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09-19 投稿


lim 发音

英:  美:

lim 中文意思翻译



lim 短语词组

1、darren lim ─── 达伦·林

2、Lim Lip Eng ─── 林立迎

3、Lim Lian Yoke ─── 林莲约克

4、elaine lim ─── 林依莲

5、amy lim ─── 艾米·林

6、al lim al lim ─── 公司

7、Heritage International Holdings Lim ─── 遗产国际控股有限公司

8、Universe International Holdings Lim ─── 环球国际控股有限公司

9、Lim Dong won ─── 林东赢了

10、Lim Swee Say ─── 林斯威说

11、cherish lim ─── 珍爱lim

12、addison lim addison lim ─── 公司

13、associate professor ernest lim ernest lim ─── 副教授

14、ashley lim ashley lim

15、Lim Dall young ─── 林德尔·杨

16、Lim Lan Yuan ─── 林兰苑

17、alex lim ─── 亚历克斯·林

18、Elegance International Holdings Lim ─── 优雅国际控股有限公司

19、angel lim ─── 天使林

lim 词性/词形变化,lim变形

第三人称单数:lims 名词复数形式:lims

lim 相似词语短语

1、glim ─── n.灯火;蜡烛;眼睛;微弱的迹象

2、slim ─── adj.苗条的;修长的;微小的;差的;vt.使……体重减轻;使……苗条;vi.减轻体重;变细;n.(Slim)(阿拉伯)萨利姆;(英、西)斯利姆(人名)

3、limy ─── adj.石灰质的;涂粘鸟胶的;含石灰的

4、flim ─── 荧光寿命成像系统(fluorescence-lifetimeimagingmicroscopy)

5、limn ─── vt.描写;描绘

6、limp ─── adj.柔软的,无力的;软弱的;vi.跛行,一拐一拐地走;缓慢费力地前进;n.跛行;n.(Limp)人名;(英)林普

7、limb ─── n.肢,臂;分支;枝干;vt.切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝;n.(Limb)人名;(朝)林;(英)利姆

8、limo ─── n.豪华轿车;n.(Limo)人名;(塞、芬)利莫

9、lime ─── n.石灰;酸橙;绿黄色;vt.撒石灰于;涂粘鸟胶于;adj.绿黄色的;n.(Lime)人名;(法)利姆

lim 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Woman, whe you move about i your household ervice your lim ing like a hill tream among it e les. ─── 当太阳横过西方的海面时,对着东方留下他的最后的敬礼。

2、LTA deputy chief executive Lim Bok Ngam said builders will face new challenges. ─── 他说:“陈嘉庚是华中创办人,又是新加坡先驱人物,把这个站命名为嘉庚站,有它的历史意义。”

3、From the left) Prof Bernard LIM with representatives of Royal Australian Institute of Architects and Mr. Duncan PESCOD. ─── 左起)林云峰教授、澳洲皇家建筑师学会的代表、柏志高先生。

4、Lim Duk-hwan, an official at the Taeguk Ginseng Assessment Association in Seoul, said that he had noticed more people turning to ginseng in the past two to three years. ─── 位于首尔的太极人蔘评鑑协会主管林德焕(译音)说,他注意到这两、三年采蔘的人变多了。

5、Gu JY, Wakizoho Y, Tsujita A, Lim Bo, Nonaka M, Yamada K, Sugano M Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. ─── 台中荣民总医院教学研究部郑启清,侯建维,平玲音,;芝麻素可以抑制因毒素引发之发炎反应;

6、Lim: Chen, you look so worried. What happened? ─── 小林:小陈,你看来很忧心的。发生甚麽事了?

