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09-18 投稿


pascal 发音

英:['pæskl]  美:['pæskəl]

英:  美:

pascal 中文意思翻译



pascal 词性/词形变化,pascal变形


pascal 短语词组

1、PASCAL language ─── [计] PASCSL语言

2、production pascal compiler ─── [计] 产生式Pascal编译程序

3、Pascal law ─── [化] 帕斯卡定律

4、Pascal's law ─── [医] 帕斯卡耳氏定律(液体压)

5、PASCAL compiler PASCAL ─── [计] 语言编译程序

6、PASCAL graphics system ─── [计] PASCL语言图形系统

7、PASCAL preprocessor PASCAL ─── [计] 类PASCAL语言

8、microprocessor PASCAL ─── [计] 微处理机PASCAL语言

9、PASCAL data type PASCAL ─── [计] 数据类型

10、extended PASCAL compiler ─── [计] 扩充的PASCAL编译程序

11、Pascal compiler ─── [网络] 编辑

12、concurrent PASCAL ─── [计] 并行PASCAL语言

13、PASCAL evaluation PASCAL ─── [计] 语言评价

14、turbo pascal ─── 一道挺不简单的编程题

15、pascal rules ─── [机] 巴斯卡规则

16、pascal celery ─── [植物]帕斯卡芹菜(深绿色、茎硬而脆)

17、Blaise Pascal ─── 帕斯卡尔

18、PASCAL construction ─── [计] PASCAL语言结构

19、Pascal's law of fluid pressures ─── [网络] 帕斯卡的流体压力定律

pascal 相似词语短语

1、rascals ─── n.流氓,无赖;不诚实的人;adj.下贱的,卑鄙的;n.(Rascal)(美)瓦史撒乐(人名)

2、rascal ─── n.流氓,无赖;不诚实的人;adj.下贱的,卑鄙的;n.(Rascal)(美)瓦史撒乐(人名)

3、paschal ─── adj.复活节的;逾越节的;n.(Paschal)人名;(英、意)帕斯卡尔;(法)帕沙尔

4、pascual ─── adj.生长于牧场的;牧场的;n.(Pascual)人名;(西)帕斯夸尔

5、discal ─── adj.盘状的;圆盘的

6、Pascal ─── n.帕(斯卡)(标准压强单位);n.(Pascal)(法、罗)帕斯卡尔(人名)

7、pascuals ─── 帕斯夸尔

8、pascals ─── n.帕(斯卡)(标准压强单位);n.(Pascal)(法、罗)帕斯卡尔(人名)

9、fiscal ─── adj.会计的,财政的;国库的;n.(Fiscal)人名;(法)菲斯卡尔

pascal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Dujardin Pascal. ─── 主演:Jean.

2、French mathematician who founded number theory; contributed (with Pascal) to the theory of probability (1601-1665). ─── 创立数论的法国数学家(1601-1665);(和帕斯卡)对概率理论做出了贡献。

3、But should they be injured or suspended - likely in the course of full season - you are left with Martin Keown (38 this summer) and Pascal Cygan (improved, but not enough). ─── 但是一旦他们受伤或停赛--这在漫长的赛季中是可能的--剩下的选择是基翁(今年夏天38岁)和西冈(已经有了提高,但是还不够)。

4、At the IMB Forum, Pascal Denizart, Lectra's PLM Director, explained how companies can use product lifecycle management to boost performance and profitability. ─── 在IMB论坛上,力克的PLM总裁Pascal Denizart阐释了公司应如何运用产品生命周期管理来提高绩效和收益。

5、You can use Pascal case for identifiers of three or more characters. ─── 可以对三字符或更多字符的标识符使用Pascal大小写。

6、TURBO PASCAL is a PASCAL system in PC-DOS. ─── TURBO PASCAL系统是一种运行在PC-DOS等操作系统环境下的PASCAL语言系统。

7、Probability theory began, with Pascal and Fermat (1654), as a theory of games of chance, i.e. ─── 世上的许多事确可通过个人的不断努力奋斗而做到、而改变。

