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09-18 投稿


lolling 发音

英:[ˈlɒlɪŋ]  美:[ˈlɑːlɪŋ]

英:  美:

lolling 中文意思翻译




lolling 词性/词形变化,lolling变形

名词: loller |动词现在分词: lolling |动词过去式: lolled |副词: lollingly |动词过去分词: lolled |动词第三人称单数: lolls |

lolling 相似词语短语

1、polling ─── n.投票;轮询;v.获得…票(poll的ing形式)

2、lulling ─── v.使平静;使安静;哄骗;平息,减弱,停止;使(人)放松警惕;n.间歇;暂停,暂时平静;n.(Lull)(美、西、德、加、英、法)勒尔(人名)

3、jolling ─── 颠簸

4、rolling ─── n.旋转;动摇;轰响;adj.旋转的;起伏的;波动的

5、tolling ─── 来料加工

6、dolling ─── n.洋娃娃;玩偶;无头脑的美丽女人;vt.把…打扮得花枝招展;n.(Doll)人名;(英)多尔(女子教名Dorothea和Dorothy的昵称);(西)多利

7、-olling ─── 滚

8、colling ─── n.(Colling)人名;(德、瑞典)科林

9、lalling ─── v.发音不正确;把/r/音读成/l/音

lolling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、“It's a Burmese problem,” says a grizzled old man, lolling outside the mosque opposite the pagoda.“Let them deal with it. ─── “这是缅甸人的问题,”一位头发斑白的老人懒洋洋地躺在小金塔对面的清真寺外这样说道:“让他们去处理它。

2、Sven Loll ─── 洛尔

3、To anyone who has spent time in India's villages, paying to sun oneself while cattle loll and cowpats dry under the sky might seem a little far fetched. ─── 去印度旅游的游客常常被带去欣赏壮观的陵墓、精美的宫殿和迷人的海滩,或是加入惊险刺激的攀登喜马拉雅山之旅。

4、However, it was just the sort of day for lolling in the Hermitage, and he would go and finish Dr. ─── 但是,这正是在隐居地休闲的好日子,他要去完成......博士/大夫......。

5、Don't loll about in the street after school. ─── 放学后不要在街上到处闲逛。

6、The old wolf runs out of the bush, still badly shaken, and panting with its tongue lolling. ─── 那只老狼从灌木丛里窜出来,惊魂未定地喘息,伸出舌头。

7、She was lolling on a sofa, with nothing to do. ─── 她懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,无事可做。

8、The dog let its tongue loll out. ─── 狗伸出舌头。

9、They even loll for a minute or two on the ivory-inlaid beds belonging to the young ladies in the households of the local tyrants and evil gentry. ─── 土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上,也可以踏上去滚一滚。

10、lolling in a chair ─── 懒洋洋地坐在椅子上

11、The Russian officer in charge of the transport lay lolling back in the foremost cart, and was shouting coarse abuse at a soldier. ─── 一名押运的俄国军官把手脚伸开懒洋洋地躺在前面的大车上,一面叫喊着什么,一面说着士兵的粗话骂人。

12、He was lolling in an armchair. ─── 他懒洋洋地靠在扶手椅里。

13、Then, flanks heaving, tongue lolling, he pulled up beside them. ─── 然后,喘着气,伸着舌头,慢慢地走进人群。

14、As soon as he was lolling in his place on the sofa, after a couple of bottles of Margaux, he was surrounded by a circle of friends, and arguments, disputes, and jokes sprang up round him. ─── 他一喝完两瓶马尔高酒,随便倒在他坐的沙发上,人们就把他围住,议论纷纷,争吵不休,笑话喧阗。

15、Some of the children are in wheelchairs, listless , their heads lolling to one side. ─── 有些孩子坐在轮椅里,情绪低落,手懒洋洋地倚靠在一边。

16、her tongue was lolling out between her teeth. ─── 她的舌头从牙齿间伸出来。

17、loll in a chair [on a sofa, against a wall] ─── 懒洋洋地倚靠在椅子里 [在沙发上,墙上]

