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madeira 发音

[ mə'dɪrə]

英:  美:

madeira 中文意思翻译



madeira 网络释义

n. 马德拉群岛(大西洋的群岛名);马得拉白葡萄酒

madeira 短语词组

1、sandeman madeira wine ─── 桑德曼马德拉葡萄酒

2、Madeira River ─── [网络] 马德拉河;马代腊河;支流马德拉河

3、malmsey madeira ─── 马尔姆塞 ─── 马德拉

4、Madeira wine ─── 马德拉酒

5、Madeira winter cherry ─── [网络] 马德拉冬季樱桃

6、Madeira sponge ─── [网络] 马德拉海绵

7、Madeira cake n. ─── 马德拉蛋糕(一种重油软蛋糕)

8、Madeira Petrel ─── 马德拉海燕

9、sandeman madeira ─── 桑德曼·马德拉

10、catalpa de madeira ─── 马德拉梓

11、roger madeira ─── 罗杰·马德拉

12、Madeira Islands ─── [网络] 马德拉群岛;群岛马德拉;葡属马德拉群岛

13、Madeira- ─── 马德拉-

madeira 词性/词形变化,madeira变形


madeira 相似词语短语

1、Madeira ─── n.马德拉群岛(大西洋的群岛名);马得拉白葡萄酒

2、madefied ─── 马德菲德

3、maderise ─── 马德里斯

4、pareira ─── n.由巴西某种树根采取的利尿药

5、madefies ─── 制造的

6、bandeiras ─── 旗帜

7、capoeira ─── n.卡泼卫勒舞(源于非洲)

8、mandira ─── 曼迪拉

9、bandeira ─── n.班代拉(巴西地名)

madeira 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Joe Madeira, director of exhibitions at the museum, said he was surprised by the results. ─── 博物馆的展馆主任杰伊·马德拉说,调查结果让他大为吃惊。

2、Aunt Pittypat:There's plenty. It's the very last of my father's fine Madeira. ─── 琵帝姑妈:有好多呢。这瓶马德拉,是我父亲的最后一瓶好酒。

3、I had not told my Reed cousins about our wedding, but I had written to my uncle, John Eyre, in Madeira. ─── 我没有把婚礼的事告诉里德家的表姊妹,但给马迪拉的约翰·爱舅舅写了信。

4、The inhabitants of the Madeira Islands, however, have developed a cake very similar to the madeira cake. ─── 马德拉岛上的居民烘烤的蛋糕到是与马德拉蛋糕十分相似。

5、First, he had brought me a case of bottles full of excellent cordial waters, six large bottles of Madeira wine. ─── 首先,他给我带来了一箱上好的提神酒,六大瓶马德拉酒。

6、The decision advances the Jirau dam project, on the Madeira River, which the government hopes will increase power supplies. ─── 这项决定将促成马德拉河上吉罗大坝的兴建,政府希望这将可以增加马德拉河发电量。

7、Enjoy Madeira's jet air fresh oysters and clams, wines and light music! ─── 多款空运蠔、蚬配香醇美酒,带凎味蕾新享受!

8、Nobody will blame you, and Mr Mason will tell your uncle so, when he goes back to Madeira. ─── 谁也不会怪你,梅森先生回到马迪拉时也会这么对你舅舅说。”

9、The passenger had a belated start to his holiday after going to Madeira to take another flight, the Mail said. ─── 那位倒霉的乘客则不得不赶到马德拉岛换乘另一班飞机,继续过被耽搁了的假期。

10、He love Madeira cake. ─── 他很喜欢马德拉蛋糕。

11、From Madeira Airport take the highway towards Funchal. ─── 请放心预订,我们的系统绝对安全。

12、Madeira pipistrelle ─── n. 马德拉伏翼

13、Madeira cake ─── n. 马德拉蛋糕

14、This, ladies, which you are drinking with so tranquil an air is Madeira wine, you must know, from the vineyard of Coural das Freiras, which is three hundred and seventeen fathoms above the level of the sea. ─── 诸位女士,你们安安静静喝着的那些东西是从马德拉来的酒,你们应当知道,是古拉尔·达·弗莱拉斯地方的产品,那里超出海面三百十七个脱阿斯!

