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09-19 投稿


threefold 发音

英:['θriːfəʊld]  美:['θrifold]

英:  美:

threefold 中文意思翻译



threefold 网络释义

adj. 三倍的;三重的,有三部分的adv. 三重地,三倍地

threefold 短语词组

1、Threefold repetition ─── 三次重复

2、threefold choice ─── 三重选择

3、threefold symmetry ─── 三重对称

4、threefold increase ─── 三倍增长

5、threefold barrier ─── 三倍垒

6、threefold formula ─── 三重公式

7、threefold representation ─── 三重表达

8、threefold axis ─── 三重轴

9、Threefold Training ─── 三重培训

10、threefold deep cleanser ─── 三重深层洁面乳

threefold 相似词语短语

1、sheepfold ─── n.羊圈;羊栏

2、threefoldness ─── 三叶性

3、thresholds ─── n.阈值;[建]门槛;临界值值(threshold的复数)

4、three-fold ─── adj.三倍的;三重的,有三部分的;adv.三重地,三倍地

5、tenfold ─── adj.十倍的;十重的;adv.十倍地;十重地

6、refold ─── vt.再折起;将…再打折

7、three-four ─── 34

8、threshold ─── n.入口;门槛;开始;极限;临界值

9、thirtyfold ─── adj.三十倍的;adv.三十倍地

threefold 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some of his descriptions are the same as those in the Shahzadi book, but he adds more details. The open wings, as in Shahzadi's book, represent the Threefold Path. ─── 他的一些描写,就像Shahzadi的书一样,但他加上更多的细节。展开的双翼,正如书上所写是是代表三重的道路。

2、Composed of three parts; threefold; triple. ─── 三倍的,三重的,三部分的由三部分组成的,三重的

3、Intersections of Simple Threefold Directed Triple Systems ─── 单纯三重有向三元系的相交数


5、To make threefold; triple. ─── 乘以三,使成三倍,使增至三倍

6、threefold division ─── 三分法

7、threefold degeneracy ─── 三重简并性

8、There has been a threefold increase in ectopic pregnancies in the U. S. since abortion was legalized. ─── 在美国,堕胎合法化后异位妊娠的发病率升高了3倍。

9、Official figures show investment by the private sector in fixed assets such as factory buildings and machinery grew nearly threefold between 2000 and 2005 (see chart). ─── 官方数字显示,对诸如厂房建筑与机器等固定资产的私人投资在2000年至2005年间几乎成长了三倍(见图表)。

10、algebraic threefold ─── 代数三重的

11、threefold symmetry ─── 三重对称

12、threefold representation ─── 三重表达

13、If it be asked what the subjunctive expresses, the answer is threefold . ─── 如果要问虚拟证据可以表示什么,可以从三方面来回答。

14、Having three parts; threefold. ─── 三重的,三部分的有三个部分的,三重的

15、threefold rotor ─── 三次旋转轴

16、Professor Pretty draws a simple but memorable conclusion from all this: our food bills are actually threefold. ─── 教授从这一切中得出了一个简单但却惊人的结论:实际上我们的食品花销翻了三倍。

17、The process of the vital subject within its own limits has in Nature the threefold form of Sensibility, Irritability, and Reproduction. ─── 有生命之物自身的内部过程在自然界又可分为三种形式,即敏感、反感和繁殖。

18、Just weights and just balances shall be given by you, and just value shall you give, and thereby receive threefold. ─── 公平的重量与合理的平衡,以及正义的价值,都由你来给予定义,你也将因此接受三倍的反馈。

19、He shares in the threefold ascription of Holy, holy, holy, which ascends to the Triune Jehovah.Unmixed purity and truth, and grace is he. ─── 祂是仁慈并良善、温柔地忍受我们的任性,并与我们悖逆的意志对抗。

20、Linux thread pools allowing threefold improvements in Linux capacity. ─── 允许使用Linux容量扩大三倍的Linux线程池。