18、You will find them lolling in a revolving chair, dumb like a wooden chicken, their five sense organs, their four limbs as well as their brain (if any) all at a complete standstill. ─── 他的人生观中有一基本认识,即宇宙一切均是为了他的舒适而安排下来的。

19、LOOK at the houseboats lolling on the placid waters of the Dal Lake in Srinagar, summer capital of Indian-administered Kashmir, and it is hard to remember that this is still a war-zone of sorts. ─── 在印控克什米尔的夏都斯利那加,达尔湖上静水闲舟,很难相信这里战火频仍。

20、They even loll for a minute or two on the ivory-inlaid beds. ─── 土豪劣绅的小姐少奶奶的牙床上,也可以去滚一滚。

21、He is lolling about the beach. ─── 他正在海滩上懒懒散散地闲荡。

22、Appearing as a tall slim woman with a lolling poisonous tongue, Giltine only appears when someone is about to die.Giltine helps keep the world in balance by ensuring those who are meant to die do. ─── 吉尔丁通常形象为口吐毒舌的瘦高女子,当人们临死时便会出现,通过终结生命来维持整个世界的平衡。

23、A photographs feed automatic disease: Lip of expressional absorb, lap, loll, deglutition, mastication. ─── a 摄食自动症:表现吸吮、舐唇、伸舌、吞咽、咀嚼等。

24、Jim should get a job instead of lolling around the house all day. ─── 吉姆应该找份工作,不要成天闲在家里。

25、A pennant lolling from the mast ─── 小旗从桅杆上垂下

26、She lolls on the sofa and lulls herself with mulled beer or by mulling over how to make a mull of all dolls that dare to loll their heads on the shoulders of her sterling darling. ─── 她閒躺在沙发上,而藉加料温啤酒来给自己催眠,或藉熟思如何搞垮所有那些美娃们,那些美娃胆敢把头閒靠在她真正的爱人的肩膀上。

27、loll around ─── loll about

28、He could have seen worse: children with monstrous lolling heads and palsied, tiny limbs, adults with gnarled growths erupting from their bellies. ─── 他本可能看到更加不堪:巨大的脑袋、颤抖的细细的四肢的孩子;

29、The dog's tongue is lolling out. ─── 狗的舌头伸出来耷拉着。

30、Mercutio: this drivelling love is like a great natural, that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole. ─── (因为一个一把鼻涕一把泪的情人,实在是象一个大傻瓜,伸着舌头东窜西窜地想把他的那根棍子藏在一个洞里。

31、The experimental results show that the training speed of LOLL reaches 4 times the speed of conventional BP, and the speech nonlinear predictor based on LOLL algorithm performs well. ─── 实验结果显示,LOLL训练算法的速度比传统的BP算法快4倍,用它构成的语音信号非线性预测器有较好的预测性能。

32、At such moments, panting with red lolling tongue and with eyes fixed upon the big bull, it appeared to Buck that a change was coming over the face of things. ─── 每当巴克吐着红红的舌头喘气,眼睛盯着那只大公鹿时,他觉得事情好像正在发生某种变化。

33、They might spend an hour or more in those lolling depths early in the night, and typically less time later on. ─── 如果睡觉时刚入夜,他们可能熟睡一个小时或更久,后来再进入熟睡时,往往熟睡时间也会短一些。

34、loll against a door ─── 懒洋洋地靠在门上

35、1. Next time don't loll out your tongue out. ─── 下次可别伸出舌头来嘲笑人了。

36、Do not loll about on the bed. ─── 别懒洋洋地赖在床上不起来。

37、There is the big, lolling tongue of its maritime claim in the South China Sea, which unnerves its South-East Asian neighbours. ─── 在南中国海,中国宣称自己拥有海洋主权,其豪壮而又不谨慎的言辞让东南亚的邻国深感不安。

38、To anyone who has spent time in India's villages, paying to sun oneself among cattle lolling and drying cowpats might seem a little far fetched. ─── 游客也许会觉得花钱去乡下晒太阳、看牛羊甚至牛粪太不值了,但印度旅游部部长乔杜里表示,此次推出的乡村旅游将被打造成感受异国情调的特色之旅。

