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09-19 投稿


inconsequent 发音

英:[ˌɪnˈkɑːnsəˌkwənt]  美:[ɪnˈkɒnsɪkw(ə)nt]

英:  美:

inconsequent 中文意思翻译



inconsequent 同义词

irrelevance | triviality | frivolity | worthlessness | illogic | insignificance | illogicality | illogicalness |unimportance

inconsequent 短语词组

1、inconsequent drainage ─── 不顺向水系

inconsequent 词性/词形变化,inconsequent变形

副词: inconsequently |名词: inconsequence |

inconsequent 反义词


inconsequent 相似词语短语

1、inconsequential ─── adj.不重要的;不合理的;不合逻辑的

2、inconscient ─── adj.无意识的;感觉迟钝的

3、inconsequentness ─── 不合理

4、inconsequently ─── adv.矛盾地,不合理地;不切题地

5、inconsequence ─── n.不合理;矛盾;不切题

6、consequents ─── adj.随之发生的,作为结果的;(河流、山谷)顺向的;合乎逻辑的;n.(逻辑)后件,推断;(音乐)答句;分母

7、incongruent ─── adj.不一致的;不协调的;不和谐的;不合适的(名词incongruence,副词incongruently)

8、consequent ─── adj.随之发生的,作为结果的;(河流、山谷)顺向的;合乎逻辑的;n.(逻辑)后件,推断;(音乐)答句;分母

9、in consequence ─── 因此;结果

inconsequent 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、inconsequent stream ─── 非顺向河

2、a speech full of inconsequent statements. ─── 整个演讲充满了离题的陈述

3、inconsequent argument ─── 不合逻辑的论证

4、Forgive, I pray you, this inconsequent digression by what was once a woman. ─── 宽恕吧,我祈祷,这不合理的偏离早让她曾做了一回女人。

5、As he went along, he kept mumbling inconsequent phrases. ─── 他一边走着,嘴里一边咕噜着一些不相连贯的话。

6、inconsequent "a. ─── 不合理的,矛盾的,不切题的"

7、8. He was still more perplexed, for this inconsequent smile made nothing clear. ─── 他依然更加感到困惑,因为这突如其来的一笑,使他感到莫名其妙。

8、the enterprises are not normally registered and the property right structure is inconsequent; ─── 事业单位设立企业的国有资产产权登记不规范,产权结构不合理;

9、As he went along, he kept mumbling inconsequent phrases. ─── 他一边走着,嘴里一边咕噜着一些不相连贯的话。

10、The answer that pair of problems can behave when chatting is inconsequent, narrate beside the point to the thing, make the person feels not easy understanding, call " thinking is flabby " . ─── 交谈时可表现对问题的回答不切题,对事物叙述不中肯,使人感到不易理解,称为“思维松弛”。

11、People surged along the sidewalk, crowding, questioning, filling the air with rumours and inconsequent surmises. Mrs. ─── 人们沿着人行道涌过来,挤着,询问着,空气中充满了谣言和各种猜测。

12、quite inconsequent fellow was managed like a puppet. ─── 十分不重要的家伙被管理得像个木偶。

13、displayed stunningly inconsequent reasoning. ─── 显示出令人吃惊的不合逻辑的推理

14、Facing so many problems raised in inconsequent development of city, people have to lead this development into a healthy and sustainable way by means of urban planning. ─── 城市的不合理发展已经暴露出很多问题。通过规划手段引导城市健康的、可持续的发展是十分必要的。

15、She broke from the inconsequent meaningless mild tone of irony ─── 她中断了她无关痛痒,无足轻重的温和的嘲讽语调。

16、But this is inconsequent and very dangerous I think. ─── 但这不重要,而且十分危险。

17、inconsequent drainage ─── 不顺向水系

18、inconsequent reasoning ─── 自相矛盾的推论

19、10.his work seems trivial and inconsequential; the quite inconsequent fellow was managed like a puppet. ─── 他的工作看起来琐碎、不重要;那个完全没有重要性的家伙像傀儡一样被操纵着。

20、an inconsequent mind ─── 不连贯的思想

21、He was still more perplexed, for this inconsequent smile made nothing clear. ─── 他依然更加感到困惑,因为这突如其来的一笑,使他感到莫名其妙。

22、inconsequent decorations ─── 不协调的装饰

23、a speech full of inconsequent statements. ─── 整个演讲充满了离题的陈述

24、an inconsequent remark ─── 一句不切题的话

25、Inconsequent; count for nothing; have no value; do not worth a farthing ─── 不重要、缺乏价值、意义或重要性

26、As he went along, he kept mumbling inconsequent phrases ─── 他一边走着,嘴里一边咕噜着一些不相连贯的话。

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