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laryngoscopy 发音

英:[ˌlærɪnˈgɑːskəpi]  美:[ˌlærɪŋˈɡɒskəpɪ]

英:  美:

laryngoscopy 中文意思翻译



laryngoscopy 短语词组

1、indirect laryngoscopy ─── [医] 间接喉镜检查

2、suspension laryngoscopy ─── [医] 仰垂喉镜检查, 悬吊喉镜检查

3、direct laryngoscopy ─── [医] 直接喉镜检查

laryngoscopy 词性/词形变化,laryngoscopy变形


laryngoscopy 相似词语短语

1、pharyngoscopy ─── n.咽镜检查;鼻咽镜检查

2、laryngoscopist ─── n.喉镜检查专家

3、laryngophony ─── 喉假性

4、pharyngoscope ─── n.[耳鼻喉]咽镜,咽窥器

5、laryngoscope ─── n.检喉镜,[耳鼻喉]喉镜

6、laryngoscopes ─── n.检喉镜,[耳鼻喉]喉镜

7、laryngoscopies ─── n.喉镜检查

8、laryngoscopic ─── 喉镜检查的

9、laryngology ─── n.[耳鼻喉]喉科学

laryngoscopy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、One PSF was found by fiberoptic laryngoscopy, and 3 PSF were found by barium esophagogram. ─── 1名患者经喉纤维内视镜发现梨状窝瘘管,3名患者经钡剂食道摄影发现梨状窝瘘管。

2、Keywords laryngeal diseases/SU;laryngoscopy;surgical procedures;endoscopic;intubation;intratracheal; ─── 喉疾病/外科学;喉镜检查;外科手术;内窥镜;插管法;气管内;

3、Objective: To investigate in the indirect laryngoscopy or endoscopic microwave hyperthermia treatment of vocal polyps or nodules efficacy. ─── 前言:目的探讨间接喉镜下或鼻内镜下微波热凝治疗声带息肉或小结的效果。

4、If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown, doctor doctors should perform an examination called a laryngoscopy. ─── 如果出现持续性或是不明原因的声音嘶哑,医生应该给你做喉镜检查。

5、Special treatment in anesthesia of laryngomicrosurgery under the suspension laryngoscopy ─── 支撑喉镜下喉显微手术麻醉中的特殊问题处理

6、Methods:The foreign bodies were removed under was direct laryngoscopy and tracheobronchoscopy using foreign body forceps and an effective passage was quickly established. ─── 方法:在直接喉镜及支气管镜下探取异物,迅速建立有效通气道。

7、Early detection through anamnesis and laryngoscopy allows early therapy with a good prognosis. ─── 通过回想早期发现和喉镜允许具有早期治疗预后良好。

8、Research of Functional Dysphonia by Laryngoscopy Acoustic Analysis and Aero-dynamic Measurement ─── 功能性发声障碍的喉镜观察及声学、空气动力学研究

9、These children with hoarseness were included in a sample of 877 consecutive patients requiring diagnostic laryngoscopy at a children's hospital. ─── 在一家儿童医院,这些声嘶儿童被纳入需要诊断性喉镜检查的877个患者中。

10、Keywords vocal sulcus;Laryngoscopy;Voice Training; ─── 声带沟;喉镜检查;语音训练;

11、If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown, doctor doctors should [erform the perform an examination called a laryngoscopy. ─── 医生会在办公室给你做检查,查看你的喉头以及声带。

12、Keywords Laryngoscopy;Sleep Apnea;Obstructive/diagnosis/therapy;Humans; ─── 喉镜检查;睡眠呼吸暂停;阻塞性/诊断/治疗;人类;

13、Three of them can not cry,and 2 cases were diagnosed as bilateral vocal cord paralysis,1 case as multiple cranial nerve palsy with direct laryngoscopy. ─── 3例不能发出哭声,直接喉镜检查双声带麻痹2例,多发性颅神经麻痹1例。

14、Telescopic video microlaryngeal surgery through the suspension laryngoscopy ─── 支撑喉镜下应用电视内窥镜的喉微创外科手术

15、CTVL is a good complementary method of laryngoscopy. ─── CTVL是纤维喉镜的很好补充手段。

16、continues or the cause is unknown, doctors should perform an examination called a laryngoscopy. ─── 如果出现持续性或是不明原因的声音嘶哑,医生应该给你做喉镜检查。