21、threefold fracture and pore construction ─── 三重孔隙结构

22、What companies often look for are threefold:a skilled local workforce good infrastructure (especially telecommunications )and a welcoming attitude by government. ─── 公司经常要寻找的是三个要素:当地有技术的劳动力;基础设施(特别是通信设施)良好;

23、threefold high-pressure jet grouting ─── 三重管高压喷射注浆

24、China. Com, which entered NASDAQ last July, saw its value increase threefold the very first day. ─── 中华网网站公司去年七月进入纳斯达克,上市第一天的市值就上升了倍。

25、One survey revealed a threefold increase in breast cancer. ─── 一项调查显示乳腺癌的发病率已是原来的三倍。

26、The state adopts preferential policies toward ethnic trade. For instance, since 1963 it has adopted a threefold policy in this regard. This ensures a portion of reserved profits, self-owned capital and price subsidies for minority peoples. ─── 国家对民族贸易实行优惠政策,扶持其发展,如1963年开始实行利润留成照顾、自有资金照顾和价格补贴照顾的“三项照顾”政策等。

27、Thus the second-lowest energy level of the particle in a cube is threefold degenerate. ─── 于是立方体中的第二最低能级是三重简并的。

28、threefold quality ─── 三重性

29、threefold barrier ─── 三倍垒

30、In just over a year's time, membership has increased threefold. ─── 在短短一年间,成员人数已增加三倍。

31、The Application of Vector Products and Mixed Products to Coordinate Transformation of Double and Threefold Integral ─── 向量积和混合积在重积分的坐标变换中的应用

32、The nine-syllable line, on the otherhand, being a kind of threefold trisyllable, has either never been highly thought of or has dropped out of use because it was found boring. ─── 另一方面,9音节诗作为三音节诗的三次重复样式,没有获得人们的高度认可,并且因为乏味而被逐渐废弃。

33、It found that in 2006 Medicare spending varied more than threefold across American hospital referral regions. ─── 他们发现,在美国有推荐医院的地区,2006年老年医疗保健制度的支出翻了3倍。

34、threefold division law ─── 三分说

35、The National Socialist state thus emerges as the threefold sovereignty of industry, party and army which have divided up among themselves the former monopoly of coercive power. ─── 国家社会主义国家从而由单一的寡头强权发展为工业、党、队三重寡头政权。

36、The condition of mind of a person who has been giving up his threefold cravings or this sixfold craving together with ignorance can realize Nirvana (or the Extinction of the Cravings). ─── 停止思想的苦难的条件就是一个人已经放弃三重或者六重的渴望以及无知,可以真正地实现涅磐(或者渴望消失)。

37、threefold coverage ─── 三重覆盖

38、Keywords complex reservoir;routine well-logging method;threefold fracture and pore construction;heterogeneity;well-logging interpretation model; ─── 复杂储集层;常规测井;三重孔隙结构;非均质性;测井解释模型;

39、While acknowledging the importance and originality of some of Marx's analytical contributions, Schumpeter offers a threefold criticism of the Marxian system. ─── 一方面,熊彼特认可马克思一些分析理论的重要性和独创性:另一方面,他又从三个方面批判了马克思思想体系。

40、This morning, Fu Ziying to refute, the claim that China's tire exports to the United States from 2004 to 2007 probably has increased threefold. ─── 今天上午,傅自应作出反驳,其称中国对美国轮胎的出口从2004年到2007年间大概增长了三倍。

41、our rent increased threefold in the past five years. ─── 在过去5年里,我们的租金涨了3倍。

42、The government's targets for wind power have already risen threefold, solar is likely to go up two to fourfold and nuclear sixfold. ─── 中国政府风力发电的目标早已增长了三倍,太阳能很可能增长两至四倍,而核能六倍。

43、To the illuminated man all existence (in the three worlds) is considered pain owing to the activities of the gunas. These activities are threefold, producing consequences, anxieties and subliminal impressions. ─── 对于智者而言所有事物(三界中)皆会由于行持者自身所作之因、疑惑不明、潜在意识的因果作用受到自然律法的制约而产生相应的苦。