7、Billion Yintang advantage: 1: the form of wholesale fashionable and the price at the end of lim, to join greater profit margins. ─── 亿银堂的优势:一:以批发的形式,款式新颖,价位底廉,给加盟者更大的利润空间。

8、The skull,torso and u er and lower lim ,including the hand, show both human and ape-like features. ─── 它的头骨、躯干、和上下肢,包括手,既有人类特征也有象猿的地方。

9、For enquiries, please contact our President Prof Bernard Lim at 9266 6673 or Mr Donald Choi, Convenor of HKIA Taskforce on Constitutional Development Review, at 9466 9034. ─── 如有查询,请联络本会会长林云峰教授(9266 6673),或本会政制发展检讨关注组召集人蔡宏兴先生(9466 9034)。

10、Miss Genevieve Lim, Chinese, is tourism ambassador of Sentosa, Singapore. ─── 华人,圣淘沙岛旅游形象代表。

11、Our Filipino-Chinese-American chef Rey Lim is very creative. He was trained at Jean Georges and worked at Bouley in New York. You will love what he cooks. ─── 我们的美籍菲律宾中国人大厨非常有创造性。他是在纽约的吉恩·乔治斯餐厅受的训,在布莱法国餐馆工作过。你会喜欢他做的菜的。

12、Arwen: Noro lim Asfaloth! *Ride faster Asfaloth! ─── 亚玟:再快些阿斯法洛斯!

13、The name " Lim Bo Seng" occurs prominently in records of events during the Japanese Occupation. Which of these bore the name? ─── 在日本占领期间的历史事件中,“林谋盛”的名字最为突出。下列哪个与之相符?

14、Violet Lim, co-founder of dating agency Lunch Actually, agreed Singapore's fast-paced lifestyle has made it hard for couples to connect. ─── Lunch Actually 婚介所的创办人之一Violet limy也认为,新加坡快节奏的生活方式使得人们很难与异性接触。

15、Our member, Lau Lim Yan was sharing her experience in being our volunteer. ─── 会员刘念恩分享了她当绿色和平义工的经历。

16、A control circuit which can preset,display and count welding tem pe rature cycles,and can turn/off supply automatically by welding temperature lim its is introduced in this paper. ─── 介绍了一种可对焊接温度循环次数进行预置、显示、计数,并能根据温度上下限及循环次数自动接通/切断加热电源的控制电路。

17、President Prof. Bernard Lim presented a souvenir to Mr. Wilson Wong, Assistant Director (Marketing) of Hang Lung Properties, Principal Sponsor of the Conference. ─── 会长林云峰教授致送纪念品予首席赞助恒隆地产代表。

18、PETALING JAYA: Tan Sri Lim Goh Tong, founder and honorary life president of Genting Group, passed away at 11.20am Tuesday at the Subang Jaya Medical Centre. ─── 云顶集团创办人丹斯里林梧桐,今早10时30分在梳邦再也专科医药中心病逝,与世长辞,享年90岁。

19、The Chief Representative at AuCom China is Andrew Lim, who has extensive experience in sales and distribution of industrial electrical and electronic equipment. ─── 作为该办事处的负责人,林杰星先生在工业电机及电子设备领域从业多年,具有丰富的销售和渠道经验。

20、Lim Xingmou identified as "the mastermind. ─── 任某指认邢某是“主谋”。

21、The name "Lim Bo Seng" occurs prominently in records of events during the Japanese Occupation. Which of these bore the name? ─── 在日本占领期间的历史事件中,“林谋盛”的名字最为突出。下列哪个与之相符?

22、Mr. Lim Swee Say, NTUC Deputy Secretary-General, projected that the rate of unemployment would rise to 4 per cent before the end of the year, and reach 7 percent next year. ─── 全国职总副秘书长林瑞生的预测,失业率有可能在今年底之前攀升到4%,明年则可能是7%;

23、As his cousin dragged him up the gangway to the Tanda, Lim wondered if the ship's officers would be kind or fierce, the work easy or hard. ─── 当表哥拽着林奋踏上了“坦达”客轮跳板的时候,他暗肘:当官的不知对人好不好?活难不难做?