17、The sitting position also changes the position of performing anesthesiologist relative to the patient, presenting an inverse view contrary to that of traditional laryngoscopy. ─── 坐姿插管会改变患者与麻醉医师之间的相对位置,相对于传统插管,其显示的影像是相反的。

18、Keywords vocal polyps;vocal nodules;indirect laryngoscopy;nasal endoscopic;microwave hyperthermia; ─── 声带息肉;声带小结;间接喉镜;鼻内镜;微波热凝术;

19、Keywords polyps;vocal cords;laryngoscopy;laser surgery; ─── 息肉;声带;喉镜检查;激光手术;

20、Methods The epidemiological questionary and examination of indirect laryngoscopy were used. ─── 方法采用调查表对本市经商人员进行耳鼻咽喉科检查。

21、Keywords Vocal cord neoplasms;Excisional biopsy;Laryngoscopy; ─── 声带肿瘤;活检性切除;喉镜检查;

22、High doses of these analgesics not only produce loss of consciousness, they effectively blunt the blood pressure and heart rate responses to laryngoscopy and intubation. ─── 大剂量不仅产生意识丧失,也使得插管和置入喉镜时血压、心率反应有效地被抑制。

23、Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to survey 1027 primary school teachers in Yiwu, and medical examination was conducted with laryngoscopy and gastroscopy. ─── 方法对义乌市城区及农村部分小学教师采用自制的“小学教师嗓音保健调查表”进行问卷调查及耳鼻咽喉专科检查。

24、Objective To sum up the main nursing points of vocal cord treated with supportive laryngoscopy in combination with nasal endoscopy. ─── 目的总结支撑喉镜联合鼻内窥镜治疗声带病变的护理要点。

25、Keywords Microscopy;video;Laryngoscopy;Intubation;gastrointestinal; ─── 显微镜检查;电视;喉镜检查;插管法;胃肠;

26、Before and four months after the operation,laryngoscopy,laryngeal electronyography and histological study were undergone respectively. ─── 实验组术侧声带内收运动明显优于对照组。

27、Keywords suspension laryngoscopy;Esmolol;cardiovascular system; ─── 支撑喉镜;艾司洛尔;心血管系统;

28、The Effect of Different Anesthetic Methods on Microlaryngoscopic Surgery under the Suspensive Laryngoscopy ─── 不同麻醉方法对支撑喉镜喉显微手术效果的影响

29、Keywords pharynx;foreign bodies;fiber optics;laryngoscopy; ─── 关键词咽;异物;纤维光学;喉镜检查;

30、Application of Laryngoscopy and Acoustic Analysis by Computer in the Diagnosis of Functional Dysphonia ─── 功能性发声障碍的喉镜检查及计算机声学分析

31、Mandibular Advancement Improves the Laryngeal View during Direct Laryngoscopy Performed by Inexperienced Physicians Tamura M, et al. ─── 下颌前伸改善操作不熟练医生直接喉镜的视野观察。

32、Keywords Functional dysphonia Acoustic analysis by computer Laryngoscopy Spectrograph; ─── 功能性发声障碍;计算机声学分析;喉镜;声谱图;

33、If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown, doctors should perform an examination called a laryngoscopy. ─── 如果嘶哑持续或者诱因不明,医生将会展开一个被称为喉镜检查的细查。

34、Keywords Respiration;Laryngoscopy;Anesthesia Recovery Period; ─── 呼吸系统药;喉镜检查;麻醉恢复期;

35、operating laryngoscopy ─── 手术喉镜检查

36、If hoarseness is continued and continues or the cause is unknowunknown, doctor doctors should perform the an examination called a laryngoscopy. ─── 持续的或者不明原因的声音嘶哑发生时,医生会进行一种叫做喉镜的检查。

37、LMA with OELM could improve the laryngeal views in patients with difficult laryngoscopy, and it would provide us with an easy and reliable option. ─── LMA+OELM联用能明显改善声门的显露程度,降低困难气管插管的难度,提高气管插管的成功率,为临床解决困难气管插管提供了一种新的选择。

38、suspension laryngoscopy ─── 悬吊喉镜检查

39、I have a friend who recently underwent a laryngoscopy. ─── 有位朋友最近做了喉镜检查。

40、direct laryngoscopy with drainage ─── 直接喉镜检查下引流术

41、Video laryngoscopy for diagnosis and treatment of diseases in ear, nose and throat ─── 电子喉镜在耳鼻咽喉疾病诊治中的应用

