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lithic 发音

英:['lɪθɪk]  美:['lɪθɪk]

英:  美:

lithic 中文意思翻译



lithic 短语词组

1、lithic acid ─── [医] 尿酸

2、lithic contact ─── 石质接触面

3、lithic drainage ─── 岩石排水

4、-lithic ─── [考古学]表示石器时代某时期的

lithic 词性/词形变化,lithic变形

名词复数: lithiases |

lithic 相似词语短语

1、alethic ─── adj.真势模态的;逻辑可能性的

2、lithite ─── 钙结核

3、lithify ─── 岩化

4、lithemic ─── 石质的

5、Eolithic ─── adj.原始石器时代的;n.原始石器时代

6、litchis ─── n.荔枝;荔枝果;荔枝树

7、-lithic ─── adj.石的;膀胱结石的;锂的

8、lecithic ─── adj.有卵黄的(等于lecithal)

9、lithia ─── n.[无化]氧化锂;锂氧

lithic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、second is channel depositional sequence consisting of mudstone and lens-shaped lithic quatz sandstone or gray wake; ─── 二为由泥质岩与岩屑石英(杂)砂岩透镜体(层)构成的水道沉积序列;

2、lithic sandstone ─── 石质砂岩

3、lithic drainage ─── 地下水系

4、Probe into Building the Mixed Forests in the Lithic Taihang Mountain Areas ─── 太行山石质山区营造混交林浅探

5、The associations of pore in the Chang 8 reservoir mainly includes remnant intergranular pores, feldspathic intragranular dissolved pores and a few lithic intragranular dissolved pores; ─── 2.长8储层的孔隙组合主要为剩余粒间孔+长石溶孔+少量岩屑溶孔;

6、The types of sandstone reservoirs are arkose and lithic arkose.The main diagenesis includes the compaction, cementation of authigenic minerals and dissolution. ─── 储集层砂岩类型为长石砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩,成岩作用主要有机械压实、自生矿物的胶结作用和溶蚀作用。

7、lithic contact ─── 母质层

8、lithic technique ─── 石器技术

9、Discovery and Study of the Neo - lithic Archaeo logic Culture in Guyuan ─── 固原新石器考古文化的发现与研究

10、Lithic Materials And Paleolithic Societies ─── 石材料与旧石器社会

11、The reservoir lithology of oil bearing Huagang formation on Sudi structural belt in Xihu depression is mainly lithic arkose,feldspathic litharenite and feldspathic quartzitic sandstone. ─── 西湖凹陷苏堤构造带花港组油层储集岩主要为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩、长石石英砂岩,岩屑含量较少,岩石成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较高。

12、lithic reptosol ─── 薄层基岩磐土

13、The Jurassi reservoir in Wu-Xia area is dominated by lithic sandstone and feldspathic litharenite under alluvial fan, fan delta and braided river sedimentary environments. ─── 摘要乌夏地区侏罗系储集层主要是冲积尾、扇三角洲及辫状河沉积环境下形成的岩屑砂岩及长石岩屑砂岩。

14、The reservoir in middle and upper part of Qiketai formation is mainly composed of lithic sandstone, which is the first lithologic section. ─── 七克台组中上部储集层以岩屑砂岩为主,属于第一岩性段。

15、The paper find out the lithic reson and resolvent by testing, analysing and following up the product process. ─── 通过测试分析和追踪生产,找出了结石产生的原因和解决办法。

16、Reservoir lithological character takes lithic sandstone and feldspathic lithic sandstone as main component; ─── 储层岩性以岩屑砂岩和长石质岩屑砂岩为主;

17、The reservoir in middle and upper part of Qiketai formation is mainly composed of lithic sandstone, which is the first lithologic section. ─── 七克台组中上部储集层以岩屑砂岩为主,属于第一岩性段。

18、The present research on the Donggutuo lithic industry leads to a possible new interpretation of the patterns of cultural development between the East and the West of the Old World. ─── “东谷坨石核”的创意反映了人类对环境变化的较强适应力和石器制作者智力已有相当发展的程度。

19、lithic slope ─── 石质边坡

20、The lithic fragment content is not noly high but also many types, including volcanic detritus, quartz lithic, phyllite, schist and so on. ─── 岩屑含量可高达40%,岩屑类型多样,除火山岩屑外,还有石英岩、千枚岩、片岩等岩屑类型。

