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09-19 投稿


lakh 发音

英:[læk]  美:[læk]

英:  美:

lakh 中文意思翻译



lakh 词性/词形变化,lakh变形


lakh 相似词语短语

1、lacks ─── n.缺乏,不足;v.缺乏,不足,没有;需要;n.(Lack)(美、德)拉克(人名)

2、lakhs ─── n.(印)十万;十万卢比;多数;adj.十万的

3、lash ─── vt.鞭打;冲击;摆动;扎捆;煽动;讽刺;vi.鞭打;猛击;急速甩动;n.鞭打;睫毛;鞭子;责骂;讽刺;n.(Lash)人名;(英)拉希

4、lath ─── n.板条;瘦人;vt.给…钉板条;n.(Lath)人名;(老)拉

5、Balkh ─── n.大夏(今巴尔克,阿富汗北部城镇)

6、lah ─── n.拉(大调音阶的第六个音);n.(Lah)(美、马来西亚、印尼、德)拉赫(人名)

7、lake ─── n.湖;深红色颜料;胭脂红;vt.(使)血球溶解;vi.(使)血球溶解;n.(Lake)人名;(德、塞、瑞典)拉克;(英)莱克

8、laky ─── adj.湖泊的;深红色的;n.(Laky)人名;(匈)洛基

9、lack- ─── n.缺乏,不足;v.缺乏,不足,没有;需要;n.(Lack)(美、德)拉克(人名)

lakh 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、China's massive military presence across the border estimated at 3 lakh troops. ─── 我国大规模的军事存在跨越边界估计在3万人。

2、Over two lakh children live in places you can never imagine. ─── 超过二十万个孩子住在你永远无法想象的地方。

3、SBI used to offer SME loans up to Rs 5 Leah for 8.5-10.5 percent and loans of Rs 5-25 lakh for 9-11 percent. ─── 印度国家银行为中小企业提供贷款。过去的利率为:贷款5万卢比为8.5-10.5%,贷款万卢比5-25万卢比为9-11%。

4、With over one lakh consultants and a plan to triple the sales in the next five years, the Swedish company has set its focus on India. ─── 在印度拥有超过10万多的顾问,并计划在未来5年内增长3倍的销售,瑞典公司已经将其重点放在印度。

5、intrested in KDC-A05-A switch. require 1 sample and quote for 3 lakh switches per annum. ─── 直接要样品,什么都没问,对方只有电子邮件,电话,传真,可信么?感觉太不可靠

6、State Trading Corporation, which is importing wheat on behalf of the government, today received bids worth 5.3 lakh tons at 385-434 dollars per ton for its global tender to import the food grain. ─── 代表政府进口小麦的国际贸易公司向全球招标进口粮食,今天投标进口小麦53万吨,每吨价值385-434美元。

7、“ Over two lakh children live in places you can never imagine. ─── ”有超过二十万的儿童,他们的居所是你永远想象不到的。

8、Meanwhile, state-owned trading firm PEC offered supply of 50,000 tons of wheat to STC at a price of 394 dollars per tonne.It had imported about five lakh tons of wheat last year on private account. ─── 与此同时,国有贸易公司PEC以每吨394美元的价格向STC公司供应了5万吨小麦,去年它就已进口了约50万吨小麦。

9、Tata's biggest local rival, Maruti, doubts that Tata's one-lakh car can possibly meet safety and emissions regulations. ─── Tata在当地的最大竞争对手Maruti对Tata仅售100000卢比的低成本车能否达到安全与尾气排放的规定表示怀疑。

10、Through these instruments, the Ministry of Textiles has set an ambitious target of training 30 lakh persons over 5 years. ─── 通过这些手段,纺织部已经建立了5年的每年30万卢比的雄心勃勃的目标。

11、The gurudwara land supports around one lakh people but they pay only Rs 1000 per acre. ─── 庙产土地供应约十万人生产,但他们每亩只交1000卢比的租。

12、The plainest version costs 1 lakh (100,000) rupees ($2,000), as promised by Ratan Tata (pictured above), the head of the Tata group and the driving force behind the project. ─── 塔塔集团的高层,此项目的背后推进人雷坦承诺(见图):最简单的配置销售价格是10万卢比(2000美元)。

13、Uttar Pradesh chief minister Mayawati declared an ex gratia relief of Rs. 1 lakh to families of each of the dead. ─── 北方邦首席部长玛雅瓦提宣布卢比万卢比的特惠救济每个死者的家属。

14、After this, in Arunachal alone India will have about 1 lakh soldiers. ─── 在此之后,在阿鲁纳恰仅印度将有大约1万士兵。

15、China's massive military presence across the border estimated at 3 lakh troops. ─── 我国大规模的军事存在跨越边界估计在3万人。

16、Some drivers have been put off by price rises: including tax, it is now more like a one-and-a-half-lakh car. ─── 价格上涨使一些印度人望而却步,如果加上税收,现在购买一辆车需要15万卢比。

17、In July, it had contracted 5.11 lakh tons of wheat at an average price of 325.59 dollars per ton. ─── 7月份,它以平均价格为每吨325.59美元的价格签约了51.1万吨小麦订单。

18、The fund would be used to provide Rs 5 lakh per farm to gradually phase out tobacco cultivation. ─── 该基金为每个烟农提供50万卢比,逐步停止烟草种植。

19、After this, in Arunachal alone India will have about 1 lakh soldiers. ─── 在此之后,在阿鲁纳恰仅印度将有大约1万士兵。

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