24、He said seven officials, including Manila's mayor, Alfredo Lim, would face administrative disciplinary procedures instead. ─── 他说,包括马尼拉市长林雯洛(AlfredoLim)在内的七位官员将面临行政处分。

25、Instead, it was DAP’s stalwart YB Lim Kit Siang who raised the matter up in Parliament and challenged the Sabah leaders to do something about the 24% hardcore poverty in Sabah. ─── 反而却是由民主行动党林吉祥在国会提出,并且挑战沙巴州的领袖积极地解决沙巴州24%贫穷率的问题。

26、Huppert JD,Weiss KA ,Lim,PS, et al .Qual i ty of life in schizophrenia :contributions of anxiety and depression . ─── 任清涛,田明萍.奋乃静与利培酮对精神分裂症病人生活质量影响的比较。

27、For example, Hong Kong Arran-developed "Arran Hotel," Hau Lim also developed industrial city "sunshine elite" hotels to four-star standard. ─── 东部,以其明媚的阳光和清澈的海水,赢得了“黄金海岸,生态家园”的美誉。

28、The existence and uniqueness of the m atrix polynom ial representing a m atrix function are proved by using the lim ittheory in Banach space. ─── 利用Banach 空间的极限理论证明用矩阵多项式表示矩阵函数(收敛的方阵幂级数)的存在性与唯一性.

29、But the male sterile trait is easy to be influenced by unpredicted low temperature during its fertility sensitive stage, it decrease seed purity of hybrid rice and lim. ─── 但是,光温敏核不育系在敏感期内若遇上低温天气则会发生育性恢复而自交结实,从而使制种的纯度降低,严重制约了两系法杂交水稻的发展。

30、K., Leong K.F. and Lim C.S. ─── 书名/作者 Rapid prototyping :principles and applications /Chua C.

31、In the present investigation, we studied the expression pattern of islet-1 protein, a member of the LIM homeodomain protein family, in the rat striatum during development. ─── 它在大鼠纹状体发育过程中的表达呈现出高度的动态性和复杂性,而这一点又突出的表现在其随着时间和空间的不同而变化上。

32、Lim ai Foon, 43, said the exorbitant pricing was a rip-off. ─── 43岁的林爱芬(音)说,过高的价格无异于敲诈。

33、The principals of AD+RG Architecture Design and Research Group Ltd, Bernard V. Lim and Daniel Cheung were invited to participate in the first Worshiping Ceremony of Lingnan University chapel. ─── 建筑设计研究所有限公司总监林云峰及张国勋应邀参加岭南大学礼拜堂开幕后首次献堂感恩崇拜。

34、Lim W, Qushmaq I, Devereaux PJ et al. Elevated cardiac troponin measurements in critically ill patients. ─── 危重患者心肌肌钙蛋白升高的临床意义。

35、The Searl Effect Generator (SEG) has the functional resemblance to a linear induction motor (LIM) designed on a vertical track, rounded and joined at the ends for continuous motion of movable rotors. ─── 塞尔效应发电机(SEG)从功能上来讲和直线感应电动机(LIM)相似,基于一种圆环形的轨道,转子可以围绕这个圆环形的轨道上持续运动。

36、When one of the them, a penangite, quoted what Lim Kit Siang said and done, I can almost felt tears in my eyes. ─── 当其中一位来自槟城的马来女生再引述林吉祥说过些什么什么的时候,我更是快飙泪了。

37、Tying the lanyard around his wrist, Lim lay flat on the ledge, ready to cling to the decking when the squall broke. ─── 林奋把救生索套在手腕上,身子平躺立夏,准备迎接暴风雨的来临。

38、Chang-Sik Ha, Jung-Ho shin, Hyuntaek Lim, Won-Jei Cho, Material Science and Engineerign 2001, B85, 195. ─── 张恩崇,博士论文,国立清华大学材料科学与工程研究所,1998.