15、Flash floods on the Portuguese Atlantic island of Madeira killed at least 42 people. ─── 洪水在葡萄牙大西洋岛的马德拉杀死了至少42人。

16、The largest aircraft that can now land in Madeira is the Boeing 757. ─── 现在能在马德拉岛着陆的最大机型是波音757。

17、Madeira topaz ─── 马德拉黄晶

18、have a drink,” said Anatole, and he poured him out a big glass of madeira. ─── 阿纳托利说,他给他斟了一大杯马德拉葡萄酒。

19、This is produced from a blend of several Madeira grapes for complexity. ─── 这款马德拉是由多种葡萄混酿而成的增加了它的复杂度。

20、You can expect FULL ATC in Madeira Airport and Fir. ─── 您在马德拉机场和情报区会享受到全席位管制服务。

21、A sweet fortified wine originally made in Greece and now produced mainly in Madeira. ─── 马姆齐甜酒一种甜味的烈性葡萄酒,原产于希腊,现在主要产于马德拉

22、You can see the Azores in the middle of the ocean. A little below Madeira and further Canary Islands and Cape Verde. ─── 你可以如此清楚地看到大洋中间的亚述尔群岛,下面一点则是马德拉,再远一点是加纳利群岛和佛得角。

23、A fortified dessert wine, especially from the island of Madeira. ─── 马德拉白葡萄一种烈性的甜葡萄酒,尤指产自马德拉岛的

24、Mr. Jackson gave a faint sip, as if he had been tasting invisible Madeira. ─── 杰克逊先生轻轻呷了一口,仿佛是在想象中品尝马德拉葡萄酒。

25、The wines were hand-selected on the island by Michael and Bartholomew Broadbent, Chairman of Christie's International Wine Department and the world's most experienced taster of Madeira. ─── 这款马德拉是由世界上最权威的马德拉专家同时也是佳士得拍卖行的葡萄酒部总裁的巴塞洛缪.布老本特亲手选择。

26、A barge of soybeans is readied for shipment along the Madeira River. ─── 照片中的大豆正在装船,准备运输。

27、brown sauce with tomatoes and a caramelized mixture of minced carrots and onions and celery seasoned with madeira. ─── 番茄、切碎的胡萝卜、洋葱、芹菜组成的焦糖化混合物,用马德拉岛白葡萄酒调味。

28、One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in Madeira and has left Jane 20, 000 pounds. ─── 一天,里弗斯获悉简的一个叔叔约翰•爱最近在马德岛去世,给简留下了两万英镑的遗产。

29、brown sauce with mushrooms and red wine or madeira ─── 蘑菇和红葡萄酒或马德拉白葡萄酒做成的褐色沙司

30、There`s plenty. It`s the very last of my father`s fine Madeira. ─── 这已经足够了.这是我父亲的最后一瓶上好白葡萄酒.

31、He was born on the idyllic island of Madeira that lies hundreds of miles south of Portugal in the North Atlantic Ocean. ─── 朗拿度于二零零二年九月首次代表士砵亭于葡萄牙甲组联赛上阵,当时他只有十七岁。

32、I always add a little Madeira to the liquid when I stew prunes. ─── 在炖李子时我常加些马德拉葡萄酒在汤里。

33、Island Commander Madeira ─── 马德拉群岛驻岛指挥官

34、Tendrils of lightning snake across a stormy sky in Madeira Beach, Florida. ─── 卷曲的闪电跨越暴风雨中佛罗里达州的马德拉岛海滩的上空。

35、Madeira Petrel ─── n. 马德拉圆尾鹱

36、Eventually, wine making capability and practiced extended to far-flung places like England who enjoyed wine varieties of Sherry, Port and Madeira. ─── 最终,葡萄酒酿造能力和实践扩展到遥远的地方如英格兰,该地喜欢葡萄酒品种雪利酒,港口和马德拉。

37、The givens: - Cech and Cudicini aren't going anywhere. We'vealmost signed the ageing Hilario from Nacional in Madeira and Lenny Pidgeley looks like he will be moving on. ─── 前言:切赫和小库哪都不会离开,我们几乎从签下了一名年纪大点的Hilario。佩吉里看样子要离开。

38、Madeira celebrates spring every year by decorating the streets and parading floats with thousands of flowers on the streets of Funchal. ─── 图为在丰沙尔举行的马德拉岛花朵嘉年华活动中,一名坐在游行花车上微笑的小女孩。

39、A sweet fortified wine originally made in Greece and now produced mainly in Madeira ─── 马姆齐甜酒一种甜味的烈性葡萄酒,原产于希腊,现在主要产于马德拉