39、now art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature: for this drivelling love is like a great natural, that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole. ─── 不论是先天还是后天,此刻是你的真面目了;为了爱,急得涕零满脸,就像一个天生的傻子,奔上奔下,找洞儿藏他的混儿。

40、Tongue lolling, the dog came back from the forest. ─── 舌头耷拉着的狗从森林里回来了。

41、A pennant lolling from the mast. ─── 信号旗松散地从桅杆上垂下来

42、loll around in the sun ─── 在阳光下懒散地闲荡

43、He was lolling in an armchair. ─── 他懒洋洋地靠在扶手椅里。

44、But I’m trying to stay firm to save some time for myself: to loll daydream. ─── 但是为了给自己省出时间来小憩、打盹、幻想,我就要尝试坚持说“不”。

45、Then the rope tightened mercilessly, while Buck struggled in a fury, his tongue lolling out of his mouth and his great chest panting futilely. ─── 巴克愤怒地挣扎着,舌头从嘴里吐了出来。宽阔的胸脯徒劳地起伏着。

46、Some of the children are in wheelchairs, listless, their heads lolling to one side. ─── 有些孩子坐在轮椅里,情绪低落,手懒洋洋地倚靠在一边。

47、and, take my word for it, it is a shocking trick for a young person to be always lolling upon a sofa. ─── 说实在的,一个年轻人总是懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,这也太不像话了。

48、loll about [around] on the grass ─── 在草地上四处悠游

49、She be loll on a sofa, with nothing to do ─── 她懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,无事可做

50、He was lolling on the sofa in the shadows near the fire. ─── 他懒洋洋地躺在炉火边一个背光的沙发上。

51、"Little Tom was lolling about on the couch , eating sweets." ─── 小汤姆懒洋洋地躺在睡椅上,吃着糖果。

52、Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo; now art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature: for this drivelling love is like a great natural, that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole. ─── 此刻你多么和气,此刻你才真是罗密欧了;不论是先天还是后天,此刻是你的真面目了;为了爱,急得涕零满脸,就像一个天生的傻子,奔上奔下,找洞儿藏他的混儿。

53、In her rare spare time, Loll enjoys playing chamber music. ─── 在难得的空閒时光里,罗尔喜欢演奏室内乐。

54、loll one's head out of the window ─── 把头伸出窗外

55、Dog:My sweat gland is on my tongue.I must loll it out to lower the temperature. ─── 我的汗腺长在我的舌头上,我必须把舌头伸出来降温。

56、By lolling out its tongue,the dog can lower its temperature. ─── 借着采取预防措施,人们能够保护自己免于感染甲型流感。

57、Buddy is a sleeping beauty: Reddish brown, he's usually asleep on his back, snoring loudly with his large tongue lolling out. ─── 牛头犬巴迪就像个睡美人,全身褪色略带点儿红,通常仰着身子睡觉,耷拉着长舌头打着响鼾.

58、She is lolling on a sofa,with nothing to do. ─── 她懒洋洋地躺在沙发上,无事可做。

59、For this drivelling love is like a great natural that runs lolling up and down to hide his bauble in a hole. ─── 一个堕入爱情的傻子,急得上窜下跳,为的是找一个洞放他的棍儿。这就是爱情的本质。---莎士比亚

60、If loll deflection is ill side is right side, with break down limbs is the same as side, belong to paralysis of centre sex tongue, ill caustic is the pathological changes of midbrain above. ─── 如果伸舌偏向病侧对侧,与瘫痪肢体同侧,则属中枢性舌瘫,病损为中脑以上的病变。

61、loll about ─── 懒洋洋地坐着

62、He did not look Italian, he looked more like one of those pictures in the magazines of millionaire fishermen lolling on their yachts. ─── 看上去他不像意大利人,而更像杂志上刊印的、懒洋洋地躺在游艇上的渔业百万富翁。

63、he slumped against a tree trunk, his head lolling back. ─── 他躺在树干上,头向后垂着。

64、Keywords small-section;semi-continuous lolling;technical innovation; ─── 小型型钢;半连续轧制;技术改造;

65、There were several kids lolling around outside the club. ─── 有几个小孩在俱乐部外面闲荡。

66、donkey:yes, but how funny it is you loll your tongue out! ─── 是的,但是你把舌头伸出来很滑稽呢!