44、three times; threefold; triple ─── 三倍

45、The CFF's goals are threefold: to increase conservation measures supporting commercial fish stocks and their natural habitats; ─── CFF有三重目标:增加保持经济鱼类资源及其自然栖息地的环境保护措施;

46、the threefold body of a buddha ─── 三身

47、Poor households now are consuming moldy cassava, which in recent months has gone up in price threefold, Sheeran said. ─── 贫困人家现在都吃发霉的木薯,这种木薯的价格最近几个月已经涨了3倍。

48、threefold axis ─── 三重轴

49、And fivefold, threefold and twofold axes of rotational symmetry. ─── 五重,三重和两重螺旋对称轴。

50、There was a threefold increase in the volume of household waste collected for recycling or composting in England between 1996/97 and 2004/05. ─── 在1996/97年至2004/05年期间,英国迴圈利用或转化为肥料的垃圾为以前的3倍。

51、But the Great Room plant, which had been sung to and swaddled in positive thoughts and words, had increased threefold leaves that fairly vibrated with energy when addressed with song, word or thought. ─── 但是,教室里那株常春藤每天都能听到歌声,沐浴在积极的思想和言语里,竟长到了原来的三倍大,叶子浓绿肥厚,生机勃勃,在我们的歌声里,言语和思想里微微颤动着。

52、, of Melbourne, Florida, it allows threefold authentication via card, PIN, and fingerprint and can easily be integrated into existing and new biometric access security solutions. ─── 公司的触击传感器技术,它允许卡片,密码和指纹三重认证,并便于集成现存的新生物识别安全解决方案。

53、Even at levels just above 3,000 the index has risen threefold since 2005. ─── 即便在略高于3000点的水平,上证综指自2005年以来也上涨了两倍。

54、threefold property ─── 三重属性

55、a claim for treble (or triple) damages; a threefold increase. ─── 三倍损害的要求;三倍的增加。

56、Therefore, the "Housing worms" to continue to Chinatown in Nanjing, must bear funds, time, price threefold risk. ─── 因此,“房虫”要在南京继续炒房的话,就要承担资金、时间、价格三重风险。

57、threefold integral ─── 三重积分

58、Girded in heavy armour, Norse Axemen can absorb much punishment, before they dish out threefold. ─── 北欧斧兵身披重甲,其凶悍猛扑可令任何部队血肉横飞,溃不成军。

59、To the illuminated man all existence( in the three worlds) is considered pain owing to the activities of the gunas. These activities are threefold, producing consequences, anxieties and subliminal impressions. ─── 对于智者而言所有事物(界中)会由于行持者自身所作之因、惑不明、在意识的因果作用受到自然律法的制约而产生相应的苦。

60、Two combirnble nucleus sentences can be joined to make a expansible sentence. Such expansion in natural language has its own Characteristics: twofold, threefold or even multifold. ─── 具有可连接性的两个核心句能组合生成一个扩展句;扩展在自然语言中表现为双重、三重甚至更多重的扩展,具有自己的组合类型。

61、The colors of Menzoberranzan were threefold to the sensitive eyes of the drow. Heat patterns from various fissures and hot springs swirled about the entire cavern. ─── 在黑暗精灵敏锐的眼中,魔索布莱城更加多采多姿。由不同的温泉裂缝所喷射出来的热影像在整个洞穴中翻滚着。

62、threefold ring ─── 三联环

63、"Reform is the meaning of 'threefold'. ─── “改革意义可谓‘一举三得’。”

64、threefold synthesis design method ─── 三化综合设计法

65、Industrial Bank chief economist, political commissar of the Lu told this reporter that such a measure could be threefold. ─── 兴业银行首席经济学家鲁政委对本报记者说,此项措施可以一举三得。

66、Conditional Problem of Variation of More than One Threefold Integral Constrains ─── 一类带多个重积分约束条件的变分问题