42、Tracheal Intubation under General Anesthesia in Patients with Difficult Laryngoscopy ─── 喉镜显露困难患者实施全身麻醉气管插管

43、Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with biopsy ─── 可屈光导纤维喉镜检查伴活组织检查

44、indirect laryngoscopy ─── 喉反射镜检查间接喉镜检查

45、Fibreoptic Nasal endoscopy;Fibreoptic Laryngoscopy; ─── - 应诊服务: Microscope ear procedure;

46、In our experience, direct flexible laryngoscopy is mandatory for all infants younger than one year of age presenting with stridor. ─── 以此经验来看,我们建议对于以喘鸣为表现的婴幼儿都应安排软式织维镜呼吸道检查,才能获得正确的诊断。

47、direct laryngoscopy ─── 喉直接镜检查直接喉镜检查

48、The patients underwent hearing test, indirect laryngoscopy or fiberoptic pharyngorhinoscopy, CT, and neoplasm pathologic observation. ─── 10例患者均经听力检测,同时进行间接鼻咽镜或纤维鼻咽镜、CT和新生物的病理学检查。

49、If hoaresness hoarseness continues for or the cause is unknown, doctors should perform an examinenation examination called " a laryngoscopy" . ─── 如果嗓子继续嘶哑或原因不详,医生应该做个喉镜检查。

50、Keywords Laryngoscopy;Otorhinolaryngologic Diseases;Hoarseness;Adenoids;Child; ─── 喉镜检查;耳鼻咽喉疾病;声嘶;增殖腺;儿童;

51、Direct laryngoscopy revealed narrowing of the glottis with diffuse ulcerative necrotic tissue. ─── 以直达式喉镜发现声门狭窄与广泛性溃疡坏死组识。

52、Low-temperature Plasma Radiofrequency Ablation under Electronic Laryngoscopy for Treatment of Lingual Tonsilar Hypertrophy ─── 电子喉镜下等离子低温消融治疗舌扁桃体肥大

53、Vocal fold abduction for bilateral vocal cord paralysis through the suspension laryngoscopy ─── 支撑喉镜下声带外展术治疗双侧声带麻痹的体会

54、Anesthesia Management of Operation of Children Under Bracket Laryngoscopy ─── 小儿支撑喉镜下手术的麻醉处理

55、laryngoscopy of newborn ─── 新生儿喉镜检查

56、Kindler CH, et all. Effects of intravenous idocaine and /or esmolol on hemodynamic responses to laryngoscopy and intubation[J] Clin Anesth 1996sep, 8(6): 491 -6. ─── 傅润乔,于亚洲,孙家骧等.乌拉地尔预防气管插管时心血管反应的观察[J].中华麻醉学杂志.1996,16(4):156-158.

57、If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown, doctors should perform an examination called a laryngoscopy. ─── 如果声音嘶哑一直在持续或是病因不明确,医生应该进行喉镜检查。

58、Doctor: A biopsy operation will be scheduled for you tomorrow morning. Please come here without taking any breakfast. A direct laryngoscopy will be done for you under local anesthesia. ─── 医生:明天早上我给你安排一个活检手术。在来院前请不要吃饭。将在局麻下给你做一个直接喉镜检查。

59、vaginal hysterectomy laryngoscopy ─── 喉镜检查

60、If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown.Doctor , doctors should perform an examination called a laryngoscopy. ─── 如果声音嘶哑持续下去或者原因不明,医生就应该实行一个叫喉镜的检查。

61、In addition, CT virtual laryngoscopy revealed the structure of subglottic region and distal portion of strictured airway from feet to head, which were not available in actual laryngoscopy. ─── 显示喉内病变的位置、范围与纤维喉镜所见类似,还可从足端入路观察到喉镜所看不到的狭窄远端和声门下区情况。

62、Keywords laryngeal tumor;computer-assistance;laryngoscopy;Helical CT; ─── 关键词喉肿瘤;计算机辅助;喉镜检查;螺旋CT;

63、Orotracheal intubation by direct laryngoscopy is somewhat contraindicated in a patient with partial transection of the trachea, because the procedure can cause complete tracheal transection and loss of the airway. ─── 直接喉镜下气管插管对已行部分气管切除的患者相对禁忌,因为气管插管步骤导致气管全部横断及气道损伤。

