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09-17 投稿


Icelander 发音

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Icelander 中文意思翻译



Icelander 词性/词形变化,Icelander变形


Icelander 相似词语短语

1、islander ─── n.岛上居民;n.(Islander)人名;(英)艾兰德

2、inlander ─── n.内地人,内陆居民

3、Zeelander ─── 泽兰德。

4、Shetlander ─── 设得兰群岛

5、Icelander ─── n.冰岛人

6、Dixielander ─── 迪克西兰德

7、Highlander ─── n.苏格兰高地的人;高地人

8、colander ─── n.滤器,滤锅;n.(Colander)人名;(英)科兰德

9、Icelanders ─── 冰岛人

Icelander 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Only two other Western European countries, Iceland and Norway, have done so till now. ─── 之前只有两个欧洲国家,冰岛和挪威被给予这样的地位。

2、A storm was bearing down upon Iceland. ─── 一场风暴正向冰岛逼来。

3、How are we to tell the difference? Your ships are now passing east of Iceland and will soon be in a position from which they can threaten our trade routes to Europe. ─── 叫我们怎么说得清到底是什么呢?

4、Raw materials used acrylic, wool, wool Iceland, Si Guangmian, chenille, yarn circle, such as mohair. ─── 原料采用晴纶、羊毛、冰岛毛、丝光棉、雪尼尔、圈圈纱、马海毛等。

5、Iceland is not overendowed with natural resources. ─── 冰岛的自然资源不多。

6、The Iceland striker admits, however, that the two coaching regimes he has encountered could not be more different. ─── 但是古德约翰逊也承认他遇到的这两位主教练的执教方式有天壤之别。

7、They travel to Iceland where they enter the Earth through a dead volcano. ─── 他们一起来到冰岛,从这里他们通过一座死火山进入了地球。

8、The Icelander is highly receptive to Pardew's vision of retaining an English core at his club. ─── 冰岛人很可能接受帕度以英格兰球员为核心的模式。

9、Iceland uses geothermal engergy quite well. ─── 冰岛利用地热的技术非常先进。

10、The next day the U-boat was towed by a trawler to Iceland . ─── 于是在第二天,那艘潜艇被一艘渔船拖曳到冰岛。

11、A similar path must be an unappealing prospect for Iceland. ─── 冰岛肯定不希望重蹈阿根廷覆辙。

12、A column of hissing steam emerges from a gaping 600-foot (180-meter) chasm in Iceland’s Vatnaj?kull Glacier. ─── 冰岛的瓦特纳尤库尔冰川,一股嘶嘶作响水蒸气呈柱状正从一个深600尺(合180米)的洞口喷射而出。

13、Iceland has been described as a country where more fish are caught and more books are published per person than anywhere else in the world. ─── 同世界其他国家比,冰岛被看成是人均捕鱼量和人均出书量最大的国家。

14、Other banks, notably in Spain, Iceland and Scandinavia, are even more dependent on the wholesale markets. ─── 其他的,尤其是西班牙,冰岛以及斯堪的纳维亚地区的金融机构甚至更加依赖于银行间的批发市场。

15、Iceland may be cool on the surface, but it is hot underneath. ─── 冰岛地表也许气候凉爽,但地底下却温度炙热。

16、Born in 1967, the Icelander now lives and works in Berlin. ─── 出生于1967年,数十人,现在生活和工作在柏林。

17、Reportedly, there are only two authentic ice hotels in the world, one in Iceland, and the other here in Kiruna. ─── 听说最正宗的冰酒店全世界只有两家:一家在冰岛,一家就在基律纳。

18、It may be that, as an Icelander himself, Mr Magnusson does not find such dishes particularly exotic. ─── 可能是因为自身就是冰岛人,所以马格努松先生并没有觉得这些菜肴特别怪异。

19、An industrial television camera system is used to monitor and record the cutting process of iceland spar. ─── 利用工业电视摄像系统对冰洲石的切削过程进行观察和记录。

20、While with Chelsea he has won36 of his40 Iceland caps and scored15 of his16 international goals. He is Iceland's captain. ─── 他代表冰岛国家队出场40次,其中36次是在切尔西效力期间取得的,另外,他在国际比赛的16个进球有15个是在这段时间内攻进的.而且他也是冰岛国家队的队长.

21、He is an Icelander. ─── 他是冰岛人。

22、The icelander burned our cash, and blew the ash to us. ─── 冰岛人烧了偶们的钱,又把灰给吹了回来。

23、Typical for rural Iceland are the isolated valley farms nestling against mountains. ─── 依山坐落、孤立的山谷农庄是冰岛农村的一个特色。

24、Iceland has kept out of the EU, not least to safeguard its cod-fishing quotas. ─── 冰岛一直置身于欧盟之外,这不仅仅是为了保证其捕捉鳕鱼的配额。

25、Iceland will try its best to help China with earthquake rescue work, she added. ─── 冰岛将尽力协助中国与地震的救援工作,她补充说。

26、EFTA is an abbreviation for the European Free Trade Association of which Iceland is a Member State. ─── EFTA是欧洲自由贸易协会的简称,冰岛为其成员国。

27、A 40-minute bus ride took us to Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. ─── 40分钟的车程后,我们来到了冰岛的首都雷克雅维克.