8、However, Pascal Lamy, its director-general, said the decline appeared to be slowing. ─── 不过,世贸组织总干事帕斯卡尔-拉米(PascalLamy)表示,贸易量的下降似乎正在放缓。

9、One poise is one tenth of the pressure in Pascal exertes in the liquid in a second. ─── 一泊是该液体每秒感应十分之一帕斯卡的压力的情况。

10、They are two different types of players,' he said before pouring cold water on morning newspaper reports about a wish to acquire Tottenham right-back Pascal Chimbonda. ─── 他们是两种不同类型的球员”他在向早报有关热刺右后卫希姆邦达的报道泼了冷水之前说。

11、Do use Pascal casing in resource keys. ─── 在资源键中使用Pascal大小写格式。

12、Delphi- Memory mapping example delphi, Pascal ─── 内存映射的例子

13、The spokesman says WTO director general Pascal Lamy visited China last year and has spoked highly of the country's constructive function for the World Trade Organization. ─── 发言人说世贸组织总干事去年访问中国的时候对中国在世贸组织中的建设性作用给予了高度评价。

14、Head of Federal Department of Public Economy: Pascal Couchepin ─── 公共经济部长:帕斯卡尔·库什潘

15、But, whereas Pascal's ideas are simple and widely understood, Bayes's have always been harder to grasp. ─── 不过帕斯卡的理论相对简单,也得到了普遍理解,而贝叶斯的理论人们一直很难领会。

16、Winemaker Pascal Delbeck appears to have produced an atypically soft, forward, appealing Belair that will not take long to come around. ─── 圣达美隆区之列级名庄一级庄,被称为波尔多右岸的拉菲。

17、pressure differences Pascal hours ─── 压差帕时数

18、WTO director general Pasgalamith Director-General Pascal Lamy says there's there has been enough for draggingfoot-dragging. ─── 世贸组织的指挥部长认为,拖拉的现象已经很严重了,不能再继续下去了。


20、Pascal was a man of manifold but contradictory qualities. ─── Pascal 是个多才多艺然而性格矛盾的人。

21、Pascal was a man of manifold but contradictory qualities. ─── Pascal是个多才多艺然而性格矛盾的人。

22、Trade officials from the United States, the European Union and Japan also attended the meeting. So did Pascau (Pascal) Lamy, the director General (general) of the World Trade Organization. ─── 农业谈判的失败导致七月会谈中止。众所周知的G-20发展中国家在里约热内卢举行了会议。

23、Then I heard Miss Pascal say softly to Tantie, "I don't know how long Tilly go stay with them mermaids. ─── 坦蒂和帕斯卡小姐整个下午都待在一起。

24、The hierarchical structures of programs are frequently used by the users of PASCAL, FORTRAN, ALGOL, COBOL, etc. ─── 分层结构对使用PASCAL、ALGOL、FORTRAN、COBOL等语言的用户来说,是一种常用的程序结构。

25、I know she was loaded with cotton, and that she took in her freight at Alexandria from Pastret's warehouse, and at Smyrna from Pascal's. ─── 我知道船上装着棉花,是从亚历山大港潘斯德里先生的货仓和士麦拿潘斯考先生的货仓里装上船的。

26、It is the sclerotic content of raw material with pledget, its heat-resisting intensity is 94 degrees, impact strength 5. 8 1000 joule, tensile strength is 38 million Pascal. ─── 以脱脂棉为原料的硬化物, 其耐热强度为94度、冲击强度5.8 千焦耳、抗拉强度为38兆帕斯卡。

27、Elements are specified using Pascal case, which means that the first character is uppercase and the first letter of any subsequent concatenated word is uppercase. ─── 使用Pascal case来指定元素,即第一个字符大写,随后的所有串连单词的第一个字母都大写。

