madonna videos to the explicit photography of Robert Mapplethorpe. ─── 好在他并不只是借先贤之口,再唠叨一遍诸如美国是地上的天国,集文明之大成,开大同之先河之类美国小学课本上都有的说教。

58、The socialist planner disagrees with the libertarian only about the wisdom of intervening to correct problems that arise. ─── 计划社会主义与自由主义的区别仅仅在于如何纠正问题的智慧方面。

59、Opposition is too fierce, because of the shadow of the past. Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia. ─── 由于历史的阴影反对安乐死的力量异常强大,在那些近年来自由意志的传统未受任何干扰的国家里,为自愿安乐死制定有限的规定并不会使人们产生太多的恐惧。

60、But the situation without trade is not a philosophically noteworthy benchmark under either libertarian or utilitarian perspectives. ─── 但是,无论是自由主义者还是功利主义者,不存在贸易的情形显然不是哲学意义上的思考出发点。

61、The weaknesses of economic libertarianism have been exposed. ─── 经济自由主义的弊端已经暴露出来。

62、Niederhoffer's Junto is more casual, but he takes libertarianism seriously, considering it to be a natural complement to speculating. ─── 尼德·霍夫的秘密聚会比较普通,但是他很关注自由,他认为投机是自然的。

63、Jeff, who has a libertarian prespective, thinks the ban is unjustifiable. ─── 而老杰,禀持的却是自由主义的观点,他认为这个禁令是不合理的。

64、Other people remain impressed by Marx, but look to libertarian and humanistic interpretations of his work. ─── 虽然其他的人对马克思依然有着深刻的印象,但注重的是其著作中的自由主义的和人道主义的解释。

65、On Schiller's Libertarian Views on Aesthetics ─── 论席勒的审美自由观

66、Libertarianism is a doctrine which seeks to preserve the sense or sen-connor wnich is reqired ron moral responsibility. ─── 意志自由论是一种旨在维护道德责任所需的自我控制感的学说。

67、Then there's the bigger issue, the one that's always difficult for a foaming-at-the-mouth civil libertarian like myself to confront. ─── 接下来还有个更大的问题,一个让我这种竭尽全力的民事自由主义者难于面对的问题。

68、On the other hand, the Libertarian manager has a rough idea of how attacking or defensive his team should be for each match and gives players their heads. ─── 另一方面,自由主义者经理对球队在每场比赛该如何进攻或防守有一个大致思想,让球员自己思考。

69、- Martin Masse is publisher of the libertarian webzine Le Quebecois Libre and a former advisor to Industry minister Maxime Bernier. ─── 这是奥地利学派和芝加哥学派在解释弗里德曼观点上的一个关键差异。

70、It's "a broadly libertarian view of the proper relationship between individuals and institutions", according to open source guru Eric Raymond. ─── 它表达了对“个人与机构之间正确关系的自由化观点”,开放源代码运动的掌门人艾里克·雷蒙如是说。

71、Rothbardian anarcho-capitalists lean toward libertarian political deactivism in which political means are used to speed the obsolescence of the state. ─── 罗斯伯德派的无政府资本主义者们倾向于自由的政治无效,也就是政治手段是用来加速国家退化的。

72、The Tories and the Liberal Democrats are fleshing out the civil libertarianism they promised in opposition. ─── 保守党人和自由民主党人正逐步兑现在野时期做出的承诺:公民自由主义。

73、A postmodern approach starts from a different premise than both libertarianism and the socialism.Postmodernism is holistic. ─── 后现代主义始于一个与自由主义和社会主义都不同的前提,后现代主义是整体主义的。

74、South Park and the Libertarian Philosophy. ─── 南园和自由的哲学。

75、Perhaps the best example of capitalism was the right wing libertarian "New Zealand Experiment" which was inspired by Thatcher and Regan but with much less traditionalism and nationalism. ─── 后者认为同样的行为只能导致剥削,动荡,和危机。

76、Libertarian Defense Caucus ─── 自由主义者防务决策委员会

77、Perhaps the most libertarian version of the Robin Hood story comes from an unlikely source for libertarianism—the BBC, in its 2006-2009 Robin Hood series, starring Jonas Armstrong. ─── 或许罗宾汉故事最具有自由意志主义风格的版本来自于一个最不大可能歌颂自由的地方——英国的BBC电视台,就在它的2006~2009的电视系列剧《侠盗罗宾汉》里,由乔纳斯·阿姆斯特朗主演。

78、That is the case put forward in “It’s Getting Better All the Time”, by the late Julian Simon and Stephen Moore then at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think-tank in Washington, DC. ─── 这就是 “这是一个越来越好的时代” (华盛顿自由主义者智库卡托研究所朱利安.西蒙和斯蒂芬.莫尔著)中的例子。

79、Safire was always keen to stress the libertarian part of his political belief, which led him into interesting waters. ─── 萨菲尔总是热切地强调他的政治信念中的自由意志主义部份,这种信念使他陷入了有趣的尴尬中。

80、Today, the principle is also consistent with libertarian political views that place individual freedoms as the most laudable goal and right of people. ─── 今日,这个原则同样地符合自由意识主义支持者的(古典自由派的)政治观点以寄讬于个人自由中,如同最值得赞赏的目标和人们的权利。

81、Sen's contribution is significant for its confutation of the libertarian faith. ─── 森的论述对自由意志论一厢情愿的信念构成了深刻的挑战,其贡献值得我们记取。

82、Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia. ─── 不间断提倡思想和行动自由的国家对主动实施安乐死进行限制性规定,就没有什么可担心的了。

83、He quickly plunged headlong into libertarianism. ─── 他很快进入了自由党。

84、libertarian attitude ─── 自由主义态度

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