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09-19 投稿


scathing 发音

英:['skeɪðɪŋ]  美:['skeðɪŋ]

英:  美:

scathing 中文意思翻译



scathing 网络释义

adj. 严厉的;损伤的v. 损伤;伤害(scathe的ing形式)

scathing 短语词组

1、scathing column ─── 尖刻的柱子

2、scathing review ─── 严厉的审查

3、scathing precision ─── 苛刻的精度

4、scathing op ─── 尖刻的行动

5、scathing denunciation ─── 严厉谴责

6、scathing about ─── 严厉批评

7、scathing criticism ─── 严厉的批评

scathing 词性/词形变化,scathing变形

副词: scathingly |

scathing 相似词语短语

1、scatting ─── v.用拟声唱法唱;走开(scat的现在分词)

2、scathingly ─── adv.尖刻地;严厉地;伤害地

3、scaithing ─── 散射

4、-bathing ─── n.沐浴;游泳;洗海水澡;v.洗浴(bath的现在进行式)

5、scything ─── n.长柄大镰刀;钐刀;vt.用大镰刀割

6、skaithing ─── 斯凯廷

7、-swathing ─── v.(用某物)裹,包围(swathe的现在分词);n.带子,绷带;包装品

8、swathing ─── v.(用某物)裹,包围(swathe的现在分词);n.带子,绷带;包装品

9、sheathing ─── n.防护物;外壳;入鞘;v.使入鞘;覆盖(sheathe的ing形式)

scathing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Nor, however, was it met with the sort of scathing rebuke that was once obligatory. ─── 但他的举动仍不受中国人民的欢迎,也没有引起中国一向以来强烈的谴责。

2、Not all City folk have been so scathing. ─── 不是所有的伦敦银行家都这么毫不留情。

3、His father was greatly displeased by the marks andwrote a scathing letter predicting his son's future to be that of a“wastrel” leading a futile life . ─── 他父亲对他的分数十分不满,写了一封尖刻的信,预言他的儿子将是一个一事无成的“饭桶”。

4、He is equally scathing of anyone who dismisses his own role. ─── 对于忽视他的地位的人他也会同样还以颜色。

5、Indissoluble as a result of consider carefully among them, fatigue tired is excessive, scathing heart is lienal and those who come on is more. ─── 其中由于思虑不解,劳倦过度,损伤心脾而发病的较多。

6、his razor-sharp wit was both scathing and hilarious. ─── 他敏锐机智,说话刻薄而令人捧腹。

7、Republicans said many of those amendments were technical, and they were scathing in their criticism of the bill approved by the health committee. ─── 共和党人说许多修正案是很科学,他们对这个法案所作出的尖刻的批评是由健康委员会核准的。

8、Lesley Stahl got a quick tutorial in that when she did a scathing report on the Reagan budget cuts and expected rebuke from the White House. ─── 莱斯利斯塔尔了在这个快速教程时,她做了里根削减预算,并从白宫预计训斥严厉报告。

9、Accustom to the attitude scathing ─── 习惯于态度严厉

10、Analyze and Survey the Taekwondo Athletes'Anklebone Scathing ─── 对跆拳道运动员踝关节损伤的调查分析

11、His article is, predictably, a scathing attack on capitalism. ─── 可以预见,他的文章会是对资本主义的猛烈抨击。

12、He not only stopped me but let off a stream of scathing abuse. ─── 他不仅不让我过去,还狠狠骂了我一通。

13、a scathing remark, rebuke, etc ─── 严厉的言语﹑ 指责等

14、Scathing attacks on Clinton's character ─── 对克林顿的品德进行苛刻的攻击。

15、He fearlessly denounced hypocrisy, unbelief, and iniquity, but tears were in His voice as He uttered His scathing rebukes. ─── 但总能无所畏惧地痛斥伪善、不信和罪孽。不过,当他发出这种严厉责备时,话语中总是带著悲悯的声调。

16、He perfected and established the alexandrine as the classic form in French for scathing satire, elegiac tenderness, and tragic passion. ─── 他改进并确立了亚历山大诗体,使之成为表达尖刻讽刺、哀怨情怀、悲凄激情的经典形式。

17、To make a scathing verbal or written attack ─── 严厉谴责:进行严厉的口头地或书面地攻击

18、She's very capable of dishing out scathing criticism toward politicians. ─── 她非常善于抨击政客。