21、subfeldspathic lithic arenite ─── 亚长石质岩屑砂屑岩

22、Lithic Artifacts ─── 石制品

23、Lithic associations composed chiefly of quartzose sandstones were developed in delta plains and delta distributary channels with good physical properties to provide available reservoir space. ─── 以石英砂岩为主的岩性组合主要形成于三角洲平原及三角洲前缘分流河道,物性好,提供了良好的储集空间。

24、The pyroclastic rocks dominated by crystal debris, lithic intra-dissolution pore and volcanic ash devitrified pore consist mostly of tuff, tuffite and volcanic breccia; ─── 火山碎屑岩主要为凝灰岩、沉凝灰岩和火山角砾岩:熔岩类主要为安山岩和玄武岩。

25、The main conclusions are as follows: 1.The sandstones of Yanchang Formation in the south of Ordos basin mainly composed of lithic feldspathic sandstone and feldspathic sandstone. ─── 主要取得以下成果和认识:1.延长组砂岩储层主要为细粒的岩屑质长石砂岩和长石砂岩,总体上成份成熟度较低、结构成熟度中等。

26、By path snaky but on, can see gold melon lithic a corner. ─── 由小路蜿蜒而上,可以看到金瓜石的一隅。

27、Curve analysis on non lithic obstruction renography ─── 非结石性梗阻肾图曲线分析

28、The Refitted Lithic Artefacts from the Open-air Sites in the Luonan Basin, China ─── 洛南盆地旷野旧石器地点群石制品的拼合观察

29、The standstone reservoir in the Upper Paleozoic Shan32 of Zizhou-Qingjian area is domoninated first by quartz sandstone and next by lithic sandstone and lithoclastic quartz sandstone. ─── 鄂尔多斯盆地子洲-清涧地区上古生界山32段砂岩储层以石英砂岩为主,其次为岩屑质石英砂岩和岩屑砂岩。

30、51. The cower unit of the Eagle is a wellsorted lithic and glauconitic marine sandstone. ─── 伊格尔砂岩的下部单元是分选良好的岩屑质和海相海绿石质。

31、The Jurassic sandstone reservoirs in Fudong Slope, Jungar Basin, are various fine_graded lithic sandstones deposited in a fluvial environment. ─── 准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系砂岩储层为河流环境下形成的各类细粒岩屑砂岩。

32、The Bose lithic industry of 0.80 Ma B.P. in Guangxi show us the features of Acheulean-like technology. ─── 距今 8 0万年以手斧为特色的广西百色石器工业 ,展示了与西方阿舍利文化相似的技术面貌。

33、Keywords developing prospect;lithic trap;liberatural gas;quaternary;shallow gas;Kunming basin; ─── 开发远景;岩性圈闭;生物气;第四系;浅层天然气;云南昆明盆地;

34、Application of Seed-Nutriment-Soil Sacks to Ecological Protection of Lithic Slope of Expressway ─── 植生袋在高速公路石质边坡生态防护中的应用

35、The factors which affect the pore structure and reservoir's capability of this gas pool are lithic facies, lithology conditions, and deagenesis. ─── 影响蓬莱镇组气藏储层孔隙结构及储集性的因素有岩相、岩性条件及成岩作用。

36、Laparoscopy in treating incarcerated lithic cholecystitis ─── 结石嵌顿性胆囊炎腹腔镜的手术处理

37、The cardium sandstone is lithic, being composed of grains of chert, quartz, quartzite, silicified argillite , and other rock fragments. ─── 卡迪砂岩是岩屑砂岩,由燧石,石英、石英岩、硅化泥板岩和其它岩石碎屑颗粒所组成。

38、Detrital component of reservoirs are main lithic fragment and quartz without feldspar. ─── 储层碎屑成分以岩屑和石英为主,几乎不含长石。

39、The research shows that Shan_2~3, main reservoir rock type is quartzose standstone, that of He_8~1, is lithic sandstone and Heg_8~2, rock type is nearly single lithic sandstone. ─── 研究区山西组山_2~3段储集层岩石类型主要为石英砂岩,下石盒子组盒_8~1段岩石类型主要为岩屑砂岩,盒_8~2段岩石类型几乎全为岩屑砂岩。