28、He and his crew hope to cross the Atlantic later on the ancient Viking route to North America via Iceland and Greenland. ─── 他和船员们希望之后再按照古老的北欧海盗穿越大西洋。他们将途径冰岛和格陵兰岛。

29、Last year I moved to Iceland for a while, now I am relocated in Brussels (Belgium), and, as expected, everything remains the same, if not worse. ─── 去年我搬到冰岛居住了一阵,现在我重新住在了比利时的布鲁塞尔,并且,正如我所期盼的,一切依旧,如果不是更糟糕的话。

30、Visit Iceland and you'll enter a whole new realm of experience. ─── [参考译文]来到冰岛你会体验到一种全新的感觉:

31、He joined one of Iceland's newly privatized banks. ─── 他去了冰岛新近私有化的多家银行中的一家。

32、The West Fjords, a series of peninsulas in northwestern Iceland. ─── “西部海湾”是冰岛的一连串半岛,它们占了该国不到八分之一的国土,但其锯齿状的边界却比冰岛整个海岸线的一半还多。

33、There are charter flights from Iceland to Barcelona, Rome and Milan in summer. ─── 冰岛到巴塞罗那,罗马,米兰等度假胜地有包机直达。

34、The girl from Iceland is indeed as cold as an iceberg. ─── 从冰岛来的女孩果然冷得像冰山一样。

35、Oh, there are so many!! Lapland, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Egypt.... ─── 啊太多了!拉普兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,冰岛,埃及。。。

36、Of or relating to Iceland or its people, language, or culture. ─── 冰岛的冰岛的,冰岛人的,冰岛语的,冰岛文化的,或与冰岛及其居民、语言、文化有关的

37、Iceland's cousins in Norway have twice negotiated to join, only for the voters to say no. ─── 冰岛的近邻挪威已有两次入盟的商议,但只是因为公民投票反对而未能通过。

38、Rescue workers in Iceland say they have recovered sixteen bodies after a massive avalanche engulfed a small northern town. ─── 冰岛的救援工作人员说,在大雪崩吞没了北部一小镇后,他们已经找到16具尸体。

39、But Iceland has various kinds of volcanoes, many of which produce more evolved lavas such as rhyolite and andesite. ─── 但是冰岛有各种各样的火山,其中很多生产更逐步形成的象流纹岩和安山石那样的熔岩。

40、The Delegation of Iceland addressed the Assembly to highlight a point of particular importance. ─── 冰岛代表团向大会发言,并强调一项尤为重要的内容。

41、You can observe the continent platforms from the British Isles to Canada and Iceland in the middle. ─── 你可以观察到从英格兰群岛延伸到加拿大的大陆台地,中间是冰岛。

42、On Monday, the entire economy of Iceland came precariously close to bankruptcy . ─── 周一,整个经济的冰岛是摇摇欲坠濒临破产。

43、LYSI soon became the largest producer of cod liver oil in Iceland. ─── LYSI公司很快便成为了冰岛最大的鳕鱼鱼油生产商。

44、Iceland and Denmark are Darwin's most ardent adherents. ─── 冰岛和丹麦是最热心的达尔文拥护者。

45、The famous Orkneyinga Saga however, although it pertains to the Earldom of Orkney, was written in Iceland. ─── 十三世纪,“苏格兰人默多克”为雷诺克斯的莫梅尔写了挽歌。

46、One taxi driver said their sturdiness is useful when off-roading over Iceland's volcanic landscape at the weekends. ─── 一位出租车司机说,这种车坚固耐用,这适于在冰岛公路之外的火山地貌上使用。

47、Iceland's affable president;or one of a wide array of Danish royals. ─── 你也可能遇见冰岛和蔼可亲的总统,或是许多丹麦王室里的某个成员。

48、When he came home from photographing a story in Iceland, she was gone. ─── 一次他从冰岛摄影回来,她不在了。

49、A unit of currency in Iceland. ─── 冰岛的货币单位

50、Per capita GDP is 45 times higher in Iceland than in Sierra Leone. ─── 冰岛的人均GDP为塞拉利昂的45倍。

51、Iceland has already started by turning water into fuel -- hydrogen fuel. ─── 冰岛早就开始了将水转变成燃料-氢燃料。

52、Versatile, daring and explosive, the Iceland Dance Company is a treat for the senses and a challenge for your intellect. ─── 冰岛舞蹈团的作品丰富多样、大胆创新,震撼观众感官、引发观众思考。

53、The North Germanic language of Iceland. ─── 北日耳曼语冰岛使用的北方日耳曼语

54、The only absentee is Gudjohnsen whose plane from Bulgaria carrying the Iceland squad arrives later in the afternoon. ─── 只有古迪约翰森缺席因为他在中午时刻才随冰岛国家队从保加利亚乘机返回。

55、It is especially rife in Japan, China, Chile, Iceland, Austria, Finland and Hungary. ─── 其中日本、中国、智利、冰岛、奥地利、芬兰、匈牙利等国家为高发地区。

56、He returned to Iceland and told people there about Greenland. ─── 他返回冰岛,告诉人们有关格陵兰岛的事情,

57、The krona has ceased functioning as a currency outside Iceland. ─── 冰岛克朗在境外已经失去了货币功能。

58、What Makes Iceland a Wonderland? ─── 冰岛奇景?