39、NATURE AND GRAND-PRIZE WINNER Aaron Lim Boon Teck Singapore. ─── 自然类及大奖得主:艾伦·利姆·布恩·泰克,新加坡。

40、In October I finished a movie called "Bin Lim Ging Ching" there is no english title yet. ─── 十月份我拍完一部电影叫《变脸惊情》,这片子还没有英文名称。

41、Yan Chai Hospital Lim Por Yen Secondary School No. 145-165 Tsuen King Circuit, Tsuen Wan, N.T. ─── 仁济医院林百欣中学新界荃湾荃景围145-165号。

42、Opposition parties, such as DAP, PKR, etc. most of their leaders, like Anwar, Lim father and son, etc. dare to speak up in many issues. ─── 在马华公会中,有些领袖是敢怒敢言的。

43、Mr Lim soon called for "a united socialist front", which would line up his party with the right wing against the extreme left. ─── 利姆先生随即号召组织一个“社会主义统一战线”,把他的党跟右翼联合起来,对抗极左派。

44、They can be divided into several subfamilies, one of which is the LIM homeobox subfamily. ─── 同源框基因可以进一步分为多个亚科,而LIM同源框基因家族便是其中之一。

45、President Prof. Bernard Lim explains the HKIA statement to a reporter. ─── 会长林云峰教授向记者介绍学会的期许。

46、PKR adviser and de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced Lim’s membership during his visit to Penang yesterday. ─── 我们参加人民公正党的申请已在昨晚获得党领袖拿督斯里安华在槟城峇央峇汝正式宣布接受。

47、"That's what a trade war looks like, when it is tit-for-tat, " Lim said. "And it is all happening in and around anti-subsidy law. " ─── “贸易战打起来就是这样针尖对麦芒,”林说道,“而这一切都是围绕着反补贴法进行的。”

48、Meanwhile the lim it of feed rate is calculated both analyti cally and geometrically. ─── 同时结合几何方法分析并计算了进给速度的变化范围。

49、Daisy's views won the support and admiration of the four men at the table. Of the lot, Ben and Lim are successful in their career and assume significant roles in the community. ─── 她的论调获得男士们的赞赏,B和L都是事业有成,在社会上身居要职。

50、CONGRATS TO YVONNE LIM FOR WINNING BEST ACTRESS 2007!! ─── 恭喜林湘萍荣获最佳女主角2007!!

51、Lim comforted Ben, adding that the girl whom he met in Perth was indeed his son's close friend from a neighbouring country. ─── Lim很欣慰地说,那是儿子ben的亲密女友,来自邻国。

52、Anwar Ibrahim, Lim kit siang and Hadi Awang reiterated their commitment to the opposition coalition with the aim of forming the federal government someday as leaders of their respective parties. ─── 安华、林吉祥、哈迪代表个别政党重申这个反对党联盟将来一同建立联邦政府的承诺。

53、When Lim quit school at 15, he could read a newspaper, write a letter, keep simple accounts, recite the letters of the English alphabet and one or two common words or phrases, nothing more. ─── 到林15岁辍学时,他能读读报纸,写写信,记一些简单的数字,背英文字母表,记一两个常用英语单词或短句,仅此而已。

54、Lee: Why don't you call Lim? He should have the number. ─── 小李:为甚麽不打给小林?他应该有他的号码。

55、After losing his wife in the early days, Hing married Ho Miu Hei (Lo Yuen Yen), with whom he has a son, Yau Yee (Cho Wing Lim), and a daughter, Yau Tsing Tang Sheung Man). ─── 庆早年丧妻后娶何妙喜(卢宛茵),喜为他生下儿子有义(曹永廉)和女儿有情(邓上文)。此外还有庆同父异母的妹妹高丽(苑琼丹)和悦满的弟弟溢满(李思捷)。

56、The stress corrosion wa s one of lim iting factors in the lifetime of pressur e vessels.The stress corrosion lead to e mbrittlement cracking and destroy the pr essure vessels. ─── 应力腐蚀是压力容器腐蚀破坏的重要形式,尤其是这种断裂失效呈脆性断裂的特点,易导致灾难性后果。

57、Arwen: Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim! *Ride fast Asfaloth, ride fast! ─── 亚玟:快跑阿斯法洛斯,快跑!