40、No matter how you decide to spend your holiday on the Madeira Islands Funchal will inevitably be a part of it. ─── 无论您是如何决定花的马德拉群岛的丰沙尔您的假期将不可避免地成为它的一部分。

41、The Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira are also part of Portugal. ─── 大西洋的亚速群岛和马德拉群岛也是葡萄牙的一部分。

42、a sweet white wine from the Canary Islands,similar to Madeira ─── 产于加那利群岛的一种甜白葡萄酒,类似马德拉白葡萄酒

43、On his way back to the West Indies, Mr Mason stopped in Madeira and stayed with Mr Eyre, who mentioned that his niece was going to marry a Mr Rochester. ─── 在回西印度群岛的路上,梅森在马迪拉停留,住在爱先生那儿,并听他说他的外甥女要和一位罗切斯特先生结婚。”

44、12 Days 11 Nights Italy, Spain, Gibraltar, Madeira, Canary Islands ─── 12天11晚意大利,西班牙,直布罗陀,马德拉,加纳利群岛

45、brown sauce with mushrooms and red wine or madeira. ─── 蘑菇和红葡萄酒或马德拉白葡萄酒做成的褐色沙司。

46、The wines were hand-selected on the island by Michaeland Bartholomew Broadbent, Chairman of Christie's International Wine Departmentand the world's most experienced taster of Madeira. ─── 这款马德拉是由世界上最权威的马德拉专家,同时也是佳士得拍卖行葡萄酒部的总裁巴塞洛缪.布老本特亲手选择。

47、Eastern Atlantic: France and western Mediterranean to Senegal, including Azores, Madeira, the Canary Islands and offshore seamounts; ─── 东大西洋: 法国与地中海西部到塞内加尔,包括亚速群岛,马得拉群岛, 加纳利群岛与外海海洋山脊;

48、8 (1-Centimeter) slices ready made sponge or Madeira cake ─── 8片(1厘米厚)海绵蛋糕或雪芳蛋糕

49、Japanese whaling was always going to be a major sticking point on the IWC agenda in Madeira. ─── 国际捕鲸委员会在马德拉举行的年会议程中,日本的捕鲸活动一直都是主要的议题。

50、7.fern of the Canary Islands and Madeira. ─── 加那利和马德拉群岛的蕨类。

51、amber-colored dessert wine from Madeira. ─── 大西洋群岛产的有琥珀色的甜酒。

52、Manchester United's Portuguese winger Cristiano Ronaldo received the European Golden Boot trophy at a ceremony in Funchal, in the Portuguese island of Madeira, Saturday. ─── 北京时间9月14日,曼联球星C罗纳尔多在家乡葡萄牙马德拉岛的丰沙尔,领取了2008年欧洲金靴奖。

53、A sweet white wine from the Canary Islands, similar to Madeira . ─── 波尔图酒和马德拉酒都是加度葡萄酒。

54、A proposed hydroelectric dam on the Madeira river (a tributary of the Amazon) was denounced, and the country's new oil find claimed for its people. ─── 一座拟在亚马逊河支流马德拉河上修建的水电站饱受谴责,巴西发现的新油田应该为民所享。

55、I give her a xylophone and a sundress from Madeira, and promise to tell her a funny story. ─── 我只给了她一把木琴和来自马德里的背心裙,还答应给她讲个有趣的故事。

56、Madeira Islands ─── 马德拉群岛

57、Japanese whaling was always going to be a major sticking point on the IWC agenda in Madeira. ─── 捕鲸委员会在马德拉举行的年会议程中,日本的捕鲸活动一直都是主要的议题。

58、North Africa generally, including Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Azores, Madeira Islands. ─── 北非通常包括埃及、苏丹、利比亚、突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、亚速尔群岛、马德拉群岛。

59、Minister in the presidency for parliamentary and foreign affairs: francisco caetano madeira ─── 总统府议会和外交事务部长:弗朗西斯科·卡埃塔诺·马德拉

60、lobster butter and cream and egg yolks seasoned with onions and sherry or madeira. ─── 龙虾黄油、奶油和鸡蛋黄,用洋葱和雪利酒或马德拉白葡萄酒调味。

61、The government is warring with environmentalists over proposed dams on the Madeira and Xingu rivers. ─── 关于在Madeira和Xingu河上建水坝的问题上,政府和环保主义者之间进行着斗争。