28、Last July Pascal Lamy, the director-general of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), put the talks into hibernation to protect them from the cruel American election season. ─── 去年7月,世贸总干事拉米为使会谈免遭美国残酷选季的影响而宣布休会。

29、Design and Implementation of a Concurrent PASCAL ─── 一种并发PASCAL语言的设计与实现

30、In 1642 Pascal invented a computing machine that handled addition by carrying from units to tens. ─── 1642年,Pascal发明了能从个位进到十位的加法计算机。

31、"Miss Pascal not finish, Amber," said Tantie. ─── “帕斯卡还没有说完呢,安珀,”坦蒂说。

32、China is "playing the game" on opening its domestic market following accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001, WTO Director General Pascal Lamy said in a newspaper interview. ─── 世贸组织总干事帕萨卡尔.拉米在接受瑞士一家报纸的采访时说,中国2001年加入WTO以来一直遵守规则开放国内市场。

33、Millimeter of mercury- kilo pascal conversion tables ─── 与毫米水银柱相互换算表

34、Kilogram-force per square centimetre-mega pascal conversion tables ─── 千克力每平方厘米与兆帕斯卡的相互换算表

35、The Program of FIDAS programmed by Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0, rununder Dos platform with text interface simulated windows style. ─── 动物采食行为数据采集软件(FIDAS,Food Intake Data AcquisitionSystem)采用Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0计算机编程语言编写。

36、In PASCAL or PL/1, the upper or lower limit to the subscript values of an array dimension. ─── 在PASCAL或PL/1语言中,数组维数下标值的上下限。

37、WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy says there has been enough foot-dragging. He says now it is time for action. ─── 世贸组织总干事拉米表示,多哈回合已经拖延得太久了。现在已经到了采取行动的时候了。

38、One poise is one tenth of the pressure in Pascal exertes in the liquid in a second. water at 20oC has a viscosity of one centi-poise. ─── 一泊是该液体每秒感应十分之一帕斯卡的压力的情况。清水在摄氏20度时的流阻度是百分之一泊。

39、Pictured below: JTN Productions CEO Jay Sanderson and Sony Pictures Entertainment vice chairman Amy Pascal . ─── 下面的照片中有:JTN制片商CEO杰·桑德森和索尼影视娱乐公司副总裁艾米·帕斯卡。

40、He told The Electric New Paper in Singapore that he wrote the application in just a few days in Pascal. ─── 他告诉新加坡的《电子新报》,他用Pascal(一种编程语言)写这个程序只花了几天时间。

41、Probability theory began, with Pascal and Fermat (1654), as a theory of games of chance, i.e., a theory of LUCK! Luck may finally come as long as one keeps hoping. ─── 从风雅君一开始及后来所发的帖子来看,他其实也是很同情类似于您遭遇的学子的处境的。我想他愿意、敢于这么做的原因多半也应该是为避免更多的学子遭受类似经历而已。

42、Man's greatness lies in his power of thought -- Blaise Pascal ─── 人的伟大之处在于他的思想的力量--B·帕斯卡

43、In PASCAL, a collection of nonreal scalar elements, called members. ─── 在PASCAL语言中,称为成员的非实数标量元素的集合。

44、Zugzwang and Pascal's wager are two different concepts with similar mindset which I think very important in investment. ─── 凭著以前的记忆,抓了预计时间提早出门。结果,当车子上了新生高架时,我著实吓了一跳。

45、Pascal performs calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed. ─── Pascal语言通过简单给出要执行的程序名字来执行命令。

46、But WTO chief Pascal Lamy said ministers wanted him to revive the talks quickly and he would not "throw in the towel. " ─── 但WTO总干事帕斯卡・拉米(PascalLamy)表示,各国部长希望他能尽快重启谈判,他也不会“缴械投降”。

47、In order to provide some experience for designer to set up single chain with pascal language. ─── 力图为用pascal语言建立单链表的设计人员提供一些经验积累。

48、Based on the rationity of past design equations, a new objective function is established, and a software of pascal language for the optimum design is provided with. ─── 在利用原设计公式合理性的同时,提出了新的目标函数,并采用Pascal语言编制了优化设计软件。