58、FHL(four and a half LIM domain) family contains four and a half LIM domain,and has five members,FHL1,FHL2,FHL3,FHL4,and FHL5/ACT.The expression of FHL family members is tissue-specific. ─── 家族是含有4个半LIM结构域的蛋白家族,现发现该家族由5个成员,即FHL1、FHL2、FHL3、FHL4、FHL5/ACT组成,其表达具有组织特异性。

59、reporting from Michael Rhee and NPR's Louisa Lim in Seoul, Mike Shuster and Scott Neuman. ─── 由迈克尔·李和全国公共广播电台的路易莎林汉城报道,迈克·舒斯特和斯科特·纽曼报告。

60、"This is our first attempt to enter the U. S. market, and I just happened to be here, so I can enjoy and help out, " Wung Lim said. ─── 林温说:“这是进入美国市场的第一步,我正好在这里,可以好好看看并出些力。”

61、Noro lim, Asfaloth, noro lim! ─── *飞奔吧,阿斯法洛斯,飞奔吧!

62、The speed lim whin the cy is 35 miles per hour. ─── 在城市里的限速是每小时35英里。

63、Not long ago,Mr Lim Swee Say,NTUC Deputy Secretary-General,projected that the rate of unemployment would rise to 4 per cent before the end of the year,and reach 7 per cent next year. ─── 不久前,根据全国职总副秘书长林瑞生的预测,失业率有可能在今年底之前攀升到4%,明年则可能是7%。

64、"If you operate an Internet business in China , you know there are really only two topics to avoid," according to Richard Lim, a managing partner at Beijing-based venture capital fund GSR Ventures. ─── 按照位于北京的GSR风险投资公司的合伙人RichardLim的说法,“在中国,如果你开一家互联网企业,你要知道有两项事情不可触及。”

65、LIM: For the historian, the act of taking part in the research is a powerful example of just how much has changed. ─── LIM:对于历史学家来说参与此事调查的行为是解释究竟有多少认知被改变的有力实例。

66、He developed close relations with personalities like R.Tagore, M.Gandhi, Sir Thomas Shenton and Lim Bo Seng, and painted compelling portraits of these individuals. ─── 他们在彼此的生命里留下了什么样的印迹,而这一切又如何协助徐悲鸿将其艺术的发展推向高峰。

67、Panelists discussing about Office Management. From Left, Mr. Jimmy Lim, Moderator; Mr. Cao Lianggong, Ms. Elizabeth Cheng, Ms. Ada Fung and Mr. Wu Hsiahsung. ─── 小组讨论嘉宾谈论公司管理。由左起:主持人林倬生建筑师、亮功建筑师、静英建筑师、宜萱建筑师及吴夏雄建筑师。

68、Church member Florence Koo's mother, Lim Kwai,84 was called home on31 May. Funeral is on4 Jun. Pray for the bereaved family. ─── 会友许文丹姐妹的母亲林乖姐妹,于2007年5月31日安息主怀。葬礼将在6月4日举行。请为丧家家属祷告。

69、The burnability of raw meal using carbide slag as raw material is not as good as that of lim... ─── 利用电石渣配制的生料的易烧性不及使用石灰石配制的生料,但利用电石渣生产的熟料可以获得较高的强度。

70、The results indicated that the compensatory effects of lim ited water supply were very significant. ─── 不同的灌水量未引起小麦产量的显著差异,显示有限补偿供水的高效性;

71、Our web site is 1 year old today. The first post ever on this blog was on 29/08/2006. That post was written by Bro. Matthew Lim. ─── 我们芙蓉基督教卫理公会网站周岁了。我们首次上网与大家见面是在2006年8月29日,网页与内容由林崇恩弟兄设计和撰写。

72、We must lim our spending. ─── 我们必须限制我们的开销。

73、For this reason, those who are keenly waiting for a public debate between Liow Tiong Lai and Nga Kor Meng (or Ong Ka Ting vs Lim Guan Eng) will be greatly disappointed. ─── 当后来两名记者前来报案,指自己在执行任务过程中受粗暴对待,其中动粗的竟是国大党青年团团长维内瓦兰,西华纳申大胆表示:“国大党青年团团长是流氓!

