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09-19 投稿


logographic 发音


英:  美:

logographic 中文意思翻译



logographic 短语词组

1、logographic writing ─── 日志书写

2、logographic writing system ─── 标识书写系统

3、logographic script ─── 标识脚本

4、logographic system ─── 语标系统

5、logographic alalia ─── [医] 文字示意不能

6、logographic language ─── 标识语言

logographic 相似词语短语

1、lipographic ─── adj.字母或词之脱漏的;漏写的

2、ergographic ─── 遍历的

3、logographical ─── 标识

4、doxographic ─── 阿霉素

5、homographic ─── adj.单应的,对应的

6、logogriphic ─── 日志

7、hodographic ─── 自传的

8、holographic ─── adj.全息的;全部手写的

9、bolographic ─── 放射自显影

logographic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、logographic writing ─── 词符文字,图画文字

2、Generally, the transformations may be less likely to catch spelling errors, extra words, and missing words in logographic languages. ─── 通常来说,这些转换在像形文字语言中几乎不可能捕获到拼写错误、多余的字词和缺少的字词。

3、The third ranges from logophonetic to logographic, running upwards of hundreds of signs (like 500 signs in Hieroglyphic Luwian, and 5000 symbols in modern Chinese). ─── 接着是从表音到表意的范畴来看,是远远多于一百个符号(例如象形文字卢威语有500个符号,现代汉语有5000个符号)。

4、The Japanese developed a mixed system, partly logographic (based on the Chinese writing system) and partly syllabic. ─── 日本人发展了这个混合文字,部分为标志图案(依据中国文字),部分为音节。

5、logographic alalia ─── [医] 文字示意不能

6、Hence, the Western alphabetic and the Chinese logographic writing systems will be compared in respect of their linguistic properties and psycholinguistic reality when used as cognitive signs. ─── 因此,我们从意符借形切入,进一步比较意符文字与拼音文字做为符号的不同特质,以及它们在各自使用者语言心理上的根本差异。

7、Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and the Mayan writing system are also systems with certain logographic features, although they have marked phonetic features as well, and are no longer in current use. ─── 汉语怎么就不可能了?而且我的原话是怎么说的?你自己去复习。

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