40、lithic tuff ─── 石质凝灰岩

41、lithic facies ─── 岩相

42、Reservoir rock of Jurassic and lower Cretaceous in Beishan Basin group is mainly feldspathic litharenite and lithic arkose,Secondly is lithic sandstone,Both mineral and textural maturity are poor. ─── 北山盆地群侏罗系和下白垩统砂岩储层主要属长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩,其次为岩屑砂岩,成分和结构成熟度均较低;

43、The reservoirs have the medium texture maturity and lower maturity composition.Reservoir lithology is mainly feldspathic litharenite, feldspar quartz sandstone, lithic feldspar sandstone. ─── 研究区须家河储层岩石类型呈现结构成熟度中等,成份成熟度较低的特点,以岩屑长石砂岩、长石石英砂岩和长石岩屑砂岩为主;

44、The reservoir is mainly composed of lithic arkoses, some lithic feldspathic sandstones, and feldspathic litharenite sandstones. ─── 本区储层岩性以岩屑长石砂岩为主,部分为岩屑质长石砂岩和长石质岩屑砂岩。

45、The main types of clastic sandstones are feldspathic litharenite and lithic arkose in the Cretaceous of the Songliao basin. ─── 松辽盆地白垩系砂岩以长石岩屑砂岩和岩屑长石砂岩为特征。

46、Purpose: Used in lithic-grease, alkaline storage batteries, corrosion-resisting zincic pigment etc. As being absorbent of carbon dioxide. ─── 用途:是锂基润滑脂,碱性蓄电池,耐腐蚀锌基染料等产品的重要添加剂,也可作二氧化碳吸附剂。

47、the thickness of sedimentary formation and lithic facies were different on the simultaneous lateral layer of growth fault; ─── 构造活动导致沉积体系的发育有显著的差异;

48、lithic graywacke ─── 石质杂砂岩

49、Results The secondary porosity was chief pore type,consisting of dissolving pores in the lithic fragment,colloidal substance and sedimentation rock fragment. ─── 结果该盆地碎屑储集体中次生孔隙类型有,胶结物的溶蚀孔、长石颗粒溶孔和岩屑溶孔;

50、The reservoir of Shahai Formation in Kerkang oilfield is mainly composed of lithic sandstone and sandyconglomerate. ─── 科尔康油田沙海组储集层的岩石类型主要为岩屑砂岩和岩屑砂砾岩。

51、Lowstand is characterized by basin margin-downslope miscellaneous lithic turbidites,and gravity flow is relatively less in shelf marginal systems. ─── 低水位期以盆缘-下斜坡混屑浊积岩为特征,陆棚边缘体系域中重力流相对较少;

52、Clinical analysis of lithic cholecystitis with hepatic lesions in 600 cases ─── 结石性胆囊炎合并肝功能损害600例分析


54、The Toutunhe sandstone reservoir in Niuquanhu area of Santanghu oilfield is mainly lithic sandstone,with an average porosity of 19. ─── 吐哈油区三塘湖油田牛圈湖区头屯河组砂岩储层主要为岩屑砂岩,平均孔隙度为19。

55、lithic acid ─── [医] 尿酸

56、Ceramic and Lithic Analysis for Archaeologists MA ─── 考古陶器和石器分析

57、Condusions The secondary porosity existed in the volcano lithic fragment mostly as well as in the colloidal substance and sedimentation rock fragment. ─── 油气储集体中次生孔隙占有重要地位,对油气的储集、渗流起主导作用。

58、lithic angiocholitis ─── 结石性胆管炎

59、lithic facies analysis ─── 岩相分析

60、The flourish of the Shanghai lithic material ─── 上海石材业蓬勃发展

61、The reservoir lithology of oil bearing Huagang formation on Sudi structural belt in Xihu depression is mainly lithic arkose, feldspathic litharenite and feldspathic quartzitic sandstone. ─── 摘要西湖凹陷苏堤构造带花港组油层储集岩主要为岩屑长石砂岩、长石岩屑砂岩、长石石英砂岩,岩屑含量较少,岩石成分成熟度和结构成熟度均较高。