74、Welcoming applause from left to right, Mr. Duncan PESCOD, Prof. Bernard LIM, Mr. MA Fung-kwok, Mr. ZHANG Jian-da, Mr. Rocco YIM and Mr. John NG. ─── (左起)志高先生、云峰教授、逢国先生、建达先生、迅奇建筑师、灼宜建筑师。

75、Twenty years ago Singapore architect William Lim was called a subversive for criticizing tall buildings. ─── 20年前,新加坡建筑师威廉·林由于对建设高楼提出批评而被指责为从事破坏活动。

76、Like Sylvia Lim said the HDB was beating around the bush when they come up with some feeble excuses of why elected opposition MPs are not involved in the announcement of the LUP. ─── 公民咨询委员会的全部成员和各种委任的基层组织领导职务,都由担任其选区顾问的国会议员推荐,报人民协会任命。

77、Ben and Lim both are successful in their career and assume significant roles in the community. ─── Ben和Lim都是事业有成,在社会上身居要职。

78、Jasca Lim I never think Trading in FOREX can be that easy and fun! ─── 我从没有想过外汇交易可以是如此容易有趣。

79、Charley Lim Beng-Liang, “End-Time Leadership Series,” class notes for itinerary training fellowships, 2007-. Presentation slides. ─── 克氏的一些学生历年来也相继研究了更多的中国领袖,如宋尚节、王明道、杨绍唐等。

80、Nearest MRT - Bugis Junction b) Landmark - beside Sim Lim Square or after Albert Court opposite Bencoolen Square. ─── 希望有熟悉这个地点的朋友帮忙指点一下大概方位及乘车路线,如有可能请推荐一处附近的酒店住宿。不胜感谢!

81、Rebecca Lim is a senior official with the Singapore Tourist Board in India. ─── 丽贝卡.林是新加坡旅游局驻印度的高级官员。

82、Woman, when you move about in your household service your lim sing like a hill stream among its pe les. ─── 妇人,你在料理家务的时候,你的手足歌唱着,正如山间的溪水歌唱着在小石中流过。

83、The crab in lab wants to stab a lamb with his rib, whose lim were like bul . ─── 实验室里的蟹想用它的肋骨去戳四肢象灯炮的小羊。

84、The Departments are both independent, one led by Professor Dr Lim Chooi Kwa (PJ Campus) and Dr Khor Boon Eng (Kampar campus). ─── 两区系务各自独立,分别由林水檺教授(八打灵校区)和许文荣博士(金宝校区)掌舵。

85、Prof. Bernard Lim, Honorary Principal of CARE, shared with the participants his experience in leading students to undertake community participation projects. ─── 优环长学建筑设计研究中心义务总监林云峰教授与参加者分享领导建筑系学生推动社区建设的经验。

86、Mr. Lim Swee Say,NTUC Deputy Secretary-General,projected that the rate of unemployment would rise to 4 per cent before the end of the year,and reach 7 percent next year. ─── 全国职总副秘书长林瑞生的预测,失业率有可能在今年底之前攀升到4%,明年则可能是7%。

87、My another father is Hyun-Sik Lim. ─── 我还有另一位"父亲",那就是我们的林玄植老师。

88、If the benefits provided under a certain policy have a dollar lim 24630317 tation for each service, you should determinev hether 742213 these limitat rions are realistic. ─── 如果某一家保险公司的健康保险对每种服务定有赔偿限额,你应断定这些限额是否合乎实际。

89、The other artwork was a calligraphic work of NAFA's founding principal, the late Mr Lim Hak Tai, donated by NAFA alumnus and illustrious contemporary artist, Mr Cheah Thien Soong. ─── 当晚,嘉宾欣赏了由南艺少年儿童艺术学校、南艺音乐系和舞蹈系学生呈献的精彩表演。

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