67、Just weights and just balances shall be given by you, and just value shall you give, and thereby receive threefold. ─── 公平的重量与合理的平衡,以及正义的价值,都由你来给予定义,你也将因此接受三倍的反馈。

68、In the past 50 years, the world's water consumption has increased nearly threefold. ─── 在过去的50年中,世界范围内水资源的消耗量几乎增长了三倍。

69、A.There is a threefold increase in perinatal mortality, a twofold increase in abruptio placentae, and an increased rate of impaired fetal growth in pregnant women with preexisting hypertension. ─── 先前就存在高血压的孕妇围产期死亡率增加三倍,胎盘早剥增加两倍,胎儿生长受损的比例增加。

70、increase threefold ─── 增加三倍

71、Threefold Analysis of Acting Brauely for a Just Cause Between Civil Law and Justice ─── 在民法与正义之间:对见义勇为的三重分析

72、Nor has there been enough money to cope with the more than threefold increase in the number of tertiary students since 1999, to some 15m today. ─── 不但速度跟不上,实际上,国家也没有足够的钱来支付从99年以来番了二番,总计达1500万的学生的免费教育。

73、13 From the primacy of the end, proved in this threefold way, our main conclusion follows. ─── 13从目的的首要性出发,通过这三方面的论证,就得出了我们的主要结论。

74、Meanwhile, SCDM's stake in the family firm had increased more than threefold in value, to Euro1.2 billion. ─── 同时SCDM在这个家族企业中的股份的价值增加也超过了三倍,变成了12亿欧元。

75、It merges with the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame blazing in every person's heart and explodes into a tremendous Starburst of Light. ─── 它和每个人心中不朽的三重火焰融合,燃烧成一个巨大的星光。

76、threefold coincidence ─── 三重符合

77、Threefold present retains the notion of time as linear succession, but now it appears as an aspect ─── 保留了作为线性连续的时间观念。但是现在作为线性连续的

78、Thus monks, from ignorance rise determinations and from the threefold determinations rises consciousness ... re ... Thus is the arising of the complete mass of unpleasantness. ─── 十诸比丘!此行以何为因、以何为集、以何为生、以何为起耶?行乃以无明为因、以无明为集、以无明为生、以无明为起。

79、Know ye, ye are threefold in nature, ─── 你知道,你本质上是三倍体,

80、Protection of housing construction can stimulate economic growth, but also improve their housing, can also stabilize housing prices, play a threefold role. ─── 保障性住房建设既能拉动经济增长,又可以改善居民住房,还可以平抑房价,起到一举三得的作用。

81、He grew afraid, Phonology required threefold silence, tenfold minuteness, and quietly sticking to rules as strict as railroad tracks. ─── 他害怕了,语音学要用三倍的安静、十倍的细致,循着铁轨一般的规律默默地干。

82、threefold function ─── 三重任务

83、And while a man may prevail against the one, the two will withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. ─── 有人能打胜孤身一人,若有二人便能抵挡他;三股合成的绳子,不容易折断。

84、The Threefold Property of Former Celebrity Residences in Beijing and Identifying and Preserving Rules ─── 北京名人故居的三重属性及其认定与保护原则

85、Application of Threefold High-Pressure Jet Grouting in Construction of Waterproof Curtain ─── 三重管高压喷射注浆进行隔水帷幕的应用

86、Well-logging evaluation for threefold fracture and pore construction of complex reservoir and its application ─── 复杂储层三重孔隙结构评价方法及其应用

87、The global demand for water has increased threefold over the past 50 years. ─── 回顾过去的50年,全球的水需求量已增加了三倍。

88、Total salinity of municipal wastewater can increase threefold from the potable initial source to the final effluent discharge. The SAR may increase 5 - 10X. ─── 从最初的饮用水源到最后的污水排放,废水含盐量会增加3倍,特区可能会增加5-10倍。

89、threefold states ─── 三重境界

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