19、Fauchery, a journalist and publisher who falls for Nana early on, writes a scathing article about her later, and falls for her again and is ruined financially; ─── 她也是一名慈母,去姑妈家里看望儿子小路易,却感染天花,病死在一家旅馆,这时正是第二帝国即将在普法战争中崩溃。

20、I think such a scathing attack on my idea was not necessary. ─── 我觉得没有必要这么尖刻地抨击我的想法。

21、He expounded his viewpoint with superb style and scathing wit ─── 他总是以高雅的风格和尖刻的妙语来阐述他的观点。

22、He was scathing about the government's performance. ─── 他尖锐地批评了政府的表现。

23、Abstract: To investigate whether Schwann Cells (SCs) and fibronectin (FN) could promote the function recovery of scathing spinal cords in adult rats. ─── 文摘:目的:观察雪旺细胞和纤连蛋白对大鼠损伤的脊髓功能的影响。

24、Don't think before having a boss your boss is scathing, but the boss have no tenure restriction; ─── 在有老板前别认为你老板严厉,而老板是没有任期限制的;

25、Some of the remarks were scathing. ─── 有些意见很严厉.

26、Some scathing comments were heard from visitors. ─── 从来宾那听到了一些尖刻的批评。

27、a scathing tract on the uselessness of war(bPierre Brodin) ─── 对战争无用性进行严厉批评的小册子(b皮尔·布罗丁)

28、Republican senators were scathing in their criticism of today's hearing. ─── 共和党参议员们对今天听证会的批评很尖锐。

29、He let the hapless Germans talks, then crushed them with scathing, often witty abuse ─── 他只是在倒霉的德国广播中机智地插进些讽刺、苛刻的攻击。

30、5.in a scathing and unsparing manner. ─── 以严厉、无情的方式。

31、Scathing behavior of adhesive material at space ─── 在空间环境因素作用下胶接材料的损伤行为

32、A scathing review of a new book ─── 对一本新书的尖锐评论.

33、"This week, with the release of a scathing investigating committee report and a strident chorus of calls for his departure, it became clear that Wolfowitz was fighting a battle that could not be won. ─── 他如今的抱怨是一种机会主义做法,并带有政治议程的意味。

34、In the first few days of the uprising, a person using the name of Jigme Namgyal started writing scathing articles in the Chinese language, critical of Beijing's Tibet policy. ─── 在抗议开始不久,一个以晋美朗嘉为笔名的人,开始用中文写出对北京的涉藏政策相当犀利的批评文章。

35、China has erected myriad barriers to European firms, notes a scathing new audit of EU-China relations by the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), a think-tank. ─── 注意到欧洲外交关系理事会(ECFR)智囊团的最近一个关于中欧关系的严厉的评估中提到,中国给欧洲公司设立了无数壁垒。

36、his scathing remarks about silly lady novelists; her vituperative railing. ─── 他对愚蠢的女小说家的刻薄评论;她刻毒的咒骂。

37、scathing criticism ─── 尖刻的评论

38、The Brazilian playmaker then launched a scathing attack on Juventus' general manager Beppe Marotta yesterday for not being clear with him. ─── 这名巴西前腰在昨天猛烈抨击了尤文总经理贝佩。马洛塔,他认为这名转会巨头的思路并不清晰。

39、So far, critics have been divided on the value of the new form, with some issuing scathing reviews, calling it a cheapening of literature. ─── 简讯小说这种新形式的作品到底价值何在,论者见仁见智,有些人的批判十分尖酸刻薄,认为这是一种廉价文学。

40、This executive had become angry with his employees and sent a scathing email to his senior managers, belittling the work ethic of the staff. ─── 这个总裁对他的员工很生气,就发了一封电子邮件严苛地批评他的资深经理们,藐视工作伦理。

41、She produced a scathing report and said that because the government had said that pensions were protected by law, everybody should get the pension that they were entitled to. ─── 她发布了一份尖锐的报告,声称因为政府有言在先,退休金制度是受法律保护的,因此每个由法律确定其具有资格的人都因该享有。

42、(on, upon) a scathing satire on sb ─── 对某人尖锐的讽刺

43、And if I have a bad game, I don't receive a scathing critique from her. ─── 而当我打的很差的时候,祖母并不会批评我。

44、Effect of cysteamine on lymphocyte DNA scathing of aging model mice ─── 半胱胺对衰老小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞DNA损伤的影响

