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09-17 投稿


lignified 发音

英:[ˈlɪɡnɪfaɪd]  美:[ˈlɪɡnəˌfɑɪd]

英:  美:

lignified 中文意思翻译




lignified 短语词组

1、lignified hair ─── [医] 木化毛

2、lignified fibre ─── 木化纤维

3、lignified layer ─── 木质化层

4、lignified wall ─── 木质化墙

5、lignified fiber ─── [化] 木化纤维

lignified 词性/词形变化,lignified变形


lignified 相似词语短语

1、signifieds ─── 所指

2、lenified ─── 低

3、signified ─── n.所指(语言符号的意义);意指;v.表明,预示;作为……的符号;(人)表明(情感);要紧;相互吹牛;(用符号或手势)表达(signify的过去式和过去分词)

4、dignifies ─── vt.使高贵;增威严;授以荣誉

5、ignifies ─── 点燃

6、lignifies ─── v.使木质化

7、dignified ─── adj.庄严的;有尊严的;高贵的;v.使高贵(dignify的过去式)

8、liquified ─── vt.液化;溶解(等于liquefy);vi.液化;溶解(等于liquefy)

9、ignified ─── 点燃

lignified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tracheids have heavily lignified walls and the only connection between adjacent tracheids is through paired pits, which are mainly concentrated in the end walls. ─── 管胞的细胞壁高度木质化,相邻管胞之间的仅有的连接通过集中位于端壁的成对存在的纹孔。

2、In the experiment one-year healthily-growing hardwood branches of bougainvillea and one-year semi-lignified softwood twigs with leaves were selected as cuttings. ─── 用生长健壮的一年生叶子花硬枝和当年生半木质化绿枝为插条。

3、a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems ─── 具有硬的木质化组织或茎部是木质部分的植物

4、a plant having hard lignified tissues or woody parts especially stems. ─── 具有硬的木质化组织或茎部是木质部分的植物。

5、Hydroliquefaction of lignified biomass polysaccharide is studied at low temperature. ─── 研究了木化生物质聚糖的低温加氢液化。

6、Torus (pl. tori) A disk-shaped structure formed from lignified primary cell-wall material on the middle lamella of a bordered pit. ─── 位于具缘纹孔中间层,由木质化的初生壁形成的一个盘状结构。

7、lignified bio-energy ─── 木质生物质

8、There are usually horizontal rather than the slanting end walls of tracheids.Vessel elements have lignified secondary cell walls and at maturity lack a living protoplast. ─── 另外,导管分子具有木质化的次生细胞壁结构,成熟期的细胞内已经不存在活的细胞质。

9、lignified tissue ─── 木质化组织

10、herbaceous branchlets of current year short, stout, soon becoming lignified, white, glabrous, apex acuminate, with leaves or flowers. ─── 草质的当年小枝短,粗壮,不久成为木质化,白色,无毛,先端渐尖,具叶或花。

11、lignified fiber ─── 木质纤维木化纤维

12、lignified wood ─── 木质素胶合板

13、The Status and Vision for Utilization of Lignified Biomass Energy ─── 木质生物质能源的开发利用现状与展望

14、Stems solitary or sparsely caespitose, ascending, basally usually lignified, simple or sometimes branched. ─── 丛生的茎单生或疏生,上升,通常木质化,单或有时分枝。

15、Many tracheids lack protoplasm at maturity and have lignified secondary cell walls. ─── 许多管胞的原生质体会在成熟时消失,同时细胞壁进行木质化的次生加厚。

16、lignified cell wall ─── 木质化细胞壁

17、Torus (pl.tori) A disk-shaped structure formed from lignified primary cell-wall material on the middle lamella of a bordered pit. ─── 纹孔塞:位于具缘纹孔中间层,由木质化的初生壁形成的一个盘状结构。

18、Lignified tissues include SCLERENCHYMA and XYLEM. ─── 木质素组织包括厚壁组织和木质部。

19、Within each species, stems and leaves usually have more caralpol than that of root tubers, enlarged and low lignified root tubers accumulate more catalpol than that of thin and high lignified ones. ─── 在各物种内,地上部分梓醇含量通常高于地下部分,粗壮和木质化程度低的块根中高于纤细和木质化程度高的块根中。

20、Application of Cryo-sectioning Technique in Highly Lignified Tissues ─── 高度木质化材料的冰冻切片技术