49、Minister of Public Works and Equipment: Pascal Ngurunziza ─── 公共工程和设备部长:帕斯卡尔·恩库伦齐扎

50、Gpc - the GNU Pascal compiler, necessary if your program is written in Pascal. ─── gpc-GNU Pascal语言编译器,如果你的程序是用Pascal语言写的,就需要它了。

51、The next day, Pascal met up with Stone. ─── 第二天,帕斯卡遇到了斯通。

52、PASCAL Compiler Available to Chins Identifier ─── 可用汉字标识符的PASCAL编译程序

53、"Amber," Tantie said in a soft voice, "Miss Pascal is the same way for the past fifty years.She look the same now as when she and Tilly went swimming on that Easter Sunday. ─── “安珀,”坦蒂声音温柔地说,“帕斯卡小姐和过去50年里一样,她看起来还和当初与蒂莉复活节一起游泳时长得一样。

54、Controlling Technique for Programming PASCAL ─── 可编程序控制技术

55、Pascal: Computer programming language named for Blaise Pascal and Based partly on ALGOL. ─── pascal语言:计算机程序语言,以法国数学家巴斯噶命名,部分以ALGOL为基

56、The WTO's director-general, Pascal Lamy, puts the odds of success at more than 50%. ─── 世界贸易组织总干事拉米认为,此次恢复谈判,成功概率达50%;

57、Data sources Medline, Embase, and Pascal Biomed and manual search for articles published from January 1990 to September 2003. ─── 同时人工检索参考书目和本单位图书馆资料。

58、WTO Director General Paska Nomee Director-General Pascal Lamy says there has been enough for strugglingfoot-dragging. ─── 一个能使交易更加公平化并能带动经济飞速发展的协议。

59、Pascal Escande MusicianPascal Escande was born in 1955in Paris.He graduated from "Universite musicale internationale"and "Ecole normale superieure de Musique de Paris". ─── 1955年生于法国巴黎,先后就读于巴黎大学国际音乐学院,巴黎高等音乐师范大学。

60、A programming language, based on Pascal and developed for the U.S. Department of Defense. ─── ADA语言一种计算机的程序语言,以帕斯卡语言为基础,为美国国防部设计。

61、Pascal BackColor Protected instance field ─── 保护的实例字段

62、Dev-Pascal is a full-featured integrated development environment (IDE), which is able to create Windows or console-based Pascal programs using the Free Pascal or GNU Pascal compilers. ─── Dev-Pascal是完整基于IDE(综合开发环境)的程序设计语言,它能够建立WINDOWS程序和利用自由Pascal或GNU Pascal 编译器建立Pascal程序。

63、But, after Pascal Chimbonda jostled with Jimmy Bullard, it was ruled out by Keith Stroud, the referee. ─── 但由于齐姆邦达推了波拉德,所以裁判判进球无效。

64、Modula-2 is for insecure analretentives who can't choose between Pascal and COBOL. ─── fortran是让畏缩的白领工程师用的。那些人只钟情于有限的状态分析和核反应堆模拟。

65、Millimetre of water-kilo pascal conversion tables ─── 千帕斯卡与毫米水柱换算表

66、WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy acknowledges the global economy is going through an uncertain and difficult period. ─── 世贸组织干事长拉米承认,全球经济正经历着不确定性和困难的时期。

67、Java is, indeed, a new computer language, like Basic, C, or Pascal. ─── 事实上,java与Basic、C或Pascal一样是一种新型计算机语言。

68、In PASCAL or PL / 1,the upper or lower limit to the subscript values of an array dimension. ─── 在PASCAL或PL;1语言中,数组维数下标值的上下限。

69、He would have feared those sublimities whence some very great men even, like Swedenborg and Pascal, have slipped into insanity. ─── 他也许害怕那种绝顶的聪明,有几个人,并且是才气磅礴的人,例如斯维登堡和帕斯卡尔,就是因为聪明绝顶而堕入精神失常的状态的。

70、The simulation system consists of a computer system simulation language CSSP and a compiling system. CSSP is ay event-oriented simulation lgnguage based on PASCAL It has the function of both PASCAL and the simulation language. ─── CSSP是以PASCAL语言为基础、面向事件的计算机系统模拟语言,它兼有PASCAL语言和模拟语言的功能.