45、To make a scathing oral or written attack against. ─── 抨击对(某人)严厉的口头地或书面地攻击

46、Objective To probe into the effective measures in order to recede the scathing rate of brain in conversible training. ─── 目的探讨有效的干预措施,降低后倒训练中颅脑损伤的发生率。

47、scathing comment ─── 尖刻的批评

48、a scathing attack on the government's policies ─── 对政府政策的猛烈抨击

49、Oral cavity is the entrance of enteron, scathing hind often makes oral cavity loses normal function, happen take food, the functional obstacle such as the language. ─── 口腔又是消化道的入口,损伤后常使口腔失去正常功能,发生进食、语言等功能障碍。

50、To investigate whether Schwann Cells (SCs) and fibronectin (FN) could promote the function recovery of scathing spinal cords in adult rats. ─── 目的:观察雪旺细胞和纤连蛋白对大鼠损伤的脊髓功能的影响。

51、Ecclestone, however, is not scathing of Dennis, in fact he believes the 61-year-old should be knighted by the Queen. ─── 埃克莱斯顿,但是,没有严厉的丹尼斯,事实上,他认为61岁的应当被封为爵士由女王.

52、On April 3rd, 2001 MPs launched a scathing attack on the approach taken by insurers to genetic testing against a background of public fears about the creation of a "genetic underclass". ─── 下议院议员于 2001年4月3日发起了一场针对承保人采取遗传基因检测的猛烈抨击,以平息公众对制造一种“遗传基因低等”做法的恐惧。

53、Scathing limits can involve the Xiaoguan between film of muscle, ligament, muscle, vertebra joint of Qia of section, Di or lumbar Di joint. ─── 损伤的范围可涉及肌肉、韧带、筋膜、椎间小关节、骶髂关节或腰骶关节。

54、He made a scathing attack on the statement. ─── 他对那声明进行了严厉的抨击。

55、1.severe; harsh; stern; heavy; astringent; stiff 2.severely3.(of criticism, etc.) biting; blistering; scathing ─── 严厉

56、Kubica, returning to the Hungaroring circuit where he made his Formula One debut last year as a stand-in for Canadian Jacques Villeneuve, was scathing about Heidfeld after the Nurburgring incident. ─── “显然你同时解决了车手间的问题,不过主要的目的还是在将来避免重蹈覆辙这件事上达成共识。”

57、Her speech was a scathing indictment of the government's record on crime. ─── 她的演讲强烈指责了政府在犯罪问题上的表现。

58、They were particularly scathing about the lack of safeguards. ─── 对于缺乏安全措施的评价尤其尖锐。

59、But the move was not well received in China.Nor, however, was it met with the sort of scathing rebuke that was once obligatory. ─── 但这一举动仍然不能被中国接受,不过却也没有受到从前那种如家常便饭似的严厉指责。

60、On sports director Pedja Mijatovic, Helguera was equally as scathing: "He isn't qualified to be a sports director. ─── 对于体育总监米贾托维奇,埃尔格拉是同样严厉的:“他没有资格做一个体育总监。

61、Gu Dexin actually had some very good things to say about those, albeit in the context of a scathing critique of authoritarianism at Galleria Continua earlier this summer. ─── 今年夏天早些时候,尽管顾德新在常青画廊尖刻地批评独裁,事实上他对此谈了一些非常好的东西。

62、A scathing remark,rebuke,etc ─── 严厉的言语、指责等

63、Mr. Alexander launched a scathing attack on Labour's campaign tactics. ─── 亚历山大先生对工党的竞选策略发起猛烈进攻。

64、Press TV frequently criticizes the U. S. and British governments in its news bulletins and its criticism of Israel is invariably scathing. ─── 伊朗国际新闻电视台(PressTV)常常在它的新闻报道中抨击美国政府和英国政府,同时也总是严厉指责以色列。

65、a scathing tract on the uselessness of war(Pierre Brodin) ─── 对战争无用性进行严厉批评的小册子(皮尔·布罗丁)

66、Yet their book was a scathing critique of the radicals and the revolutionaries. ─── 然而他们的新书却对激进分子和革命者进行了严厉的批判。

67、Admiring readers and critics are at a loss to understand how anyone could miss the scathing irony that glitters through these lines. ─── 赞赏马克.吐温的读者和评论家简直难以理解,怎会有人看不出字里行间闪现的辛辣的反讽。