21、Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on Rooting Capacity by Lignified Cuttings of Carya illinoensis ─── 植物生长调节剂对薄壳山核桃硬枝扦插生根的影响

22、Rootstock robust, lignified, brown, without stolons. ─── 粗壮的根茎,木质化,棕色,没有匍匐茎。

23、On analysis of lignified tissue in sunflower stems,the possibility of using it to make artificial wood is proved. ─── 通过对葵花秆木质部分的分析,确定了葵花杆木质部分胶合制造人造木材的可能性。

24、lignified hair ─── [医] 木化毛

25、lignified fibre ─── 木化纤维

26、Casparian strip was frequently regarded as a specific structure of tracheophyta, which appeared as a lignified and suberized narrow zone encircling the radial and transverse walls of the endodermal cells. ─── 凯氏带(Casparian strip or Casaprian band)是维管植物根内皮层的一种特有结构,其主要特征是在内皮层细胞的初生壁上,围绕细胞径向壁和横向壁的木质和栓质的带状结构。

27、2. Sclerenchyma The main supporting tissue in plants, made up of cells with heavily thickened, often lignified, walls and empty lumina. ─── 厚壁组织:由细胞壁极度加厚,通常木质化的死细胞组成,是植物体内的一种主要支持组织,通常具有简单纹孔。收藏指正

28、The drug is collected in autumn when the fruit is ripe, removed from the fleshy pericarp, dried in the sun, then removed from the nut-shell and lignified septate. ─── 秋季果实成熟时采收,除去肉质果皮,晒干,再除去核壳及木质隔膜。

29、Spiral thickening (helical thickening) The type of secondary wall formation in which a spiral band of lignified deposits is formed on the inner wall of the cell. ─── 螺旋加厚:是次生壁形成的一种类型,会在细胞壁内侧产生木质化的螺旋带。

30、lignified cork ─── 木质化木栓

31、A view of outer stem shows the relative absence of lignified strengthening tissues, and inner shows thin-walled parenchyma tissue and vascular bundles with large xylem lacunae. ─── 注意:茎外侧缺乏木质化组织,内部只有薄壁组织,维管束中有大型的通气腔。

32、The cell wall has undergone secondary thickening, and is often lignified. ─── 细胞壁多发生木质化而次生加厚。

33、herbaceous branchlets of current year straight or slightly flexuous, slowly lignified, glabrous or papillate-hairy, apex with leaves or flowers. ─── 草质的当年小枝直的或稍曲折,缓慢木质化,无毛或具乳突有毛,先端具叶或花。

34、the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees. ─── 树皮下坚硬多孔的木质化物质。

35、herbaceous branchlets of current year very short, soon becoming lignified, with leaves and flowers. ─── 草质的当年小枝非常短,不久成为木质化,具叶和花。

36、When the aggregates reached a certain size the inner cells became lignified. ─── 当这些聚体达到一定体积时,内部的细胞变成木质化。

37、Plant about 50 centimeters high, was lignified stem-bush-like; ─── 植株高约50厘米,茎部木质化呈亚灌木状;

38、Sclerenchyma The main supporting tissue in plants, made up of cells with heavily thickened, often lignified, walls and empty lumina. ─── 厚壁组织:由细胞壁极度加厚,通常木质化的死细胞组成,是植物体内的一种主要支持组织,通常具有简单纹孔。

39、To irrigate the roots and spray the leaves could effectively prevent and cure the black rot disease and the root and stem rot disease by Fenaminosulf diluted 1 000 times,before seedlings got lignified. ─── 在苗木木质化前用根腐灵稀释1 000倍灌根和叶面喷洒能有效地防治根腐和根茎腐烂病。

40、herbaceous branchlets of current year glabrous, soon becoming lignified, spiny at apex. ─── 草质的当年小枝无毛,不久成为木质化,具刺的在先端。

41、Lignified branch cutting ─── 硬枝扦插

42、herbaceous branchlets of current year glabrous, soon becoming lignified, spiny at apex. ─── 草质的当年小枝无毛,不久成为木质化,具刺的在先端。

43、Under the condition of shading in seedling period, the lignified degree of cotton stem declined, cambium and phloem were undeveloped and pint diameter increased. ─── 遮荫棉苗茎木质化程度降低,形成层和韧皮部不发达,髓径增大。


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