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09-20 投稿


northeastern 发音

英:[ˌnɔːrθˈiːstərn]  美:[ˌnɔːθˈiːstən]

英:  美:

northeastern 中文意思翻译



northeastern 网络释义

adj. 在东北的;东北方的;来自东北的

northeastern 同义词

NE | nor'-east |northeasterly | northeastern | northeastward | north-east

northeastern 短语词组

1、Northeastern University Press ─── 东北大学出版社

2、Northeastern Region (Iceland) ─── 东北地区(冰岛)

3、northeastern region ─── 东北地区

4、northeastern university qs ─── 东北大学qs

5、Northeastern Air Procurement District ─── 东北航空采购区

6、Northeastern Cradle Song ─── 东北摇篮歌

7、Northeastern Iberian script ─── 东北伊比利亚剧本

8、northeastern university ─── 东北大学

9、northeastern United States ─── [网络] 美国东北部

10、northeastern pritze university ─── 东北普里茨大学

northeastern 反义词


northeastern 词性/词形变化,northeastern变形

形容词: northeastern |

northeastern 相似词语短语

1、north-eastern ─── adj.在东北的;东北方的;来自东北的

2、northeasterly ─── adj.向东北的;来自东北的;adv.向东北;来自东北

3、north eastern ─── adj.在东北的;东北方的;来自东北的

4、southeastern ─── adj.东南方的;朝东南的

5、northeasterner ─── n.住在东北部的人;东北人

6、northwestern ─── adj.来自西北的;西北方的;在西北部的

7、northeasters ─── n.东北风;东北的暴风

8、northeaster ─── n.东北风;东北的暴风

9、north-easterly ─── adj.向东北的;来自东北的;adv.向东北;来自东北

northeastern 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rust-colored down. ─── 加拿大和美国东北部的一种普通灌木,树枝下端红色。

2、It's about 20 miles northeast of Peshawar. ─── 他距白沙瓦东北约 20 英里。

3、She told about her experiences growing up in the northeastern United States during the middle of the nineteenth century. ─── 她在书里写下19世纪中期她在美国东北部的成长经历。

4、Urbanized industry was limited primarily to the Northeast. ─── 城市工业主要局限于东北部。

5、A peninsula in northeastern Egypt; at north end of Red Sea. ─── 位于埃及东北的一个半岛;

6、The Northeast is the granary of the country. ─── 东北是祖国的粮仓。

7、They voyaged northeast for several days. ─── 他们向东北航行了几天。

8、He is from Weihai, a city in northeastern Shandong. ─── 他是山东东北部的威海市人。

9、Can you remember a family in northeastern man? ─── 你能想起一个家在东北的人吗?

10、Bandits on the Northeast Corridor? ─── 东北走廊的强盗们?

11、A member of a Berber people of northeast Algeria. ─── 卡比尔人阿尔及利亚东北部的柏尔人一族中的一员

12、Coronas and Iridescence in Mountain Wave Clouds Over Northeastern Colorado. ─── 国科罗拉多州东北部山区波状云中的日冕和彩虹。

13、His house is in the northeast of this city. ─── 他的家在这个城市的东北部。

14、In the meantime,fighting was going on in northeast China. ─── 与此同时,东北也在打。

15、It on to the grid-arrow, until Guangxu under the China-North Korea is China's northeastern region of a fine local records. ─── 它上至格矢之通,下迄光绪中朝,是中国东北地区的一部上乘的志书。

16、"My personality is such, the Northeast's temper. ─── “我的性格就是这样,东北人的脾气。”

17、Houses are cheaper in the northeast. ─── 东北地区的房屋比较便宜。

18、A city of northeast Egypt on the Suez Canal. ─── 伊斯梅利亚埃及东北部城市,在苏伊士运河岸边。

19、Northeast China Electric Power Group Co. ─── 中国东北电力集团公司。

20、They had arrived in what is now the northeastern United States a year earlier. ─── 在前一年,他们到达了现在美国的东北部。

21、In,from,or toward the northeast. ─── 在,从或朝东北

22、A storm or gale blowingfrom the northeast. ─── 东北大风从东北来的风暴或强风。

23、The medicinal plant resources of the genus Valeriana in the northeastern China. ─── 东北产缬草属药用植物资源.

24、Northeastern Pharmaceutical dealt with several other significant issues. ─── 东北药物公司处理过好几次其他重要问题。

25、Northeastern states have the smallest increase. ─── 东北部增长最少。

26、The northeastern area was dominated by the continental and lacustrine facies. ─── 华北地区-北祁连地区主体为河湖相沉积;

27、Northeast ice storm darkens homes, fills shelters. ─── 东北的冰雹变黑家(庭),挤满庇护所.

