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Lateran 发音

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Lateran 中文意思翻译



Lateran 短语词组

1、Second Lateran Council ─── [网络] 第二次拉特兰会议;拉特兰二届大公会议

2、Fifth Lateran Council ─── [网络] 第五次拉特兰会议;第五次拉特兰公会议

3、pontifical lateran university ─── 拉特兰宗座大学

4、Fourth Lateran Council ─── [网络] 第四次拉特兰会议;第四次拉特兰宗教大会;第四次拉特兰大公会议

5、Lateran Treaty ─── [网络] 拉特兰条约;拉忒兰条约;拉特朗条约

6、Lateran Council ─── [网络] 拉特兰会议;届拉特兰会议;拉特兰公会

7、Third Lateran Council ─── [网络] 第三次拉特兰会议;第三次拉特兰大公会议

8、Lateran Palace ─── [网络] 拉特兰宫;拉特朗宫;拉特朗大殿

9、First Lateran Council ─── [网络] 第一拉特兰会议;第一次拉特兰会议

Lateran 相似词语短语

1、Lateran ─── n.罗马拉特兰教堂;拉特兰宫

2、cateran ─── n.苏格兰高地的劫匪

3、late on ─── 后来;以后;过后

4、laterad ─── adv.向侧面地;向边地

5、-pteran ─── 翼烷

6、later on ─── adv.后来;稍后;过些时候

7、lateral ─── adj.侧面的,横向的;n.侧部;[语]边音;vt.横向传球

8、caterans ─── n.苏格兰高地的劫匪

9、laterals ─── n.侧根;侧面部分(lateral的复数)

Lateran 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、doctorate in Canon and civil law from the University of St. John Lateran. ─── 在拉特郎圣若望大学获教会法及民法博士学位。

2、John Lateran.The Lateran Basilica dates back to 311, when Constantine, the first Christian Roman emperor, donated the site and original palace to the pope. ─── 拉特朗大殿的历史可以追溯到三一一年,第一位受洗成为基督徒的罗马皇帝君士坦丁大帝,他将原址以及盖在上面的宫殿全部捐给了教宗。

3、Two thousand years lateran investigation headed by a leading criminal profiler uncovers an entirely different story. ─── 两千年后在一位犯罪研究专家的带领下进行的一项的调查揭示了一个完全不同的故事。

4、There are few landmark dates, but 1215 is one: the Lateran Council then forbade the involvement of the clergy in the awful trials by ordeal. ─── 在此法律发展的过程中很少有里程碑式的时期,但是1215年则是一个例外:拉特兰会议禁止神职人员的卷入可怕的神明裁判。

5、Since the signing of the Lateran treaty in 1929, every country's diplomatic representation at the Holy See has been kept carefully distinct from its embassy to Italy. ─── 对于分享和探索,中国人没有多少兴趣。但是,对于像个搬仓鼠一样把外面的资源弄回自己的小家,却人人都有浓厚的兴趣。

6、Basilica of St. John Lateran ─── 拉特兰圣约翰大教堂(意大利)

7、The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St. John Lateran Basilica in Rome. ─── 罗马教皇在罗马圣约翰拉特兰教堂举行一个加冕仪式。

8、The Pontifical Lateran University was founded by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 entrusted the Faculty of S.Theology and Philosophy del Collegio Romano to the clergy of Rome. ─── 宗座拉特朗大学是由教皇克莱门特十四委托在1773 年 学院神学和哲学删除学院罗马的神职人员Rome.