59、Iceland's voters seem to want politicians who are largely untainted by the country's grave economic crisis. ─── 冰岛选民似乎想要政客在很大程度上能够解决该国严重经济危机。

60、Eastern Atlantic: Iceland and Murmansk Coast (Russia) to South Africa, including the Mediterranean and Black Sea. ─── 东大西洋:冰岛与莫曼斯克海岸(俄国)到南非,包括地中海与黑海。

61、Your ships are now passing east of Iceland and will soon be in a position from which they can threaten our trade routes to Europe. ─── 你们的军舰现在正从冰岛以东通过,很快就将进入可以威胁我们通往欧洲的贸易航线的位置。

62、Iceland is really far away from China.We spent about 14 hours by air and stopover in Copenhagen to reach Reykjavik. ─── 冰岛和中国实在是相距遥远,我们乘飞机经停哥本哈根化了近14小时才到达雷克雅未克。

63、I went to Iceland and Normay. ─── 出发前你仲问我冰岛有咩睇 ?!

64、But the banking collapse also exposed the vulnerability of Iceland's currency, the krona. ─── 但银行业的崩溃也暴露出冰岛克朗的脆弱。

65、Iceland is at the edge of collapse and Russia is providing financial support to Iceland. ─── 冰岛在崩溃边缘,并且俄罗斯提供财政支持给冰岛。

66、A basic unit of currency in Iceland. ─── 冰岛克朗冰岛的一种基本货币单位

67、It's part of being an Icelander," he said. ─── 这是冰岛人的一部分,”他说。

68、And on he went past Greenland and Iceland and finally he swam home into own North Sea. ─── 他继续前进,游过了格林兰岛和冰岛,最后,他游回了北海--他的老家。

69、Iceland was the first country to legalize abortion in 1935. ─── 1935年冰岛成为第一个合法堕胎的国家?

70、Iceland lies on the convergence of two tectonic plates and is one of the most volcanically active areas in the world. ─── 冰岛位于两大地壳板块的交界处,是世界上火山活动最活跃的地区之一。

71、But after that, Iceland almost disappears from the history books. ─── 但在那以后,冰岛几乎从历史书中消失了。

72、Iceland is in the far north of the world. ─── 冰岛在世界的极北端。

73、The 1400km (870 mile) journey is scheduled to end soon, check back soon for more pictures and a full report from Iceland! ─── 1400公里的旅程快要结束了,不久会有更多图片和全程报道。

74、Iceland consumes more Coca-Cola per capita than any other country. ─── 冰岛每人平均消耗的可口可乐量世界第一?

75、A basic unit of currency in Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. ─── 克朗一种捷克斯洛伐克、丹麦、冰岛、挪威和瑞典等国的货币基本单位

76、Iceland has at least 25 active volcanoes and many hot springs and geysers. ─── 冰岛拥有至少25座活火山以及非常多的温泉和间歇泉。

77、The driving forces of soil erosion in Iceland are vegetation destruction, livestock overgrazing, climatic intensity and volcanic eruptions. ─── 冰岛土壤侵蚀演变的驱动力主要有植被破坏、过度放牧、严酷的气候条件和火山爆发。

78、Iceland is full of hot springs, beautifully coloured rocks, and other natural wonders. ─── 冰岛遍布温泉、美丽的五彩岩石和其他自然奇观。

79、For Sigurdardottir, Iceland's longest serving MP, it has been a long and somewhat circuitous route to the top. ─── 作为冰岛任期最长的议员,西于尔扎多蒂通往总理的路途漫长而且曲折。

80、Premier of Iceland since 1980 is 60-year-old Vigdis Finnbogdottir who captured 93 per cent of the vote. ─── 60岁的维迪斯·芬包多迪获得93%的选票,自1980年以来一直任冰岛总理。

81、ICELAND was the first economy to come close to collapse because of the global financial crisis. ─── 冰岛是第一个在全球金融危机影响下而濒于崩溃的经济体。

82、The Icelander missed the pre-season trip to Scotland and he has not yet recovered enough to link-up with the first-team squad, who face three games in Asia beginning on August 5. ─── 冰岛人已经错过了苏格兰拉练,而一线队将于八月五日起进行三场在亚洲训练赛,他也无法与队伍进行磨合。

83、It seems he saw no other way to escape Humphrys' questioning than by attacking Iceland. ─── 他似乎除了攻击冰岛之外,就怎么也逃不过汉弗莱斯的追问了。

84、One concerns herring, signed by Iceland, Norway, Faroe, Russia and the EU. ─── 一个涉及青鱼的协议,由冰岛、挪威、法罗、俄国和欧盟签署。

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