68、Former Italy and Lazio legend Giuseppe Signori has launched a scathing attack on Roberto Donadoni claiming the Azzurri coach has no courage following the Azzurri's exit from Euro 2008. ─── 前意大利和拉齐奥传奇巨星西格诺里,日前抨击了多纳多尼,声称蓝衫军团之所以在08欧锦赛被淘汰出局,和主帅的保守打法脱不了干系。

69、4.Indeed, the most scathing criticism that could be leveled at the American auto industry would be to say that it was mortgaging the future by scrimping on new-product development. ─── 的确,对美国汽车工业所能提出的最严峻的批评将是:由于在发展新产品方面的紧缩而丧失了未来的掌握。

70、A scathing remark ─── 刺伤人的话

71、scathing attack ─── 严厉的抨击

72、The scathing editorial simply boils down to an exercise in partisan politics. ─── 措词强烈的社论可以简单地归结为政党政治的纲领

73、A scathing indictment of dear old dad. ─── 对亲爱的老父亲的严厉指控。

74、She is not making fun of Dudley because he's fat, but she is scathing in her description of his laziness and his addiction to television. ─── 她没有因为达力胖而取笑他,而是在描述中严厉批评了达力的怠惰以及对电视的沉溺。

75、Below inflammation and scathing requirement, the cell that fasten film is proliferous, companion has increase of the matrix that fasten film. ─── 在炎症和损伤条件下,系膜细胞增殖,伴有系膜基质增多。

76、(The 3) influence to masticatory flesh: Inchoate scathing performance is muscle function hyperfunction, muscle is excessive activity, potential heighten, cause ache. ─── (3)对咀嚼肌的影响:早期的损伤表现为肌肉功能亢进,肌肉过度活动,电位增高,引起疼痛。

77、She always says such scathing words that no one likes to deal with her. ─── 她的刺儿话可多了,大家都不愿意招惹她。

78、In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a scathing denunciation of US hegemony, fearing the shield would stoke an "inevitable arms race". ─── 作为回应,俄国总统普京对美国霸权行为发表了措辞严厉的谴责。他担心这将引发“不可避免的军备竞赛。”

79、"a scathing tract on the uselessness of war" (Pierre Brodin) ─── “对战争无用性进行严厉批评的小册子”(皮尔·布罗丁)

80、scathing critique ─── 严厉批评

81、When seventeen-year-old Bernard Profitendieu discovered an old love letter of his mother's and realized that he was an illegitimate son, he left a scathing letter for the man whom he had considered his real father and ran away from home. ─── 伯纳德·普罗菲恩迪在十七岁那一年无意中发现了母亲多年前的一封情书,才知道自己是个私生子。于是他给自己一直奉为父亲的人留下一封言语尖刻的信,便离家出走了。

82、The 16th-century Italian painter Caravaggio received scathing criticism in his day for depicting people of the Bible as common. ─── 十六世纪意大利画家卡拉瓦乔因为将圣经人物画得太为平凡,在当时遭受强烈的抨击。

83、3, the president behave kind amicability, but on involving a serious matter him to then consider the case as it stands not to speak affection to us even will be very scathing. ─── 3、校长为人和蔼友善,但一涉及正经事他便对我们就事论事不讲感情,甚至会很严厉。

84、The U.N.Human Rights Council endured years of scathing criticism from the Bush administration. ─── 联合国人权理事会一直以来受到布什政府的严厉批评。

85、his scathing remarks about silly lady novelists; her vituperative railing ─── 他对愚蠢的女小说家的刻薄评论;她刻毒的咒骂

86、Also should avoid to retroflexion alone mattess, in order to avoid factitious Shi Li undeserved, and scathing body and mattess. ─── 也要避免单独翻转床垫,以避免人为施力不当,而损伤身体和床垫。

87、Still remember, on the beginning forum, see you write to my so-called"novel" of comment, scathing win wear deeply sincerity and amicability. ─── 犹记得,初上论坛,看到你给我所谓“小说”写的评语,严厉中透着真诚和友善。

88、He is a canny, theologically conservative populist, whose scathing references to Jews and homosexuals have made him persona non grata in America and, as of 2008, Britain. ─── 他是一位谨慎的、神学上保守的平民主义者。他对犹太人和同性恋者严厉尖刻的言论使他在美国并从2008年起在英国成为不受欢迎的人。

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