9、In 1929 the Lateran Treaty settled the pope's relation to the Italian state and set up an independent city-state (see Vatican City). ─── 1929年拉特兰条约规定了教宗同义大利之间的关系,并设立一个独立的城邦(参阅Vatican City)。

10、John Lateran, and Peppino, called...cca Priori, convicted of complicity with the detestable bandit Luigi Vampa, and the men of his band.' ─── 前者犯谋害罪,谋杀了德高望众的圣·拉德兰教堂教士西塞·德列尼先生;后者则系恶名昭彰之大盗罗吉·万帕之党羽。’

11、In its present form, it was created by the 1929 Lateran treaties between Italy and the Roman Catholic Church. ─── 今天的梵蒂冈是1929年通过意大利与罗马天主教会之间签署的拉特兰条约产生的。

12、A painting in the Lateran Museum, shows three; ─── 一幅拉特兰宫的画是代表“三”;

13、In 1929, Lateran Treaties established the independent state of Vatican City. ─── 1929年,《拉特兰条约》确定了梵蒂冈的独立地位。

14、The English were the first to put into practice the decrees of the Lateran Council. ─── 英国是第一个付诸实践的法令拉特兰理事会。

15、He was elected on April 19, 2005 in a papal conclave, celebrated his Papal Inauguration Mass on April 24, 2005, and took possession of his cathedral, the Basilica of St.John Lateran, on May 7, 2005. ─── 之前为德国籍枢机主教,也是有合资格的枢机主教当中两位并非由若望保禄二世册封的枢机(他是由保禄六世册封)。

16、a final political settlement with the Italian government was not reached until the Lateran Treaties of 1929. ─── 与意大利政府还没有达成政治和解,直到1929年的拉特兰教堂条约。

17、She became pregnant by her lover and gave birth during a procession from St. Peter's to the Lateran. ─── 她的情郎使她怀了孕,并且在从圣彼得教堂至拉特兰宫游行过程中分娩。

18、The work of reform, which should have claimed special attention at the Lateran Council, was never undertaken seriously. ─── 本该在拉特兰会议上引起特别关注的改革工作从未认真开展。

19、Cardinal Angelo Sodano (bio - news), the Vatican Secretary of State, complained that the British move violated the terms of the Lateran Accord, which establishes the Vatican as a sovereign body. ─── 中国人有著悠久的传统,每天在书包里带一块砖,用饭盒打一盒单位的水泥回家,经过数月之功,修建一个自己家的小厨房。

20、John Lateran, and Peppino, called Rocca Priori, convicted of complicity with the detestable bandit Luigi Vampa, and the men of his band.' ─── 前者犯谋害罪,谋杀了德高望众的圣·拉德兰教堂教士西塞·德列尼先生;后者则系恶名昭彰之大盗罗吉·万帕之党羽。’

21、The fourth Lateran Council, in 1215, was of crucial importance. ─── 第四次拉特兰会,在1215年,是至关重要的。

22、Pope Benedict swapped out his gold-coloured robes for a long-white apron.The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St.John Lateran Basilica in Rome. ─── 教皇本笃十六今日解下金色长袍,换上白色围裙,在罗马圣约翰大教堂为信徒举行了濯足仪式。

23、He holds a doctorate in canon and civil law from the University of St. John Lateran. ─── 曾在拉特郎圣若望大学获教会法及民法博士学位。

24、Created by the Lateran Treaty signed by Pope Pius XI and Victor Emmanuel III of Italy in 1929, it issues its own currency and postage stamps and has its own newspaper and broadcasting facilities. ─── 它于1929年由教皇庇护六世和意大利的维克托?伊曼纽尔三世签署拉特兰条约后成立,它自行发行货币和邮票并且拥有自己的报纸和广播设施。

25、The Pontiff performed a feet-washing ceremony at St.John Lateran Basilica in Rome. ─── 罗马教皇在罗马圣约翰拉特兰教堂举行一个加冕仪式。

26、a final political settlement with the Italian government was not reached until the Lateran Treaties of 1929. ─── 与意大利政府还没有达成政治和解,直到1929年的拉特兰教堂条约。

27、Lateran Basilica was first dedicated to Christ, the Most Holy Savior.Later, St.John the Baptist and St.John the Evangelist were added as co-patrons of the cathedral. ─── 拉特朗大殿从一开始就被奉献于至圣救主基督,后来,圣洗者若翰和圣史若望被追封为共同主保。

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