28、Twining deciduous shrub with hairy leaves and spikes of yellow-orange flowers; northeastern America. ─── 一种落叶的缠绕灌木,叶子多毛,花桔黄色、成穗状花序;产自美洲东北部。

29、Fighting was going on in northeast China. ─── 与此同时,东北也在打。

30、Reports from Nigeria say at least five people have been killed in an attack on a bar in the northeastern city of Maiduguri. ─── 来自尼日利亚的报道称,东北部城市迈杜古里一个酒吧发生袭击,至少5人被杀害。

31、They had advanced 750 kilometers from where they crossed the Yangtze,to northern Fujian and northeastern Jiangxi. ─── 从渡江到追击最远的地方,即福建的北部、江西的东北部,前进一千五百里。

32、Tongxiang City in the northeast 4, Shimen Zhen Xu. ─── 在桐乡市石门镇东北4里许。

33、The Harvard University School of Public Health is in the northeastern city of Boston, Massachusetts. ─── 哈佛大学的公共卫生学院坐落于麻省波士顿城的北部,

34、A language family widely spread throughout the Amazon River valley, coastal Brazil, and northeast South America. ─── 图皮-瓜拉尼语族一种广泛散布于亚马孙河河谷、巴西沿岸地区和南美洲东北部的一个语族

35、Judging from his accent, he must be from northeastern China. ─── 从他的口音来判断,他一定是中国东北一带的人。

36、A moderate earthquake struck the northeastern United States early on Saturday. ─── 美国东北部周六早晨遭遇了一次中等强度的地震。

37、Toward, to, or in the northeast. ─── 向东北地(的):向,去,或在东北方向地(的)

38、It may have crashed in northeastern India, CNN sister network CNN-IBN reported. ─── CNN的姊妹电视台印度IBN报道说飞机可能坠毁于印度东北部。

39、An area or a region lying in the northeast. ─── 东北部(地区)位于东北的区域或地区

40、They were bound for the hills in the northeastern corner of Quien Sabe. ─── 他们打算走到基恩·沙倍农庄东北角的山地去。

41、Terrain southwest to northeast high-low. ─── 地势走向西南高东北低。

42、The northeastern Sichuan area is evaporative carbonate platform. ─── 在川东北地区演化为碳酸盐蒸发台地。

43、To, toward, of, facing, or in the northeast. ─── 东北的:向,朝,是,面对或在东北的

44、Pollen morphology and systematics of Salix in northeastern China. ─── 中国东北柳属花粉形态及其系统学研究.

45、He studies at northeast University. ─── 他在东北大学学习。

46、The northeastern seaboard has a humid climate. ─── 东北部沿海地带气候潮湿。

47、Snake: The northeast section. Got it. ─── 东北区域,明白。

48、And also an important stopover for migrant birds in Northeast Asia. ─── 也是东北亚重要的鸟类迁徙停歇地。

49、Campaigning in the northeastern state of New Hampshire, Romney continued to criticize the president's economic policies. ─── 罗姆尼在美国东北部的新罕布什尔州从事竞选活动时,继续批评奥巴马总统的经济政策。

50、A city of northeastern Brazil west of Recife. ─── 卡鲁阿巴西东北部一城市,位于累西腓西部。

51、The Harvard University School of Public Health is in northeastern city of Boston, Massachusetts. ─── 哈佛大学公共健康研究院位于麻省东北部城市波士顿。

52、They saw the enemy troops heading northeast. ─── 他们看到敌军正朝东北方向前进。

53、Italy's industrial districts are concentrated in its north-central and northeastern regions. ─── 意大利的工业区集中在该国中北部和东北部地区。

54、A storm or gale blowing from the northeast. ─── 东北大风从东北来的风暴或强风

55、Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa formerly called Abyssinia. ─── 位于非洲东北部的一个共和国,以前被叫作阿比西尼亚。

56、Beijing is in the northeast part of China. ─── 北京位于中国东北部。

57、Full Development of Northeast China, Resolute Pioneer of Anshan! ─── 东北大振兴,鞍山要先行!

58、Fight to the finish for the recovery of Peiping, Tientsin and northeastern China. ─── 为收复平津和东北而血战到底。

59、The climate in the northeast of China can be pretty cold in winter. ─── 中国东北的气候冬天有时会相当寒冷。

60、Can you think of anyone whose home is in the northeast ? ─── 你能想起一个家在东北的人吗?