62、The member state most likely to be used is Luxembourg, whose VAT rate is 15% (the lowest in the Union except for Madeira, which has been allowed a 12% rate and might offer competition to Luxembourg). ─── 这个成员国最有可能是卢森堡,其增值税税率为15%(是欧盟成员中除马德拉群岛之外税率最低的国家,为了与卢森堡竞争,马德拉群岛增值税税率为12%)。

63、I give her a xylophone and a sundress from Madeira, and promise to tell her a funny story. ─── 我只给了她一把木琴和来自马德里的背心裙,还答应给她讲个有趣的故事。

64、madeira [an amber-colored liqueur, dessert wine of the island of Madeira] ─── 马得拉甜酒

65、Japanese whaling was always going to be a major sticking point on the IWC agenda in Madeira. ─── 国际捕鲸委员会在马德拉举行的年会议程中,日本的捕鲸活动一直都是主要的议题。

66、BARBARA, Americo Madeira ─── 阿梅里科·马德罗·巴尔巴拉

67、Gazetteer South America: Madeira River basin. ─── 南美洲:马得拉群岛河流域。

68、A sweet white wine from the Canary Islands, similar to Madeira ─── 加那利白葡萄酒产于加那利群岛的一种甜白葡萄酒,类似马德拉白葡萄酒

69、Even more controversially, Ibama, the environmental agency, has given approval for two new dams on the Madeira river in the state of Rondô ─── 而更具争议的是,巴西环境保护机构Ibama(巴西环境与可再生资源委员会)竟然批准了在朗多尼亚州(Rondô

70、"a sweet white wine from the Canary Islands, similar to Madeira." ─── 产于加那利群岛的一种甜白葡萄酒,类似马德拉白葡萄酒.

71、Madeira vine and gynura bicolor are nutritious leafy vegetables that are packed full of vitamin A. ─── 洛葵与红凤菜具有丰富的纤维素,其中富含维生素A。

72、Western Atlantic: Nova Scotia, Canada to Brazil (Ref. 26340).Eastern Atlantic: Senegal to Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madeira, the Canary Islands, and Mediterranean. ─── 西大西洋:加拿大的新斯科舍省到巴西.(参考文献26340)东大西洋:塞内加尔到刚果,马得拉群岛,加纳利群岛与地中海。

73、First, he had brought me a case of bottles full of excellent cordial waters, six large bottles of madeira wine ─── 首先,他给我带来了一箱上好的提神酒,六大瓶马德拉酒。

74、Tendrils of lightning snake across a stormy sky in Madeira Beach, Florida.A stretch of Interstate 4 between Orlando and St. ─── 美国佛罗里达州马德拉海岸,暴风雨之夜天空中蛇形闪电。

75、One day Rivers learns that an uncle of Jane's, John Eyre, has recently died in Madeira and has left Jane£20,000. ─── 一天,里弗斯获悉简的一个叔叔——约翰·爱最近在马德拉岛去世,给简留下了二万英镑遗产。

76、In November 1844 swarms of locusts visited the island of Madeira. ─── 1844年11月曾有大群飞蝗飞临马德拉岛。

77、From the airport international of Madeira to Jardins do Lago is only 18km, and by car it will take you about 15 minutes to arrive at this paradise. ─── 如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取预订的总价。

78、Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin.In cooking and preparation, madeira vine and gynura bicolor should be stir fried in oil, or eaten raw in a salad, for our bodies to absorb their vitamin A. ─── 维生素A是一种脂溶性的维生素,在烹饪以及食用的时候,蔬菜必须要配合油脂的拌抄,或是生吃拌沙拉,才可以被人体所消化吸收。

79、Madeira nut ─── 欧洲核桃

80、Madeira is the main island of a Portuguese archipelago of the same name, in the Atlantic off the north-west coast of Africa. ─── 马德拉岛是葡萄牙马德拉群岛的主要岛屿,它位于大西洋,在远离非洲西北海岸的海上。

81、A shrubby plant(Cedronella canariensis) in the mint family, native to Madeira and the Canary Islands, having a large, lilac-to-violet corolla with two lips. ─── 加拿利青兰:一种唇形科灌木植物(加拿利青兰),原产于马德拉和加那利群岛,有大的、颜色从淡紫色到紫罗兰色的双唇瓣花冠

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