64、Conclusion CT virtual laryngoscopy is a good complemental method of fiber optic laryngoscopy. ─── 结论CT仿真内窥镜是纤维喉镜的很好补充手段,具有一定的发展潜力。

65、Keywords Functional dysphonia;Acoustic analysis;Areo-dynamics;Laryngoscopy; ─── 功能性发声障碍;声学分析;空气动力学;喉镜;

66、Thus, clinical signs, such as chest excursion, auscultation of lungs and oer the epigastrium, and direct laryngoscopy should be used as important confirmatory adjuncts. ─── 因此,临床征象如胸廓移位、肺部和上腹部听诊,直接喉镜检查应该如同CO2确认设备一样重要的使用。

67、Benett's laryngoscopy ─── 本尼特喉镜检查

68、Keywords remifentanil;fentanyl;homodynamics;suspension laryngoscopy;laryneal microsurgery; ─── 瑞芬太尼;芬太尼;血流动力学;支撑喉镜;喉显微手术;

69、Remoe the patient's upper and lower dentures, if present, immediately before laryngoscopy. ─── 插入喉镜前,如佩戴假牙者,应先取下全部假牙。

70、Methods 11 patients with adductor SD were treated by injection on both vocal cords each with 2.5U of BTA by direct laryngoscopy. ─── 方法在直接喉镜下于双侧声带近外侧甲杓肌处注射A型肉毒毒素各2 .5 U治疗内收性痉挛性发声障碍11例。

71、inderect laryngoscopy ─── 喉反射镜检查

72、Keywords Laryngoscopy;Vocal Cord Paralysis;Injections;Adipose Tissue; ─── 喉镜检查;声带麻痹;注射;脂肪组织;

73、direct laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy ─── 直接喉镜和支气管镜检查

74、LMA with OELM could improve the laryngeal views in patients with difficult laryngoscopy,and it would provide us with an easy and reliable option. ─── LMA +OELM联用能明显改善声门的显露程度,降低困难气管插管的难度,提高气管插管的成功率,为临床解决困难气管插管提供了一种新的选择。

75、Keywords Laryngeal diseases;Computer|assisted;Laryngoscopy;Spiral CT; ─── 关键词喉疾病;计算机辅助;喉镜检查;螺旋CT;

76、The relatively large size of the infant's tongue in relation to the oropharynx increases the likelihood of airway obstruction and technical difficulties during laryngoscopy. ─── 婴儿的舌头相对口咽腔大,增加了呼吸道梗阻和喉镜检时技术上的难度;

77、Keywords Child;Laryngoscopy;Voice sulus;Anaesthesia; ─── 关键词儿童;喉镜;声带沟;麻醉;

78、Laryngoscopy revealed vocal fold edema and laryngeal stenosis. ─── 喉镜检查显示声带水肿、喉管狭窄;

79、Compared studies of laryngeal condyloma acuminatum with CT and direct laryngoscopy ─── 喉尖锐湿疣的CT表现与直接喉镜检查对照分析

80、If hoarseness continues or the cause is unknown, doctor doctors should perform the an examination called a laryngoscopy. ─── 如果嘶哑症不明原因的一直持续,医生应该进行喉镜检查。

81、Methods:gleaned 321 cases in indirect laryngoscopy or nasal endoscopic microwave hyperthermia treatment of vocal polyps or nodules summary of the clinical data for analysis. ─── 方法对321例在间接喉镜或鼻内镜下微波热凝治疗声带息肉或小结病例资料进行分析。

82、Keywords Hypopharynx;Larynx;Foreign bodies;Laryngoscopy; ─── 下咽;喉;异物;喉镜检查;

83、Laryngoscopy via Macintosh Blade versus GlideScope: Success Rate and Time for Endotracheal Intubation in Untrained Medical Personnel. ─── 人工线性稳定会增加直接喉镜检查和经口腔气管插管使用喉镜窥视片时导致的压力。

84、Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with stroboscopy ─── 可屈光导纤维喉镜检查伴动态镜检查

85、Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy ─── 可屈光导纤维喉镜检查

86、Clinical application of Remifentanil to Suspensive Laryngoscopy Vocal Cords surgery ─── 瑞芬太尼在支撑喉镜声带手术中的临床应用

87、Jackson's laryngoscopy ─── 杰克逊喉镜检查

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