62、Later, on the basis of local lithic culture, the iron and bronze cultures of Central Asia all absorbed elements from Indo-Europeans who migrated from the north shore of the Black Sea and Caspian Sea. ─── 以后,中亚青铜时代文化和铁器文化在本地石器文化的基础上,都加入了从黑海和里海北岸迁徙来的印欧种人的因素。

63、This gas field locates in Chuanxi sag, Sichan basin.Reservoir lithology is mainly brown-gray, gray and gray-green with granule lithic sandstone and lithic quartz sandstone. ─── 摘要该气田处于四川盆地川西坳陷上,储层岩性主要为褐灰色、灰色、灰绿色细粒岩屑砂岩和岩屑石英砂岩;

64、Objective To investigate the value and curative effect of laparoscopic cholecystectomy with common bile duct exploring in the treatment of lithic cholecystitis with common bile duct stones. ─── 目的探讨腹腔镜胆囊切除、胆道探查术治疗结石性胆囊炎合并胆总管结石的疗效和应用价值。

65、Results The secondary porosity was chief pore type, consisting of dissolving pores in the lithic fragment, colloidal substance and sedimentation rock fragment. ─── 结果该盆地碎屑储集体中次生孔隙类型有,胶结物的溶蚀孔、长石颗粒溶孔和岩屑溶孔;

66、lithic sublabile arenite ─── 岩屑亚稳定砂屑岩

67、The cardium sandstone is lithic, being composed of grains of chert, quartz, quartzite, silicified argillite, and other rock fragments ─── 卡迪砂岩是岩屑砂岩,由燧石,石英、石英岩、硅化泥板岩和其它岩石碎屑颗粒所组成。

68、lithic subgrade slope ─── 石质路基边坡

69、The Eogene reservoir is mainly composed of arkose, the Mesozoic reservoir is mainly composed of lithic arkose. ─── 中生界储集层主要为岩屑质长石砂岩。

70、lithic conjunctivitis ─── (结)石性结膜炎

71、The results show that the Interval 6 of Yanchang Formation is composed of lithic feldspathic sandstones, feldspathic lithic sandstones and feldspathic sandstones. ─── 研究结果表明长6油层组浊积岩的岩石类型为长石岩屑砂岩、岩屑长石砂岩和长石砂岩;

72、lithic pulse ─── 石脉

73、The cower unit of the eagle is a well sorted lithic and glauconitic marine sandstone. ─── 砂岩的下部单元是分选良好的岩屑质和海相海绿石质。

74、Analysis of pathologic changes in mucous membrane of gallbladder in patients with lithic cholecystitis ─── 结石性胆囊炎患者胆囊粘膜病变分析

75、Lithology of Tertiary oil bearing reservoir in Taibei Sag is mainly fine sandstone and petrological types are mainly lithic arkose and hybrid sandstone. ─── 台北凹陷第三系含油储层岩性以细砂岩为主,岩石学类型以岩屑长石砂岩和混合砂岩为主,含气储层岩性以砂砾岩为主,岩石学类型为岩屑砂砾岩。

76、Silica lithic column ─── 硅胶整体柱

77、The cower unit of the Eagle is a well sorted lithic and glauconitic marine sandstone. ─── 伊格尔砂岩的下部单元是分选良好的岩屑质和海相海绿石质。

78、lithic technology ─── 石器工业

79、It was shown that the rock types of the reservoir are lithic arkose and arkose, Which are characterized by low composition maturity and high textural maturity. ─── 该层段储层岩石类型主要为岩屑长石砂岩和长石砂岩,成分成熟度低,结构成熟度高;

80、Keywords Sudan;Gebeit gold mine;gold mineralization;sheared zone;fine lithic tufls; ─── 苏丹;洁化特金矿;金矿化;剪切带;细粒岩屑凝灰岩;

81、Detrital component of reservoirs are main lithic fragment and quartz without feldspar. ─── 储层碎屑成分以岩屑和石英为主,几乎不含长石。

82、lithic community ─── 石生群落(动)

83、Study of Three Gorges Shishuling Lithic Sand Concrete Perfrmance and Its Application ─── 三峡古树岭石屑砂混凝土性能研究及应用

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