61、A major industrial region of northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan adjacent to Chicago. ─── 卡柳梅特位于伊利诺斯州东北部和印第安纳州西北部的一个重要的工业区,靠近密歇根湖并与芝加哥毗邻

62、A preliminary sutdy of Orchis in Northeast China. ─── 中国东北红门兰属植物初步研究.

63、An unincorporated community of southern California northeast of Los Angeles. It is a trade center for an irrigated farming area. Population, 97,291. ─── 兰开斯特美国加利福尼亚州的南部一独立社区,位于洛杉矶市东北部。它是一个灌溉农场区的商贸中心。人口97, 291

64、Which of you comrades come from the Northeast? ─── 你们同志们中间谁是东北人?

65、Led by Fang Zhimin, we made our way to northeast Jiangxi. ─── 在方志敏领导下,我们开到赣东北。

66、I just transferred from Northeastern State University near Chicago. ─── 我刚从芝加哥附近的东北州立大学转过来。

67、Adytum is the city to the northeast of us. ─── 内城区是我们东北面的城区。

68、The body of law established by the Danish invaders and settlers in northeast England in the ninth and tenth centuries. ─── 丹麦法在9世纪和10世纪时,由丹麦入侵者和殖民者在英国东北部施行的法律体系

69、A town of east-central Massachusetts northeast of Worcester. It is an industrial community. Population, 17,233. ─── 哈得逊美国马萨诸塞州中东部城镇,位于伍斯特市东北。它是一工业城镇。人口17,233。

70、However, we also have it in northeastern China. It is not called sleigh. ─── 不过,我们东北也有,只是不叫雪撬。

71、Visit Africa's Serengeti Plain in northeast Tanzania, near Kenya. ─── 到坦桑尼亚东北部、近肯尼亚的塞伦盖蒂平原观光。

72、Coming or being from the northeast. ─── 从东北的或从东北来的

73、This past spring, efforts to limit the West Nile virus in the northeastern U.S. followed this model. ─── 去年春天,在美国东北部发生的“西尼罗河病毒”就是采取这种方式加以控制的。

74、Similarly,the comrades in northeastern Kiangsi have done good work and are also model workers. ─── 同样,赣东北的同志们也有很好的创造,他们同样是模范工作者。

75、Mount Etna dominates the whole northeast corner of the island. ─── 埃得纳山横亘于该岛之整个东北角。

76、I went to the Northeast last year. ─── 去年我去了东北。

77、Most of the woodblock prints of the Northeast are colored woodcuts. ─── 北大荒版画基本上是套色木刻。

78、New records of plants in northeastern China. ─── 东北植物新资料。

79、He spent the torrid summer in Changchun, northeast China. ─── 他在中国东北的长春度过炎夏。

80、A town of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Erie northeast of Toronto. It is a manufacturing center. Population,25,475. ─── 埃阿斯加拿大安大略省东南部的一城镇,位于多伦多东北部伊利湖上。是制造业中心。人口25,475。

81、A northeast wind is blowing strongly. ─── 东北风刮得呼呼响。

82、Long before there was a country called Brazil, a tree with that name grew in abundance all along the northeastern coast of South America. ─── 在巴西这个国家诞生之前很久,一种与其同名的树即繁茂地生长在南美东北海岸沿岸。

83、A Northeastern engineering professor, Deniz Erdogmus, said the new brain-computer interface might be used to control household appliances. ─── 东北大学工程学教授DenizErdogmus说,这一新的大脑-电脑接口可能会被用于控制家用电器。

84、Small spruce of boggy areas of northeastern North America having spreading branches with dense foliage,inferior wood. ─── 北美东北沼泽地区的小型云杉,树枝外展,叶茂密,低等树种。

85、Hereby he is presenting the fellows in Northeast China. ─── 在这里他向我们呈现的是东北的父老乡亲。

86、Vigorously develop border trade of the northeast region. ─── 十七)大力发展东北地区边境贸易。

87、A cold March is usual in the Northeast. ─── 东北的三月往往是冷的。

88、Breed of sled dog developed in northeastern Siberia,they resemble the larger Alaskan malamutes. ─── 在西伯利亚北部培育的雪橇狗,与阿拉斯加雪橇狗形似但较大。

89、Northeastern University (NEU) is located in Shenyang of Liaoning Province. ─── 东北大学位于辽宁省沈阳市。

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