67、1. Price cut inevitable as new crop available soon loll off until notice. ─── 新的谷物即将上市,价格降低在所难免,请稳住另候通知。

68、Everything looked rather run-down and ramshackle.The scruffy-looking barber within was lolling on a chair waiting for his next customer. ─── 所有东西看上去都摇摇欲坠,这个看上去乱糟糟的理发师正懒洋洋地躺在椅子上,等待下一位顾客。

69、Visitors wept as Gana held her lifeless child up in the air, vainly seeking to restore movement to his lolling head, his limp arms. ─── 当佳娜将她已无气息的孩子高举空中,徒然地试图让他垂下的头、松垮的手臂恢复活动时,游客动容流泪。

70、loll out ─── v. 伸出

71、the open-air tea houses where men loll on rattan armchairs under cypress tress, spending twenty cents for a whole afternoon in summer; ─── 在那个地方儿,夏天在露天茶座儿上,人舒舒服服地坐着松柏树下的藤椅子品茶,花上两毛钱就耗过一个漫长的下午。

72、The younger brother ask me:"Elder brother, what is kiss?"I say:"Kiss?Open mouth, loll out tongue." ─── 弟弟问我:“哥,什么是接吻啊?”我说:“接吻?张嘴,伸舌头。”

73、soot loll technique ─── 烟迹技术

74、You know what things hot loll out tongue? ─── 你们知道什么东西热了伸舌头吗?

75、The rhythm of the car often sends babies off to sleep and increases the chance of their head lolling forward or to the side. ─── 车子行进过程中的振动经常会另宝宝入睡,从而增加了宝宝脑袋前倾和侧倾的可能性。

76、She was lolling in a chair, with her arms hanging over the sides. ─── 她双臂垂在两旁,懒洋洋地躺在椅子上。

77、Near the stable he wheeled again. Six times he crossed the meadow. Then, flanks heaving, tongue lolling, he pulled up beside them. ─── 到了马厩,又回头再飞跑,连续6次横穿草地。然后,喘着气,伸着舌头,慢慢地走进人群。

78、The glance at the mirror conveyed to her the reflection of a horribly grotesque and distorted face with the tongue lolling out. She was too frightened to move. ─── 她对着镜子一看,一个又狞恶可怖又丑怪不堪的面孔反映出来,舌头还向外吐着。她被吓得一动不敢动了。

79、Dogs sprawled on the ground, pink tongues lolling out; the nostrils of mules and horses were distended; the peddlers refused to cry their wares; the roads oozed tarmac; ─── 狗爬在地上吐出红舌头,骡马的鼻孔张得特别的大,小贩们不敢吆喝,柏油路化开;

80、loll around the house ─── 在家中呆着.

81、And when I used to the rhythm, while the brush is beginning to the throat side, I am starting to loll my tongue. ─── 不过我常常会抓到节奏感之后,只要刷刷开始从喉咙处刷起时,我也会跟著舔舌头。

82、loll back ─── 懒洋洋地向后靠

83、Rainbow grow after ston,will be sweety as a loll... ─── 彩虹经历过风雨后的成长,将会像棒棒糖一样甜美。

84、The Russian officer in charge of the transport lay lolling back in the foremost cart, and was shouting coarse abuse at a soldier. ─── 一名押运的俄国军官把手脚伸开懒洋洋地躺在前面的大车上,一面叫喊着什么,一面说着士兵的粗话骂人。

85、It's also comfortable. But not like a big, heavy commuter bike with large, bouncy tires. It just soaks up the bumps, with no lolling around. ─── 它也很舒适。但它不像又大又重的通勤自行车那样拥有大而富有弹性的轮胎可以减震,它只是自行吸收颠簸产生的震动,容不得你有所松懈。

86、loll about the strees ─── 在街上闲荡

87、Just loll there: quiet dusk: let everything rip ─── 只消懒洋洋地享受这宁静的黄昏,一切全听其自然。

88、The dog is lolling out its tongue. ─── 狗把舌头伸出口外。

89、An act or attitude of lolling. ─── 懒洋洋的行动或态度

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