71、Delphi(Pascal) codefunction MyRecv(s: TSocket;var Buf;len, flags: Integer): Integer;stdcall;var dwSize: ... ─── 内容提要:下面的函数我想把 Bao代替Buf 作为OldRecv的参数返回要怎样做呢?

72、Pascal's law is illustrated by the operation of a hydraulic press, shown in Fig 12-3. ─── 如图12-3帕斯卡定律可用液压机的作用来说明。

73、Triumph of death, the dialogue of the mathematician Pascal is quoted by Rabb. ─── 死亡的胜利,拉布引用了一段数学家帕斯卡的对话。

74、Amy Pascal Named Most Powerful Woman in Hollywood ─── 好莱坞最有权势的女人

75、PASCAL Programming language Pascal ─── GB/T7591-1987程序设计语言

76、Block Ciphers SourceCode in Pascal complete source code can be directly used by the test. ─── (译):分组密码完整的源代码中的源代码帕斯卡尔可直接使用的考验。

77、Java is a new object-oriented, imperative programming language in the same family as C++, Pascal or Algol-60. ─── Java是新开发的一种与C++,Pascal以及Algol-60属同一系列的面向对象命令性语言。

78、"I 'm hoping the film appeals to people who have ever been in love, " Amy Pascal, Sony Pictures?movie chief, says of her studio ' s $80 million investment. ─── “我希望这部电影能吸引那些曾经爱过的人们,”对于索尼电影公司投资八千万美元的这部影片,公司电影主管艾美?帕斯卡如是说。

79、In fact, we even have a Grade 12 class from Pascal High School sitting in the audience today. ─── 事实上,今天我们的观众席上还有来自帕斯卡高中12年级一个班的学生。

80、So, what you've got is not Newton, but Pascal. ─── 所以你抓住的不是牛顿,你抓住的是帕斯卡。

81、Algol 60, never to be an active language again, lives on in the genes of Scheme and Pascal. ─── Algol60已经不可能再变为活的语言了,但它还活在Scheme和Pascal的基因里。

82、Complex data structures and algorithms can be described concisely by Pascal, and its programs are easy to read and debug. ─── 复杂的数据结构与算法可以用Pascal简洁地描述,程序容易阅读和除错。

83、Pascal perfroms calls by simply giving the name of the routine to be executed. ─── 仅仅给出要执行的程序名字就可以执行Pascal语言。

84、GPJ_Pascal is a subset of Pascal. ─── GPJ_PascalPASCAL的一个子集。

85、Blaise Pascal made an interesting remark about Cleopatra's nose. ─── 关于克丽欧佩特拉(古埃及最后一个女王)的鼻子,布莱斯?帕斯卡做过一个有趣的阐述,

86、French mathematician who founded number theory,contributed (with Pascal) to the theory of probability (1601-1665). ─── 创立数论的法国数学家(1601-1665),(和帕斯卡)对概率理论做出了贡献。

87、PASCAL calling convention is the reverse of C calling convention. It passes parameters from left to right and the callee is responsible for the stack balancing after the call. ─── PASCAL调用约定时完全相反于C调用约定,它从左到右传递参数并且由被调用者负责在调用后平衡堆栈结构.

88、Segment/Offset pairs not supported In Borland 32-bit Pascal ─── 在Borland 32位的PASCAL中不支持segment/Offset对

89、'Were you taught by Professor Pascal?' 'No, he was before my time.' ─── “帕斯卡尔教授教过你吗?”“没有,他教书时我还没有入校呢。”

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